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单词 North american
1. North American sales account for 40% of the worldwide market.
2. Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.
3. North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.
4. Increased competition is really putting the squeeze on North American producers.
5. North American dark bluish - gray gallinule.
6. North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings.
7. The North American culture is individualistic orientation.
8. North American rock cress having very long curved pods.
9. North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves.
10. North American decumbent evergreen heathlike plant with yellow flowers.
11. North American songbird whose call resembles a cat's mewing.
12. North American plant similar to common dogbane.
13. Moose,() a kind of deer living in North American.
14. North American fern with a blackish lustrous stipe.
15. The American coot is a duck-like North American bird.
16. North American hawk with reddish brown shoulders.
17. At the same time North American was released from the Arctic Circle and became temperate.
18. A North American wild duck ( Aythya valisineria ) having a reddish - brown head and neck a whitish back.
19. A North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
20. Small hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
21. A small, brown, North American diving bird (Podilymbus podiceps) having a short, heavy, whitish bill(), found in freshwater ponds and marshes.
22. As the Pacific plate pushes under the North American plate, Juneau and its hilly Tongass National Forest environs rise still more.
23. North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple - tinged flowers.
24. North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers.
25. In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.
26. The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market.
27. The purpose of the expedition was to explore the North American coastline.
28. The continental divide refers to an imaginaryline in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.
29. The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.
30. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowingsintosthe Atlantic Ocean from those flowingsintosthe Pacific.
1. In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.
31. Last year, North American investors pumped about $8.4 billion directly into Asian property, while the reverse flow reached only $2.7 billion, according to Jones Lang LaSalle.
32. North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene; much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon.
33. I first came to North American in prehistoric times when I crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from Eurasia.
34. Native Canadian ethnic groups include: the Indians, the Inuits and the Metis who live generation after generation on the North American continent.
35. Any of several North American plants of the genus Mitella, having heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers with pinnately divided petals.
36. More and more countries have become importers, increasing their dependence on the North American breadbasket.
37. Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for International Trade, Gerald Keddy, says the mandate would violate the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada(), and Mexico.
38. North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass.
39. A member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec.
40. Other mobile belts include the North American Cordillera, which includes the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, and the Himalayas.
41. Salinas was deeply committed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he had negotiated with President Bush.
42. A marine food fish(Poronotus triacanthus) of the North American Atlantic coast, having a flattened body.
43. Either of two edible North American sunfishes, the black crappie ( Pomoxis nigromaculatus ) or the white crappie ( P. annularis ).
44. Hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
45. They had virtually no wings and hunted in the waters of the North American Inland Sea.
46. The divergent Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises above sea level at Thingvellir, with the North American plate to the west and the Eurasian plate to the east.
47. Background: Deep in the bowels of Cheyenne Mountain is a city-like military complex that once served as North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)'s center.
48. NCDC also reports that the North American snow cover extent for the month was the smallest on record for April.
49. I spent a weekend in Canaan Valley, West Virginia taking a telemark workshop offered by North American Telemark Organization (NATO) in January.
50. The Chinese government buys a 50-year lease on an entire geographic region of Mexico, enabling Chinese companies to build factories there to supply the North American market more easily.
51. We are a trading company long time in business and now registered in Maple, Canada. We deal in high end clothings for north american and europe market. We sell brand and unbranded product.
52. A common North American sparrow (Melospiza melodia) having streaked brownish plumage and noted for its melodious song.
53. North American annual or biennial with long soft hairs on the leaves.
54. black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat.
55. The North American buffalo is a case of the near - extinction of a species through hunting.
56. Any of various plants of the genus Coreopsis in the composite family, especially the North American species, having showy radiate flower heads with yellow or, rarely, purplish flowers.
57. Any of several North American raspberries, especially Rubus parviflorus, R. occidentalis, or R. odoratus of the rose family, having thimble-shaped aggregate fruit.
58. As Scene Asia previously reported, China Lion Distribution bought North American rights to the skin flick, telling the Hollywood Reporter that it sought "as wide as possible a release."
59. North American silkworm moth; larvae feed on the leaves of forest trees.
60. In the case of the Haiti quake, the Caribbean and North American plates slide past one another in an east-west direction.
61. Giving a technical speech during an industrial fair in Frankfurt, the North American presenter was asked how he came to make some of the assumptions in his calculations.
62. The Shawnee were an Algonquian-speaking North American Indian people who lived in what is now the central Ohio River Valley.
