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单词 Telescope
1. Love looks with telescope; envy with microscope. 
2. She set up her telescope on the balcony.
3. With a telescope, you can see the mountains on the moon.
4. This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times.
5. The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction.
6. The captain was rectifying his telescope.
7. I looked through a telescope.
8. The telescope has a magnification of 50.
9. She swivelled the telescope .
10. We had to telescope five visits into two days.
11. I suggest we telescope the seminar into an hour.
12. Seat the telescope on the tripod.
13. Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
14. She resolved to make a telescope.
15. The telescope is inclined at an angle of 43 degrees.
16. With a good telescope,() you can see craters on the moon.
17. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
18. Without a telescope, the comet will look like a fuzzy blob.
19. Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
20. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight.
21. He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.
22. The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto.
23. The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.
24. A low-power telescope is enough if you only want to look at the moon.
25. This is a telescope that penetrates to the remote parts of the universe.
26. Details on the moon's surface can only be seen through a telescope.
27. They resolved a cluster of stars with a high-powered telescope.
28. Mars was visible, dead in the centre of the telescope.
29. He felt as if he were seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.
30. Some stars are quite easy to locate with a telescope.
1. She set up her telescope on the balcony.
2. With a telescope, you can see the mountains on the moon.
3. This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times.
4. Details on the moon's surface can only be seen through a telescope.
5. He pointed the telescope at a deer on the hillside.
6. Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
7. With a telescope you can see the huge crater of Ve - suvius.
31. Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
32. I used a pile of books as a rest for my telescope.
33. With a telescope you can see the huge crater of Ve - suvius.
34. The computer-controlled telescope stores these images on magnetic media.
35. Aunt Jo gave Alex a telescope.
36. Many scientists wrote off the space telescope as doomed.
37. Critics have labeled the new telescope a dud.
38. The telescope has an aperture of 2.4 metres.
39. Scientists are analyzing raw data from the shuttle's telescope.
40. The telescope can discern objects incredibly distant in space.
41. The second type of telescope is the reflector.
42. It will investigate the shorter-wavelength radiation from the objects observed by the ultraviolet telescope.
43. Another lifesaver, BobWestcott, remained on duty at the station,() but watched through his telescope.
44. Four years ago Hubble space telescope scientists tried looking not at light but at dark.
45. Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
46. With its 10-inch mirror, the telescope gathers 1, 500 times as much light as the human eye.
47. The innovation brought only mixed success, and the small telescope has now fallen into disrepair.
48. To the naked eye it was a glorious spectacle; through the telescope, it was unbelievable.
49. The telescope is designed to study the furthest reaches of the universe.
50. Optics have fascinated Dall since he bought a spyglass telescope from a market stall in his mid-teens.
51. Despite its failings, though, the telescope still has unique abilities to make certain observations.
52. The search proper requires a much larger telescope, away from city lights.
53. In 1876 he built a high water tower, topped for a time with a telescope.
54. Lovelock told them he could determine whether there was life on a planet by looking through a telescope.
55. The light blinds and freezes the animal, and the shooter, using a telescope, aims between the eyes.
56. The Collector's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill.
57. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Dr. Seuss 
58. Through the telescope I could see the eyes glint like black marbles.
59. In astronomy the transmitter is usually a radio telescope, and it usually acts also as the detector.
60. But they appeared to me as if seen through the wrong end of a telescope, muted and unreal.
61. The universities of Chicago and Princeton are planning to dedicate a new telescope to producing a three-dimensional map of 1m galaxies.
62. Through a telescope, Jupiter's moons will look like pinpoints of light.
63. I looked through the telescope and saw a small boy with a bag over his shoulder.
64. There was one telescope, however, that was permanently aimed at Earth.
65. When astronomers could build a large enough telescope they would see the lunar inhabitants going about their daily lives.
66. Yet, when we acquire a brass telescope, it remains a brass telescope despite inevitable deterioration.
67. The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Henry Ward Beecher 
68. The Hubble space telescope takes clearer pictures of stars than earthbound telescopes.
69. Perversely,(http:///telescope.html) doing this will require the biggest and best of radio telescope arrays.
70. Our observations of the maser emission were made from January to June 1992 with the Nobeyana 45-m telescope.
71. All the substrates and optics for Mr Urvill's telescope were made here.
72. He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.
73. The amount spent on the telescope itself - say £10 million - is only a minor part of the total expense!
74. Light rays, anticipating by a half century the Rayonniststructures of Larionov, were made visible by the photographic telescope.
75. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have taken a picture that gives the farthest view ever into the depths of the cosmos.
76. The image is magnified by a series of lenses within the telescope.
77. Weather permitting, the telescope could be up and running as early as 1998, he said.
78. The round tower looking uncommonly like a lighthouse or a telescope, contains relics of the hero of Trafalgar.
79. Tears are often the telescope by which men see far into heaven. Henry Ward Beecher 
80. For instance, suppose an astronomical theory is to be tested by observing the position of some planet through a telescope.
81. Just as a telescope collects light, so a spectroscope splits it up.
82. At least once in every watch period Bowman would look homeward through the antenna-alignment telescope.
83. The telescope contains a large convex mirror to collect the light.
84. The demand for telescope time is by far the most intense, however, at the times of the most favorable oppositions.
85. Through the high-powered telescope, they could see that the asteroid was very irregular, and turning slowly end over end.
86. Hopefully, the telescope will be up and running as early as next year.
87. In a reversal of normality, the Eiger had stared through a telescope at her.
88. The separation is 35 seconds of arc, and in any small telescope the two make a lovely spectacle.
89. However, there is a difficulty with this kind of justification of the use of the telescope in astronomy.
90. Until then, the space telescope will continue to do what it can.
91. Thomas seemed to be seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.
92. But before dispatching the plates, I thought to take a test shot from the telescope here.
93. Far down the inverted telescope he saw the faint white figure of May Welland-in New York.
94. The telescope was designed to allow new instruments to be installed as old ones become obsolete.
95. Very few projects are definitely approved, with the Space Telescope the major exception.
96. Inside one of the observatories was the telescope that I knew immediately would make a perfect backdrop for the portrait.
97. A spectrograph uses optical elements called gratings or prisms to separate the light gathered by a telescope into its component colors.
98. The larger the telescope, the more light it can collect, and the higher the magnification which can be employed.
99. Sharpe, his telescope open, stared down at the old,(http:///telescope.html) familiar enemy.
100. Why should observations through a telescope be preferred to naked-eye observations?
101. She looked at the singer and his wife as if from the wrong end of a telescope.
102. The analogy between telescope and eye, between watch and living organism, is false.
103. Through a telescope, it is a pinpoint of light, flickering as it rotates once every 5 hours.
104. What looked like individual lights to the naked eye actually split into two under the resolving power of the telescope.
105. It can not be stripped to its complexity by cat scan or telescope.
106. Even equipped with all these preconditions, it is also of vital importance for him to have to hand a good telescope.
107. The telescope has a very narrow field of view.
108. He invented thermograph and uncomplicated telescope and microscope.
109. Ned's son was observing galactic clusters with a telescope.
110. Binoculars, telescope, microscope, photographic camera and equipment.
111. Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope in 1668.
112. The telescope must be bewitched by the Devil.
113. The electric field distribution behind the telescope is calculated.
114. He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope.
115. He polished the convex lens of his telescope.
116. They mounted an astronomical telescope on the roof.
117. When and by whom was the Hubble telescope launched?
118. Here visitors can watch the sky through a 130 mm . refracting telescope.
119. The beautiful hourglass-shaped nebula Sharpless 2-106 shines with brilliant colors in this new image from the Gemini North telescope.
120. Yuan and colleagues used the giant Keck II telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii to measure the galaxy's metallicity at several different points.
121. A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.
122. A secondary mirrorsecondary is the second deflecting or focusing mirror element in a reflecting telescope.
123. This composite image of the Crab Nebula combines a Chandra X-ray image in light blue with the Spitzer Space Telescope infrared image in red and Hubble Space Telescope’s optical image.
124. This paper describes in detail how to adjust spectrometer so as to keep a strict vertical between optic axis and rotation axis of telescope.
125. This image was created the 0.8 - meter IAC 80 telescope on the Canary Islands of Spain.
126. The paper said that Sir John Herschel, a famous British astronomer, had invented a powerful telescope.
127. The South Pole Telescope, which began scientific observations in 2007, surveys the sky for cosmic microwave background radiation, the "afterglow" of the Big Bang.
128. And if you put radio telescope there you can get a radio signal.
129. They noted that if Tyche exists, it should be detectable in the archive of data that was collected by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.
129. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130. The Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7) consists of seven steerable dishes, each 12 metres across.
