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单词 Imperial
(1) The Prince Imperial passed away last night.
(2) An imperial gallon, used in Britain, is equal to 4546 cubic centimetres.
(3) How many imperial inches are there in one metric centimetre? — Naught point three nine three seven inches.
(4) The recipe is given in both metric and imperial measures.
(5) The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.
(6) They made an objection to the imperial system with resolution.
(7) Past imperial glories are hardly relevant to the present day.
(8) The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association.
(9) One litre is equal to 1.76 imperial pints.
(10) In the last ten years Imperial Oil had ploughed a billion dollars into the Canadian economy.
(11) In 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner.
(12) Imperial units have in many cases been replaced by metric ones in Britain.
(13) The glittering ceremony conjured up images of Russia's imperial past.
(14) The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.
(15) Can you conjure up a picture of the imperial life in ancient Egypt?
(16) Lune Town Pleasant Cantonese restaurant with Imperial decor.
(17) In Imperial Rome alone, there are estimated to have been over 800 thermae of different sizes and accommodation.
(18) They are the spearhead of the Imperial army, capable of shattering almost any enemy line under the right circumstances.
(19) From an early date the imperial palaces at Constantinople incorporated decorative schemes that emphasized and glorified imperial power and dominion.
(20) He could not argue, looking at Imperial, that there has been a major brain drain of senior staff.
(21) Grandma said, people died is auditory sometimes feel to the imperial power, when if you hear his beloved people cry, then he will go back, a look back on the deal days.
(22) The Venetians knew to keep a wary eye on Spanish imperial ambitions.
(23) A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.
(24) In 1162 Milan was razed to the ground by imperial troops.
(25) Assorted armed groups emerged during the nineteenth century, some encouraged by the imperial court, others fighting on their own.
(26) To this end an unofficial courtesy visit was arranged and in August 1857 the Imperial couple came to Osborne.
(27) Now we were embarking on another mission which we confidently thought would add new glory to the annals of the Imperial Navy.
(28) It's time to get out there and lead the Imperial army to victory, in the name of Sigmar and Karl-Franz!
(29) Some say Idi is briefly a bellboy at the Imperial Hotel in Kampala, bright buttons shining.
(30) It had magnificent vaults based on the conceptions of Imperial Rome and was one of the great abbeys of its age.
(1) The Prince Imperial passed away last night.
(2) An imperial gallon, used in Britain, is equal to 4546 cubic centimetres.
(3) How many imperial inches are there in one metric centimetre? — Naught point three nine three seven inches.
(4) The recipe is given in both metric and imperial measures.
(5) The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.
(6) They made an objection to the imperial system with resolution.
(7) Past imperial glories are hardly relevant to the present day.
(8) In the last ten years Imperial Oil had ploughed a billion dollars into the Canadian economy.
(9) The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.
(31) This was to be the first of three stages in a carefully planned development of the imperial role and power.
(32) In the Roman Imperial period copper and bronze statues and silver and bronze jewellery were commonly gilded.
(33) Just as noticeable was the absence of the colour blue - the colour of imperial service.
(34) As Britain's imperial pretensions became threadbare most of us made the break and entered the post-imperial world.
(35) They drink mineral water piped into the Imperial and heated to 70 degrees Celsius and receive regular treatment.
(36) In 1212 it received the charter of a free imperial city.
(37) Imperial Airways had difficulty in extricating themselves from the ensuing row.
(38) By March of 1188, Frederick seemed finally to have defeated his opponents on the major domestic and imperial fronts.
(39) Although nearly all have used the metric system throughout their school careers they use Imperial measures in everyday situations.
(40) Imperial governments created a new elite of natives and invested them with the power of their language of administration and justice.
(41) New roads, stadium lights and steel fencing have dramatically altered the 5-mile stretch patrolled by agents from the Imperial Beach station.
(42) The princes needed to support the dominant imperial candidate to maintain and enhance their positions.
(43) Perry discerns common themes in each of his imperial flops: arrogant assumptions about the enemy, bad intelligence and political incompetence.
(44) She was the sole heiress to a huge complex of imperial fiefs and lands in Tuscany, Emilia and Lombardy.
(45) Sound-particularly music-comes to stand for a regional refusal to acquiesce to imperial or metropolitan power.
(46) In 532 Justinian began the construction on a breath-taking scale of the imperial church of Saint Sophia.
(47) It was a long and bitter struggle with great losses on both sides, causing a serious weakening of the imperial army.
(48) The great imperial Zanuck was not amused at Boyo Burton's refusal and tried to force his hand.
(49) Today the contest is held within strict bounds and has become one of the most exotic spectacles in the Imperial calendar.
(50) It was avid for imperial expansion, and the majority of its citizens wanted to get rich.