63. North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit.
64. North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood.
65. Not only are they North American interlopers , there is also a persistent story that they were introduced to provide hunting pleasure for Marshal Hermann Goering, the head of Adolf Hitler's Luftwaffe.
66. The agreement is the largest such pact for the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994.
67. Stern is a move by the nhl ( North American Hockey League career ) reminder.
68. Food: Turkey, a large North American bird that has brownish plumage and a bare,(http:///north american.html) wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
69. Dr. Bonner learned of a North American species of slug-forming slime mold called Dictyostelium discoides and began to raise them in his lab, studying them as a simple analog of animal embryos.
70. This may irk Canadians, but we really do share a common North American culture.
71. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says that if elected, he might reopen the world's largest trade deal, the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.
72. The buttons used here are of North American style dish shape with erose marks.
73. North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song.
74. But cities and some states are not bound by the rules of the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement.
75. North American wild strawberry with sweet scarlet fruit; a source of many cultivated strawberries.
76. North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.
77. President Justin Yu attended the opening ceremony of the 64 th North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament.
78. On the nineteenth, my forty-seventh birthday, I announced that Bill Daley of Chicago would become the chair of our task force on the North American Free Trade Agreement.
79. North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young.
80. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlishi -c Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.
81. As the husband works internationally, the closely knit family's schedule has a 19-hour-a-day operating time stretching from breakfast at 7am to the end of the North American work day at 2am.
82. North American native-English speakers will often substitute other vowels for /a/. For example, the Japanese city of Yokohama might be pronounced ; sayonara (Japanese for 'goodbye') ;and Paris .
83. North American finch having a raspberry - red head and breast and rump.
84. More than 200m years ago, most of the land on Earth was locked up in the Pangea supercontinent, but this broke apart when the North American and African tectonic plates parted.
85. Boas's own research spanned the scope of anthropology in its North American definition.
86. North American deciduous shrub cultivated for it abundant clusters of coral - red berrylike fruits.
87. In our opinion, reverse merger is still an effective approach for private Chinese enterprises to enter into North American capital market under the current macro-environment.
88. A common edible sunfish ( Lepomis macrochirus ) of North American lakes and streams.
89. In Maine, the most commonly counted roadkill species is the North American porcupine.
90. North American blackbird whose bluish - black plumage is rusty - edged in the fall.
91. North American bird ( Cyanocitta cristata ) a crested head, predominantly blue plumage a harsh, noisy cry.
92. North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut.
93. Although the demand for the North American wood was less than in the past year, influenced by the rise of crude oil, the price will further jump in the next two or three months.
94. Any of several small, plump North American birds of the genus Parus, having predominantly gray plumage and a dark-crowned head.
95. Now, partly as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement, traffic has grown dramatically.
96. A deciduous North American shrub ( Cephalanthus occidentalis ) having opposite leaves and spherical clusters of white flowers.
97. European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison.
98. President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the Annual North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament.
99. North American orchid similar to Habenaria psycodes with larger paler flowers.
100. Their objectives were compatible with the interests of North American investors.
101. As a candidate, Mr. Obama said he favored renegotiating parts of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and criticized other trade pacts as lacking environmental and labor provisions.
102. North American walnut tree having light - brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light - brown dye.
103. The European bison ( Bison bonasus ) having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison.
104. So-called wild rice (Zizania aquatica) is a coarse annual grass of the same family whose cereal grain, now often considered a delicacy, has long been an important food of North American Indians.
105. The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities.
106. This time around, there will be strong mountain building, in particular in the Hymalayas and Andes, not so much along the West Coast of North American, and hardly at all in the Alps in Europe.
107. The Rockies, the backbone of the North American Continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.
108. North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue - or pink - tinted exteriors.
109. North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance - shaped fronds.
110. A North American food fish ( Salmo gairdneri ) having a reddish longitudinal band and black spots.
111. I am looking forward to the North American version of this game and have decided that once this game is set for players to play that I would make a male musketeer.
112. Any of numerous small, often silvery North American freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, especially one of the genus Notropis.
113. North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
114. Knots peer out from the bark of these North American aspen trees.
115. The team then compared the North American rocks to samples from mountains in Coats Land in East Antarctica, on the coast of the Weddell Sea (map).
116. At the moment, a glut of natural gas on the North American market has driven prices below $4 per million Btu ($3.863 on Friday).
