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单词 For life
1. A bullet lamed the soldier for life.
2. I don't have any enthusiasm for life.
3. Will she be crippled for life?
4. Once we've had the disease, we're immune for life.
5. He was banished for life.
6. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
7. Oxygen is necessary for life.
8. Her zest for life is as great as ever.
9. It's wonderful to see the children's zest for life.
10. His unhappy childhood has branded him for life.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. Food is essential for life.
12. She had a great zest for life .
13. The accident dea-fened her for life.
14. He earned money modelling for life drawing classes.
15. The accident crippled him for life.
16. He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.
17. A hard blow on the ear deafened him for life.
18. Open prisons prepare prisoners for life back in the community.
19. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it.
20. The disease marked his face for life.
21. She will probably be scarred for life .
22. His testimony could put Drago away for life.
23. The accident scarred him for life .
24. They ought to jail her killer for life.
25. The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that,Its use is for life, Its aim is not beauty but goodness. 
26. I heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life since l can't think of two people more suited to each other than you two.I wish you all the happiness in the world.
27. We learn to let go of things and people that hurt us in the past and just move on. For life is all about moving on.
28. As a child she contracted polio and was crippled for life.
29. The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
30. His chosen field was unlikely to be a meal ticket for life.
1. I don't have any enthusiasm for life.
2. Will she be crippled for life?
3. Once we've had the disease, we're immune for life.
4. Oxygen is necessary for life.
5. It's wonderful to see the children's zest for life.
6. His unhappy childhood has branded him for life.
7. She had a great zest for life .
8. He earned money modelling for life drawing classes.
9. He has a zest for life and a quick intellect.
10. Open prisons prepare prisoners for life back in the community.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. As a child she contracted polio and was crippled for life.
12. The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
13. His chosen field was unlikely to be a meal ticket for life.
14. In those days, if you were born a peasant, you were a peasant for life.
15. The old law could sentence a woman to an unbearable marriage for life, but this is now all changing.
31. Winning the lottery has set them up for life.
32. Her criminal record branded her for life.
33. The head injury deafened her for life.
34. Prison has branded him for life.
35. British convicts were transported to Australia for life.
36. I think humor is a great lubricant for life.
37. She has a real lust for life .
38. They seem to have lost their desire for life.
39. The disease had marked her face for life.
40. She thought marriage should be for life.
41. She may have been scarred for life.
42. A good education should equip you for life.
43. The mandarine ducks paired for life.
44. Murderers should be locked up for life.
45. That's it. I'm off men for life.
46. I believe marriage is for life.
47. He was jailed for life for murder.
48. He was scarred for life during a pub fight.
49. He had a great zest for life.
50. He had an unquenchable thirst for life.
51. Many of the species pair for life.
52. She just gave up her fight for life.
53. The experience left her scarred for life.
54. The accident put her off driving for life.
55. The scandal branded him for life.
56. Judge Mr Justice Schiemann jailed him for life.
57. The accident disfigured him for life.
58. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law.
59. I hereby sentence you for life after all the charges against you have been proven true.
60. The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life.
61. If you are found guilty, the judge is going to put you away for life.
62. In those days, if you were born a peasant, you were a peasant for life.
63. When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt.
64. It would be an injustice to the man to imprison him for life.
65. Years of work in Africa unfitted him for life here.
66. Victims are left with emotional problems that can last for life.
67. If the deal is successful, I'll be made for life.
68. You may thank your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.
69. Are you sure you want him as your partner for life?
70. California's "three strikes and you're out" bill means that from now on criminals found guilty of three crimes are jailed for life.
71. She received an income for life as a result of her father's will.
72. Many children have been maimed for life by these bombs.
73. The two rapists were sent down for life in 1983.
74. If you kept your nose clean,[Sentence dictionary] you had a job for life.
75. Winning all that money on the pools set her up for life.
76. Despite her illness, she had lost none of her enthusiasm for life.
77. He was jailed for life in 1966 for the murder of three policemen.
78. We belong perpetually to each other for life or for death.
79. Stealing that money has branded Jim for life - no-one will trust him again.
80. Gone are the days when a university degree was a meal ticket for life.
81. He loves to learn, and has a boyish enthusiasm for life.
82. Few people can count on having a job for life.
83. What shines through in all her work is her enthusiasm for life.
84. He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life.
85. After what he did(), he deserves to be put away for life.
86. Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life.
