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单词 Neither
1. Love can neither be bought nor sold. 
2. He who does not work neither shall he eat. 
3. Neither fish nor good red herring. 
4. Messengers should neither be headed nor hanged. 
5. Love is neither bought nor sold. 
6. Death spares neither small nor great. 
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. Neither fish nor flesh.
8. Love can neither be bought or sold; its only price is love. 
9. He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter. 
10. Money is neither good nor bad, but all depends on what use is made of it. 
11. A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings. 
12. If there be neither snow nor rain, then will be dear all sorts of grain. 
13. Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. 
14. We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. 
15. Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.
16. Neither of them is currently in paid employment.
17. Neither watch works(),they're both broken.
18. He neither lends nor borrows.
19. Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
20. You don't likethis book. Neither do I.
21. He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.
22. Neither he nor his friends came back.
23. Neither side would disclose details of the transaction.
24. Neither pen nor pencil can express.
25. Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German.
26. No double diligence, neither can, no genius.
27. We can neither change nor improve it.
28. He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither
29. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither
30. If you run after two heares, you will catch neither
1. Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.
2. Neither of them is currently in paid employment.
3. Neither watch works,they're both broken.
4. Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
5. You don't likethis book. Neither do I.
6. Neither he nor his friends came back.
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. Neither side would disclose details of the transaction.
8. Neither pen nor pencil can express.
9. Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German.
10. We can neither change nor improve it.
11. Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy.
12. Neither of us forgot about it.
13. She seemed neither surprised nor worried.
14. Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.
15. We've got two TVs, but neither works properly.
16. Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.
17. Neither of them has / have a car.
18. There was neither food nor drink.
19. Neither of us enjoy getting up early.
20. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
21. Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
22. He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise.
23. Neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday.
24. Life was harder then because neither of us had a job.
25. The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold.
26. On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.
27. Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.
28. His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
29. Neither answer is correct.
30. She had neither the time nor the inclination to help them.
31. Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy.
32. Neither of us forgot about it.
33. She seemed neither surprised nor worried.
34. Hilary was neither shocked nor surprised by the news.
35. We've got two TVs, but neither works properly.
36. Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.
36. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37. Neither boy is to blame.
38. Neither of them has / have a car.
39. There was neither food nor drink.
40. Neither of us enjoy getting up early.
41. Neither you nor I can be held responsible.
42. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
43. A true great man will neither trample on a worm,nor sneak to an emperpor.
44. We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more and more like ourselves.
45. I am who I am, your opinion is neither desired nor required.
46. Politically they're neither right-wing nor left - just a bunch of wishy-washy pseudo-liberals.
47. He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise.
48. Neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday.
49. Life was harder then because neither of us had a job.
50. The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold.
51. An honest man will receive neither money nor praise,that is not his due.
52. Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it.
53. On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.
54. Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.
55. His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
56. Love is sort of encounter.It can be neither waited nor prepared.
57. She had neither the time nor the inclination to help them.
58. It was a game in which neither team deserved to win.
59. Among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.
60. Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement.
31. It was a game in which neither team deserved to win.
32. Neither side seems prepared to make the first move towards reaching a peace agreement.
33. Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.
34. Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity.
35. I couldn't run the program because it contained a computer bug I could neither identify nor cure.
36. This essay hardly makes any sense , it's neither rhyme nor reason.
36. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
61. Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.
62. I went to see Jack and Bill yesterday, but neither one was at home.
63. Neither of my parents likes my boyfriend.
64. I neither know nor care what's happened to him.
65. Neither of them had their tickets.
66. Their house is neither big nor small.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67. Neither of us spoke during the journey.
68. Neither company has succeeded in shedding its stodgy image.
69. Neither of my parents speaks/speak a foreign language.
70. Neither one of us could understand German.
71. Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.
