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单词 Bowel
1. Patients are asked to report any change in bowel habit.
2. He's been having painful bowel movements.
3. The boy was suffering from a bowel obstruction and he died.
4. The doctor asked if I was regular/if my bowel movements were regular.
5. Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.
6. My, the clarity and attack of our bowel movements.
7. No known bowel symptoms, but was never investigated.
8. Elizabeth Harrison had extensive surgery for bowel cancer.
9. Bowel frequency was not significantly influenced.
10. They never had bowel trouble in the movies.
11. The number of bowel actions each week was calculated.
12. Patients often misinterpret their bowel action as well.
13. He died of a bowel obstruction.
14. A small bowel enema examination was normal.
15. Q: I have a bowel movement once a week.
16. Gaseous distension of the bowel causes considerable discomfort to the patient and increases transmural pressure.
17. Although irritable bowel syndrome is commonly believed to be a colonic motility disorder, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconsistent.
18. Obstructive symptoms then resulted in a further small bowel resection but he did not achieve remission despite prednisolone.
19. She also suffered from Parkinson's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome and had suffered a slight stroke.
20. You should eat more dietary fibre to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.
21. Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer.
22. This case supports the theory that functional disturbances of the thymus may have a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.
23. This study lacked objective or prospective data and was biased by the exclusion from the controls of people with irritable bowel syndrome.
24. Pronounced changes have been found in gut neuropeptides in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
25. Since then, numerous studies have analysed the relation between serum cholesterol and large bowel cancer.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. A plain supine abdominal radiograph showed gaseous dilatation of the transverse colon and small bowel.
27. Colonoscopy was carried out under light sedation after standard laxative and bowel enema preparation.
28. The mode of action of 5ASA and 4ASA in inflammatory bowel disease is unknown.
29. Myofibroblasts have been implicated in fibrous reactions in a wide range of pathological conditions, including fibrosing conditions of the large bowel.
30. Oral fluids are introduced gradually until a normal level is reached. 4 Once bowel function returns diet is gradually re-introduced.
1. Patients are asked to report any change in bowel habit.
31. Parents demanded the single jabs because of fears that the combined vaccine could cause autism and bowel disease.
32. Five or six bowel movements a day were not uncommon.
33. This suggests a discrepancy in absorption in both the large and small bowel.
34. A regular bowel training programme has to be implemented so that the child learns to pass a normal soft stool.
35. Six Crohn's disease cultures and a single non-inflammatory bowel disease control were positive for M paratuberculosis.
36. Bowel cancer About one in ten people with bowel cancer have a family history of the disease.
37. If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage, we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent.
38. Ulcers also can cause vomiting, sometimes of blood, and can cause blood to show up in bowel movements.
39. It takes some weeks for the normal bowel bacteria to adjust.
40. Three patients declined to come for a check endoscopy immediately after radiotherapy as they had no bowel symptoms.
41. At age 20 she became pregnant and the pregnancy was complicated by episodes of small and large bowel obstruction.
42. After the fire exterminated itself, I flushed the ashes down the toilet after a not-inconsiderable bowel movement.
43. Small bowel biopsy and abdominal computed tomography are essential but often unhelpful in early diagnosis.
44. One potential source for the increased values of reactive oxygen species in inflammatory bowel disease is the neutrophil.
45. Very rarely, malignant change may occur resulting in cancer of the bowel or genitalia.
46. Some patients seem to do well and have a bowel frequency of less than four in 24 hours without any impairment of continence.
47. Although it isn't necessary for a person to have a bowel movement every day, regular movements should be encouraged.
48. Several different types of autoantibodies have been described in inflammatory bowel disease and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
49. The two non-inflammatory bowel disease cultures were from mucosal biopsies, one grew spheroplasts and the other acid fast bacilli.
50. Control subjects Twenty five surgical control patients, admitted for bowel resection for malignant and non-malignant conditions, were studied.
51. An extra tablespoon sprinkled over the breakfast cereal can help control irritable bowel syndrome, piles, appendicitis and bowel cancer.
52. Ulcerative colitis may present with anaemia when bowel symptoms are mild or ignored.
53. There are various ways in which fibre-depleted foods are now thought to be linked with cancer of the large bowel.
54. At first there was little change, but after about three weeks his bowel symptoms were much improved.
55. These results confirm increased macrophage activation in inflammatory bowel disease and suggest functional heterogeneity within the intestinal macrophage population.
56. He will require preparation of his bowel for these and will therefore need explanation of the preparation as well as the procedures.