87. The old law could sentence a woman to an unbearable marriage for life, but this is now all changing.
88. Selling her share of the company has set her up for life .
89. Caring for animals is not sentimentality - it reinforces our respect for life.
90. There's no such thing as a job for life any longer.
91. The little girl lost her fight for life last night.
92. He was disfigured for life by the burns he received in the accident.
93. Nowadays a job for life is very much the exception rather than the rule.
94. She'd be scarred for life.
95. It ties into his passion for life.
96. The moulding was hard and marked him for life.
97. We have been reviled, falsely accused, imprisoned for life.
98. You have the zest for life.
99. For life expectancy, the picture was similar.
100. Buy an Aston Martin; buy a car for life.sentence dictionary
101. Quinn's lust for life is contagious.
102. No, me and my verruca are together for life.
103. Competitive sport teaches valuable lessons which last for life.
104. The accident crippled her for life.
105. His friend will be scarred for life.
106. Pat has a remarkable verve for life.
107. Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life. Albert Schweitzer 
108. He becomes a Pepsi drinker for life.
109. The abuse left him scarred for life.
110. A few weeks of war and from what the psychiatrists are saying more than half of them are shattered for life.
111. And with it an advertisement for life insurance, plus a little card I could fill out to place my order.
112. In view of her lust for life, her appetite simply for living?
113. He tingled with the desire to caress her soft neck, feel her struggling for life beneath the grip of his fingers.
114. Her appetite for life, boundless energy and numerous gifts and graces made her an all-round person.
115. Many academics, being civil servants, have secure jobs guaranteed for life.
116. One person at least had emerged from the unhappy events at Easterness with a renewed enthusiasm for life.
117. Clearly, until these questions are answered, gene therapy will be reserved for life threatening diseases.
118. He seemed far too competent for life to catch him out in so trivial a way.
119. Life insurance levies Relief for levies imposed under the Lautro Indemnity Scheme will be available for life assurance companies as management expenses.
120. Others may yearn for life on a more even keel but they do not feel entitled to it.
121. Social Security benefits are adjusted to account for inflation and are guaranteed for life.
122. Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
123. Mynott was jailed for life in 1980 for murdering a 54-year-old man near his home in Hemel Hempstead, Herts.
124. Last December, her boyfriend John Tanner was jailed for life for her murder.
125. You have lost a little of your zest for life and have become quite disillusioned or cynical.
126. Harry's charm lay in his quick, almost mischievous smile and impulsive eagerness for life.
127. If this threshold hurdle were cleared, then the teacher would have the extra pay for life.
128. A fight ensued which left one man dead, one crippled for life and several with lasting scars.
129. Other animals pair for life, but never congregate into larger groupings.
130. She was sentenced for life to be Clare's younger sister in his eyes.
131. Eaton was in full code, struggling for life,[http:///for life.html] five minutes before his arrival via ambulance at Flagstaff Medical Center.
132. Last week four black youths were jailed for life for murdering three white youths while stealing their car.
133. Following his team connects him to the region that formed him. Childhood memories hooked her to a team for life.
134. Their convictions have led the Feminists for Life to form coalitions with all sorts of odd bedfellows.
135. Co. bond trader for life from the securities industry, on allegations of creating phantom profits, came Tuesday.
136. You read it in the papers: it could ruin you for life, witnessing a murder.
137. If found guilty, her head would be shaved and she would be required to do penance for life.
138. That's enough to provide 100 antibiotic tablets to fight infections and sufficient vaccine to protect four children from polio for life.
139. Children are particularly at risk, and can be scarred for life from a serious encounter.
140. Whippings in Sri Lanka were carried out with a cat-o-nine-tails and flayed the back of the prisoner, scarring him for life.
141. Smile all the while for life is just a mile. Enjoy the journey before it is over. RVM 
142. She left one dead, one born and two crippled for life, one way or the other.
143. There are sealed for life bearings all over the valve gear and coupling rods.
144. Her murder attempt fails and she goes to jail for life.
145. But doctors decided not to patch up her wounds in casualty for fear of scarring her for life.
146. In one case a baby-faced double killer was jailed for life ... without revealing why he murdered two pretty teenagers.
147. Any religion or philosophy which is not based on a respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. Albert Schweitzer 
148. She felt like a convalescent after a long and dangerous illness, her strength returning, her enthusiasm for life rekindled.
