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单词 And so on
1. I in and so on future. Will have your future.
2. He stage-managed drugs sale, black-market operations and so on.
3. We discussed everything-when to go, what to see and so on.
4. Some of animals slough, such as snake, cicada, and so on.
5. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
6. And so on down the catalog of living creatures.
7. Some say language, others abstract thought, and so on.
8. Given third world debt problems and so on, many corporates are stronger credits than many banks.
9. Our gardener is a jack of all trades, he can do carpentering, decorating, a bit of plumbing, and so on.
10. We've got to buy some cheese, bread, butter, salad oil, and so on.
11. He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
12. He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.
13. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
14. Right now in Congress, they're fiddling around with the budget and so on.
15. You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle, not smoking and so on.
16. They sell a wide range of domestic appliances-washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
17. He tried to camouflage his real intentions by talking about friendship and so on.
18. Life in London has so many attractions - nightclubs, good restaurants and so on.
19. He talked about how much we owed to our parents, our duty to our country and so on and so forth.
20. I have to explain A, then B, and C, and so on ad infinitum.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. The blurb on the back of the book was full of the usual hyperbole - 'enthralling', 'fascinating' and so on.
22. They also keep their aircraft busy with training, rental, business charters, air ambulance flights, aerial photography and so on.
23. These would include access, environmental disturbance and noise, water levels and assured flow for water sweetening and so on.
24. In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
25. So more people wanted to convert deposits into cash, more banks failed, and so on.
26. You may need to develop contacts with schools, special agencies, universities, the Department of Employment, professional bodies and so on.
27. During the first session, you should gather specific information about drinking settings, beverages, and so on.
28. Hence local government employs teachers, social workers, housing managers, architects, engineers and so on to carry out their professional duties.
29. They were older, more overcrowded, less well furnished, more depressing, and so on.
30. For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
1. Our gardener is a jack of all trades, he can do carpentering, decorating, a bit of plumbing, and so on.
2. We've got to buy some cheese, bread, butter, salad oil, and so on.
3. He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
4. She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.
5. They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.
31. For example, if you pay weekly, the earnings period is weekly, and so on.
32. He was the one who would ring up jockeys and find out their time of birth and so on.
33. Moreover, as a worker gets older, overtime, shift work and so on become less and less a physical possibility.
34. With these different theories come different conclusions about the history of the skeleton, fins, nasal sacs and so on.
35. For example, to use particular channels of communication such as briefing meetings, video programmes, management information notes and so on.
36. I set up a sort of base here where I can slip back and keep a change of clothes and so on.
37. Then he had to see an old schoolteacher, and so on, and all I wanted to do was drink beer.
38. The plumber is ill, the doctor's pipes have burst, and so on.
39. This would specify ceilings, carpets, a certain amount of lighting per square foot, and so on.
40. Under production that could be television, billboard, newspaper, magazine, radio, dealer co-op, and so on.
41. We may want to count numbers living within plumes, circles of fixed radius, buffer zones and so on.
42. Right at the bottom is a handy storage compartment for all your baking trays, dishes and so on.
43. Processes such as population growth, educational expansion, political change and so on, are examined with reference to developed and less developed countries.
44. Fiskars Kitchen Devils polyethylene board with colour-coded symbols - red bull for raw meats, yellow joint for cooked meats and so on.
45. The wine glasses, tumblers, pipes and so on were articles which each painter handled regularly in the course of day-to-day life.
46. But, in general, they include systems for design, production control, distribution, electronic data interchange and so on.
47. Their function was to discuss arrangements for forthcoming events, such as trips, holiday arrangements, structured activities, and so on.
48. I have met knitters with bad backs, frozen shoulders, tennis elbows and so on from doing to much knitting at a time.
49. Other entrants had been apprenticed to farriers, druggists, and so on, or were following their fathers in practice.
50. But it would, meanwhile, regularise his affairs and ensure proper continuity, proper attention to investments, and so on.
51. We're looking for a good all-rounder -- someone who can run the office, deal with customers' complaints, and so on.
52. Factory-farming makes pollution, excessive meat-eating upsets the ecological balance, trapping and hunting can injure habitat, and so on.