57. After a week or so of this high fibre diet(sentence dictionary), your constipation should ease and your normal bowel habits return.
58. Seven patients had one or more episodes of partial or complete large bowel obstruction and four others were constipated.
59. While corticosteroids have an adverse effect on bone mass, this may be partly counterbalanced by improvement in the inflammatory bowel disease.
60. Particular attention must be paid to gastrointestinal drainage tubes since pancreatic and small bowel secretions are rich in bicarbonate.
61. The rate of liver protein synthesis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease was 43% higher than the control group of patients.
62. The rocking also helps with blood circulation and bowel movement and with preventing calcium deposits and stones.
63. Changes in bowel habit may indicate disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
64. For inflammatory bowel disease the morbid risk varies with age.
65. Except for the frequency of bowel actions, there was no difference in gastrointestinal symptoms between the patients and controls.
66. One of these combinations is p53 and c-ras, both frequently activated in large bowel cancers.
67. With inflammatory bowel disease, the loss of protein through the gastrointestinal tract is also a contributory factor.
68. It is not difficult to imagine how a disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome could affect a patient psychologically.
69. This patient was put on a yeast-free diet, and given a second psychiatric assessment when her bowel symptoms had resolved.
70. In our previous study, 34 monozygotic pairs with inflammatory bowel disease were found.
71. Statistical evaluation of these data indicate a significantly higher incidence of pseudomelanosis coli in patients with tumours of the large bowel.
72. The clinical indices and laboratory measurements were made within one week of having the bowel scan.
73. Stomach and bowel problems have also laid him low but he shows no sign of stopping.
74. Small bowel obstruction continues to occur after this operation despite increasing experience with the procedure.
75. Describe in detail your last bowel movement, leaving out nothing.
76. Refusal to sit is often associated with constipation and soiling and may have to be taught before bowel movements can be encouraged.
77. It has been reported that gastric infusion of bile salts in rats delays gastric emptying and inhibits small bowel transit time.
78. Endoscopy was performed at entry to confirm the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease.
79. The role of platelet activating factor blocker in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease deserves investigation.
80. Recent evidence favours the idea that inflammatory bowel disease may be caused by mesenteric vasculitis.
81. She gave a two month history of symptoms typical of intermittent small bowel obstruction before requiring a limited right hemicolectomy.
82. Another possibility is that the genetic regulation of the isotype response is different in the two populations of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
83. The rich eat too much meat and suffer from chronic constipation, diseases of the bowel, gout, and bladder stones.
84. Nevertheless the absence of recurrence during long term follow up will be required to exclude underlying idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.
85. Patients with gall stones or established inflammatory bowel disease were excluded.
86. Bowel frequency, on the other hand,() was only slightly modified.
87. There is evidence, however, that the two operations do not differ in their effects on bowel function.
88. How often an individual has a bowel movement is related to a number of factors.
89. The two poor responders in our group were both irritable bowel syndrome patients with major psychological problems.
90. Furthermore, cultured mononuclear cells isolated from inflammatory bowel disease mucosa spontaneously secrete large amounts of IgG.
91. A normal bowel pattern was accomplished first then toilet training was restarted.
92. Also the specificity of our results needs to be verified as we did not study patients with other inflammatory bowel diseases.
93. Assists in maintaining proper bowel function and affords protection against diverticulosis, haemorrhoids and varicose veins.
94. Persistent infection with adenovirus 12 has not been detected in the small bowel of patients with coeliac disease.
95. A positive reaction was seen in the bowel wall, both in patients with Crohn's disease and in controls.
96. Toilet training Toilet training covers three main areas of management 1 daytime bladder control 2 night-time bladder control 3 bowel control.
97. Furthermore, respiratory and bowel motion cause movement artefacts that frequently degrade the image.
98. In addition, it is possible that colonic decompression may reduce the chance of perforation and improve blood flow to the bowel wall.
99. Therefore, comparisons of bowel function and transit time were made separately in the two age groups.
100. One of the most distressing aspects of spinal injury is an inability to regulate bowel function.
101. They had two hearts but shared a fused liver and lower bowel.
102. Regular radiological confirmation of successful transit through the bowel is essential.
103. We obtained supportive evidence for this explanation from a double contrast barium enema investigation of a patient complaining of changed bowel habit.
104. However, Tsuchiya etal have described an association between thymic abnormalities and inflammatory bowel disease.
105. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic, remitting and relapsing mucosal disorders, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease.
