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单词 Over all
1, Planes fly over all day.
2, My mum came over all giddy and had to sit down.
3, He towered over all his classmates.
4, I'm sure he'll walk over all the other competitors.
5, I jumped my horse over all the fences.
6, A profound silence prevailed over all.
7, The holidays were over all too soon .
8, He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas.
9, Mozart towers over all other composers.
10, The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.
11, We handed over all our gold and money.
12, She was given absolute control over all recruitment decisions.
13, That peak is dominant over all other hills.
14, I suddenly came over all shy.
15, National defense must take precedence over all other questions.
16, I come over all shy whenever I see her.
17, They got the play over all right.
18, Mark's mind raced, running over all the possibilities.
19, She deceived him into handing over all his savings.
20, I stood up too quickly and came over all dizzy/faint/peculiar.
21, In ability she towers over all the others in her class.
22, I've been puzzling over all the figures,(http:///over all.html) trying to find what happened to the missing money.
23, They stuck a gun in his ribs and made him fork over all his money.
24, The Ministry of Defence has the power of veto over all British arms exports.
25, Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.
26, It's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.
27, By the end of the war, the prince had established total supremacy over all his rivals.
28, When Connie pours her troubles out to him, Joe comes over all sensitive.
29, The ruffian threatened to run his victim through if he did not hand over all his money.
30, The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.
1, Planes fly over all day.
2, My mum came over all giddy and had to sit down.
3, They stuck a gun in his ribs and made him fork over all his money.
4, The Ministry of Defence has the power of veto over all British arms exports.
5, Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.
6, It's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.
7, That peak is dominant over all other hills.
8, By the end of the war, the prince had established total supremacy over all his rivals.
9, In reading a novel, he generally skips over all the long descriptive passages.
31, He said he would be delighted to help her over all her difficulties.
32, The president has the power of veto over all new legislation.
33, Out new product is sure to win out over all those of our competitors.
34, This cold wave is severe enough to freeze over all the rivers and ponds.
35, The unions have been able to extend their influence over all industries.
36, The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
37, When he became rich he threw over all his old friends.
38, She got them to hand over all their money by a wicked deceit.
39, In reading a novel, he generally skips over all the long descriptive passages.
40, Ben Nevis brooded benevolently over all.
41, Something that reaches over all borders.
42, The need to feed the addiction takes priority over all other activities, leading to personal neglect, anti-social behaviour and crime.
43, So for a sufficiently large number of matter particles, gravitational forces can dominate over all other forces.
44, Stumped for ideas and bewildered over all those girlfriends who lacked belief in him, Henderson decides to psychoanalyze his problems.
45, It even gets a touch gory when Russell comes over all Rambo and starts slitting throats.
46, The problem for short people was to see them over all the people standing in front in the gallery.
47, With two games in hand over all of the teams above them they are still well-placed for an automatic promotion spot.
48, The average temperature rise over all areas was 0.59 degrees.
49, At that time the Conservative majority over all other parties exceeded 130 so the result demonstrated a major back-bench rebellion.
49, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
50, The current winner that can temporarily dominate over all the other warring factions?
51, Unluckily our moral life is too complex for any single moral principle to be a despot over all the others.
52, This should be smeared over all unpolished areas as well, to give extra protection against future infestation.
53, It also took over all aspects of the duty solicitor scheme.
54, It can not be denied, however, that Ramsey's death cast a shadow over all our activities.
55, Sagging plank bookshelves covered most of the walls, with papers and magazines scattered over all the flat surfaces.
56, Assembly conservatives adopted rules giving them power over all committees and legislation.
57, As he pores over all this raw data the field-worker discovers certain interesting patterns and principles in terms of which his information makes sense.
58, Looming large over all these doubts is the spectre of costs.
59, Within a few years, the company had a virtual monopoly over all trade with India.
60, And even when the festival's over all eyes will be on Cheltenham to see who is first past the post.
61, For a brief moment love triumphs over all, but reality soon sets in.
62, Scott Supply was low bidder on about 80 items, and low bidder over all.
