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单词 Pragmatic
1. In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
2. She was a dreamer - not pragmatic.
3. We need to adopt a more pragmatic approach.
4. Our approach is essentially pragmatic.
5. They're pragmatic about the spending cuts.
6. Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems.
7. Mr Rafsanjani's pragmatism deserves pragmatic acceptance.
8. There is a more pragmatic reason.
9. It originally existed for pragmatic reasons.
10. He tends to be very pragmatic.
11. Styles may also vary along purely pragmatic dimensions.
12. He stressed the contribution that pragmatic Britain could make.
13. This was a more pragmatic statement than Curriculum 11-16.
14. What pragmatic principles govern lexical acquisition?
15. Branson was pragmatic about the cutbacks.
16. Wanless is an exception: good with people and pragmatic.
17. He or she is a pragmatic dreamer, a person with an original but attainable vision.
18. It rejects pragmatic gradualism in favour of grand design: its ideas are described as a Vision of 2005.
19. Corporate and commercial law seemed a pragmatic choice, an important place to start.
20. Its outlook will remain uniquely short-term, pragmatic, suspicious of grandiose institutional change.
21. To achieve electoral success, pragmatic parties might shift their position or expand the range of viewpoints they encompass.
22. Such an idea also had pragmatic appeal: saving herself from damnation.
23. However, it seems reasonable to assume that pragmatic factors in comprehension will also be present in production.
24. Pragmatic considerations led the government to abandon pure Marxist policies.
25. There are generally two pragmatic reasons for knowing the strength of a material.
26. In his pragmatic search for a partner to fulfil a role, love and happiness were secondary considerations.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. James Black is a measured, pragmatic Lepidus, who lets down his hair rather memorably at the Romans' revel.
28. Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
29. Everything was affected by the rising tide including the growth of moderate, pragmatic Socialism.
30. He shared Pearse's ideal of a Free Ireland, but his methods were slightly more pragmatic.
1. In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
2. We need to adopt a more pragmatic approach.
3. Our approach is essentially pragmatic.
4. They're pragmatic about the spending cuts.
31. Its acceptance will be helped by the pragmatic approach that Tao Systems is taking in integrating its baby with existing systems.
32. That is to say, it may be possible to give powerful functionalist explanations of linguistic phenomena by reference to pragmatic principles.
33. Setting aside any principled notions that I have, which I do have, you know, it is purely pragmatic business.
34. However subsequent research has shown that both negatives and passives are used in response to the presence of particular pragmatic factors.
35. Poetic, evocative, black-and-white footage alternates with a more pragmatic, colorful picture of the family today.
36. This pragmatic movement in philosophy also had a significant impact on the social theory of the time.
37. His actual policy was far more pragmatic than his rhetoric about punishing aggression.
38. They move immediately to the pragmatic therapeutic approach and try to find what action restores the child to normal.
39. Some of the absolutism of the early days of social investing seems to have given way to a new pragmatic activism.
40. It can also elucidate some of the vaguer notions of pragmatic theory.
41. And I have indicated some of the negative consequences of pragmatic failure.
42. Despite many advantages, such a definition fails to draw attention to the unifying characteristics of pragmatic phenomena.
43. Teachers' perceptions about reading instruction often derive from a pragmatic approach rather than from a theoretical background.
44. Their priorities would have been quite different - more mundane, more limited in scope, more pragmatic.
45. But of course, even here there is pragmatic work to do to establish the identity of the people concerned.
46. For those without such guarantees, there may be no alternative to pragmatic acceptance of their lot.
47. In contrast, pragmatic parties hold more flexible goals and are oriented to moderate or incremental policy change.
48. Too much energy can be spent looking for the perfect idea when being pragmatic and settling for a satisfactory solution is best.
49. It is hardly news that a writer may enjoy an imaginative life richer, kinder than his pragmatic circumstance.
50. This is a pragmatic matter of achieving meaning by using linguistic signs as evidence.
51. By applying a set of pragmatic guidelines to software choice a clearer picture of the more attractive options emerges.
52. You might be morally right, but it is better to be pragmatic.
53. All they have to do is to hold out against substandard systems and apply pragmatic criteria in the face of technical jargon.
54. Pragmatic instrumentalist thought would appear to have had a significant influence on the general intellectual milieu in which Jennings and Robson worked.
55. They are very logical, methodical, and pragmatic in their approach to neural networks.
56. They also hope pragmatic derogation of the Climate Change Levy can help boost supplies to commercial and industrial customers.
57. In short,[sentence dictionary] drawing a boundary between sociolinguistic and pragmatic phenomena is likely to be an exceedingly difficult enterprise.