(51) It must now face the imperial impotence that Britain has found it so difficult to adapt to.
(52) They had influence in the imperial and royal courts: they were the pope's permanent delegates.
(53) Mr Schuller's local congregation is not altogether happy with his imperial style and church finances are suffering.
(54) At Duxford airfield you can see the Imperial War Museum's collection of military and civil aircraft.
(55) The research is part of a wider programme involving staff and doctoral students at Imperial College Management School.
(56) This involves grasping the dynamic inter-relation between new scientific knowledges and the much broader public debates over national efficiency and imperial survival.
(57) Its encouragement of textile production for its export trade helped the imperial revenue.
(58) Eventually the suspects crossed over into northbound lanes and exited the freeway in Imperial Beach.
(59) His brilliant plan did not meet with the approval of the Imperial Naval Staff.
(60) Searching the cloaks turns up a few loose buttons and an Imperial silver shilling. 20.
(61) From Imperial Beach to Oceanside, drainage canals are being cleaned earlier and with extra attention.
(62) Nuln is the home of the Imperial Gunnery School, where cannons are cast and artillerymen learn the arts of ballistics.
(63) He left the chamber without answer, knowing the fate of those who failed on an imperial mission.
(64) This chapter begins by considering the circumstances that brought about the so-called imperial presidency.
(65) Ermold wrote his verse biography of Louis to win back imperial favour.
(66) It requested donations be sent to the Imperial Cancer Research Fund.
(67) As it was Britain's shift to protectionism and Imperial Preference provoked much criticism from Washington.
(68) It may be that the use of imperial motifs was thought to bring good fortune.
(69) The imperial States, as political entities, seemed to dominate all economic matters.
(70) Two weeks ago an Anacreonian merchant ship came across a derelict battle cruiser of the old Imperial navy.
(71) The intrigue, if one existed, was worthy of the inner circle of the Imperial court on far distant Knossos.
(72) It is a book about cartography, archaeology, anthropology and several other things, as well as exploration and imperial lust.
(73) With her attempt to establish a company at the Imperial Theatre, Westminster, having failed, Lillie resumed touring.
(74) Well we've got them here now and they're after building a den of iniquity on top of your Imperial Roman artefacts.
(75) This ambition was encouraged by the magicians, soothsayers and necromancers who clustered at the Imperial Court.
(76) In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office.
(77) She decided against seaside hotels like the Metropole at Folkestone or the Imperial at Torquay.
(78) An imperial eagle lectern carved in jet supported upon its open black wings a huge, chained copy of the Codex Astartes.
(79) As imperial portraits attracted faith, so images of emperors who had betrayed their subjects' trust were treated with contempt.
(80) The light was fading on the walls of the Imperial city.
(81) The Imperial crown passed from one Elector Count to another, and the whole Empire devolved into separate warring states.
(82) In December 1785 Joseph 11 issued an imperial decree limiting the number of Viennese lodges to three.
(83) But the Imperial survey had located colonies on Cerberus and on the Manchu worlds, all of whose systems were identifiably red-shifted.
(84) Many people expressed alarm at the plans, seeing possible conflicts with flying operations from the Imperial Museum's airfield.
(85) Nowhere was the process of imperial specialization more apparent than on the Trans-Siberian railway.
(86) By the time I first went to Moscow in 1987 the imperial decay had become all too apparent.
(87) They had survived the trials of imperial retreat, economic decline, and industrial conflict, and remained cohesive and intact.
(88) They're made of white linen and are embroidered with the Imperial Crown.
(89) The Imperial court itself supports a flourishing economy which naturally attracts all kinds of people.
(90) Gaynor Wynne was filming her with a camcorder during a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel.
(91) Already early on this Saturday morning he and his pupils were beginning to prepare for the banquet in the Imperial kitchens.
(92) Aspiring pilots get to fly seven Imperial fighters, each with its own characteristics.
(93) The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
(94) Of missions sent by Roman bishops beyond the imperial frontiers we hear nothing until the sixth century.
(95) His agents within the Imperial army managed to assassinate three of Dara's generals as they sat exposed on their elephants.
(96) But the grand design was torpedoed when Lord Hanson made a bid for Imperial that shareholders found impossible to resist.
(97) Instruments of torture feature somewhat incongruously alongside porcelain, glassware and fans owned by members of the imperial family.
(98) Tuna Italienne, with pasta; or Salmon Imperial in a delicate dill and a sherry sauce.
(99) The Grand Theogonist of Sigmar refuses to acknowledge the appointment and the Imperial system is effectively ended.
(100) Those responsible for bringing the Imperial War Museum to Hartlepool fully deserve the congratulations of the town.
(101) According to Imperial records the horde gathered at the coast and began to construct a huge fleet.
