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单词 Complicated
1. His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.
2. A complicated system of sewers runs under the city.
3. The problems grew complicated beyond all reason.
4. The jacket was fastened with a complicated buttoned flap.
5. A flower has quite a complicated structure.
6. It all sounds very complicated.
7. I cannot solve this complicated problem.
8. This is a novel with a complicated plot.
9. For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.
10. The instructions were rather complicated.
11. The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti Junction.
12. Nothing complicated about it.
13. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
14. The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of trouble with it.
15. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Seuss 
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The plot was too complicated for me I couldn't follow it.
17. The situation is complicated by the fact that I've got to work late on Friday.
18. Love isn't complicated.people are.
19. A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
20. Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
21. This is the most complicated case I have ever handled.
22. It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
23. What he was saying was so complicated that I lost track after the first couple of sentences.
24. The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized.
25. The classification of bony fish is extremely complicated.
26. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.
27. The human brain is an incredibly complicated organ.
28. The business is a large(), complicated organism.
29. Working out the quantities of the ingredients involved some complicated maths.
30. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius 
1. His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.
2. A complicated system of sewers runs under the city.
3. The problems grew complicated beyond all reason.
4. The jacket was fastened with a complicated buttoned flap.
5. It all sounds very complicated.
6. I cannot solve this complicated problem.
7. For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.
8. The instructions were rather complicated.
9. The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti Junction.
10. Nothing complicated about it.
11. The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.
12. The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of trouble with it.
13. The situation is complicated by the fact that I've got to work late on Friday.
14. Working out the quantities of the ingredients involved some complicated maths.
15. A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
17. This is the most complicated case I have ever handled.
18. It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
19. What he was saying was so complicated that I lost track after the first couple of sentences.
20. The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized.
21. The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.
22. The arguments are tedious and complicated.
23. The plots of this novel in the preceding chapters are so complicated that I couldn't follow them.
24. The issue is quite complicated enough, without dragging in the argument about the effects on wildlife.
31. This is where the story gets complicated.
32. The complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.
33. The truth, as always, is more complicated.
34. 'A very complicated subject, I imagine,' said Edwin.
35. His lecture was complicated and difficult to follow.
36. It all sounds terribly involved and complicated.
37. Her signature was a complicated affair of practised flourishes.
38. The mechanism of the machine is very complicated.
39. Mental illness is a very complicated subject.
40. The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated.
41. She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.
42. The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.
43. This problem is very complicated,we have to restudy it.
44. To the uninitiated the system seems extremely complicated.
45. The rules are rather complicated to follow.
45. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46. The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.
47. She apprehended the complicated law very quickly.
48. The complicated language fogs the real issues.
49. French politics are too complicated for me to follow.
50. She beavered away at her complicated calculations.
51. The story is extremely complicated.
52. The instructions look very complicated.
53. Businesses have become increasingly reliant on complicated computing systems.
54. This complicated situation has led to considerable confusion .
55. The rescue operation has been complicated by bad weather.
56. The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.
57. The arguments are tedious and complicated.
58. I had to fill in this really complicated form.
59. Our lawyer guided us through the more complicated questions on the form.
60. Surely computers are supposed to make life easier, not more complicated!
61. These figures are a simplification. The real situation is much more complicated than this.
62. Why does he have to wrap it all up in such complicated language?
63. He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale.
64. The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.
65. The issue is complicated by the fact that a vital document is missing.
66. The relationship is a bit complicated. He's my mother's cousin's daughter's child.
67. The company is double-teaming the more complicated jobs with both a group manager and a scientist.
68. She can deal with complicated numbers in her head, but we lesser mortals need calculators!
69. Your conclusion is good, but the final sentence is too long and complicated.
70. Tanks are strongly built. It is a complicated and difficult process to break them up.
71. This contract is written in such complicated language that it's all Greek to me.
72. He's married to her, and she's in love with his brother-in-law, and...oh, it's too complicated to explain!
73. The plots of this novel in the preceding chapters are so complicated that I couldn't follow them.
74. Life is so complicated.
75. The plot is very complicated - it'll take you a while to work it out.
76. The arrangements are rather complicated(http://), but I think I've got it all taped.
77. George took out a bunch of keys and went to work on the complicated lock.
78. The breathing problem has now been complicated by a chest infection.
79. The issue is quite complicated enough, without dragging in the argument about the effects on wildlife.
80. The whole matter is further complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to speak to each other.
81. We all agreed on our basic aims, but when we got down to specifics it became more complicated.
82. What may, on the face of it, seem obvious often turns out to be far more complicated.
83. We should learn to discern and analyze the essentials of complicated questions.
84. It was a very complicated trial that went on for months.
85. Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
86. Her comments will add uncertainty to an already complicated situation.
87. Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.