106. Repression of these impulses may produce symptoms in the bowel region.
107. With regard to the diagnosis in approximately 10% of inflammatory bowel disease patients with colonic involvement a definite distinction can not be made.
108. Also in patients with inflammatory bowel disease antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies have been detected.
109. Rigorous control procedures established that it was neither an artefact of nutritional compromise nor of preoperative bowel preparatory protocols.
110. Mutations in codons 13 and 61 that occur much less often in large bowel tumours were not analysed in this preliminary study.
111. These peptides are produced by bacteria normally found in the human bowel and in patients with ulcerative colitis.
112. The first four symptoms encompass the six Manning criteria for diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome.
113. A gluten-free diet could be tried by anyone with chronic bowel problems.
114. Little information is currently available on the role of interleukin 1 and tumour necrosis factor in inflammatory bowel disease.
115. Efforts at improving oral rehydration solutions have hitherto focused on the role of various substances in improving small bowel absorption.
116. She did not return for screening until developed bowel symptoms aged 53 years.
117. Disease activity must therefore be derived from the degree of abnormal bowel uptake on abdominal scans.
118. They were also asked if they had ever consulted a doctor about recurrent bowel symptoms or abdominal pain.
119. All of these treatments, however, suffer from the same inability to reach tumour outside the bowel wall.
120. Initial laser treatment had been successful and bowel symptoms were well controlled for the first two months after radiotherapy in all patients.
121. It also inhibits motor activity induced by rectal distention and increases sensory thresholds for defaecation in patients with the irritable bowel syndrome.
122. New corticosteroid compounds with high topical and little systemic activity seem to offer great benefit to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
123. One further effect worth considering is the bowel preparation before harvesting of the tissue.
124. Concern about a baby's bowel movements can set the scene for concern and anxiety.
125. Diverticular disease is a condition of the bowel caused by abnormal activity of the bowel wall when your diet contains insufficient fibre.
126. Up to 12% of these tumours still confined to the bowel wall have already spread to regional lymph nodes.
127. The rise in eicosanoid inflammatory mediators may have an important role in the pathophysiology of the early radiation bowel reaction.
128. Even quite ordinary forms of stress can have an exaggerated effect on an irritable bowel.
129. Pieces of the bowel or stomach wall may slough off in diarrhea.
130. All patients received a traditional two day bowel preparation and were given clear liquids during this time.
131. All the patients carried a diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction based on recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction without physical lesion.
132. These patients underwent a bowel preparation and fasting regimen similar to the other patients in this study.
133. In the other subjects liquid bowel movements stopped after 24 hours.
134. Gastric acid is the primary barrier against orally ingested enteric pathogens, and a major regulator of small bowel flora.
135. These results also question the rationale of using n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.
136. The number of bowel actions in each three day faecal collection was also recorded.
137. Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder.
138. She suffered from diarrhoea with pain and bloating, which had been diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome.
139. The possible therapeutic effect of a specific receptor antagonist in inflammatory bowel disease remains to be evaluated.
140. The earliest presentation with cancer of the bowel in this series was 21 years.
141. They studied 27 patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome who believed themselves to have food allergy or intolerance.
142. No patient had a coexisting medical complaint likely to affect bile acid metabolism nor had any undergone previous bowel surgery other than appendicectomy.
143. Formation of a stoma requires the patient to change his usual bowel habit.
144. The antibodies were tested in specimens obtained at bowel resection from patients with Crohn's disease and controls.
145. All of them eventually died of cardiac failure without the return to normal bowel function.
146. Antibiotics were also prescribed for 48 hours prior to the operation to reduce the bacteria normally present in the bowel.
147. One of these presented with a perforated small bowel lymphoma and died shortly after diagnosis.
148. This review examines the evidence that abnormal oxidative metabolism is of central importance to active inflammatory bowel disease.
149. A disturbance in immunoregulatory control has long been suspected to play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.
150. Extensive preparation of the gastrointestinal tract is required to ensure the bowel is free from faecal matter.
151. In view of its poor absorption and high local concentration, its site of action seems likely to be within the bowel wall.
152. A range of genetic alterations have recently been described in colorectal cancer and its benign precursor, the large bowel adenoma.
153. Salicylate sensitivity A man had small bowel Crohn's disease with multiple strictures diagnosed in 1976 at age 18 years.
154. Side effects may include vaginal thrush, sensitivity to sunlight and even depression or bowel problems.
155. Patients 102, 205, 206, 304, and 305 died from bowel cancer associated with multiple polyps.
156. Reports of invitro production of cytokines by peripheral or mucosal mononuclear cells in inflammatory bowel disease, however, conflict.