(102) I have omitted the address and telephone number Take an imperial sheet of cartridge paper and a small roll of gummed tape.
(103) Meanwhile, workers at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund are using the machine to investigate the structure of proteins.
(104) In a stunning display of imperial power, he once announced that fabric from Dijon would contain 1, 408 threads!
(105) Three miles south the Imperial War Museum has an exciting collection of military and civil aircraft at Duxford airfield.
(106) Bacilli were far more deadly than bullets in the battle for imperial survival.
(107) The wording of the telegram was badly misspelt and like some local banknotes was stamped with the Imperial eagle.
(108) It's structured on monarchical and imperial ideas of politics.
(109) The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem.
(110) The second reason was altogether more expansive and imperial.
(111) California's Imperial Valley is part of the Sonoran Desert.
(112) In the Imperial Japanese Fleet it was suicidal effrontery.
(113) Imperial shrimp accreted with sea cucumber.
(114) Promenade fence, painting sculpture,[http://] modeled on the Imperial Palace.
(115) The imperial castle of Gonder dates back to 1636, when this city wasthe capital of Ethiopia.
(116) He was a graduate from the Department of Economics , Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan .
(117) The " Imperial President " was a straw man created by defensive congressmen and by disillusioned liberals.
(118) In 1922, Gang Heng-yi, a senior representative from Roman Catholic Church, came to China for the imperial decree Fuzhida and held, in 1924, the First Conference of Chinese Educational Administration.
(119) A unit of weight in the British Imperial System equal to 112 pounds ( 50.80 kilograms ).
(120) The service road ran parallel to the busy East Imperial Highway, less than half a mile away.
(121) An Imperial task force arrived at Mon Calamari, looking to garrison the world and its shipyards , and enslave the people of the ocean world.
(122) The imperial examination institution system derive from Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty.
(123) A city of southern California in the Imperial Valley near the Mexican border. It is a shipping point for fruits and vegetables. Population, 3,384.
(124) In 1757 , the Qing imperial court crushed the long - standing Junggar separatist regime in the Northwest.
(125) The third section focused on the etiquette system of the imperial harem.
(126) Soon after Ricci's death in 1610, an imperial decree asked the foreign missionaries to present proposals for the reform of the Chinese calendar and to translate European scientific books into Chinese.
(127) Zhuang Ling, 72, says his father, who had been a cataloger of the collection, was one of the staff members charged with guarding the imperial treasures.
(128) Sclerotin of imperial family the china product is one kind of honourable gorgeous family feast ceramics always by home and abroad noblemen reputation.
(129) In response, the Japanese government established the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee in 1892.
(130) Kenner's original die-cast TIE bomber, one of the few toy incarnations of the Imperial fighter, is eagerly sought by collectors for its rarity.
(131) Britain's foreign-policy aim, which it ultimately achieved, was to ensure that Afghanistan remained a buffer state outside the influence of imperial competitors, such as the Russians.
(132) "These changes ought to have brought about a re-examination of the burden of taxation on this age group, " says Nick Bosanquet of Imperial College London, one of the authors of the report.
(133) Imperial mother: (embrace in a low voice) but must click agilely clean under you!
(134) It contains an extensive collection of Russian Imperial regalia and Faberge jewelry.
(135) When fast cut off the gas, imperial Majesty rejects to let others move him to macrobian palace, this violated the precedent of big clear country.
(136) As the Taoist pantheon developed, it came to mirror the imperial bureaucracy in heaven and hell.
(137) The sugar refinery was a four-story structure on the bank of the Savannah River that Sugar Land, Texas-based Imperial Sugar had acquired from a previous local owner.
(138) Furnished in Russian imperial style, the 2,370 sq ft suite has views of famous Moscow sites including the Kremlin and Red Square.
(139) In imperial times, the critical tradition was carried forward by such scholars as Huang Zongxi.
(140) "It will be bad; I mean I don't think there's any point in pretending," says Robin Grimes, director of the Centre for Nuclear Engineering at Imperial College London, and an advocate of nuclear power.
(141) The Civil War was chiefly fought between "the whites", supported by Imperial Germany, and "the reds", supported by Bolshevist Russia.
(142) 'It was a common punishment in Imperial China,'said O'Brien as didactically as ever.
(143) The Imperial is considerably closer to the city center than the Sate.
(144) However, the sharp contrast between the reality and fantasy and self-condemnation of the inner heart that he met with led to his resignation from imperial court.
(145) When she began to speak, her voice had softened, and she said in a dignified manner: "The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father."
(146) In the 18th century, the Qianlong Emperor purged thousands of texts and their authors for treasonous ideas while assembling a vast imperial collection to be printed.
(147) Finally, through the historical scale of measurement, that the Imperial College of decline is the inevitable trend of history.
(148) The satisfaction she took in herself was positively plural - imperial.
