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单词 Discontinued
1. Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.
2. The cross-country race was discontinued owing to a storm coming on suddenly when the race was in progress,and had to be rerun the next day.
3. The bus service was discontinued because nobody used it.
4. The Leica M2 was discontinued in 1967.
5. He discontinued a civil suit.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The auto manufacturer discontinued that car back in 1999.
7. Bus route 51 is being discontinued.
8. The local rail service discontinued in 1958.
9. The company has discontinued the practice of providing the staff with free lunches.
10. The bus service is discontinued for the time being because of the building of the subway.
11. He discontinued China Daily.
12. How about rugby and tug-of-war, both discontinued Olympic events?
13. Absorbable antacids such as calcium carbonate must be discontinued.
14. In 1991, she discontinued treatment at Stewart.
15. Most traditional style, discipline oriented lectures have been discontinued.
16. The promotion, which it discontinued in April, allows a full-fare paying customer to take a companion along for free.
17. After two weeks I discontinued them after determining they were not significantly improving morale.
18. You know you're old if they have discontinued your blood type. Phyllis Diller 
19. One final word on buying components, keep your eyes peeled for products that are about to be discontinued.
20. The previous proposal to prohibit vehicles using the southern junction has been discontinued.
21. Thirty patients had coexisting ulcerative colitis, including three who had previously undergone colectomy and one who discontinued treatment after three months.
22. In June 1991 they were acquitted on all charges and proceedings under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 were discontinued.
23. Scientific studies involving humans have a statistical threshold for causing harm to participants, and if passed they are discontinued.
24. These losses largely relate to 1991 and prior years and to discontinued business.
25. The jacket comes from a discount store on Canal Street, part of a discontinued line of two-trousered suits.
26. In addition to the progressive measures previously discussed, he added that banditry had been suppressed and forced loans discontinued.
27. Their findings are not recorded but in 1938 self-service carving was discontinued.
28. Within three months of my leaving the hospital for another job, the program was discontinued.
29. If it is not working in that time then the chart should be discontinued.
30. Merrill worries aloud about the consequences to Barnard and Columbia if need-blind admissions were discontinued.
1. Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.
2. The cross-country race was discontinued owing to a storm coming on suddenly when the race was in progress,and had to be rerun the next day.
31. In addition, one patient receiving cyclosporin was excluded because treatment was discontinued after only three months.
32. The leaded petrol market is shrinking so fast that some major petroleum companies have discontinued refining leaded petrol.
33. If fewer than ten students sign up, the course will be discontinued.
34. One quarter of the former but 85 percent of the latter had discontinued contraception eighteen months after initial use.
35. Eflornithine, a new drug for sleeping sickness,(http:///discontinued.html) was discontinued because it was unprofitable.
36. And in the struggle to turn the company into a lean commercial outfit, some lines have been discontinued altogether.
37. In cases where a young child was formally adopted by a family, visits were usually discontinued.
38. The consultant at first attempted to induce labour but discontinued it.
39. Anticholinergic drugs should be discontinued because this class of drugs may aggravate the movement disorder.
40. Doubtless he was quite disappointed when in 1811 the use of the branding iron was discontinued.
41. Once the patient has discontinued or started tapering the previously used medications, prophylactic agents are started.
42. Treatment was discontinued when patients developed evidence of cirrhosis or portal hypertension.
43. Three years and $ 50 million later, the service was discontinued.
44. They, along with others living and enjoying the countryside, would be very sorry if these security inspections were discontinued.
45. Publication of the paper discontinued.
46. He discontinued his subscription to the magazine.
47. They have a huge selection of discontinued cookers.
48. Epitaph : a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has permanently discontinued.
49. If any allergic reaction to Keflex occurs, the drug should be discontinued and the patient treated with the usual agents.
50. Nicorandil was discontinued and the patients were begun on alternative anti - anginal medication.
51. There ordinarily will be no further entries in the Petty Cash account after the fund is established, unless the fund is discontinued or a decision is made to change its size from the original amount.
52. Drug - induced pulmonary eosinophilia was suspected and valproic acid was discontinued.
53. Also, please be advised that our Whitening Capsules have been discontinued.
54. After that we will discuss discontinued criminal of accomplices in the form of organizing offender, executor, fagin and accessory.
55. Coca-Cola released C2 and Pepsi-Cola created Pepsi Edge, which was scheduled to be discontinued later in 2005.
56. During the 1960s, the ceremony of assenting by Commission was discontinued, and is now only employed once a year, at the end of the annual parliamentary session.
57. The net after-tax operating revenue or loss from the discontinued department prior to the authorized business cessation date.
58. If the use of the trademark is discontinued or its contribution to earnings becomes doubtful, any unamortized cost should be written off immediately.
59. After my prescription decongestant was discontinued (Entex) I tried this product and I am very happy. Unlike any "D" products at the pharmacy, this one will not make you jittery.
60. Etanercept should be discontinued if a blood dyscrasia is evident.
61. EASTMAN Color Internegative film, 5245. False sensitized. Replaced 5243. Discontinued in 1956.
62. The discontinued operation should not be restored unless the occupational-disease-inductive factor is accredited consistent with the national standard and requirement of occupational health.
63. HBIG was discontinued a median of 26 ( range, 0.2 - 121 ) months after OLT.
64. The statement may include a statement that the registered office is also discontinued.
65. If papilledema is obsered by funduscopy during somatropin treatment, treatment should be discontinued.
66. Sorry, this model is out of stock and we've discontinued carrying it.
67. Income from discontinued operation was separately reported in the income statement.
68. The features of discontinued crime are; timeliness, self-motion, and effectiveness.
69. He subsequently discontinued the muscle relaxant before his next cataract surgery and did not manifest IFIS in the second eye.
70. For this reason(/discontinued.html), the "Initialise HIP module" service function has also been discontinued.
71. The statement may include your firm sta majord out that the registered office is also discontinued.
72. One man in the study group had discontinued tamsulosin 6 months before surgery and was taking a muscle relaxant at the time of surgery.
73. At present, we use wire communication underground coal mine in our country. Information is transmitted by electric cable. When the accident happened, the communication is discontinued at once.
74. Results In 7 patients azathioprine was preliminary discontinued due to adverse events and in 6 of these patients(19.4%)adverse events occurred within 4 weeks after the onset of therapy.
75. The value of this attribute is then passed back to the client and the parsing process is discontinued.
76. Tiopronin was discontinued immediately, and her salivary glands swelling subsided gradually.
77. The discontinued operation should not be restored unless the occupational-disease-inductive factor is accredited cistent with the national standard and requirement of occupational health.
78. East bound traffic lane has been discontinued. Please use inshore route.
79. Severe hypertension should be treated; antihypertensive medications can be discontinued when blood pressure returns to normal.
80. HP faces losses of millions of pounds by refunding retailers who are slashing prices of its TouchPad tablet(), which was discontinued on Friday after being on sale for just 48 days.
81. Methods: Using different techniques of collagenase digestion and discontinued density gradient centrifugation adultrat islets were prepared.




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