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单词 Tantamount
1 The King's request was tantamount to a command.
2 Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt.
3 What Bracey is saying is tantamount to heresy.
4 This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
5 To leave a dog home alone is tantamount to cruelty.
6 If he resigned it would be tantamount to admitting that he was guilty.
7 Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.
8 In safe seats selectionist tantamount to election.
9 Journalists argued that the law was tantamount to censorship.
10 Critics say the arrangement is tantamount to a dictatorship.
11 With Harry, omission was tantamount to deceit.
12 A simple error of judgement was tantamount to artistic suicide.
13 This has been distorted in the press as tantamount to planning violent attacks on the summit.
14 He considered it an impossible feat,[] tantamount to asking for eighteen miracles in a row.
15 For campaign strategists, this was tantamount to spinning straw into gold.
16 In Michael's mind it was tantamount to mutiny and he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him.
17 Forcibly settling the Jarawa would be tantamount to genocide, leading to them being wiped out.
18 Reaching a host is tantamount to survival in dodder and several features in its development enhance this ability.
19 The corollary is that acquiring an addiction is tantamount to relieving oneself of personal responsibility.
20 To do otherwise would have been tantamount to branding yourself an obscene, inhuman monster, an outcast from civilized society.
21 Her confession was simply tantamount to a casual explanation.
22 That is tantamount to insubordination.
23 The entertainment industry has vehemently objected to the V-chip and ratings system as tantamount to government censorship.
24 A request that prosecution witnesses be tendered for examination was not tantamount to an objection under s 102.
25 Sharing a film with a third party, it implied, was tantamount to infidelity.
26 At its worst, the life of faith is portrayed in a way that it is tantamount to spiritual repression.
27 Underlying the disquiet was a strong current of belief that the act of going tieless was tantamount to social chaos!
28 The selection of candidates Under any electoral system nomination as a candidate can often be tantamount to a guarantee of eventual election.
29 Black demonstrators picketed the court throughout the trial, alleging that the prosecution of the youths was tantamount to a judicial lynching.
30 Given that most seats are safe seats for one party or another, this selection is usually tantamount to election.
1 This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
31 His answer was tantamount to an insult.
32 Such a system is tantamount to a carbon tax.
33 Such an explanation is tantamount to a confession.
34 The excuse was tantamount to a refusal.
35 His silence was tantamount to a refusal.
36 Dropping the commitment would be tantamount to a tightening of monetary policy as bond yields rise in anticipation of short-term rate hikes.
37 Should a tragedy occur, it would be tantamount to murder.
38 Programming them to self-destruct after 26 checkouts is tantamount to asking librarians to embrace entropy.
39 If this really happens, then on to the original capital has been suffering from a real estate agent speaking, is tantamount to another.
40 With the increasing supply of property, is unprecedented fierce competition level, but developers know that price is absolutely indispensable, otherwise it will be tantamount to suicide.
41 One would have to completely disregard such overwhelming evidence to the contrary that it would be tantamount to intellectual suicide.
42 Can play, and your daughters situation is now tantamount to quiescent period, there is no great hindrance.
43 Language is a primary element of culture, and stasis in the arts is tantamount to death.
44 To neglect or forget aspects of the past is tantamount to rewriting history, and anyone who has read Animal Farm knows where that can lead.
44 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
45 The United States and the world together, is tantamount recognition of the failure of unilateralism.
46 Moussa said the Arabs will not accept direct negotiations so long as Israel continues to build settlements, because that would be tantamount to unconditionally accepting Israeli terms.
47 Many of Ms. Suu Kyi's backers oppose registration, which could be tantamount to relinquishing their claim to power.
48 Even with meritless claims, "class certification decisions are often tantamount to a decision on the merits," the companies say in a court filing.
49 For her, wearing make up at home is tantamount to blasphemy.
50 Time father, would be tantamount to associate with the hard - working and thrifty counterparts.
51 That would be tantamount to creating divine enemies, immortal enemies So God must maintain the upper hand in his struggle with these humans who have learned to defy him.
52 If you are quick to feel controlled, the pressure to meet deadlines can be tantamount to losing your autonomy.
53 Consent under these circumstances will be tantamount to exploitation of the patient.
54 Smoking is tantamount to squandering their health and shorten their lives.
55 A right not stated in law is tantamount to a claim.
56 For the best part of a decade, discussion of adaptation was regarded by most participants in climate policy-making as tantamount to betrayal.
57 The commercial market there is a immutable law: Any business or brand, if the innovation would be tantamount to giving up the market to give up, this is an indisputable fact.
58 An intentional violation of auditing standards in this new and as yet untested environment, may be tantamount to committing professional suicide, " Sharav said."
59 The Republican election defeat would be tantamount to a "political earthquake."
60 She was a person infected with 300 individuals, 300 families would be tantamount to undermining that 300 people will unknowingly infected many people do, and God knows.
61 Besides, it gives a convenient tantamount definition to progressive measurability .
62 I pointed out that a declaration that NATO would stop its expansion with the Warsaw Pact nations would be tantamount to announcing a new dividing line in Europe, with a smaller Russian empire.
63 But Japan made sense for another reason: There, the disfigurement of a mastectomy or lumpectomy is tantamount to social banishment.
64 Retaliatory tariffs on China are tantamount to taxing ourselves as a punishment.
65 "Stoning as a means of execution is tantamount to torture. It's barbaric and an abhorrent act," he said.
66 At that time, being banned from trading in a bucket-shop was tantamount to the highest degree of flattery for any speculator.
67 " Your proposal is tantamount to calling off the general strike!
68 That seems to be tantamount to saying there's too much traffic in modern cities.
69 By some measures, the risks associated with the three main rating companies may be tantamount to a $1 trillion bomb blowing up global financial institutions' balance sheets.
70 For Mullah Omar to be in talks with President Karzai's western-backed government would be tantamount to suicide right now, not least from al Qaeda who don't believe in any form of negotiation.
71 They're called "incubators, " and their imprimatur is tantamount to a college degree.
72 He told Dumbledore would be tantamount to ants play with elephants, Where is the opponent.
73 To deny the legitimacy of the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee or of the Ninth Party Congress would be tantamount to saying that the Party ceased to exist for a period of time.
74 To expose their wealth so that they can see the kind of life they want, but they are aware of the event soon, the dream of high position and great wealth for them would be tantamount to nonsense.
75 The wages workers earn in that factory are tantamount to nothing.




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