63, Since these figures represent averages over all participants, some participants will have considerably higher frequencies than this.
64, Looming over all was the great green dome of the Roman Catholic cathedral.
65, They spent more than two days just going over all the exhibits and testimony before beginning to debate the evidence in detail.
66, That year was most dreadful and cruel for mankind over all the earth.
67, Push up 60 needles on both beds and cast on over all needles.
68, It then truly or falsely spun through the air and knocked over all the pins your luck and skill permitted.
69, And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
70, Over all this went a soft metal lid, similar to a modern milk bottle top.
71, He has held a strong grip over all matters at the club, from choosing the team to financial dealings.
72, Over all these sounds were heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded and dying....
73, Pursers had direct control over all the tasks and activities of stewardesses during a flight.
74, Excluding the few outliers, we can calculate the square root of the average squared error over all subjects for each repetition.
75, She comes over all peculiar now if you even talk about kids for any length of time.
76, It was over all too soon!
77, I've turned over all my money to gracie.
78, He rode roughshod over all our arguments.
79, National defence must take precedence over all other questions.
80, Now you are coming over all puritanical about nothing.
81, Still going over all those unanswered questions?
82, A manager who rode roughshod over all opposition.
83, FEMA will be in control over all local governments.
84, This task must be given precedence over all others.
85, The chairman of the subcommittee rode over all objections.
86, He came over all dizzy when he stood up.
87, The old lady slopped over all children she saw.
88, Utilizing the data design features of RDA and combining this with DB2 9,(sentence dictionary) you have full control over all of your information assets.
89, But that distant echo was the only response produced by Neb's shouts, while a heavy gloom hung over all the part east of the island.
90, Article 23 The surviving company after the merger or the newly established company shall take over all the credits and debts of the company that has been dissolved because of the merger.
91, Over all, Ms. Eck said, her son has a nutritious diet, but eating in restaurants is difficult, and they must vigilantly read food product labels.
92, Of course, we’ll go over all of them in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them, too.
93, Not only did the smoke linger over all things enlightened and libidinal .
94, Then, the server's disk head had to move randomly over all areas of the disk to get to the proper track and sector for the data that was changed or updated.
95, Once the code has iterated over all the elements in the tuple, it enters the else clause of the for loop, which prints out the value of the count variable.
96, Over all if my shot is scheduled for 5 days I will try to spend at least one day or more on the face and lip sync.
97, Someone with a guitar here, someone making love there, someone smoking a joint, someone puking his brains out, the din of the music you could hear over all of this—a bombardment of the senses.
98, In reindeer-grazed parts of the forest, mosses and evergreens join lichens, with Scotch pine trees towering over all.
99, The over all movements as mentioned above turn the torso from facing west to facing northwest.
100, So over all it look as if the strong inflation data has pushed up actual figures.
101, This device apportions braking action over all four wheels to prevent locking and ensure full control of the car under all conditions.
102, Listing 5 shows how to iterate over all the pixels in src and construct the pixels in dest.
103, So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun.
104, Upon liquidation the liquidator will take control over all the company's assets and affairs.
105, The dreadful , haunting fear of nuclear warfare casts a sobering pall over all international relations.
106, The new company has duly taken over all accounts outstanding and will take all responsibility for the settlement of accounts.
107, But the dove saw no resting-place for her foot , and came back to the ark, for the waters were still over all the earth; and he put out his hand , and took her into the ark.
108, Members of this group also have control over all user accounts, group accounts, and computer accounts in the entire domain.
109, The summation extends over all the ions in the solution.
110, The taxonomy_dhtml module uses a different technique by looping over all the vocabularies and displaying each in a separate block indexed by the vocabulary's vid.
111, But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
112, In addition, each local DBMS has complete control over all transactions (global and local) executing at its site, including the ability to abort at any point of the transactions executing at its she.
113, It's like when you talk on a walkie-talkie; you shout to maximize the chance that what your message gets received over all the noise.
114, The manageress shod over all her staff and several left because they couldn't stand such treatment.
