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单词 Baghdad
1 The heat is terrible in Baghdad during the summer.
2 The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad.
3 He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday.
4 Middle Eastern capitals include Baghdad and Tel Aviv.
5 A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.
6 The streets of Baghdad were almost deserted today as Iraqis turned into their radio to follow the court proceedings.
7 The war began with overnight air raids on Baghdad and Kuwait.
8 They're travelling to Baghdad overland.
9 The three were sent back to Baghdad under escort.
10 In 1954 Britain had fostered the Baghdad Pact to create a band of friendly pro-Western states against the Soviet threat.
11 Bonn has not cut official diplomatic relations with Baghdad but it withdrew all diplomatic personnel long ago.
12 Baghdad claims that 353 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured in raids in the past three years.
13 Eighty countries plan to attend the Baghdad trade fair in November.
14 But after the spectacle in Baghdad, it's harder to find fault with those who worry that they eventually might.
15 But the real issue may be how long Baghdad can forestall what increasingly appears to be inevitable punitive action.
16 However, raids such as the bombing of Baghdad on Friday night have been carried out routinely for the past 10 years.
17 Meeting anybody in Baghdad these days involves listening to a hard-luck story, most of which is likely to be true.
18 We're now going over to Kate Adie speaking live from Baghdad.
19 He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.
20 The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
21 Even the bombing of a shelter full of civilians in Baghdad last week has failed to split it.
22 Hallaj and his ideas were discussed in the streets and bazaars of Baghdad.
23 It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils, but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad.
24 Only after barely-veiled threats of a resumption of air strikes did Baghdad agree to co-operate.
25 The answer is that you would have to slog it out all the way from London to Baghdad.
26 Surely now national sentiment demanded that he return to Baghdad and await big bombs dispatched by white-gloved Westerners.
27 The Chairman gave orders for the military helicopter to fly the scientist back to Baghdad.
28 Maybe Desert Storm should have gone on at least to Basrah,[] if not indeed to Baghdad.
29 Other were even reported to have reached the outskirts of Baghdad itself, though this was not confirmed.
30 The medium was also used for projecting news stories like the Allied bombing of the Ameriyah bunker near Baghdad.
1 The heat is terrible in Baghdad during the summer.
2 The streets of Baghdad were almost deserted today as Iraqis turned into their radio to follow the court proceedings.
31 More than one correspondent filed a story describing the spectacle of a Cruise missile travelling up a Baghdad street at hotel window level.
32 The material in the documents is said to have come from informants in Baghdad and from exiles.
33 A history professor at Baghdad University, Sadoun Fadil, said people rally around their leader during hard times.
34 Feb. 13 At least 300 civilians killed in allied attack on Baghdad bomb shelter.
35 We are still insisting that the attack on Baghdad was carried out to protect the lives of our air crew.
36 Their main task seemed to be to inspect the landing grounds that extended across the route from Baghdad to Damascus.
37 There have already been flights into the re-opened Baghdad airport from almost every Gulf state.
38 The streets of Baghdad functioned as normal Saturday, but people expressed fear of more air strikes.
39 Set in 1960s Baghdad, its landscape and social networks seem very foreign.
40 By late that night, two of those staffers were at Baghdad International airport.
41 The CIA must stimulate and support opposition to the regime in Baghdad.
42 Some days ago I saw pictures of the Baghdad suspension bridge being destroyed.
43 He had executed in public deserters from his battalion when it fought for its life on the Basra to Baghdad road.
44 To such an end it had for some time been seeking to intensify contacts with both Tehran and Baghdad.
45 Reports from Baghdad this week said Abu Nidal died.
46 The second trial of Saddam Hussein continues in Baghdad.
47 It also includes return facilitation centers, mostly in Baghdad.
48 The Baghdad film features mass action.
49 Saddam is to face a kangaroo court in Baghdad.
50 During the Iraq War, American forces shelled Baghdad to deter the Republican Guard from retreating into the city.
51 The pilgrims were marching to the Shiite holy city of Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, to celebrate the birth of Mohammed al-Mahdi, the 12th Shiite imam, who disappeared in the ninth century.
52 Bombings around Baghdad left more than two dozen people dead Sunday.
53 Soldiers and police officers have been positioned around churches in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk this week.
54 In May this year, Alstom announced a preliminary agreement reached between Iran and will be built in Baghdad, the elevated rail network, length of 25 km.
55 The joint statement in Baghdad follows an unannounced meeting between two leaders.
56 The relationship of Turco - German epitomize on Baghdad Railways built.
57 The body of a man dragged from the Euphrates River south of Baghdad is identified as one of the three American soldiers missing after an attack earlier this month.
