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单词 Friendly
1. A man who has friend must show himself friendly
2. We had a friendly match with them.
3. He nodded to me in a friendly way.
4. She has such a kind, friendly personality.
5. Frank was a genuinely friendly sort.
6. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.
7. I was just being friendly.
8. Godfrey had been friendly to me.
9. He was friendly in a funny sort of way.
10. The children here are quite friendly with one another.
11. He is friendly to us all.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. He was always friendly to his subordinate officers.
13. I think she's very friendly.
14. The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.
15. The invitation was meant as a friendly gesture.
16. She smiled again in a friendly manner.
17. Everyone was very friendly towards me.
18. Stop mucking about and take my friendly advice.
19. We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.
20. We're always sure of a friendly welcome at this hotel.
21. Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.
22. 'You must be Annie,' he said in a friendly tone.
23. They were very friendly, but I quickly saw through them.
24. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.
25. Are the people friendly?
26. He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.
27. Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient, falling down on only one detail.
28. The two countries have maintained friendly relations for many years.
29. Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.
30. He was a very nice person, always pleasant and friendly.
1. She has such a kind, friendly personality.
2. Frank was a genuinely friendly sort.
3. We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.
4. I was just being friendly.
5. Godfrey had been friendly to me.
6. He was friendly in a funny sort of way.
7. He is friendly to us all.
8. I think she's very friendly.
9. The talk was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.
10. She smiled again in a friendly manner.
11. Everyone was very friendly towards me.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Stop mucking about and take my friendly advice.
13. We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.
14. Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.
15. 'You must be Annie,' he said in a friendly tone.
16. He was a very nice person, always pleasant and friendly.
17. They were very friendly, but I quickly saw through them.
18. Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.
19. Are the people friendly?
20. Service was outstandingly friendly and efficient, falling down on only one detail.
21. The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.
22. His colleagues were perfectly pleasant and friendly but they had their own lives to lead.
23. I've found a great pub - good beer and a friendly atmosphere.
24. She was trying to be friendly, but she just seemed smarmy and insincere.
25. He was just a trifle too friendly for my liking.
26. She waved a friendly greeting.
27. A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.
28. He talked to us in a sober friendly fashion.
29. The brothers were outwardly friendly; inwardly they were far apart.
30. A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
31. I wanted to appear friendly and approachable but I think I gave the converse impression.
32. The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.
33. His colleagues were perfectly pleasant and friendly but they had their own lives to lead.
34. Much joy to you in the up coming year.May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
35. I've found a great pub - good beer and a friendly atmosphere.
36. May I be firm and resolute! May I be kind, compassionate, and friendly! May I be humble, calm, quiet, unruffled and serene! May I serve to be perfect! May I be perfect to serve!