115, Objective:To approach the diagnosis based on over all analysis of epigastralgia traditional Chinese medicine and relevance of the functional gastrointestinal disorders.
116, Mara is the one who is filled with greed for power over all beings.
117, This was the only locate where human have to see over all city.
118, The fact that you have control over all the clients helps.
119, Over all: It's a great yoyo for the design, plays well with a better bearing, has a long spin time, great for tricks where you need to continually hit the string like elli hops.
120, Over all, the Obama-type plan would cost $4, 400 per newly insured person, the Clinton-type plan only $2, 700.
121, Yet around the world, over 70% of women in developed and over 80% of women in emerging markets completely or somewhat trust word-of-mouth recommendations over all other advertising mediums.
122, One throws over all the world and the other is full of rapacity (a word I am not so sure) to the world.
123, Over all, China's exports rose 32 percent in 2010, reaching a record level.
124, The willows over all the fen rippled and whitened like a field of wheat.
125, I 'm a man who believe the love , i'm believe it , preponderate over all being and beingless substance.
126, Unquestionably, grief over all of this trouble contributed to her death.
127, Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.
128, Over all the desolate place there hung a still and awful calm.
129, Then it simply loops over all these individual databases and merges them into the global database which is used at runtime.
130, Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
131, Over all, The Lancet said, 1.4 million child deaths could be averted each year if babies were breast-fed properly.
132, Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
133, DMMP can also be configured in active/active mode in which I/O is spread over all the paths in a round-robin fashion.
134, So they can come very close to having a provably correct system because they have forced you in the language to say what the protocol is over all these things.
135, Crimson and fierce as fire, its splendour at once cast light over all the shadows.
136, In the third place, English enjoys an exceptional advantage over all other major Europe languages in having adopted natural in place of grammatical gender.
137, After doing a wavelet transform to the major cycle over all regions, the trends are the same as the national average basically. However, some differences are still existing in varied regions.
138, Higher interest rates will knock over all of the other dominoes in China's economy.
139, The number of photogrammetric institutes is very unevenly distributed over all countries.
140, For either approach, *JOBCTL user special authority is needed to collect the data because the example collects monitor detail over all jobs.
141, In the thirteenth century, Emperor Kublai Khan created the first Grand Lama, who was to preside over all the other lamas as might a pope over his bishops.
142, Once you have gone over all the material, please contact me back and provide me with a quote and estimated time of completion of this project.
143, But God watched over Joseph and blessed him, and eventually he became second in command over all Egypt.
144, Life over all could be described in those terms—as a tragicomedy.
145, As a financial claim against a company, bonds take precedence over all types of stock.
146, You should process all pairs of integers and for each pair determine the maximum cycle length over all integers between and including i and j.
147, The snow lay over all the country , down almost to Montreux.
148, He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
149, "For Christ is the God over all, who has arranged to wash away sin from mankind, rendering the old man new" (ibid. , 10:34).
150, Over all, the clunker program will have an impact on lowering fuel consumption, albeit a small one given the number of vehicles involved.
151, Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
152, Its repeated claims over all of the South China Sea and ostentatious sailing of a small flotilla between Japanese islands all add to a deepening sense of unease in Tokyo.
153, Conclusion:The diagnosis based on over all analysis of epigastralgia is related to the functional gastrointestinal.
154, An aircraft towing objects has the right of way over all power - driven heavier-than-air aircraft.
155, In the ideal case(), the latency of the rendering of one page is the maximum latency over all portlets on that pages in contrast to the sum of latencies if all portlets were rendered sequentially.
156, He said the leading cause of bird deaths over all, as opposed to the catbird fledglings in the study, remained collisions with buildings, windows and towers, followed by predators.
157, All these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king.
158, How to delete a over all blank space in a file?
159, During the last two years, multiple erythematous to violaceous papules and plaques with a central vesicle over all four limbs had developed 10 to 14 days after the occurrence of oral ulcers.
160, Jell-O crystals were stuck over all the horses in the Emerald City palace to lend them their colour.




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