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单词 Pickaxe
1. He rested on his pickaxe for a while.
2. They attacked me with pickaxe handles and steel bars.
3. Laing used a pickaxe and shovel to make the grave in the secluded garden, said Mr Stuart-Moore.
4. Another boy is hitting the ground with a pickaxe, while a third is holding on to some blue plastic sheeting.
5. Two campesinos passed, a pickaxe sticking out of one of their bundles.
6. Bob pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.
7. He pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.
8. Level 30 Mining and a pickaxe to help Miner Magnus.
9. He stole the pickaxe from the production team and was therefore criticized by the team leader.
10. At the fifth or sixth blow the pickaxe struck against an iron substance.
11. Before running off with the dough the men beat my arms with pickaxe handles.
11. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
12. They make no reply to the shoulder, and open up wasteland to shovel pickaxe.
13. Dant è s struck with the sharp end of his pickaxe, which entered someway between the interstices.
14. The clumisiness of power spoils the key and uses the pickaxe.
15. The first time I saw a mattock of the Uygur nationality, I thought it quite similar to a pickaxe of the Han nationality.
16. Leave me a small supply of biscuit, a gun, powder, and balls, to kill the kids or defend myself at need, and a pickaxe, that I may build a shelter if you delay in coming back for me.
17. He advanced towards the angle, and summoning all his resolution, attacked the ground with the pickaxe.
18. The clumsiness of power spoils the key, and uses the pickaxe.
19. He attacked this wall, cemented by the hand of time, with his pickaxe.




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