88. These new rules have complicated the tax system even further.
89. The situation was complicated by the spread of a serious forest fire.
90. Obtaining a refund from the company is a complicated procedure.
91. He had to rack his brains to solve that complicated problem.
92. She has constructed a complicated plot, with a large cast of characters.
93. My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours.
94. Furthermore, immune responses to tubercle bacilli are extraordinarily complicated.
95. More complicated fish may need more advanced systems.
96. It's further complicated by the wire it's attached to.
97. These days, however, assuring future success is more complicated.
98. Launching a new airliner is a complicated business.
99. The actual process of collecting was very complicated.
100. The most complicated skill is to be simple. Dejan Stojanovic 
101. But this option is complicated by her blood type.
102. Airplanes and aerial bombs required more complicated calculations.
103. And they say bikes are too complicated to get on board.
104. In most vertebrates in which they have been intensively studied - amphibians and birds - gastrulation movements are rather complicated.
105. There was a starchy department head exchanging low fives and complicated hand slaps with a kid who barely reached his knee.
106. Since the theory is more general it is also more complicated and, in its advanced forms(), more abstract.
107. Indeed, whatever it means, it is bound to be enormously complicated.
108. Reviews instances in which the Agency's activities have complicated matters or deterred developers from going ahead.
109. Use of acronyms is complicated by the fact that many now have multiple meanings.
110. This basic pattern was further complicated as hospital closure programmes progressed and patients were moved back to their health authority of origin.
111. Organization and expertise were available there for the financing of increasingly complicated business.
112. A triangle is an efficient system of emotional checks and balances, allowing chil-dren to work out complicated feelings without volatile outbursts.
113. If the parents have different cultural backgrounds, the tasks of reconciling the image to the reality is more complicated.
114. If that sounds at all complicated, rest assured you do get full instructions and diagrams.
115. It is not easy for the Committee of Inquiry to apportion blame in such a complicated case.
116. This echoed a national unease at lowering complicated inter-provincial trade barriers which would upset thousands of special interest groups throughout the country.
117. At age 20 she became pregnant and the pregnancy was complicated by episodes of small and large bowel obstruction.
118. Predicting how much more land can be brought under cultivation is complicated by two other factors.
119. Most processes, at the frontline level, are not all that complicated.
120. I continue to be amazed at how something so relatively straight forward and simple can be made so complicated.
121. Pseudocysts may be complicated by infection, haemorrhage, rupture, and by compression of adjacent organs.
122. If I break the rule, correcting the pattern is more complicated.
123. The 737 rudder is unusually complicated, with numerous valves and backup systems.
124. Marxist feminism is rather more complicated in that it sees the oppression of women as inextricably linked to the class system.
125. A complicated pattern of basins and ridges hind the volcanic arc.
126. MPEG-2 sets the standard for the compression of digital signals, the most complicated and expensive element of any digital broadcasting system.
127. Upper classes are often heavily loaded with current world affairs and the complicated workings of the United Nations and its agencies.
128. Shaping Sometimes the behaviours to be learned are too complicated for the child to attain at once.
129. A modern founder would probably use a centrifuge for such a complicated casting.
130. The vast restaurant area allows us a complicated exit choice of at least fifty yards of glass door frontage.
131. This in itself provides a complicated emotional scenario for the bereaved person to cope with.
132. This is further complicated by the above-mentioned color changes that occur with growth.
133. Treated as an instance of the Utilitarian calculus, the whole increasingly complicated operation would no doubt be quite unreal.
134. Unexpected overtime, low wages and complicated antisocial hours are features for many care assistants.
135. Large construction projects, like an office building or industrial complex for example, are too complicated for one person to supervise.
136. If not correctly understood it can be the Achilles' heel of a complicated chain of investigations.
137. This may be because they generally suffer more serious problems, often complicated by personality difficulties and alcohol abuse.
138. The film appears to be quite complicated but it's basically a love story.
139. It is too complicated to send large numbers of bills over to their accountant every day.
140. Thus, bit by bit, the child learns to string together more complicated sequences.
141. A following wind which chilled the snow and made life complicated through the Compression troubled some of the top seed.
142. Launching a new product is a highly complicated business, and careful planning is called for.
143. My father called us frequently from Tokyo to keep us abreast of the legal work, which sounded complicated to me.
144. The complicated cultural, religious and political make up created a further cause of tension.
145. Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
146. As with the others, it was complicated by numerous irregularities, approximations, and ornate embellishments in the park.