58 Authorities in Baghdad have denounced as illegal the roughly 30 oil contracts negotiated between the Kurdish regional government and foreign energy companies like Addax./baghdad.html
59 Cellphone repairman Majid Abdul Khalif, who is so patriotic he named his son Iraq and his daughter Baghdad, is incensed he can't find a full-time job or buy a house.
60 A car bomb rips through an open-air market in Baghdad today, killing at least 66 people, nearly 90 people are injured.
61 So because I'm a bellboy, I have to go to baghdad?
62 Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Moslem world.
63 A Christian priest was reportedly killed in a drive-by shooting in Baghdad.
64 I send your head to my uncle, wrapped in Baghdad silk.
65 They are known in Baghdad for ramming cars that don't get out of their way fast enough.
66 South of Baghdad, two Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in the town of Tunis.
67 One is the repair and renovation of the pipeline that brings crude from the southern oil fields to the Doura refinery in Baghdad, which is the nation's largest producer of kerosene and gasoline.
68 C-Note looks at the items: a stack of postcards, all from Baghdad.
69 Police say the gunmen, dressed in Iraqi army uniforms and driving army-type vehicles, broke into the home of the Batta tribal chief on the outskirts of Baghdad early Wednesday.
70 The road is reminiscent of the road from Baghdad to Falluja: littered with IED [improvised explosive devices) holes and the carcasses of burnt-out Nato supply trucks and containers.
71 TWO car bombs turned Baghdad into a killing field on Sunday October 25th, claiming the lives of at least 155 people and injuring hundreds more.
72 The American Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has met Iraqis working in civil society groups and reconstruction projects during a visit to Baghdad.
73 The two blasts shook buildings and smoke billowed from the area in central Baghdad near the Tigris River.
74 U.S. commanders have conceded that renewed attempts to quell sectarian bloodletting in Baghdad are proving unsuccessful.
75 On the day after he assumed command of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq last February, David Petraeus toured some of the neighborhoods of Baghdad and was shocked.
76 There are expected to be two flights a week between Baghdad and Gatwick, which is just outside London in West Sussex.
77 Also Monday, Iraqi police say a senior officer was assassinated in a drive-by shooting in Baghdad.
78 An Iraqi official says pulling Blackwater out of Baghdad would create a security vacuum.
79 Today, the former Iraqi leader sits in a jail cell in the Baghdad area.
80 That would make the central government in Baghdad all the weaker and inspire a similar break-away for the Shi'ite community in southern Iraq.
81 Abu Nidal, a Palestinian renegade, died in Baghdad in 2002.
82 Not long ago, at the passport office in Baghdad, I met a young heart surgeon.
83 The attack happened yesterday in Mahmoudiya, the Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad.
84 Bicycles rig with explosives rip through an outdoor market South of Baghdad.
85 Iraqi leader gave the plan conditional support when they met with Obama in the Baghdad ( Bagdad ).
86 The investigation revealed the lengths to which Blackwater went to continue winning contracts after Blackwater guards killed 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in September 2007.
87 III. Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today.
88 In Baghdad, water trucks were also used to transport water to hospitals and residents at outskirt.
88 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
89 The four Russians were abducted in Baghdad in early June.
90 For Iraqis, Baghdad Radio is the main official source of the information.
91 Bombs near five Shi'ite mosques killed at least 28 people across Baghdad on Friday, police said, and Iraqis blamed local forces now taking over from U.S. soldiers for failing to protect them.
92 They were especially angry with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, whom senior Turkish officials quoted on Wednesday as saying Baghdad might hand over PKK rebels to Turkey.
93 It has 106, enough to protect their headquarters in an Ottoman-era mansion on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in Baghdad and not much else.
94 STARR : The latest arrest came in Baghdad a few days ago but was not immediately announced.
95 Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged 57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad.
96 We can even see its effect on the water levels of the Tigris in Baghdad.
97 The great khurasan road was about 1500 miles with its starting point in Uzkand in the northeast of Afghanistan and its ending point in Baghdad of Irak.
98 US administration dispatched 3000 troops to Baghdad as military operation last month.
99 Sufi, Shia and Ahmadiyya holy sites in Pakistan have been attacked, she said, as was a Syriac Catholic church in Baghdad just a few weeks ago.
100 A young woman in Baghdad told of waking to the sound of mortar fire on election day, and wondering if it might be too dangerous to vote.
101 In another raid on the Hillah region south of Baghdad, security forces detained 11 suspected death squad members.
102 "Reno" had been cruising the Norwegian Sea while Sharpe's Academy classmates were flying sorties , launching Tomahawks at Baghdad and earning promotions.
103 It also gives the Baghdad government unsatisfactory marks, for failing to prepare for local elections and couldn't (that could) reconcile Iraq('s) Shiite (Shi'ite) Sunni and Kurd's (Kurdish) factions.
104 Status Offline The body of a man dragged from the Euphrates River south of Baghdad is identified as one of the three American soldiers missing after an attack earlier this month.
