单词 | Constitutional |
例句 | 1. Only Parliament has the power to legislate on constitutional matters. 2. The government set an agenda for constitutional reform. 3. Constitutional changes are exclusively the prerogative of the parliament. 4. They can't pass this law. It's not constitutional. 5. Parliament was accused of constitutional impropriety. 6. Freedom of speech should be a constitutional right. 7. Such a policy would not be constitutional. 8. There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe. 9. Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes. 10. They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement. 11. The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform. 12. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 13. He has championed constitutional reform for many years. 14. Important questions of constitutional law were involved. 15. She's nearly 86 and still takes a constitutional every morning. 16. He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion. 17. The country gives a constitutional guarantee of the rights of minorities. 17. 18. You have the right of appeal to the Constitutional Court. 19. A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms. 20. The constitutional changes have been hailed as a triumph for democracy. 21. Presidential power was reduced by a constitutional amendment in 1991. 22. A constitutional convention was elected to try to agree on a new form of government. 23. He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights. 24. The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis. 25. The defeat of the army was followed by the establishment of constitutional government. 26. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule. 27. Several members of the party have resurrected the idea of constitutional change. 28. Political leaders are making no progress in their efforts to resolve the country's constitutional crisis. 29. He argues that the Congress and President Clinton trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law. 30. There is a growing movement to divest the monarchy of its remaining constitutional power. 1. Only Parliament has the power to legislate on constitutional matters. 2. The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis. 3. Parliament was accused of constitutional impropriety. 31. Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar. 32. It is only an Elastoplast solution to a far greater constitutional pro-blem. 33. Do we need a new constitutional amendment? 34. Each of the three was a constitutional monarchy. 35. This would violate their constitutional right of free association. 36. Does he rule out any constitutional change? 37. Lord Macdonald's compromise solution avoided a constitutional showdown. 38. What constitutional protections apply in cases of teacher dismissal? 39. There is no constitutional right to bear arms. 40. This situation can only be changed by constitutional amendment. 41. Constitutional norms serve to influence and mold political behaviour. 42. Allowing citizens to propose their own constitutional amendments. 43. It would require a constitutional amendment. 44. Forget the old adage about non-stop bicycling; the growing Community badly needs a decade of constitutional calm. 45. A constitutional court could not have prevented dictatorship by annulling the law. 46. Secondly, this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions. 47. Nobody seemed to know whether the President's action was constitutional or not. 48. The fourth element of the constitution is one that I have described as a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy. 49. It could, however,( ) have made clear the difference between constitutional amendment and political revolution. 50. Anticommunism and the constitutional order provided the principal sources of political cohesion in the new political entity. 51. Opposition leaders hailed the visit, calling for a referendum on the restoration of the constitutional monarchy. 52. If the new telecommunications age brings unmediated democracy, what will happen to our carefully contrived constitutional system of checks and balances? 53. An alternative with a strong constitutional law bias is Hartley and Griffith's Government and Law. 54. In 1948, a Republican-controlled Congress approved a constitutional amendment limiting a president to two four-year terms. 55. The national government seemingly could find no constitutional means to intercede to protect its black citizens. 56. The arrests coincide with the publication in August of the recommendations of a Constitutional Commission. 57. Republicans have complained that Democrats are using Social Security scare tactics to incite seniors groups and others to oppose the constitutional amendment. 58. Pete Wilson, has vowed to remove language in the party platform that calls for a constitutional ban on abortions. 59. The court will rule on whether the prisoner's constitutional rights were violated. 60. Our constitutional rules and regulations are quite clear and not to be infringed. 61. The highly publicized abortion debate overshadowed the rest of the platform that calls for a smorgasbord of constitutional amendments. 62. Even the constitutional principle itself hardly captured the popular imagination. 63. This is a question that perplexes many outside the legal profession who do not fully appreciate or understand our constitutional rights. 64. In that case, the court threw out a Colorado constitutional amendment that would have barred local laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination. 65. It also reinforced the District's resolve to protect its constitutional autonomy within any approved scheme. 66. He warned that no economic aid could be forthcoming until a long-term constitutional solution had been found. 