58. Leaving justice aside, however, there are good pragmatic reasons for concern.
59. A great deal has been written about code switching, from various viewpoints: social, pragmatic, grammatical.
60. All in all marriage was a pragmatic affair and individual desires came a poor second to the harmony of the group.
61. Although we used a pragmatic primary outcome, we carefully investigated all clinical manifestations.
62. Our nation needs to take a pragmatic approach to lowering trade barriers.
63. Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
64. Therefore, for the purposes of valuing voluntary labour a pragmatic line has to be taken.
65. In the end the mission controllers took the very pragmatic view that they may as well continue the mission to the Moon.
66. It may be more pertinent to think of their pragmatic acceptance of the new system.
67. The other inhibition is more pragmatic: fear of unlimited losses on short positions that might result from a sudden market rally.
68. Even the political system, however strong the attachment to it, tends to be justified in pragmatic terms.
69. There are often pragmatic reasons for the preference of certain types of conjunction and the frequency with which conjunctions are used in general.
70. In normal spoken language there are often clear pragmatic constraints on the choice of particular syntactic forms.
71. Smack in the middle of this pragmatic place, the legendary Antonio Gaudi built several dozen of the strangest buildings on Earth.
72. There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension.
73. Unfortunately, there are two huge problems which modify the useful applicability of this pragmatic approach.
74. First, implicature stands as a paradigmatic example of the nature and power of pragmatic explanations of linguistic phenomena.
75. The pragmatic reason is the constraint on our ability to make a precise forecast of what will be required.
76. The severe limiting of the category would be pragmatic as well in securing more adequate medical insurance coverage.
77. Chapter 3 offers an alternative view of mainstream modernism-as fundamentally pragmatic, optimistic and urban.
78. The state consequently relied heavily upon instruments of repression and pragmatic administrative management.
79. The word political is somewhat unsuitable in the circumstances, since my own political stance has always been a pragmatic one.
80. Some time ago, Mattie had told her that she was a dreamer-not pragmatic.
81. They could interpret the word law in a more pragmatic or policy oriented sense.
82. Fourthly, it seems to be a fact that pragmatic constraints are generally defeasible, or not invariable.
83. At first glance, therefore, concessive holists appear to take a purely pragmatic view of the relations between holism and individualism.
84. It is by no means so obvious what the input and output of a pragmatic theory should be.
85. In fact an efficient parser must be guided by pragmatic as well as syntactic constraints.
86. Laski's political theory can in general be seen as the product of a pragmatic revolt in politics.
86. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
87. I emphasise the development of entrepreneurial skills and decentralisation, the importance of business and pragmatic approaches.
88. We need a pragmatic approach to sex education in schools.
89. This example illustrates again the important difference between semantic constraints and these sorts of pragmatic constraints.
90. The pragmatic, careful Dole might be able to unite his party.
91. In the light of this we briefly consider rules and laissez-faire approaches to mergers as alternatives to that of pragmatic cost-benefit.
92. In the event, Heseltine encouraged a much more pragmatic approach, centred on project development.
93. Utopian rhetoric about worldwide democratic capitalism is being replaced by the more pragmatic project of globalisation in one country.
94. In this chapter, we illustrated such pragmatic influences on processing by discussing context effects.
95. This could be regarded as a pragmatic approach to the design of devices for the organization of knowledge by subject.
96. With the wisdom of hindsight the policy of Ebert and his colleagues has been condemned as excessively pragmatic.
97. Their function is to stimulate a pragmatic approach to teaching and teacher education.
98. The need for a pragmatic component in an integrated theory of linguistic ability can be argued for in various ways.
99. The United States had demonstrated an ability to make realistic, pragmatic responses to developing situations.
100. Nevertheless, as the following studies indicate Soviet officials have regarded neutralisation in the Third World as a pragmatic compromise at best.
101. In the practical application of his theory Acton became much more pragmatic.
102. The model of pragmatic mediation that I am proposing here is designed to meet that need.
103. His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
104. The ability of a new church to break through prejudice is a second, more pragmatic reason for planting churches today.
105. The focus here has been on Conventionality and Contrast, two pragmatic principles that together govern the lexicon.
106. Such pragmatic exculpation is both too harsh on Mr Museveni and too generous.
107. The importance of pragmatic theories in language learning is really twofold.
108. Some critics might favour the pragmatic solution of convicting both, to ensure that the guilty party does not escape justice.
109. Robin took a pragmatic look at her situation.
110. a pragmatic approach to management problems.
111. They were satisfied with this pragmatic sanction.
112. Social Anthropology Towards a Pragmatic Enlightenment?
113. Meaning includes semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning.
114. The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.
115. A pragmatic analysis of brand names and advertising behavior.
116. Pragmatic reasoning is frequently and widely used in communicative activities.
117. What is needed most today in banking is pragmatic leadership.
118. BusinessEurope said it expects the ECB'to remain pragmatic as regards its interest rate policy.
119. The theoretical supports of argument are Modem Semiotic theories and Geoffrey Leech " pragmatic Principles. "
120. Much of my poetics is pragmatic; none of it is systematic.
121. The pragmatic translation of deixis rests on understanding the deictic information in SL.
122. Various approaches, functional, pragmatic or cognitive, have beenapplied to demonstrate the implications and features of anaphora.