157. Tumour necrosis factor mRNA was detected in four of nine controls compared with 11/15 inflammatory bowel disease patients.
158. Effective H 2 disposal during fermentation is essential for normal large bowel function.
159. Design - Cross sectional population based survey of familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
160. The same drug given intravenously prevents the postprandial increase in sigmoid segmenting pressure activity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
161. The bowel activity was quantified by calculating a scan score from the images obtained at 120 minutes.
162. Significant small intestinal strictures were excluded by small bowel radiological investigations.
163. Bowel frequency, for example, was little greater in the older patients than in the younger ones.
164. Discussion Overexpression and mutation of the p53 gene is now well described in large bowel cancer.
165. Some patients may have recorded an episode of faecal incontinence as a bowel movement, before the beginning of retraining.
166. It has been associated with coeliac disease, small bowel lymphoma, and Menetrier's disease.
167. Distal small bowel lesions may also be shown by reflux at barium enema or by entering the terminal ileum at colonoscopy.
168. Although inconsistencies clearly exist, most studies of large bowel tumours show a very strong correlation between immunocytochemical positivity and p53 mutation.
169. Platelet activating factor causes gastrointestinal mucosal injury and ischemic bowel necrosis.
170. This is a high amplitude burst of contractions that start in the stomach and are propagated distally into the lower small bowel.
171. Data relating to morphogenesis by small bowel isolates of later development, are limited.
172. Six of 10 with only such small bowel involvement were below the third centile for height when their disease was recognised.
173. Rises in whole body turnover rates have also been seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
174. The laxative dose was gradually decreased after two to three months to a dose that maintained one bowel movement daily.
175. The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation, is unknown.
175. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
176. Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
177. This was not necessary with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms as their prevalence does not change with age in this population.
178. A colostomy was performed in an attempt to relieve her large bowel symptoms, and subsequently closed.
179. Prevention New parents may need some information in understanding the developmental progress of bowel function.
180. Just two months ago, he underwent bowel and hip replacement surgery that cost $ 120, 000.
181. Populations at risk for the development of large bowel cancer are also generally at higher risk for development of coronary heart disease.
182. Bowel training showed less social class difference possibly because there are clearer anticipating signs of passing a motion.
183. He was embarrassed about the nature of his illness and reluctant to discuss his bowel function with anyone, especially young women.
184. A small bowel barium meal and colonoscopy were performed in eight cases and gastric endosonography was performed in one patient.
185. People who harbour sulphate reducing bacteria in their large bowel have higher levels of sulphide in their faeces than methanogenic subjects.
186. Nineth five percent of large bowel cancers showing loss of heterozygosity for 17p alleles also contain a point mutation.
187. All patients underwent bowel preparation and a fasting regimen before operation.
188. Introduction Familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease has been reported in several studies during the past decades.
189. All were of normal body weight, taking a normal diet, and had a normal bowel habit.
190. The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.
191. They asked about his speed and his fondness for Pedigree Chum Select Cuts, and all expressed interest in his bowel movements.
192. Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain.
193. Small bowel intussuception may require resection.
194. The diseased bowel is, as a rule, sharply delimited.
195. Bowel may herniate alongside a drain, with resulting obstruction.
196. He submerged the cups in the bowel.
197. Reason: bananas and cannot have embellish aperient bowel function.
198. Bacteria in stagnant bowel consume dietery vitamin B 12.
199. This food binds the bowel.
200. He had cancer of bowel.
201. Or because of bowel verminosis is causedMorpheusUnwell, or because cross be hungry, pass full etc.
202. Strawberry still is contained pectic with rich prandial fiber, can help have a bowel movement of aid digestion, unobstructed.
203. Neostigmine augments the motor activity of the small and large bowel.
204. The aloe has functions and so on refrigeration bowel movement, disintoxicating, health care, cosmetology, clean blood.
205. Garlic still has the effect that fight bacterium(Sentence dictionary), can prevent dysenteric contagion of path waiting for bowel.
206. Kegel exercises for men can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and bowel and affect sexual function.
207. On the sixth morning of his hospitalization, his bowel congestion finally relieved, he awoke pain-free and cheerful and announced, half joking, "Today, I almost feel like living."
208. Occasionally a very large part of the small bowel must be resected.
209. But it did not require the sedation or bowel insufflation needed with standard colonoscopy.
210. Reduces bowel problems. The fiber in fruits and vegetables relieves constipation and helps prevent diverticulosis and colon disease.