67. What was looming was the protracted constitutional wrangle over Lloyd-George's budget and the House of Lords. 68. More significantly, Walesa's proposals for constitutional change were withdrawn, after amendments had weakened them. 69. In a constitutional democracy, there are individuals whose status or office gives them the automatic right to be heard. 70. There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains. 71. The proposed balanced-budget constitutional amendment will be brought up in February or early March, he said. 72. For a deeper cure this can be followed up with the constitutional remedy. 12 Can homoeopathy help with chronic disease? 73. Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it? 74. And the license was denied, though not on the grounds we cited, because our argument raised constitutional issues. 75. A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election. 76. A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency. 77. Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis. 78. One of the earliest votes of the Congress is expected to be on a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget. 79. The Chronicle argues that reporters have a limited constitutional right not to disclose confidential sources. 80. The concept finally won approval last year in a simple piece of legislation, less exalted than a constitutional amendment. 81. The constitutional and organizational arrangements filter the interests of state personnel towards the long-run interests of the capitalists. 82. Nu's task in London was somehow to keep the republic, while securing constitutional concessions. 83. There is, however, abundant evidence that many patients vulnerable to clinical depression have a constitutional deficit of serotonin. 84. That is why Liberal Democrats are putting constitutional change at the heart of our election campaign. 85. Jewett said he was sympathetic, but that the boy had a constitutional right to be present in the courtroom. 86. It approved a constitutional reform to make the members of the executive council direct representatives of their governments. 87. By and large, constitutional authorities, parties and public alike were pleased with the set up. 88. Since 1984, the party platform has called for a constitutional amendment barring all abortions. 89. For these reasons we hold that this law exceeds the constitutional authority of Congress. 90. Forbes said he disapproves of abortion, but he has refused to endorsed a constitutional amendment banning the procedure. 91. It is his task to try to involve black leaders in negotiations on constitutional reform. 92. In 1861-2 a constitutional crisis arose, whose outcome fundamentally affected subsequent developments. 93. Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature. 94. The threat of violence and real fear of revolution prompted the Government to adopt limited constitutional changes. 95. Hearings to consider a Proposed constitutional amendment outlawing affirmative action were scheduled. 96. That is no more or less than a sovereign Parliament within a constitutional monarchy should be able to expect. 97. Critics could barely keep to the constitutional pretence that the monarch was above political error. 98. It was an awkward way for Congress to assert its Constitutional right and duty to declare war. 99. A constitutional amendment that would allow prayer in public schools. 100. Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion. 101. The ruling declared that dying people have a constitutional right to end their suffering. 102. A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms. 103. Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion. 104. What is clear is that current constitutional arrangements do suit an authoritarian government well. 105. The necessary constitutional changes would require approval by a three-quarters majority in the 70-seat Assembly. 106. The politicians, promoters and sweeping sentiment converged to conspire against his constitutional right to work: stated barred him from fighting. 107. John Hostettler, R-Ind.,(http://) who once suggested that the constitutional right to bear arms included nuclear weapons; and Rep. 108. This is the perspective from which we should approach the novel constitutional questions presented by the legislative veto. 109. It took three constitutional amendments after the Civil War to overrule his decision. 110. Further constitutional rights were restored on Dec. 19, but the guarantee against arrests without a judicial order was not reinstated. 111. The essence of this constitutional malaise was the changing attitude of the young towards those in authority. 112. The focus of the forum blurred into Charter 88's campaign for constitutional reform in general. 113. A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States. 114. This was completely different from any idea of grandiose constitutional changes. 115. Conservatives insist that the new platform retain the 1992 abortion plank calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion. 116. This appears from the role assigned to the Bundestag, elections and political parties in the constitutional system. 117. He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion. 118. What constitutional considerations apply in cases of libel or slander? 119. This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy. 120. The treaties have the potential to change our constitutional arrangements and the powers of Parliament. 121. In October 1990 all citizens over the age of 21 were invited to vote on two proposed constitutional reforms. 122. The congress is likely to approve the necessary legislation and proposed constitutional amendment. 123. He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence. 124. Berlusconi wants a new broadly supported government to look into constitutional reforms. 