37. He sticks out a mile to be very friendly with us.
38. She was trying to be friendly, but she just seemed smarmy and insincere.
39. The friendly relations between our two countries have been speeded to a new stage.
40. He was just a trifle too friendly for my liking.
41. We must maintain friendly relations with them.
41. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
42. Can I give you a friendly word of advice?
43. He gave her a friendly peck on the cheek.
44. He's a friendly chatty sort of person.
45. The teams are playing a friendly match on Sunday.
46. They broke off friendly relations with another country.
47. He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.
48. He seemed detached, almost bored, but perfectly friendly.
49. They greeted the newcomers with friendly salutations.
50. The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.
51. She's smiling her usual friendly smile.
52. We have managed to remain on friendly terms.
53. It was friendly of him to offer his help.
54. The Hungarian people are warm and friendly .
55. There was a friendly, bantering tone in his voice.
56. Betty's very friendly with the Jacksons.
57. He was always friendly towards me.
58. They campaigned alongside the friendly forces.
59. Robert has a friendly relationship with his customers.
60. We are extremely appreciative of your friendly advice.
31. The friendly contacts between our two peoples can go back to the Tang Dynasty.
32. After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.
33. The relations of friendly cooperation between our two countries are developing satisfactorily.
34. My preference is that we ( should ) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
35. He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.
36. The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.
61. The prison guards were reasonably friendly.
62. She waved a friendly greeting.
63. We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service.
64. I've tried being friendly but she keeps her distance.
65. A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.
66. She engages in friendly banter with her customers.
67. His friendly manner did not deceive us for long.
68. We have renewed our friendly relationship with Western countries.
69. He looked a friendly sort of person.
70. Don't get too friendly with your students.
71. Her manner was not exactly friendly.
72. She is a very friendly(Sentencedict), open person.
73. They were just dissimulating, pretending to be friendly.
74. Rudy changed tack , his tone suddenly becoming friendly.
75. 'Hello,' he said in a friendly way.
76. He talked to us in a sober friendly fashion.
77. The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service.
78. He's a friendly sort of a chap.
79. Our neighbours are friendly to us.
80. They grinned at her in a friendly way.
81. The hotel staff are friendly and attentive.
82. They are on friendly terms with the boss.
83. The people I met there were very friendly.
84. A friendly dog came to meet us.
85. He raised his hat as a friendly salute.
86. Maggie was never one to reject a friendly overture.
87. The two players have developed a friendly rivalry .
88. A home should be comfortable and friendly.
89. She goes about with a friendly crowd.
90. Fran's a very friendly, down-to-earth person.
91. I found all the staff friendly and helpful.
92. We were having a friendly argument about Green politics.
93. She was enjoying their friendly little chat .
94. This company has never been friendly to change.
95. The interview procceded in a most friendly atmosphere.
96. Our neighbours have always been very friendly to/towards us.
97. He is not friendly with anybody.
98. He played for England in a friendly against Spain.
99. The local people are always very friendly towardstourists.
100. They've always been very friendly towards me.
101. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly.
102. The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.
103. They live in a wealthy/poor/friendly neighbourhood.
104. His smile was warm and friendly.
105. He put a friendly hand on his friend's knee.
106. Why is he suddenly so friendly towards you,( ) Charlotte?
107. He made friendly overtures to his new neighbours.
108. He gave me a friendly wink.
109. She smiled in a friendly way.
110. They were quite friendly when they worked together.
111. The refusal was couched in friendly language.
112. The waiters were friendly and not obtrusive.
113. For the most part, people seemed pretty friendly.
114. We soon became friendly with the couple next door.
115. His face is serious but nonetheless very friendly.
116. Vivien had made a conscious effort to be friendly.
117. Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants and friendly locals.
118. It was only a friendly match.
119. He was not certain whether the natives were friendly.
120. Erica was friendly and chattered about Andrew's children.
121. Athletic Bilbao agreed to play a friendly at Real Sociedad.
122. I found the people to be charming and very friendly.
123. Three soldiers were killed by friendly fire when a mortar bomb hit their truck.
124. It wasn't very friendly of you to slam the door in his face.
125. He had always behaved in a friendly manner towards us.
126. He was always a good boy, very friendly and eager to please.
127. His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting.
128. He's the ideal sort of teacher - direct, friendly and informal.
129. On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.
130. The other people who live in the house are really friendly.
131. She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff.
132. Whoever we appoint for this position will be dealing directly with our clients.We are looking for someone who is friendly, a good mixer(Sentence dictionary), reliable and practical.
133. The brothers were outwardly friendly; inwardly they were far apart.
134. You're very competitive - it's meant to be a friendly match!
135. I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod .
136. He's so friendly people are prepared to overlook his faults.
137. It's a very friendly bar with a nice relaxed atmosphere.
138. A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
139. I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely.
140. Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel.
141. He is very friendly and will cotton up to anyone easily.
142. Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship.
143. She had not been friendly to Pete and he, in his turn, was cold to her when she came to stay.
144. The friendly contacts between our two peoples can go back to the Tang Dynasty.
145. The conversation was carried on in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.
146. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.