131. Due to defect size is very small, some visual sense equipment, e . g. telescope shall applied.
132. Little bear looked ahead the through the telescope, " ah the are covered with tender shoots. "
133. The object glass of a telescope must be accurately centred.
134. When you look up into the heavens with a telescope, you see many nebulae whelloch are like, or approximately like, the perfectly balanced spiral nebula whelloch you see edgewise in Fig. 23.
135. It is called a radio telescope because a radio antenna is used to observe radio waves emitted by astronomical sources.
136. The geodesic meshed cable - net structure was used to support reflector of the Five - hundred - meter Telescope ( FAST ).
137. Essentially, the field stop of the eyepiece encompasses a linear field of view from the telescope.
138. Near it, on Mount Wilson, there is another big telescope.
139. Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets.
140. NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility images from Mauna Kea, Hawaii later confirmed the likely impact site's dark scar and plume of particles in Jupiter's upper atmosphere.
141. The team refurbished a long - unused telescope Mount Lemmon with a 60 - inch mirror, small by modern standards.
142. In this image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, new stars can been seen inside fingerlike protrusions extending from the top of the nebula.
143. Turning away from the use of lenses, Newton devised the reflecting telescope, which makes use of a bowl-shaped metal mirror to focus the light from the stars.
144. How much did it cost to launch the Hubble telescope into space?
145. Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.
146. A measure of the magnification of optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.
147. The instrument chiefly consists of telescope, magnetic compass and stabilizing apparatus.
148. Eight more outdoor rock: a telescope outside the regular eye muscle relaxation, to prevent myopia, home to the touch than the night of natural solitary Castle green, good for eye health.
149. Doctors to identify it is a disability, how to use astronomical telescope I watch my stars?
150. The team refurbished a long-unused telescope at Mount Lemmon with a 60-inch mirror, small by modern standards.
151. The new telescope sits among four other high-powered instruments on the summit of Cerro Paranal in Chile's Atacama Desert, an optimum location far enough from city lights to view celestial wonders.
152. It will be the largest and most sensitive radio telescope array in the world.
153. Green shows optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and blue at the galaxy's core represents radio data from the Very Large Array in New Mexico.
154. We first went to Lake Water Bird Park and used the telescope to find water birds.
155. Pirate Dad, I see a wolf, it's over there, behind the tree. You can not use my telescope, you're driver!
156. Once you've obtained an astronomical telescope, what can you expect of it?
157. He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope.
158. Goode said that the images were achieved with the 1.6 m clear aperture, off-axis New Solar Telescope (NST) at BBSO.
159. The basic scheme, principle and advantage of optical fiber link in the radio telescope are presented.
160. A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air.
161. Since Mercury is only 1 to 194 of the sun's apparent diameter, a telescope with a magnification of 50 x to 100 x is recommended to watch this event.
162. My hiking sticks telescope and can be put into the backpack.
163. In the much higher magnification of an amateur telescope, dust obscures the galaxy's center, while the colorful Antares and Rho Ophiuchi regions shine at right.
164. The telescope was an old Meade ED 127 doublet which I had for only couple of weeks.
165. Of course, you would need an appropriate neutrino telescope to do this.
166. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope caught Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, seemingly playing a game of peek-a-boo in this image from April 2007.
167. As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.
168. This mosaic of M31 merges 330 individual images taken bySwift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope.
169. During the last minutes before Telescope delivered the envelope, my friend (and one-twelfth of the Twelve Irish Tenors) Branden messaged me that Wikipedia had already recorded Crystal as the winner.
170. The missile tracker is mounted alongside the operator is tracking telescope and is collimated to it.
171. For more information visit the Spitzer or Hubble Space Telescope websites.
172. In 1990, large space telescope such as Hubble telescope on the history of chronometer.
173. The Hubble Space Telescope paved the way for new advances in astronomy.
174. The solar telescope will help study the microscopic structure of the sun and gather observations.
175. Isaac NEWTON: Laws of motion, Law of gravity, Calculus, Reflecting telescope.
176. Some work on the perfection and improvement of the performance of the telescope is being done, so that the telescope may play an active role in the research on flares during Cycle 22.
177. Sky & Telescope will always have its big, round all - sky map evening star - finding.
178. AzTEC is the name of the camera used on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
179. The first detection of lightning in a Martian dust storma new detector on a radio telescope.
180. Ever since astrophotography got its start in the late 1800's the two nebulae have been photographed. The Hubble Space Telescope has captured some spectacular images.