123. Concerning the linguistic level, the trajector and motion verb in fictive motion constructions are subject to certain semantic and pragmatic constraints.
124. According to customers' different requirements, stylists design personal residence percept plus ensured quality, pragmatic price, perfect service, which let your dream come true.
125. Guangzhou - Shenzhen hotel spirit of enterprise is: a pragmatic, progressive, excellence.
126. Euphemistic Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation.
127. He insists that he is doing a service to the men who don't want to hire streetwalkers, and to his middle-class, ambitious and frostily pragmatic college friends.
128. Attain ingenious forging and guarantees forged piece quality and effectiveness and pragmatic.
129. Each has stressed the essentially pragmatic nature of the American labor movement.
130. The pragmatic meanings of English words are the deductive meanings based on the lexicographic meanings.
131. Language transfer occurs at the syntactic, the semantic and the pragmatic levels while the negative transfer lasts a longer time at the se- mantic and the pragmatic levels.
132. Finally, a pragmatic and cognitive model of anaphoric repair is advanced for a comprehensive and synthetic interpretation of repairs of pronominal forms.
133. The essence of the pragmatic equivalence is to convey meaning illocutionary act.
134. The pragmatic function of long sound structure is to achieve the speech acts of evaluation and expression.
135. This essay is to do more careful explorations about the five monotonous causative verbs based on semantic level, syntactic level and pragmatic level.
136. Semantic fuzziness and pragmatic fuzziness are both correlated and differentiated with each other.
137. Echoic utterances can be classified into two subtypes: echo question and echo exclamation, which have special structural characteristics and pragmatic functions.
138. Though his basic pictorial description may be engagingly pragmatic, Kang consciously chooses solitude colors that are very far from real but closer to surreal.
139. This shows that the Rambler Garden-the diligence, wisdom and a pragmatic, more exuberant vitality of the company.
140. With the interpenetration of pragmatic theory in bilingual lexicography, the pragmatic information in bilingual dictionary has become a focus in recent years.
141. A pragmatic choice, the Brits said, though royalists blamed a secret Kremlin hand in British policy.
142. As a dynamic pragmatic strategy, pragmatic presuppositions are often used in different forms of oral communication.
143. They also demonstrate that much of pragmatic inferencing is metonymic in nature and believed that indirect speech acts can be described in terms of metonymic models.
144. He noted that China is willing to make joint efforts with the new Guinean government to consolidate traditional friendship, expand pragmatic cooperation and push bilateral relations to a new height.
145. One of the key figures was Yitzhak Unna, a skilled, pragmatic and two-fisted Israeli diplomat who became counsel general in Johannesburg in 1969 and was later promoted to ambassador.
146. This paper discusses several kinds of ambiguity in general at first, such as lexical ambiguity, structural ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity./pragmatic.html
147. She is pragmatic but she still has a kooky sense of humour.
148. Next time around they were more pragmatic, with Nicky Robinson slotting over the kick.
149. In the geometrical figures of equilateral triangles or scalene triangles, the semantic view, pragmatic view and cognitive theory view have played a profound and catalytic function.
150. The iconicity of politeness in the mental representation is discussed, which can be examined from cognitive context iconicity, pragmatic distance iconicity and scalar quantity iconicity.
151. The Agora Theatre is an extremely colourful, determinedly upbeat place. The building is part of the masterplan for Lelystad by Adriaan Geuze, which aims to revitalize the pragmatic, sober town centre.
152. For a large part, interacting with software ( especially business software ) is a pragmatic exercise.
153. We are a team that loves and strives perseveringly for interior design creation. We are pragmatic and diligently absorbed in every case that we undertake.
154. Scientific management, creating a dedicated, honest, pragmatic, hard work, strict business groups.
155. This paper applies some pragmatic theories to explore the pragmatic features of irony, including its echoic and adaptive traits.
156. Nominal anaphora, which is marked or illogical, usually carries special pragmatic meanings. This anaphoric pattern can only be analyzed and inferred reasonably from a point of view of pragmatics.
157. They are certain words and short lexicalized phrases with pragmatic functions, including some conjunctions, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
158. Some adverbs in Chinese can as pragmatic presupposition triggers , showing appropriateness or felicity.
159. A collective stand , principled and pragmatic, against forces that would divide us.
160. Companies in good faith, pragmatic and first - class product quality, processing industry for contributing.
161. The remarkable characteristics of their ethics lies in pragmatic moral values of fame. wealth and progressivism. Their methodology emphasizes power, understanding, and versatility.