125. Inclan and the people of Puebla remained loyal to Herrera and to constitutional order and refused to accede to his demands. 126. They might remember also that without bipartisan accommodation the graduated income tax never would have become a constitutional amendment. 127. Outside the door of the workplace, Mary McCafferty, the citizen, has constitutional rights. 128. Formal police accountability mechanisms Police accountability is the constitutional mechanism which makes the police answerable for their actions. 129. The Government can expect sustained flak on the wider constitutional issue now that this can of worms has been opened up. 130. Mr Ishaq wants all the provincial assemblies dissolved, in order to create a constitutional crisis that will force a general election. 131. The convention could include a battle over whether to retain the platform plank calling for a constitutional ban on abortion. 132. What you have here is a situation where custom and convention comes up against constitutional guarantees. 133. The Supreme Court is expected to weaken further the nationwide constitutional protection for abortion early next year. 134. The only form of constitutional arrangements which socialist states took seriously after 1917 were formulas for national federation and autonomy. 135. Mr Major clearly intends to fight hard to minimise any constitutional changes. 136. A court decision in 1954 ruled that segregated education was not constitutional. 137. It is more a mode of address for a slightly iffy constitutional compromise that is drawing peacefully towards its close. 138. However,(http:///constitutional.html) there is a distinction between that and passing a constitutional amendment. 139. Garang had called for a constitutional conference, involving all political parties. 140. We have a constitutional right to keep weapons for self-defense. 141. The political ambitions of the working class had normally been channelled through parliamentary and constitutional routeways. 142. Robert Dornan and Patrick Buchanan -- to pledge to continue to include in the Republican platform a constitutional ban on abortions. 143. Unfortunately, under present rules, such a constitutional change needs parliament's consent. 144. The boundaries of sovereignty must be determined in the light of the prevailing moral and political climate when difficult questions of constitutional authority arise. 145. The constitutional question before the court is whether a sitting president may be forced to face civil litigation while in office. 146. Here, the difficulty revolves around the different constitutional arrangements operative in the two jurisdictions being compared. 147. For the middle classes Britain meant business and they wanted constitutional change to prevent revolution not promote it. 148. An attempt to include such a ban sank the last effort at constitutional reform, made by Congress in 1989. 149. Let us, then, deal with this second aspect of the Labour Party's proposals for constitutional change. 150. Silvio Berlusconi and a group of Catholic parties want a widely based government to work on constitutional changes. 151. The publication of draft constitutional amendments in October 1988 led to widespread public protests. 152. And Dole backed a constitutional amendment proposed by Reagan to create a line-item budget veto for presidents. 153. This would effectively give the white population a veto on all constitutional changes. 154. The constitutional rights of the people which exist on paper were withheld for the sake of national unity. 155. Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office. 156. Through constitutional safeguards and precedents, the hybrid in every country must establish an effective power balance between its two executives. 157. They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp. 158. The great merit of our constitutional arrangements is that they have developed cautiously and case by case. 159. Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme. 160. Mr. Lang My hon. Friend identifies part of the problem which those who favour changes in the constitutional arrangements should address. 161. As we explain below(), we find this legislative effort within constitutional bounds even if Congress may not regulate drinking ages directly. 162. We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions. 163. As the confederation moved toward constitutional government, issues of internal security were found to require careful consideration. 164. It also passed enabling legislation to allow further constitutional amendments to be made in the wake of the peace treaty. 165. The Nov. 4 referendum proposed that a simple majority should in future be sufficient to pass constitutional amendments. 166. Their constitutional government is a swindle. 167. They claimed that the new law was not constitutional. 168. Are the Taiwanese people entitled to US Constitutional protections? 169. What happened at the Constitutional Convention? 170. President Lincoln reiterated his constitutional doctrine. 171. What is the grassroots reaction to the constitutional change? 172. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688. 173. We have a constitutional right to demonstrate. 174. Investigating detention is constitutional only if probable cause exists. 175. This does not justify the denial of constitutional protection. 176. It is also a historical evolution from an idea, through a general right in the public law,() to a fundamental one in the constitutional law. 177. Through the controversies, constitutional monarchy and republicanism formed obvious opposition and the republicanism spread widely. 178. Not all judicially created laws are based on statutory or constitutional interpretation. 