147. She also is nicely complicated: at times arrogant, stubborn, wrong-headed and voyeuristic.
148. The longer and more complicated the motor pattern the child can navigate, the more attentive she appears.
149. This proud, but humiliated, most complicated of politicians was not averse to flattery.
150. Further, it has never been shown that group tasks require a communication system anywhere near as complicated as human language.
151. Employees are generally not familiar with medical terminology nor comfortable with medical explanations of complicated diseases.
152. Networks that exhibit the same terminal behaviour as some device, system or more complicated network are naturally known as equivalent circuits.
153. All she would need to do would be to ask the subject to perform some very complicated arithmetical calculation.
154. It demands complicated puns, archaic semantic associations, and other comic turns of phrase.
155. But that process would be complicated, and stands little chance of success.
156. Things were complicated by the fact that Bodnar was due in at the Venice airport.
157. Furthermore, these socio-economic factors combined to make the female nude a complicated carrier of meaning.
158. A decade later, however, Calvinism appeared on the scene to make an already complicated matter more so.
159. He so disliked them that when he became archbishop it complicated his life.
160. More complicated models for the simulation of cardiac arrhythmias are available for nurses specialising in intensive care work.
161. The extension of the method to aggregate data on nation states will certainly follow, but will involve more complicated techniques.
162. Complicated appendicitis was defined as appendicitis with histopathological evidence of perforation or gangrenous change.
163. All of these are complicated factors and the general effect on an orbit requires careful calculation.
164. The scavenging of energy and the processing thereof is a complicated business.
165. Things could get especially complicated in Kano, the north's biggest commercial centre.
166. A stupid idea, when you think about it. Bedu tents are huge, complicated structures.
167. Unravelling such arrangements can often be complicated, and would need to be provided for in the sale and purchase agreement.
168. In more complicated cases or where a larger aircraft is concerned the investigating team can comprise up to a dozen investigators.
169. Such experiences are not accidental by-products of complicated physical structures.
170. All historical writings, even those which deal with complicated and abstract ideas[], narrate stories about people and their lives.
171. All these complicated arrangements of status and privilege contained plenty of combustible material.
172. As for burial in a churchyard or a church service for the dead person, the position is again a very complicated one.
173. The resultant local variation in working arrangements has greatly complicated national assessment.
174. The issue is too complicated for honest sound bites anyway.
175. By analysing simple situations, with essential features in common, we can gain insight into the behaviour of these complicated beams.
176. Mangano described a complicated, time-consuming bureaucratic process that the insurance programs are required to undertake to set their reimbursement rates.
177. On some other questions about politics, description requires assessments that raise complicated issues about power, interests, and values.
178. Alas, even the most well-meaning opera buffs have an unfortunate habit of making their favorite indoor sport sound impossibly complicated.
179. Some of these complexes form immensely complicated sequences of nucleic acids which begin to replicate themselves.
180. In any event, surveying becomes a much more complicated business and much more difficult to execute satisfactorily.
181. Interviewer : Is film editing a complicated job?
182. Euphemism is a very common and complicated linguistic phenomenon.
183. Hydraulic excavator is a typical and complicated construction machine.
184. A: Is film editing a complicated job?
185. What was the use of trying to understand this vastly complicated and enigmatical world?
186. The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
187. The complicated flow on flight deck influences flight safety seriously when helicopters and take - off from - aviation ship.
188. Co - extrusion is a complicated process and can be influenced by many factors.
189. Construction industry has characteristics of high intensity of labor, complicated working environment and field work.
190. Tubesheet is the most important and complicated part of tube - and - shell heat exchanger.
191. During the ablation procedure , there were 3 patients complicated with ~ transient atrioventricular block ( AVB ).
192. Multi - episodic rifting and inverted tectonism caused complicated structural styles and geology structure.
193. As a complicated system evaluative process, the evaluation of coast - line involve many evaluative index an factors.
194. Using this ameliorated model, multi - mode and complicated fault conjunctions can be described expediently.
195. Memory is a complicated mental process, it is the essential condition of intelligence development.
195. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
196. The magnetic state of a bar magnet or a horseshoe magnet is extremely complicated.
197. The development of Balzac's literary ideology is a complicated course. "
198. Systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) is a kind of autoimmunity disease caused by complicated factors.
199. Genetic algorithm based on natural evolutionism is a good method to resolve complicated nonlinear programming problem.
200. The fight effectiveness evaluation of avionics system is still a very complicated issue.




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