(149) For 200 years, the most familiar barbarians at the imperial court had been Jesuit priests.
(150) When she returned to Bakura, she assumed a post in the Bakuran Senate, all the more cognizant of her limited voice compared to the overwhelming authority of the Imperial Governor, Wilek Nereus.
(151) Since 1633 the Imperial Crypt in Vienna has been the principal place of entombment for the Habsburg dynasty, hereditary Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and their descendants.
(152) For a place with such a grand history (home of William Gladstone, the Beatles and colossal merchant wealth during Britain's imperial period), and such a strong sense of identity, it is frustrating.
(153) The imperial gallon was standardized legally throughout the British empire.
(154) After visiting the Imperial Crypt, we went to the Prater.
(155) It was as if the skies, taking pity on their nakedness, had draped their majestic shoulders in imperial purple, while at this hour the westering sun tipped their pinnacles with gilt.
(156) These generators formed the backbone of the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net.
(157) The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color.
(158) " a spokesman says the imperial court, "This will let the people of more youths and exotic nation also can see queenly is blessed.
(159) Some 2,000 temples, remnants of Myanmar's first imperial capital, stretch along an 8-mile (13-kilometer) curve of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) river.
(160) Ming Wanli three decades ( 1607 ), held in Beijing, the national triennial imperial examinations.
(161) At a plenary session of the lower house starting at 1 pm local time, Speaker Yohei Kono read out the Imperial decree signed by the Japanese emperor, proclaiming the dissolution.
(162) Circumstances of imperial old age makes a person commiserative today, public attention basically arrived centrally on the new system of government of big clear country.
(163) In the decades following Japan's defeat, Japan came under criticism from Korea and China for whitewashing the warmongering activities of Imperial Japan.
(164) Manned by the brave Rebel troopers of the base, these cannons provided defensive fire during the Imperial assault on Hoth.
(165) With the cancellation of imperial examinations, this education pattern whose solo knowledge source confined to feudal home education ultimately transformed in the modern time.
(166) Other names for this bird are Celebes Imperial Pigeon, Celebes Green Imperial Pigeon and Green Imperial Pigeon.
(167) A city of southern California in the Imperial Valley near the Mexican border. It is a shipping point for fruits and vegetables. Population, 31,384.
(168) The essay put the chronological table of CiXue in Hunan Province modern history in order, and takes notes about birth and die of author, imperial examination, works, for having clear outline.
(169) So the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, with the Partnership for Child Development at Imperial College London, launched what's called This Wormy World.
(170) The shaft of light only shone 200m into the air, so it was unlikely to attract the attention of passing aliens such as Darth Vader's Imperial fleet.
(171) A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to 28.4 milliliters (. 734 cubic inches).
(172) Under the command of Admiral Firmus Piett from the Star Dreadnought Executor, the Imperial fleet engaged the Rebels in an effort to annihilate them once and for all.
(173) New Guinea was in danger of falling and with it Port Moresby, and from there the Imperial Japanese Army could invade Australia.
(174) The imperial clansman Su Nu's family members got a severe penality in the reign of Emperor Yongzheng because they believed piously in Catholism.
(175) Imperial Queen Mother cake bubble down in Houma,[/imperial.html] the history of the story there.
(176) The origin of most gold in England was ultimately Rome, whose later imperial currency had been based on the solidus, a solid gold coin.
(177) In history, those which served tea to emperors and higher-up officials were reputed as "imperial tea garden" (China Tea King in Mandarin).
(178) After the imperial profile disappeared from the Legion of Honor, he never dressed himself in his regimentals, as he said, so that he should not be obliged to wear his cross.
(179) Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals co-author Daniel Wallace has unofficially suggested that Grant's personal Star Destroyer was named Oriflamme.
(180) The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty imperial court Gualv lychee was listed as tribute.
(181) The actual platform used for this project was a 1940 Crown Imperial.
(182) Made with white peas, pea flour cake is a favorite springtime snack, and was very popular among members of the imperial court.
(183) Organa knew that his open opposition to Palpatine during his Senate days would make him a target of Imperial reprisals.
(184) To him, imperial China's archaism was a grand conspiracy to silence the uneducated majority. "We have two choices, " he wrote.
(185) Imperial Mausoleum is accumulation of a dynasty and condense of culture.
(186) As the temple compiled Chuan-Deng recorded, the Song Dynasty imperial court to conduct the required annual quota of monks, to allow specially-year-old Cheng Tiansi every time a monk.
(187) It competes with British American Tobacco Plc's Pall Mall brand, and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc's JPS cigarettes.
(188) This dissertation tries to analyze the important realities between the imperial Examinations and the bel-esprit and beautiful woman novels written by Tianhuazang-Zhuren in the cont.




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