162. Pragmatic failure an academically hot issue in pragmatic and cross - cultural study at home and abroad.
163. This paper aims to analyze the outer language mechanism which restricts the transform of sense from the subjective pragmatic angle.
164. Used in certain contexts, vague language has the feature of pragmatic vagueness.
165. Syntactic meaning refers to the actural pragmatic implications of sentence structure.
166. This paper mainly talks about the functional variations of deixis, and attempts to analysis the reasons for their existence and their understanding from the pragmatic perspectives.
167. The EEG non - linear analysis combined micro - dialysis are pragmatic method to study the brain function.
168. The relationship between politeness and indirectness can be explained by dividing politeness into linguistic politeness and utterance politeness and introducing pragmatic distance.
169. In the process of translation, we adopt flexible translation strategies and focus on the transference of pragmatic meaning in order to achieve the deictic equivalence.
170. The use of lexical, syntactic, semantic , pragmatic , contextual and prosodic information in language comprehension.
171. Color alone white jade green sky blue and Jiangzi , color pragmatic, solemn atmosphere.
172. This is to be the work of the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges.
173. To solve it effectively has not only great theoretical function, but also very important pragmatic value in the filed of calculable theory.
174. I like the quality of product quality, integrity, pragmatic and not adulterated, not to water.
175. The interpreter is the symbol's pragmatic dimension, while the designatum its semantic dimension, and, as a whole, the two dimensions play together as the 'meaning' of the symbol.
176. This paper discusses the lexeme and its variants of word form, word formation, and phonetic, grammatical, semantic, pragmatic variants.
176. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
177. The concessive complex sentences have subjective, so they have more pragmatic functions.
178. A pragmatic economic principle is at work: a debt that cannot be paid, will not be.
179. Rorty's pragmatic naturalism does not allow him to develop a coherent system of concepts and propositions.
180. But they do require the US to be more pragmatic and less sanctimonious.
181. There are echoes here of the last Kremlin - dweller who embraced pragmatic foreign relations Mikhail Gorbachev.
182. Hu hopes to attain a latter-day datong through what he calls a "scientific outlook on development," or a pragmatic refocusing on the challenges of poverty, social justice and the environment.
183. In the pragmatic aspect, types of sentence are mainly discussed to analyze verb reduplication .
184. A pragmatic study is conducted mainly from two perspectives of speech act and social deixis.
185. English apposition has various forms with various semantic relations and various pragmatic functions.
186. The pragmatic test is that in addition to everything else, an acceptable theory must actually work.
187. EVA mousepad is delicate and fragile , outward appearance is delicate, economy is pragmatic.
188. Pragmatic presupposition exists in verbal communication , especially in crosstalk which takes Baofu as a special representation.
189. The article analyzes the euphemism phenomena; replace form, expressing means and euphemism pragmatic function.
190. The reason for selectivity lies mainly in the violation of pragmatic principle for interrogative mood.
191. It reflects the changes of society and lexical system, and has close relation with pragmatic factors. There are two conditions of neology .
192. The fourth part is the meaning of pragmatic ambivalence strategy verbal communication.
193. The clergy of France met at Bourges in 1432, and with their consent the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges was published by the king in 1438.
194. The vacancy in vocabulary mainly exists in its referential and pragmatic connotation.
195. The paper started to explore the core of the characteristics, ways of expression , meaning and pragmatic nature reflected by social deixis, and the research is based on definition of social deixis.
196. As one of the most important aspects of language, research of address forms is an attractive topic in both sociolinguistic and pragmatic field.
197. Mon Calamari and Quarren are very different in their outlook on life, as the Mon Calamari tend to be idealists and dreamers while the Quarren are pragmatic and realists.
198. Somehow in the 20th Century, perhaps because of the pragmatic revivalism that resulted from the second great awakening, Calvinism became disassociated with evangelism.
199. The paper attempts to discuss the reduplication meaningformal, semantic, pragmatic aspects, and explains its historical source.
200. From the comparison, we can see that in many aspects the relevance-based echoic theory seems more promising than the traditional pragmatic account.
201. From the perspective of pragmatic constructionism, social construction of natural science knowledge has the properties of openness, concreteness, changeableness and flexibleness.
202. Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.
203. The present study examines nonnative speakers' pragmatic development from interlanguage pragmatics perspective.
204. Bar-Hillel, the first scholar who studied index theory systematically, established his Index Theory logically upon the distinction between "semantic reference "and "pragmatic reference".
205. 1713 - With no living male heirs, Emperor Charles VI issues the Pragmatic Sanction to ensure that Habsburg lands and the Austrian throne would be inherited by his daughter, Maria Theresa.




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