179. I mentioned a balanced budget amendment, in a constitutional amendment. 180. The ROC is Asia's first constitutional republic, founded in 1912. 181. Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong system of constitutional checks and balances. 182. The incumbent Kurdish President Massoud Barzani said all problems be settled through constitutional means. 183. Constitutional law adopted by the House of Representatives must be allowed. 184. In Germany and Italy, it is even revered as a constitutional principle. 185. The effort collapsed both in constitutional theory and in practice. 186. In 2004, we have gained quite great progress to Chinese constitutional jurisprudence. 187. A Constitutional Convention was held in Langdale in January 1820. 188. French revolutionist. As a member of the States - General ( 1789 - 1791 ) he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy. 189. Even if labs had sufficient resources to both reduce backlogs and collect and analyze arrestee DNA, some initiatives to expand DNA databases raise constitutional concerns. 190. The understanding of Roman classical republicanism is the key way to master American constitutional republicanism. 191. All states and regions set up the principle of explicitness by constitutional legislation or constitutional justice. 192. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a hereditary and constitutional monarchy. 193. The National Assembly passed constitutional amendments to marginalize the Taiwan Provincial Government. 194. American divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication. 195. Both sides have agreed to a long-term constitutional review, once a political settlement is reached, but the opposition wants some constitutional amendments now to support a power sharing arrangement. 196. The constitutional debates at Philadelphia had been eloquent and profound. 197. There was one issue , however, that Constitutional Convention did not resolve to Mason's liking.Sentence dictionary 198. This chapter will explore the statutory and constitutional implications of these restrictions. 199. Formally a constitutional monarchy, its chief of state is the British monarch, represented by the governor - general. 200. A Romanian judge has asked for a Constitutional Court ruling on the law. 201. In April 1991 through a constitutional amendment changing the country named the Republic of Albania. 202. Constitutional lawsuit is the prerequisite of human rights judicial almsgiving. 203. At one time administrative inspections were considered exempt from the constitutional warrant requirement. 204. But President Obama has signaled opposition to the House's tax bill on constitutional grounds. 205. Legal education is a basic question of law, while law is the basic question of constitutional government. 206. Electoral College Plan itself was the compromise of various interests at the constitutional convention in 1787. 207. On the 60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this. 208. The third reason, inevitably, is the failure to ratify the constitutional treaty. 209. We are anxious to see a return to constitutional forms in Peru. 210. Part improvement of people's jury system in constitutional legislation and reform and improvement of legislation. " 211. Many social conservatives applaud the push for a Constitutional amendment. 212. China's traditional culture, there is no constitutional bred Western culture genes. " 213. Therefore, the study on the constitutional government and public property should start from personal estate. 214. There are obvious defects in the existing constitutional supervision system. The lack of a special agency for constitutional supervision and weak unconstitutionality review present serious problems. 215. The discussion in this chapter, however, will be limited to the constitutional dimensions of federalism. 216. We should establish both central constitutional court and circuit constitutional court. 217. Such a refusal would spark off a major constitutional crisis. 218. A constitutional amendment forcing a balanced budget - I would eliminate all of the earmarks. 219. The men in this Constitutional Convention represented the different colonies. 220. Constitutional craft union holding Skills Certification for designated examines of members. 221. The internal value and final aim of constitutionalism request constitutional judicialization certainly. 221. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 222. Modern political civilization is first of all more the constitutionalist civilization than the constitutional civilization. 223. The constitutional renewal bill, now becalmed in parliament, is a ragbag of issues. 224. The government cannot refuse to hold by election; it's not constitutional. 225. The fifth part advances suggestions to improve our constitutional regulations in protecting private property. 226. The rejection of absolutism implicit in our constitutional structure may sometimes make our politics seem unprincipled. 227. As a fundamental civil right, freedom of expression is widely protected by many countries constitutional laws. 228. The constitutional court in Brno ruled that the treaty does not violate the constitution. 229. The President had constitutional power to mobilize troops in an emergency. 230. Judicial independence becomes a constitutional and legal principle of many countries now. 231. Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet. 232. He said the proponents of proportional representation were advocating a gigantic and fundamental constitutional change. 233. Different historical backgrounds constitutes acceptance of Western constitutionalism constitutional culture in the unique context. 234. Meaningwhile, this new constitutional principle call to enact our national compensation act. |
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