53. We have to call the years 1,2 and so on, instead of quoting the calendar years.
54. She knows to turn the water off, drain the tank and so on and turn electricity off and count units used etc.
55. The nappy changes, the meal times, the endless trips round supermarkets, school times, getting dressed and so on?
56. In many organizations budgets are set by adjusting the budget for the previous year, adding a bit for inflation, and so on.
57. First we look at external issues such as government regulations, competitive products, market conditions, and so on.
58. Because black culture is supposed to be positive, political and so on.
59. Film companies also make money in ancillary sales of T-shirts, toys, and so on.
60. I think the idea was that a senior clergy should keep an eye on him, help him and so on.
61. The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work and so on.
62. Is it correct to abbreviate 'Avenue', 'Street' and so on when writing an address on an envelope?
63. The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
64. Look instead at any self-organising galleries in your area, art and craft co-operatives, societies, guilds, and so on.
65. It was abominable, atavistic and atrocious, big, black and brutal, cruel cold and callous, and so on.
66. More distant friends exchange letters or Christmas cards, and so on.
67. Only by being so aggressive will his patients learn to consult immediately,() to take proper precautions and so on.
68. The existing settlements systems, which involves banks, custodians, registrars, paper share certificates and so on is expensive by international standards.
69. Therefore, in order to maintain control it can not specify the production function and so on explicitly as a constraint.
70. And there's his diabolical cunning about the newspapers and radio and so on.
71. Cost is used here in its widest sense involving payment of fees, loss of earnings, loss of time and so on.
72. They pick up the infant's heartbeat, respiration rate, body temperature, and so on.
73. And so on the City College campus a vague and indistinctly demarcated intellectual struggle assumed, amazingly, the form of melodrama.
74. The eventual urban appellations reflected the flavor of the individual faces: New York, Geneva, Chicago, and so on.
75. They would carry out an initial assessment, based on an evaluation of your lifestyle, age, level of anxiety and so on.
76. If they were drunk and disorderly and so on, they only had themselves to blame.
77. These causes are not necessarily genetic, but may include environmental factors such as upbringing in the family, social conditioning and so on.
78. People drive from all over the region to buy their furniture, candles, quilts, glassware and so on.
79. One requires a background of considerable behavioural complexity before one is justified in attributing to any creature beliefs, intentions and so on.
80. They are entirely independent of minds, theory, conceptual schemes, the statements which state them,[/and so on.html] and so on.
81. They contain the same cell types - muscle, tendon, skin, bone, and so on - yet they are different.
82. The page description language also allows graphics to be incorporated; rules, tones, line drawings and so on.
83. He argued that criminals were physically distinguishable by, for example, large jaws, high cheek bones, extra toes and so on.
84. Below the attics was a back bedroom looking out over the flower garden, and so on to the main road beyond.
85. A lot of these buildings are co-housing: private apartments with communal kitchens and so on.
86. If this also causes aggravation, the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup, and so on.
87. That failure will most likely be papered over with creative accounting, shifting definitions of carbon sinks, and so on.
88. These in turn inhibit some adjacent cells but excite others further away, and so on.
89. Ideas of space and shape, as children fit or match or choose shapes and so on, will be involved.
90. You know, old posters on the wall, signed photographs and so on. Too boring, really.
91. If this ties again, then team captains must select another pair of representatives, and so on until the tie is broken.
92. He has seen the battalions, squadrons, tanks, infantry, and so on.
93. You may learn about tax-deferred annuities, other retirement plans, dollar-cost averaging and so on.
94. The results are greeted by wild applause as one act is toppled from the lead by another and so on.
95. We all expect to benefit equally from clean water, clean air, access to screening facilities, and so on.
96. This is a truth dependent on the situation as it was - there was no adhoc electrical circuit and so on.
97. Her parents can give her pocket money, dinner money, clothing allowance and so on.
98. After the routine admiration of children, garden, and so on, they began to chat about the office.
99. Thus Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Shetlands, and so on, will prefer as a companion a member of their own breed.
