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单词 Archetype
(1) France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.
(2) She is the archetype of an American movie star.
(3) Old Mr. Duff is the archetype of the elderly British gentleman.
(4) The United States is the archetype of a federal society.
(5) Clearly the appeal of the Virgo archetype belonged to the spirit of the age.
(6) Each needs an archetype, a gold standard, to allow their specimens to be put in the correct cabinet.
(7) Innovation should be the correct interpretation of the archetype, the prototype.
(8) The biblical Mary is a powerful cultural archetype whose story has spoken to women across the centuries.
(9) For most of us, France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.
(10) I had written a learned book, Architrave and Archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular.
(11) Milk-white and embroidered flowers, symbols of the maiden archetype.
(12) The most important archetype of all is the self.
(13) The 18 th archetype is the Bearer of Fulfillment.
(14) That old engine is the archetype of modern locomotives.
(15) Odysseus is the archetype of the wanderer.
(16) Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.
(17) This archetype system adopted modularization framework and had the following functions : automatically designing and editing coordination charts[/archetype.html], calculating coordination accuracy and man-hour cost.
(18) China is the archetype of an economy that is well integrated into global production chains.
(19) The archetype theory from" The Great Mother: An Analysis the Archetype" written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images.
(20) At last, it implements a small privilege management archetype system.
(21) Based on the archetype of Chinese garden and the case study, this paper discusses design tactics of Chin...
(22) He came to this country 20 years ago and is the archetype of the successful Asian businessman.
(23) Thus, the value of bedtime snacks, of which milk and cookies are still the archetype.
(24) The motivated, well-trained immigrant was not a subgroup of students but an archetype of all students.
(25) Jell-O is in many ways the edible version of an elemental archetype: Deadly beauty.
(26) Thus, in the bowels of the flush toilet we see the archetype for all autonomous mechanical creatures.
(27) After all, an organisational configuration is often interpreted an archetype of different characteristics.
(28) The internal logic of a clock as it measures off time by a complicated parade of movements is the archetype of a sequential system.
(29) The spouse may recurrently cheat upon the one with Athena archetype.
(30) If you've got a soft spot for the tall, dark and handsome archetype, chances are your real-life partner is short, blond and, well, not so toothsome.
(1) France is the archetype of the centralized nation-state.
(2) Old Mr. Duff is the archetype of the elderly British gentleman.
(31) The archetype of Jane Eyre belongs to the series of Cinderella.
(32) This thesis uses the theory of archetype to analyze the archetypical meaning of mythical images in Chu Ci from both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives.
(33) Declining Years" image, the archetype of Zhang Ailing's story character, appeared first in her prose Declining Years, which was her juvenilia."
(34) They are based on High's Web Bot technology which gives archetype de script ors of future events by tracking language pattern changes within Internet discussions forums.
(35) The archetype of BUCT - CWIS system uses UML to represent the object - oriented analysis and design.
(36) Growing male frustrations have given rise to a new female archetype gold - digger.
(37) People in academic circles focus on archetype criticism on Northrop Frye.
(38) As its main representative, Northrop Frye put forward the archetype of U-shaped narrative structure employed in the Bible, providing a new approach to study the narrative structure of Silas Marner.
(39) They are a part of an archetype called the shadow. It derives from our prehuman, animal past, when our concerns were limited to survival and reproduction, and when we weren't self-conscious.
(40) Olympism seeks to actualize a way of life abjectd on the joy begin in accomplishment, dre beats, the apprenticeshipal amount of a good archetype and esteem for accepted axiological beliefal attempt.
(41) Jung Your individual shit is an archetype of the collective shit.
(42) Archetype is psychological terminology that was originally invented by Cart Gustav Jung.
(43) Veins found among the different insect orders is derived from a primitive common the archetype venation.
(44) Jung regards that archetype is an inherent and typical apperceptive modal of human.
(45) From a more widespread significance, Northrop Frye is a cultural critic rather than an archetype critic with the structuralism tendency.
(46) Archetype is an important concept of Anthropology and Analysis Psychologies.
(46) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(47) In the previous research of Wide Sargasso Sea, it is mainly studied from the perspectives of feminism, psychoanalysis, mythic archetype and post-colonialism.
(48) In UML terms, an archetype is nothing but a "stereo-typed" class that further abstract real world entities into truly reusable and easily extensible analysis/design and implementation artifacts.
(49) According to above analysis, I summary characteristics of the institutional archetype Qian Mausoleum of Tang dynasty.
(50) Williams' historical figures are endowed with the symbolical pattern of mythological archetype which results from "existential historicism".
(51) Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are.
(52) Based on the archetype of Chinese garden and the case study, this paper discusses design tactics of Chinese modern landscape architecture.
(53) Kevin Spacey has a lot of experience playing a classic Hollywood archetype: the evil executive.
(54) The three plays of Fuxi, Thunderstorm and Phedre all contain the literary archetype of incest and patricide.
(55) But this is actually an archetype that goes right back to [gothic novelist] Ann Radcliffe in the late 18th century. Ripley is cut from the same cloth as all those other gothic heroines.
(56) The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.
(57) Many a present day fantasist in Christian fundamentalism reflects this archetype in action.
(58) First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, Cygnus cygnus can be considered a swan among swans, the type species, hence archetype, of all swans. It is also a swan of superlatives.
(59) "Archetype" which is used to refer to the collective unconscious is a concept put forward by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
(60) This article will explore the land archetype and pursue the poetic culture through the thick accumulation layer of knowledge and culture.
(61) I saw my first streetwalker, hitting on a hapless archetype: a pathetic-looking guy wearing a dark suit, crew cut, and thick black horn-rimmed glasses and carrying a briefcase.
(62) This thesis attempts to carry on systematic analysis and explanation for central literature theory criticism as Myth- Archetype of Northrop Frye.
(63) With the metaphorical autobiographic narration, Autobiography not only represents the individual values and beliefs, but constructs an archetype of the American myth as well.
(63) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(64) This paper aims to construct "quester" as an independent archetype, which possesses the same and even greater importance than "hero" with the rise of novel.
(65) First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, Cygnus cygnus can be considered a swan among swans, the type species, hence archetype, of all swans.
(66) In the world of Patrick White's novels, women are the maternal archetype.
(67) Part two enters into Tati's film world, mainly reviewing the subject, archetype character, and narrative strategy of his films.
(68) At mid-century, Canadian critic Northrop Frye introduced new distinctions in literary criticism between myth and archetype.
(69) Carl Gustav Jung has made great contributions to the theory of archetype criticism.
(70) Moreover, this archetype reflects the history that the paternal society replaced the matriarchal society.
(71) The Bell is one of Iris Murdoch s early prominent novels, and the introduction of myth and archetype to the novel is its most important poetic feature.




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