117. North American lemming having a white winter coat and some claws much enlarged.
118. North American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume - tipped fruits.
119. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the wingestedrs flowing into the Atlishic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.
120. The data come from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), a North American registry of university-based pregnancy risk counseling services.
121. A northern North American spruce ( Picea mariana ) having blue - green needles and small egg - shaped cones.
122. An eastern North American plant (Podostemum ceratophyllum) having olive-green foliage resembling seaweed and growing on rocks in rapidly flowing streams.
123. North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers.
124. In a comparison of 110 North American cities, Moose Jaw placed 7th, Prince Albert 10th, Saskatoon 29th and Regina 46th.
125. Any of several North American deciduous trees of the genus Robinia, especially R. pseudoacacia, having compound leaves, drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers, and durable hard wood.
126. North American grass with slender brushy panicles; often a weed on cultivated land.
127. Any of several North American plants of the genus Grindelia, especially G. squarrosa, having sticky leaves and bracts and yellow, rayed flower heads.
128. Josh Herbert, a US high school wrestler and football player, wrestles with his pet Buddy, a 204kg, 8-year-old North American black bear.
129. The four North American species (genus Gopherus) have a brown shell, about 8-14 in. (20-35 cm) long, and flattened forelimbs adapted for burrowing.
130. The Mandarin duck is a medium-size perching duck , closely related to the North American wood duck .
131. The most prominent recent flare-up in this debate is over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
132. A marine food and game fish ( Cynoscion regalis ) of North American Atlantic waters.
133. Obama has proposed reworking the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada, a popular stand with workers who have lost their jobs in several industrialized states.
134. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the wconsumedrs flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.
135. Chinookan: a North american Indian language family of Washington and Oregon.
136. A small North American quail ( Colinus virginianus ) having brown plumage with white markings.
137. North American dwarf shrub resembling mountain laurel but having narrower leaves and small red flowers; poisonous to young stock.
138. Forming much of the border between the states of Oregon and Washington, the Columbia River is the largest North American river, by volume, that flows into the Pacific Ocean.
139. Either of two eastern North American plum trees or shrubs, Prunus alleghaniensis, having dark purple fruit, or P. americana, having yellow or red fruit.
140. North American blacksnake ( Coluber constrictor ) commonly found in the eastern United States.
141. Arctic Ocean Chukchi Sea is a marginal sea, located in the northeast Asian continent and the Chukchi Peninsula in northwestern North American continent between Alaska Peninsula.
142. North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals.
143. They are drawn to a wide range of seed types like many North American birds but the mourning dove has a real fondness for corn, millet, safflower, and sunflower seeds.
144. Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genus Solidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall.
145. A variety of the North American black bear (Ursus americanus) that has a reddish-brown coat.
146. In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement was created, followed by the World Trade Organization in 1995.
147. Through the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the United States is collaborating closely with Canada and Mexico to develop a comprehensive North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza.
148. 3GPP2 was born to evolve North American and Asian Cellular Radio-telecommunication Intersystem Operations into a third-generation system.
149. Influential North American fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon is founded at Yale University.
150. North American diving duck with a gray - and - black body and reddish - brown head.
151. North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.
152. Recent polls show declining support for pacts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement.
153. North American evergreen with small pinkish bell - shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters.
154. North American perennial having a resinous odor and yellow flowers.
155. North American warbler ( Dendroica striata ),(/north american.html) the male of which has a black cap.
156. In the 1760s, conflicts between Britain and her 13 North American colonies were on the rise because the British government tried to increase control over the colonies and raise taxes at the same time.
157. North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
158. Before joining Carnegie Mellon in 1993, Hollis worked at North American Aviation and the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.
159. North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic.
160. North American bugbane found from Main and Ontario to Wisconsin and south to Georgia.
161. Tornado Alley is a vast stretch of the North American continent that stretches from the Texan coastline to the Great Lakes, and from the Rockies to the Appalachians .
162. Any of several North American rabbits of the genus Sylvilagus, having grayish or brownish fur and a tail with a fluffy white underside.
163. Duckdata is a bibliographical database of North American waterfowl Anatidae and their wetlands habitats.
164. Mr.Harper also questioned whether the North American Free Trade Agreement could be reopened, as Mr.Obama had pledged to do during the campaign, without 'unraveling what is a very complex agreement.
165. Characterized by mercantilism , the First Empire in British history started from the Glory Revolution to the North American War of Independence.




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