100. And 6 percent is better than 5, 7 percent better than 6, and so on up the gradual, continuous series.
101. The whole place looks dead and deserted, a ruin fit only for the dead and carrion birds ... ... and so on.
102. In this sense, consciousness resembles breathing, digestion, and so on.
103. The cure is a return to the traditional values of discipline in the home, school, and so on.
104. The former refers to payments such as pensions, supplementary benefit, family income supplement, child benefit, and so on.
105. These determinants include motivation, culture, social class(), the family and so on.
106. These transmitters modulate many of the functions impaired by depression - sleep, appetite, motivation, pleasure and so on.
107. Such rules serve to distinguish further basic social categories: friends from enemies, domestic animals from wild beasts, and so on.
108. Thus main classes are denoted by 300, 600, 800 and so on, and not just 3 or 6.
109. Cruciferae: broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, radishes, and so on.
110. Dominant genera were mainly Polygonum, Aconitum,[http://] and so on.
111. There are alfalfa grass cultivation, and so on.
112. Organic cyanide, like methyl cyanide, propylene nitrile, Ding Jing and so on.
113. Super percision fluid dispenser , parts ( Syringe, nozzle , valve, tank and so on ) and FAD system.
114. There are conversions between highlight apical intermediary tone , apical make tongue sideapical retroflex and so on.
115. AS usually cause serious cardiovascular disease, for example , angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, thrombus and so on.
116. The main features of poisoning include: lethargy, sensation, movement disorders, hallucinations, delusions , disorientation, and so on.
117. There were no changes of BP, Hr , P aw , Raw , Cst, PaCO 2 and so on.
118. The process includes synthesis, dry and roast of cordierite precursor and so on.
119. We played a lot, such as corsair, bumper cars, Arabian Flying Blanket and so on.
120. Shrubs are: Hippophae Class ( Hippophae rhamnoides ), Vitex negundo, agate and so on.
121. As soon as comparatively, the pig cattle and sheep and so on other meats abdicate plan.
122. Occurs the correlation factor includes: Nerve function damage degree, apoplexy spot and so on.
123. Say, motorcycle, television, automobile, acoustics, computer and mobile telephone and so on.
124. Even rubber products and so on adhesive tape, belt, belt are my factory main business products.
125. Other or " group one " ties methods and so on antithetical couplet by the relative to solve.
126. For instance , internal financial system, management system, applying commercial instrument, tax registration and so on.
127. The differential calculus primary coverage includes: Limit theory, derivative, differential and so on.
128. Work and so on primary cognizance employment advertise, insurance, checking attendance.
129. Is the color code shown on platform, light support, access stair and so on?
130. It is widely applied and domain and so on astronautics, electron, observation and control.
131. Now, the software development platform apply to ATM, POS and so on.
132. They sell pens, pencils, paper and so on and so forth.
133. The company main product is: T - shift, ball clothing, jeans, body idle trousers - movement coverall and so on.
134. They also facilitate remote, non - consensual human experimentation by the US military, the CIA and so on.
135. Attorney the profession development is rapid, presents the collectivization and the specialized tendency and so on.
136. The two diseases have biological correlativity, such as corticosteroid - secreting rhythm disturbance, insulin resistance and so on.
137. The network contact has the characteristics of digitization, multiplication, stratification and so on.
138. On the one hand there are the proliferating net neo - logisms - e - mail, emoticons, cyberspace and so on.
139. Economic crops include flax, canola, yellow, apricot, apple and so on.
140. Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip, cleft palate, and so on.
140. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
141. So , its aetiology, pathogenic mechanism, the methods of diagnosis and treatment and so on were discussed.
142. The supervisory pictures include system pictures trend pictures, alarm pictures accessorial pictures, and so on.
143. Crucible still the main mineral mud, clay, limestone and so on.
144. Can be used in cran - scale, hopper scale, electro - mechanic scale and so on.
145. We offer dress & gown, cocktail dress, party dress, casual dressdress, club dress and so on.
146. Physical distribution cost accounting system's questions and so on flaw.
147. Arrives islands successively and so on Bahamian archipelago, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad.