105 Iraqi soldiers and police staged a long parade in full dress uniform in Baghdad to commemorate the U.S. pullout and to mark the day the government is calling "National Sovereignty Day."
106 Also, Burglars of Baghdad Castle, like current anime, has also of action.
107 MBABANE (Reuters) - Listeners to Swaziland's state-run radio station thought it had its own correspondent in Baghdad covering the war - until legislators spotted him in parliament at the weekend.
108 The deputy leader of the group, which is based in Baghdad, explained its campaign using a stream of homophobic invective.
109 Karbala, south of Baghdad in Iraq's Shiite heartland, is one of the world's holiest Shiite cities.
110 He said the priorities are to bring Baghdad under control, disband illegal militias, bring death squad leaders to justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process.
111 Oran somehow convinced her uncle and grandfather to both fund her Bachelor's degree and allow her to obtain it at the University of Baghdad in Iraq, as her subject was not available in Jordan.
112 A major bridge in Baghdad that spans the Tigris River reopened Tuesday with much fanfare, 13 months after terrorists bombed the landmark and killed more than 10 people.
113 Iraqi forces assumed formal control of Baghdad and other cities Tuesday after American troops handed over security in urban areas.
114 An American soldier killed five other troops inside a psychological counseling center in Baghdad on Monday, the bloodiest case of military fratricide since the start of the Iraq war six years ago.
115 In Baghdad a major security operation is held to ensure a sheer religious festival attended by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims has passed off with no large-scale violence.
116 Our correspondent in Baghdad Jane Peel has been studying the report.
117 Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands.
118 This, as coalition troops remain poised to take Baghdad, said to be protected by rings of Saddam Hussein's best trained and most loyal Republican Guard fighters.
118 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
119 His nomination would for the first time place an Arabist with experience in sectarian conflicts, mostly in Lebanon, at the head of the embassy in Baghdad.
120 Marchers in the western city of Fallujah and Bakuba north of Baghdad chanted slogan alleging election fraud and bad called by Sunni Arab groups for the poll to be rerun.
121 The battle of Basra, and its spillover into Baghdad fighting, could end up having a similar effect on Iraq as Shay's Rebellion did on early America in its postindependence, preconstitutional years.
122 Likewise in the east were the Seljuk Turks who had infiltrated from their Central asinan homeland into the Islamic Empire where they were employed as mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs.
123 Welcome to Iraqi Kurdistan An American backpacking in Baghdad would have a life expectancy of about 20 minutes.
124 Baghdad ranked 221st, remaining at the bottom of the list. It was followed by Bangui in the Central African Republic, N'Djamena in Chad, Khartoum in Sudan and Tbilisi in Georgia.
125 In the days in Baghdad, we went to the Road and Bridge Department for numberless times.
126 Antananarivo in Madagascar (217) is at the bottom of the list with an eco-city score of 39.7, while Baghdad is at 214, scoring 40.5.
127 I didn't go to Baghdad with the caravan, I didn't take silk and henna.
128 I have a critical operation in Baghdad, my contacts packed and ready to go. I've gotta get a message to them.
129 The setting for many of the stories of the Arabian tales, " One Thousand and One Nights", Baghdad has been described in terms of magical genies , wicked Uncles and beautiful princesses.
130 Baghdad:The capital and largest city of Iraq, in the center of the country on the Tigris River.
131 S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, replacing Staff Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated 155mm improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad.
132 At that time, millions of Shiite Muslim pilgrims converged in Karbala, southwest of Baghdad, to mark the religious saints Imam. 700 anniversary of Hussein's death ceremony.
133 The rap group is named "KRG" and consists of 7 Iraqi teenage girls, who practice hip-hop dance moves and rap in a school in northern Baghdad.
134 A suicide bomber struck near a college in western Baghdad.
135 U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she will push Iraq's Arab neighbors to boost diplomatic relations and other ties with Baghdad as a counter-weight to Iranian influence.
136 In this photo, a Eurasian griffon that sells for $650 poses for a portrait in a pet shop in Baghdad, Iraq.
137 Secretary Rice's stopover in Baghdad was not previously announced for security reasons.
138 Boys jump from a ruined structure into the Tigris River in Baghdad's Adhamiya District, northern Baghdad on July 1, 2009.
139 Shi'ite Muslim pilgrims self-flagellate as they gather at the Imam Musa al-Kadhim Mosque in the Kadhimiya district of northern Baghdad on July 7, 2010, to mark the death of the eighth century Imam.
140 A suicide bomber has killed at least 28 people near Iraq's police academy in Baghdad.
141 The demonstrator responds the Shiah political figure Sadeer summons, very early east Baghdad Sadr City solemn Zhafaer square accumulation.
