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单词 Trace element
1. Kelp is rich in vitamins and trace elements.
2. These deposits also contain various other mineral trace elements.
3. Combinations of other trace elements may also be associated with cobalt-bearing minerals and may be detected in ancient blue glass.
4. I built up my soil, added trace elements, made compost, never used herbicides or chemical insecticides.
5. Individuals taking trace elements or vitamin supplements in the previous six months were not included.
6. Rich in easily assimilable vitamins, minerals and trace elements which are essential for the thyroid gland.
7. Another help is selenium, a vital trace element: one brazil nut will provide your daily needs.
8. Or pellets impregnated with trace elements could improve the diets of cattle in impoverished pastures similar pellets would protect cattle from parasites.
9. The determination of trace elements can sometimes help with mint problems.
10. Trace element mixes serve as insurances.
11. Rats in the two groups received trace element supplementation.
12. Returns a string representation of this stack trace element.
13. Objective: To analyse the fatty acid and trace element composition and antioxidant capacity of Trionyx sinensis.
14. A new fluorimetry was used to determine the trace element of chromium in the electroplating waste liquor and chromium electroplating solution.
15. Through the study about lanthanon and trace element, we can obtain the Guanghan claypan formation that has the homologous ingredient characteristic.
16. Contains listeners that any source or trace element can reference.
17. The studies on constant element, trace element, REE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust mantle migmatization.
18. Selenium is an essential trace element and exists in the body in the forms of selenoprotein.
19. Other minerals required by the body are selenium, manganese, sodium, and other trace elements.
20. The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements.
21. In general coals contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur with various other trace elements.
22. While decreasing your energy intake, you must continue to eat enough essential nutrients, such as vitamins[sentence dictionary], minerals and trace elements.
23. The only disadvantage of protein skimming is the loss of trace elements, but these are easy to replace as an additive.
24. Second, blocks may be caused by a deficiency of enzyme co-factors - that is, various vitamin or trace element deficiencies.
25. The resin removes the calcium bicarbonate, leaving behind all the essential trace elements.
26. These days everyone is becoming an expert in the nutritional value of different foods and the importance of vitamins and trace elements.
27. Can provide many kinds of constant element and the trace element for the poultry, the change digestion function, enhances the feed nutrition the use factor.
28. Coal utilization for gasification is an important source of trace element emission.
29. The process of the collection and pretreatment in the eucalypt soil samples is importance during research the regularities distribution of trace element in the eucalypt soil systems.
30. Returns the line number of the source line containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
31. Excavation and trace element analysis indicates: Jehol biota experienced mass mortality and rapid burial; toxic gases of the volcanic activities are the main factors of biological catastrophic event.
32. Returns the name of the source file containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
33. Trace element Bi in high purity nickel was determined by GFAAS in STPF conditions.
34. There existed two common factors called macroelement factor and trace element factor, which indicate the contents of macroelements and trace elements in the plants respectively.
35. Methods Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry(ICP-AES) was used to determine the trace element in Semen Brassica Rapae, Semen Nigellae, Celery seed.
36. Many biochemical disorders are diabetes including imbalanced trace element and enhanced oxidative stress.
37. Produced with very advanced technologies, rich in anthocyanidin, enzyme, polyose, amino acid, cellulose, vitamin and trace element. Flora 12 Natural Pollen Capsules improve internal body functions.
38. By studying on porphyry property of geology, petrochemistry, trace element and so on, the paper concludes that porphyry bodies on Ninglang Himalayan porphyry belt are pay ones.
39. Hull cell test and analysis of trace element show that this process has good purification result which is applicable to solve deposit defects such as burrs and pinholes in nickel plating.
40. The walnut is rich in fat protein, sugar, Vitamin, many kinds of substance and trace element.
41. Returns the name of the method containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
42. Selenium is an essential trace element that plays important roles in animal propagation and immune system.
43. Based on petrography, major and trace element data, the tholeiitic basalts could be classified into two major geochemical types: low Ti (LT) and high Ti (HT) basalts.
44. The partial soil trace element assumes the trend of escalation deficient.
45. The studies on constant element, trace element, PEE and lead isotope indicate that the subalkalic intrusive complex body is formed by deep crust-mantle migmatization.
46. An investigation of the trace element contents in grain, vegetable and water was carried out in both endemic and non-endemic areas of goiter and cretinism in Yunvang, Hubei Province.
47. Chromium is an essential trace element for organism and the essential ingredient to keep GTF's activity.
48. The result show that the contents of trace element in 5 species of Adenophorae are different.
49. A method has been developed for determination of trace element in wild-figwort by using ICP- AES , The work condition and the optical analytical wavelength were selected.
50. The trace element is plentiful in this kind of plant, specially in root, leaf and seed.
51. Objective: To investigate the effect of trace element lithium on the occurrence of endemic gaiter.
52. Since ICP-AES has been widely applied,[] normal ICP can not adequate for trace element analysis.
53. The trace element Rh exists mainly in native platinum, platinum-iron alloy and Pt-containing osmiridium.
54. This ophiolite has higher REE and trace element abundances, suggesting it was derived from the enriched mantle.
55. The high pressure source mineralogy signaled by Andean adakite trace element characteristics originates in three ways.
56. Major element, rare-earth element (REE), trace element and heavy metal geochemical analyses were performed on the waste rock dump of the Taojiang manganese deposit.
57. REE compositions of gold-bearing Pb-Zn sulfide quartz vein are close to those of Caledonian granite. Trace element curves of both are very similar too.
58. Conclusion: One trace element interferes the normal Physiological action of the other trace element.
59. Returns the fully qualified name of the class containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.
60. But it cannot determine directly trace element in the cleaning water for not enough sensitivity.
61. However, neither major element nor trace element geochemical characteristics can be explained by a simp le model of magmatic origin.
62. Ingredient: Licorice essence, coenzyme, ginseng, Chinese angelica, pure plant traditional Chinese medicine, trace element.
63. It has many similarities to the greenstone belt in respect to the sequence of metamorphic complex, petrochemistry and trace element characters.
64. There also exists a supreme trace element spectrum in the natural environment and inside human bodies.
65. Selenium is an important trace element for human heal th.
66. Deficiency disease A disease caused by deficiency of a particular essential nutrient (such as a MICRONUTRIENT or trace element), usually with a characteristic set of symptoms.
67. Urtica, used as a medicinal herb, contained many chemical constituents, such as flavonoids, terpenoids, lignanoids, lipids, organic acids, volatile oil, protein, trace element.
68. The inorganic state trace element Cr was changed into organic state trace element through bio - transformation.
69. The trace element has an important function for the growth of cultivated Rheum.
70. The trace element contents are rich ,[] too . These results provide basic data for utilizing scallop hepatopancreas.
71. A metal trace element ( micronutrient ), essential for plant growth.
72. On the other hand, the remarkable difference in REE and trace element normalized patterns of basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite suggests the different source.
73. Pilose antler blood of Tianshan wapiti contain abundant proteins, amino acids, immunoglobulin, trace element, polysaccharides, enzymes as well as vitamins.




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