181. Aninfrared portrait of the Small Magellanic Cloud, taken by NASA'sSpitzer Space Telescope.
182. An effective type of retainer, possessing retention, support and a splinting action between multiple abutment teeth, is a double crown known as the telescope retainer.
183. Chinese scientists also expect to install a wide-angle telescope in Dome A in the next 2 years.
184. Q . When I log on, the telescope status is always closed.
185. The exoplanet, COROT-7b, was discovered in February by the COROT space telescope launched by the French and European space agencies.
186. This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image shows Mars in 2005.
187. She was amazed at the number of astral bodies the new telescope revealed.
188. The European Space Agency's Herschel space telescope captured this image in December 2010.
189. The performance of optical telescope and TA(telescope array)as optical terminal in laser inter-satellites communication is researched.
190. This is one of the stars visible to us through a radio telescope.
191. It is not at all clear who actually invented the telescope.
192. Galileo was by no means the first person to use a telescope.
193. Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.
194. The photograph above shows a full-scale model of JWST with telescope team members at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
195. Very large optical interferometry telescope arrays on the Moon will not only detect planets around other stars, but also analyze their atmospheres and characterize their habitability.
196. The insets to the right of the composite show how each telescope individually views the Cartwheel.
197. Scanning the entire sky in gamma-rays, photons with over 50 million times the energy of visible light, the Fermi mission's Large Area Telescope (LAT) explores the high-energy universe.
198. Equipment problems penultimate space walk to repair the aging Hubble telescope.
199. You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
200. Its DSL connection is busy downloading a block of radio telescope data to be analyzed later.
201. The title character, with a name that recalls the famous telescope, is a quester after knowledge, a visionary in a world sublime and ridiculous.
202. When using a line feed, telescope operators produce a unified signal by adding up the different parts of the signal, but the results are never as strong and clear as they are with a parabolic dish.
203. This orbiting telescope is the largest optical instrument in space.
204. He's principal investigator of the Large Area Telescope on NASA's Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope.
205. The CERN Axion Solar Telescope in Geneva aims to detect axions from the sun's super - hot core.
206. The dewar is the front end of the receiver system of the radio telescope.
207. Explanation: No special filters - or even a telescope - are required to enjoy a leisurely lunar eclipse.
208. A high-speed high-accuracy partially-cascaded A/D converter is developed, which is used with the telescope for observing the solar magnetic field.
209. The structure and principle of lunar optical astronomical telescope are introduced in this paper.
210. The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.
211. The theory and characteristics of friction drive for a large astronomical telescope were presented.
212. WISE joins two other infrared missions in space -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency mission.
213. This paper introduces a new method for measuring parallax of the telescope system with CCD device.
213. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
214. The Hubble Space Telescope has taken photos of the Helix Nebula.
215. Parallax can effect the precision of telescope system when measuring and aiming.
216. Finally given are our detailed work results. We get the FWHM and EE of the Yunnan Observatory 1m optical telescope.
217. The heliotropic, great-circle and Hipparcos telescope reference frames are explicitly defined in the light of the scanning law of Hipparcos satellite.
218. A fundamental limit is imposed by the size of the diffraction disk of the telescope.
219. Carl Zeiss dissolved their amateur telescope division located at Jena in the Fall of 1995.
220. The telescope observes for 1.5 hour time, and can get 4000 astronomical spectrums maximally.
221. Together they are fittingly known as the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.
222. When it is examined with a telescope, the Milky Way is an unforgettable sight.
223. The drugs watchdog, the FDA, said that the telescope’s size might mean that patients will also need a corneal transplant after the operation.
224. His team used observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope to investigate dead white dwarf stars.
225. The optical system of a refracting telescope is essentially the as that of a compound microscope.
226. In 1937, the first radio telescope was built, enabling astronomers to detect otherwise invisible radiation from stars.
227. Fifty million-year-old light from the Sombrero Galaxy can be seen with a small telescope towards the constellation of Virgo.
228. Mayor and colleagues used the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher or HARPS, a telescope at La Silla observatory in Chile, to find the planets.
229. The combination of the Urumqi Telescope and the 5 - GHz Receiver opens many scientific possibilities.
230. Nasa's Kepler Space Telescope has detected its first five exoplanets, or planets beyond our Solar System.
231. Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781 with a hand - made reflecting telescope.




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