148. Autoimmune diseases and collagen diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and so on.
149. PS Cutout filter, PS filter Cutout famous tool Cutout hair, wedding and so on.
150. And stencil by wood or aluminium sheet and so on as frame adhesive tape tightly bonded.
151. The hardware were mainly made of the SCM, CP , infrared communication interface, alarm annunciation, power supply and so on.
152. Cloth shoes refer to shoes made with hemp fiber, damask silk, brocade and so on.
153. Binxing property was consisted of governmental appropriation, the gentrys donations, apportioning money, and so on.
154. Film Suitable; store, Clothing store Supermarket, Boutigue and so on.
155. Conclusion Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on.
156. Ammoniacal synthesis procedure has some dangerous characteristics, for example: temperature, press , flammability, explosive and so on.
157. In the tectonic plate aspect, performance and so on aperiodic stock like highway are prominent.
158. This has widely used in antisepsis and electric isolation field and so on.
159. Moto parts major in Iveco fitting , C . V boot , flasher , Distributor cap, Gasket and so on.
160. Network security techniques include the authentication authorization, data encryption, access control, safe audit and so on.
161. Application: Mainly used in pepper taste food, condiment, instant noodle condiment, pickles, pickle and so on.
162. Results AMCH in hemorrhagic cases . The main cause was hypertension, amyloidosis angiopathy and so on.
163. Endocrine disorders are common gynecologic diseases, including dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, PCOS and so on.
164. Polybenzimidazoles cooking in printing ink is methyl ethyl ketone, agitate little vinegar, and so on.
165. Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter hypothyroidism , mental retardation, cretinism, and so on.
166. Extensive use of side dishes of rice, with meat, oysters, cuttlefish, frog, mushrooms and so on.
167. Dried fruIt'series are: pine nut kernels, walnut and peanut, and so on.
168. There are many seafood including Little yellow croaker , Hard clam, Bullacta exarata and so on.
169. Its therapy includes drugs, transcatheter ablation, surgery and so on.
170. But with lactose intolerance , it makes more consumers indigestion ,[] distensible abdomen and so on after milk.
171. The water jet cleaning has the advantages of cleanness, simplicity and low cost and so on.
172. And there are Colt, Gisela, Pi - Ku, Weiroot and so on in other countries.
173. Other industrial products are mainly coal, zirconia, powder metallurgy, corundum and so on.
174. Four can open normally, doorframe, threshold and so on not any distortion.
175. He recorded the temperature, air pressure, wind direction, and so on.
176. For example , heat hardening, anneal, temper and so on.
177. Engineering structures in the course of using usually meets crackle corrode, assemble loose and so on.
178. The product has many advantages such as strong stability, reducibility, absorptivity, detoxification and so on.
179. Defense attorney to aspects and so on murder evidence raised the objection.
180. Consumers adulterate the milk, there will be abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on.
181. Consumer durables such as refrigerators, television sets, bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities.
182. They are a series of Aspirin, Sulfaguanidine , Flavoxate HCL, Acetanilide and so on.
183. Yes , it is divided into several sections: overwear, light clothing, hosiery, swimwear, corsage and so on.
184. As decker buses, trolly buses , underground trains and so on.
185. Widely applies in domains and so on thin film switch, computer keyboard, flexible line board.
186. Nervous dermatitis patient, when mental strain disease aggravation and so on.
187. Holly bark had these effects to and detoxify, stop bleeding and resist bacterium and so on.
188. ABS metallic glass, and so on a range of materials used.
188. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
189. But with intolerance, it makes more consumers indigestion, distensible abdomen and so on after drinking milk.
190. When confiscates the bureaucratic capital, a part of national capitals Confiscation and so on.
191. The halitosis thought generally contracts periodontosis, the dental caries , cavity ulcer and so on vigorous sickness.
192. We also manufacture other power tools as auto polisher cordless broom, steam cleaner and so on.




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