149. He wanted a great love and thought he had found her, for life, when he was eighteen.
150. I ordered a longevity salad that was supposed-to take care of 100 percent of my nutritional needs for life.
151. Saracens installed him as their coach and he had his dream job, if not one for life.
152. Books are good enough in their own way but they are a mighty bloodless substitute for life. Robert Louis Stevenson 
153. He never patronized the disabled but restored in them a zest for life and work.
154. If his creditors allowed him to be, he would be their vassal for life.
155. She is entitled to a pension and a police injury award worth about £20,000 a year for life.
156. And by age 75 they must use most of their pension fund to buy an annuity guaranteeing an income for life.
157. Now, the Feminists for Life are targeting colleges, where the women most likely to get abortions are.
158. Now he merely appraised the situation, calculating the odds for life against death.
159. He was sentenced to 6 months in imprisonment and banned for life from keeping cats.
160. Civil servants can be appointed for life,[] for a limited period or on probation.
161. Swire was very tall and good-looking, had a zest for life, and was a good horseman.
162. General Accident will follow with theirs in the afternoon, when it will also announce its bonus rates for life policies.
163. Great training for life in the U. S. Gives you that competitive edge.
164. On account of the bust they can put me back in the madhouse for life.
165. Y., how to prepare for life after graduation this spring.
166. At twenty-one he had married Elizabeth Egerton of Tatton and become the tenant of Sledmere for life.
167. Nine-year-old fights for life A NINE-YEAR-OLD girl was yesterday fighting for her life after being knocked unconscious in a road smash.
168. Don't just go through life, grow through it for life comes to you only once. Never to return. Climb the ladder of life, step by step. RVM 
169. Most puppies have a rather limited attention span, such is their enthusiasm for life.
170. The five players were found guilty of bringing the game into serious disrepute and banned for life.
171. Wordless images of a new life expanded her, making her feel an incandescent love for life.
172. His back is broken, and, barring a miracle, he's crippled for life.
173. Well of course we protested and went on the March for Life and Peace, which was turned back by the military.
174. Is early weaning a traumatic event whose effects will last for life?
175. Meanwhile, Steve's coming to terms with being scarred for life.
176. Marriage was expected to last for life and adultery and fornication were punished in the ecclesiastical courts.
177. His productivity and avidity for life could not obliterate an inner malaise.
178. Triple murderer Vernage, 27, was jailed for life at the Old Bailey on Monday.
179. There was speculation that the tabloids were preparing for life under a Labour government.
180. He asked you for life, and you gave it to him - length of days forever and ever.
181. Millionaire businessman Malcom Horsman, 66, has been jailed for life for murdering his wife, Ursula.
182. Under Florida law, such people are banned from voting for life.
183. He had neither the background nor the inclination for life in those institutions whose products he so roundly despised.
184. Give it a sunny position and it will be your pal for life.
185. There's no such thing as a job for life any more.
186. During this period he contracted to serve Edward for life and from 1317 he was summoned to Parliament.
187. It also got me banned from our playschool, for life.
188. These are what have put Martin in jail for life, and Hague wants more of them.
189. However, psychological causes are seen as treatable, whereas biological causes mark the individual for life.
190. Mobsters jailed for life under the harsh so-called Bis 41 regime are desperate for better conditions.
190. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
191. One of his accomplices was imprisoned for life, and four others were sentenced to between three and 15 years.
192. He had no one to envy, for life had been good to him, especially considering his humble beginnings.
193. Obviously she will often clash with the adults who are grooming her for life.
194. Instead she takes part in his piracy and gains meaning for life, before she helps him escape.
195. Childhood memories hooked her to a team for life. Regional loyalties never die.
196. The basis of his argument was that people who sell drugs should be jailed for life.
197. Without water we would survive about four days, so in order of priority for life it's number two after oxygen.
198. Part of the meditation in the transcendent should be with the aim of increasing the zest for life.
199. In February 1475 the duke's standing in the north west was strengthened by his appointment for life as sheriff of Cumberland.
200. The driver, who had been taking drugs, crippled the young woman for life.
201. No one was more eager for life, and none better equipped to live it fully.
202. He was jailed for life for murdering 23-year-old Anna McGurk two weeks after being on bail charged with rape.
203. This is, of course, just the sort of unfortunate experience which can scar a young girl for life.
204. This material was hostile to life yet also greedy for life and jealous of life.
205. All wrapped up in irresistible humour and a zest for life.
206. Monism thus generated a respect for life as a whole and helped to emphasize the unity of Nature.
207. The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. Elbert Hubbard 
208. I love her as wives love their husbands, as friends who have taken each other for life.
209. It should be a new lifestyle which becomes a habit that will bring you abounding energy and a new zest for life.
210. Crusaid's enormously successful fund raising activities include the annual sponsored walk, Walk for Life.
211. For life here is junkie, is hooker is single-parent, is no fixed abode.
212. A further £265,000 will be invested in a fund to provide her with a tax-free, inflation-proof income for life.
213. Do we save it for life on an Iowa farm?
214. The current shareware program is version 4.0 and on registration you receive free updates for life.
215. So, in the Act parenting is for life, because children need continuity, security, and a sense of identity.
216. The acceptance of these gifts would keep the child safe from evil powers for life.
217. Don't wait for life to wave its magic wand and make you joyful.
218. Water 1. Body tissues contain approximately 70% water which is essential for life. 2.
219. Plato had a basic guideline for life that is very applicable today.
220. Larkin said Nutrition For Life shares could recover further if the company reports better-than-expected earnings later this month.
220. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
221. Francis has brought style and a real zest for life to the Valley.
222. Schweitzer, who inspired mankind with a reverence for life from the jungles of Lambarene, is gone.
223. The Army prepares you for life, it makes you grow up and learn discipline.
224. One bullet in the wrong place can cripple you for life or send your blood gushing on to the pavement.
225. At the time it seemed as if the government had crushed the nationalist movement by locking up its leaders for life.
226. The patients literally have no more energy with which to fight for life.
227. As far as I'm concerned, when you get married it's for life.
228. Appointed for life, they remain the most insulated of public servants.
229. The soccer mom walks out a happy customer and a political ally for life.
230. The spirited young woman who had been as eager for life as he was?
231. Touch the thing and you are barred, barred for life.
232. Secondly the poem speaks of the lost opportunities for life among those who once passed on the old road but are dead.
233. You don't sign up for life, you know.
234. Ornate as they are , these ostensible and material are after all nothingness for life.
235. Stash away both what you lost and gained , for life continues on.
236. First of all, your best option for life insurance is term insurance if you're under fifty.
237. Tavelling awakes our anxiety for life from our numbness and disregard.
238. if you could prevent the switch from happening, or reverse it, and let people with sickle cell disease use fetal hemoglobin for life, that should reduce symptoms.
239. His experiences as a prisoner of war have left him marked for life.
240. Federal judges hold their office for life, subject to impeachment by Congress.
241. The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world.
242. Ibrahim Chaudhry, a third-year student who organized the Muslims for Life effort at George Mason, called it "a really, really humbling experience."
243. Investment is an important business for life insurers, which has an great influence on their profit, the future solvency and the long term stability.
244. Do not miss it, or you'll be regretful for life.
245. At that time, as the reader will remember, it was penal servitude for life.
246. The mosquito becomes infective 8 to 12 days after the blood meal and remains so for life.
247. Hard labor for life had been the sentence pronounced against the escaped and contumacious accomplices.
248. Whatever happens cannot crush out our burning passions for life.
249. The hope is orange and glistening in sacrificing oneself for life - saving green sacredly.
250. It agreed in 1948 to annual cost-of-living pay increases and in 1950 to free health-care coverage for life and generous pensions.
251. Barring some kind of revolution, this amounts to the prospect of another Kremlin leader for life, a tradition that stretches back 450 years to the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Russia's first Czar.
252. Miniature pigs have been becoming important laboratory animal for life science researches.
253. Education is a social process. Education is not only a preparation for life, it is life itself.
254. Odyssey does not carry instruments that can search for life on Mars.
255. Resilience . Resourcefulness and creativity . An aptitude for life - long learning.
256. In 1964 Duvalier is proclaimed "president for life", a title that is passed onto his son, Jean-Claude,[] in 1971.
257. Huntress: You were right, sisters. These green-skinned incredibles have no respect for life! Slay them in Elune's name!
258. A spacecraft will search for life on the Red Planet.
259. Hisphenomenology, as his basic method of thinking fOr life, is very different from Husserl's . "
260. First, federal judges are appointed for life, and they can be removed from office only through impeachment and conviction by Congress of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
261. Friends for life, without unnecessary and overelaborate formalities, only simple and pure.
262. your lucky stars that you were just slightly hurt while the others were either killed or maimed for life in that accident.
263. This not only enables you to avoid potential pitfalls, you rediscover your zest for life.
264. Eager to help, the class decided on a name—H2O for Life—and set to work.
265. Evidence for life has bee found in the Archaean about 3.8 billion years ago, but life did not become abundant until the Phanerozoic.
266. Shain worked at Doctor's Hospital in New York during the war, and her kiss with the anonymous sailor — his identity has never been discovered — was captured by Eisenstaedt for LIFE.
267. The letter accused the government of anti- Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French General Staff officer sentenced for espionage to penal servitude for life.
268. After squealing on the mafia, the witness was marked for life.
269. Puppies who survive parvo infection usually remain somewhat un - healthy and weak for life.




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