142 Hamas, for example, opened an office in Baghdad in 1999, and Iraq has hosted conferences attended by Palestine Islamic Jihad.
143 Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives.
144 Nine provinces have already been affected, with Babil accounting for the majority of cases (58%), followed by Baghdad (18%) and Kerbala (9%).
145 A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad.
146 Translate the following sentence into Chinese, 'Six years later "The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq", as Bell was affectionately known died in Baghdad, and was buried in the British cemetery there.
147 Iraq has seen one of its bloodiest days in recent month, with 60 people killed in an attack on the most important Shiah Muslim shrine in Baghdad.
148 U. S. troops tightened security around several key buildings in Baghdad Sunday,[http:///baghdad.html] possibly in connection with Operation Desert Sidewinder.
149 US Marines arrest a suspected looter in the street as the US troops search the city to arrest looters and try to bring order to Baghdad on Sunday April 13, 2003.
150 A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.
151 Men kneel outside a mosque during Friday prayers in Sadr City, a mostly Shi'ite enclave in Baghdad.
152 Ali Ahmed, 8, swims with cattle in the Tigris river in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, July 14, 2010.
153 BAGHDAD — The Iraqi cabinet voted overwhelmingly Sunday to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in Iraq from Jan. 1 until the end of 2011.
154 The Chaldean bishop of Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, said: "I cry for Iraq, I have no other feelings."
155 Still unclear, however, is how foreign companies will be compensated for the oil they export, with most sales revenues being channeled to Baghdad.
156 Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old US army intelligence analyst, has been arrested and charged with allegedly giving WikiLeaks the footage of the Baghdad attack.
157 Khartoum in Sudan, Brazzaville and Pointe Noire, both in the Congo, and Bangui in the Central African Republic join Baghdad at the bottom of the list.
158 Tehran, by virtue of its historical relationships with the Shi'ite parties and the Kurdish leadership, may wield greater influence than Washington in Baghdad, but it does not pull the strings.
159 The U.A.E. became the first Arab nation to post its ambassador to Baghdad and give Iraq 100 percent debt relief of approximately $7 billion.
160 A police officer asks a driver to seatbelt in Baghdad on April 18 , 2008.
161 What on earth happened with the elite Republican Guard?It was easy for the American troops to control over Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
162 We're ready to balance our diet of predigested news feeds from Baghdad and Boston and Beijing.
163 In 1932, she began in Damascus, Baghdad, Beirut and Tripoli tour.
164 Earlier in the day, a planeload of U.N. weapons inspectors left Baghdad aboard a flight to Cyprus, joining the exodus of diplomats, aid workers and other foreigners.
165 A US military investigation has concluded that American soldiers who killed an Italian intelligence agent at a Baghdad checkpoint last month were "not culpable", an Army official said Monday.
166 Earlier in Baghdad, Mr Bush and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki signed the new security agreement between their countries.
167 The bottom image shows the dust storm on March 4, 2011 after the dust has traveled toward the east-southeast. On this day, skies are clear northwest of Baghdad.
168 In his six consecutive speeches, Nasser indulged in violent attacks on the baghdad government.
169 An America that will not coddle tyrants, from Baghdad to Beijing.
170 Brigadier General Jeffrey Dorko was in stable condition after being injured by a roadside bomb in northern Baghdad. Dorko was evacuated to a US military hospital in Germany.
171 Flat on the plain of Baghdad, jade belt linked to a green river water flashing, winding meantime.
172 At his Baghdad barbershop Jalal Khalil (in pink) and customers followed news of the antigovernment uprising in Egypt.
173 A leaked memorandum by a senior American staff officer in Baghdad suggests pulling all troops out by the middle of next year, 15 months early.
174 A train passenger traveling from Baghdad to Karbala, a Shiite holy city some 60 miles south of the capital, reads a prayer book.
175 A few artifacts and some Arabic texts suggest that simpler geared calendrical devices had existed, particularly in Baghdad around A. D. 900.
176 At least 80 people have died today from bombings in Baghdad.
177 BOMB-DISPOSAL robot creeps up a flyover in the west Baghdad suburb of Ghazaliya, as American army sappers fiddle with their communications devices.
178 Andcomes just after 40 people died in explosions in Baghdad and in Mosul on Friday.
178 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
179 HAIFA STREET evokes more dread than almost any other place in Baghdad.
180 Above U.S. soldiers inspect the scene of a double bombing close to a bus station in the Shiite Muslim district of Bayah in western Baghdad on Feb. 11 2009.
181 Car bombs struck Shiite targets around Baghdad today, killing dozens.
182 U. S. soldier dressed as St. Nick arrives at Hammer Base in Baghdad on Christmas Eve.
183 The killing has continued in Bali, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Mombasa, Jerusalem, Istanbul, and Baghdad.




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