211. Involvement of the small bowel by primary or metastic neoplasms may occasionally be followed by perforation.
212. Before and after surgery, patients were also questioned about sexual function and symptoms of urinary dysfunction, dyspareunia , and bowel dysfunction.
213. Key findings : Preoperatie mechanical bowel preparation before colorectal surgery does not reduce anastomotic leakage.
214. Fusobacterium infection has already been linked with a gut condition called ulcerative colitis which is itself a risk factor for bowel cancer.
215. Conclusion: Nonnutritive sucking can fasten the meconium discharge and increase the number of daily bowel movements, thus contributing to the emptying of the stomach.
216. Before undertaking bowel surgery, an ascaris infection should always be excluded.
217. His wife found him, summoned Emergency Medical Services, and reported that he had developed diaphoresis, dyspnea, and lightheadedness after a bowel movement.
218. Goose whole body is treasure, wing of neck of tongue of head of palm of eider down, fat liver, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, bowel, muscle, stomach, blood is very costly salable production.
219. Fecal impaction is a common condition, which may lead to dilatation of bowel loop and perforation of colon in rare cases.
220. The broadbased attachment of the mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel.
221. Actiely bleeding small-bowel telangiectases were located in the proximal and mid-small bowel in patients with HHT, all within reach of an enteroscope.
222. Bowel of will small lamb immerses , abluent, break up, outside using corn flour, scatter.
223. Excessive calcium magnesian ion is contained in hard water, the assimilation that can affect gastric bowel to sucks expropriation, cause kidney stone.
224. Honey has the role of embellish aperient bowel, lemon vitamin content rich, not only can promote gastric juice to secrete, still can digest.
225. Results All cases were shown as bowel wall thickening, with luminal narrowing.
226. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a quite common disease, and it is a functional enteropathy that characterized by abdomen discomfort or pain, diarrhea, constipation or the mix of both.
227. At operation, massive small bowel infarction due to volvulus was found.
228. External radiotherapy and brachytherapy caused urinary irritative-obstructive adverse effects and some sexual dysfunction. External radiotherapy also caused bowel adverse effects.
229. Objective : To improve the therapeutic effect of inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ).
230. The gross apperance of the bowel may be normal from the serosal surface.
231. Conclusion Early adverse reaction is the main cause of azathioprine premature discontinuation in inflammatory bowel disease.
232. Evaluation of the status of the patient must include an appraisal of bowel function.
233. Do you suffer from heartburn stomachaches ( loose bowel movements, chest pains )?
234. The sigmoid is an S-shaped stretch of large bowel, about 40cm long, which leads up to the rectum.
235. Background: Intestinal stenosis is a frequent complication of Crohn's disease,(http:///bowel.html) often leading to repeated bowel obstruction and surgery.
236. Try to make sure your bowel motions are regular and that you avoid any constipation.
237. Methods CT appearances of 28 cases with intraluminal masses of small bowel confirmed by surgery and pathology were analysed retrospectively.
238. Osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: risk factors, prevention, and treatment.
239. CONCLUSION: Fluoxetine in combination with bifid-triple viable capsule can effectively treat irritable bowel syndrome.
240. Arteriography Early with papaverine infusion and prompt excision of necrotic bowel is the key to improve survival rate.
241. If so, with emerods medicine really can have so many domestic which the anus bowel hospital?
242. Whorwell is now testing the wheel on patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
243. Objective To study the biological characteristics of bowel M cell and follicle-associated epithelium of peyer's patch in rats.
244. Too much alcohol puts you at risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx (voice box), oesophagus (foodpipe), liver, breast and maybe bowel.
245. For irritable bowel syndrome, we put in a high concentration to break down that mucoid buildup and that toughened cell membrane.
246. Bellyacke often is in left next abdomens or complete abdomen tenderness are apparent, companion bowel cries phonic hyperfunction.
247. A high intake of polyunsaturated fat in the diet, while good for the heart, may lead to inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers.
248. Since then, other studies have found that when treated with worms, people with inflammatory bowel disease can improve and diabetic patients may return to normal blood-glucose levels.
249. Objective: To study the effect of hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) on mucosal cell of small bowel isograft.
250. A woman in the US who survived a five year battle with flesh-eating bacteria, undergoing dozens of operations, including an unusual bowel transplant,(http:///bowel.html) has given an interview about her ordeal.
251. Achieving complete small - bowel capsule endoscopy: is it possible and does it matter?




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