147. It was Cage's own fault if she felt missed out at the party; she made no effort to be friendly to people.
148. The hall was circumfused with a cordial and friendly atmosphere.
149. The restaurant is well known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service.
150. The friendly relationship between the two countries traces back to the last century.
151. Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it's environmentally friendly into the bargain.
152. There's a friendly between Leeds United and Manchester City next week.
153. He's a larger than life character-noisy, very friendly, and always joking.
154. The friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate.
155. He's very friendly and extroverted so he should fit in quite easily.
156. Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.
157. There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams.
158. After she'd overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.
159. He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.
160. His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.
161. It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back.
162. This an entirely computer operated system which is very user friendly.
163. She can be very erratic,(/friendly.html) one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you.
164. The hotel's friendly atmosphere makes it a real home from home.
165. He's not very friendly, but he's not as black as he's painted.
166. The government has sent a delegation on friendly visits to some countries in Europe.
167. The man smiled at the girl and passed a friendly remark.
168. Though the talks had been hard going at the start, they had become more friendly.
169. He was a loud friendly man. In comparison, his brother was rather shy.
170. They were anything but friendly off-camera, refusing even to take the same lift.
171. The news of starting wars between the two friendly neighbouring countries has quite bowled us over.
172. The relations of friendly cooperation between our two countries are developing satisfactorily.
173. My preference is that we ( should ) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
174. We hope always to provide a friendly sympathetic ear .
175. He's, like, really friendly - someone you can talk to.
176. She's never been very friendly, but she was all smiles when she asked me to help her with her homework.
177. Austria beat Hungary 3-nil in a friendly match at Salzburg on Wednesday.
178. He came into the room with a friendly grin on his face .
179. She was friendly and down-to-earth and quickly put me at my ease.
180. Charming and friendly, she will help you make the most of your visit.
181. He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.
182. There's no need to be frightened - he's a very friendly dog.
183. The rugby club has a friendly next week against the Giants.
184. People liked seeing their friendly local/neighbourhood bobby on his beat.
185. It just blows me away, the way everyone's so friendly round here.
186. She seems friendly enough but I shouldn't take her at face value.
187. Try to put the candidate at ease by being friendly and informal.
188. He would always go out of his way to be friendly towards her.
189. After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and constructive.
190. You never know where you stand with her-one minute she's friendly, the next she'll hardly speak to you.
191. If they expect the match to be friendly,(http:///friendly.html) then they are in for a rude awakening.
192. The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.
193. It's a friendly place where older residents and newcomers mix well.
194. It is good because it is written in friendly, ordinary language.
195. She is very kind and friendly, but a bit excitable.
196. He is a friendly enough person, so long as you don't cross him in his business plans.
197. I tried to be friendly but I just got the brush-off.
198. The race is on to develop more environmentally friendly forms of energy.
199. Several soldiers were killed in friendly fire due to a mistake by allied forces.
200. My preference is that we challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
201. She tried to appear friendly, but her constraint was obvious.
202. A friendly argument on any disputes is benefitial to the further understanding of the mutual views.
203. He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.
204. It's her own fault if she feels missed out at the party; she makes no effort to be friendly to people.
205. The village tribe is friendly and they share their water supply with you.
206. Our forward position was recaptured with the aid of the friendly forces.
207. She gave me some friendly advice without a trace of condescension.
208. Bethan's sister was as friendly and natural as the rest of the family.
209. His relations with colleagues, differences of opinion notwithstanding, were unfailingly friendly.
210. You can be sure of a friendly welcome at all our hotels.
211. It's a friendly place-people come up to you in the street and start talking.
212. I would like to disabuse your mind of the idea that your cousin has a feeling of hostility to you. On the contrary he spoke to me in the most friendly terms of you.
213. Green consumers should be wary of manufacturers' claims that their products are environmentally friendly.
214. She pretends to be friendly but I've got her number; she just likes to know everything.
215. What struck me about the firm is how genuinely friendly and informal it is.
216. Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.
217. When he came to decorate the kitchen, Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look.




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