72. Neither Oleg's mother nor his father spoke English.
73. Neither of them felt like going back to sleep.
74. A good watch neither gains nor loses.
75. Neither of them will back down on this issue.
76. Neither of them benefited by what happened.
77. He doesn't smoke neither does he drink.
78. He neither knows nor cares what happened.
79. Antibiotics were of no use, neither were other pharmaceuticals.
80. This is a war which neither side can win.
81. Neither of my parents is a teacher.
82. Neither volleyball nor basketball is a hundred years old.
83. The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.
84. In neither case was a decision reached.
85. Neither side is prepared to compromise.
86. Neither threats nor promises could change his inflexible determination.
87. This clock neither gains nor loses.
88. To her chagrin, neither of her sons became doctors.
89. Neither of us had ever skied.
90. Neither side scored in the first half.
91. Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria.
92. Neither he nor his arch-rival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.
93. Neither of the car's two occupants was injured.
94. Neither Matt nor Julie said anything .
95. He doesn't like Beethoven and neither do I.
96. The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. Neither side shows the slightest disposition to compromise.
98. In neither case can we agree.
99. Strangely, neither Carlo nor Juan saw what had happened.
100. They argue heatedly, but neither could convince the other.
101. I saw neither Mr nor Mrs Smith at church.
102. He is neither tall nor the contrary.
103. The boy gabbled off the poem as though he neither understood nor enjoyed it.
104. The New York Times is neither one thing nor the other. It's not really a city newspaper and it's not really a national newspaper either.
105. The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.
106. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.
107. We asked both John and Jerry, but neither one could offer a satisfactory explanation.
108. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.
109. Chris wasn't at the meeting and neither was her assistant.
110. I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.
111. It's essential that she has this medicine, and the cost is neither here nor there.
112. Neither side would have an incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign.
113. I know you want a bigger house, but that's neither here nor there, we can't afford it now.
114. When we first met, neither of us wanted to rush things.
115. No building can stand without firm foundations, and neither can a marriage.
116. Neither country is capable of fighting a long war .
117. That, if you'll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there.
118. Thompson had two strategies, neither of which seems to have worked very well.
119. The shelves were lined with books which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open, much less read.
120. He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold.
121. I have neither the time nor the inclination to play stupid games!
122. I haven't been to New York before and neither has my sister.
123. Tom didn't believe a word she said, and neither did the police.
124. The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is.
125. The first half was very even, and neither side scored.
126. Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician.
127. Neither of them knew about it, and the corollary of that is that someone else revealed the secret.
128. In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.
129. The meeting ended on a sour note with neither side able to reach agreement.
130. He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.
131. Neither goalkeeper was seriously tested in a rather poor match.
132. The fact that she needed the money for her children is neither here nor there - it's still stealing.
133. Just as I haven't good eyes, neither have my children.
134. She was at that in-between age, neither a girl nor a woman.
135. Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.
136. I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice.
137. Neither of them wanted to drag the divorce out longer than they had to.
138. The fact that I don't like your fiance is neither here nor there what matters is what you feel.
139. I prefer a book to be either fact or fiction - this one is neither one thing nor the other!
140. On two occasions she was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case was there any evidence to support the claims.
141. Neither party had the majority necessary to form a government .
142. 'Though' and 'through' don't rhyme, and neither rhymes with 'tough'.
143. We could run off together, but neither of us wants to live the rest of our lives abroad.
144. Neither of the two boys has passed the geography examination.
145. As neither management nor labour would give in, the union organized a strike.
146. I couldn't run the program because it contained a computer bug I could neither identify nor cure.
147. This essay hardly makes any sense , it's neither rhyme nor reason.
148. It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other.
149. The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.
150. Neither side in the conflict seems willing to make peace overtures.
151. Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college.
152. Such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in — but neither response seems satisfactory to them.
153. Even if a ceasefire can be agreed, how can they make certain neither side breaks it?
154. The first one was not good, neither was the second one.
155. I know a lot of people like the idea, but that's neither here nor there.
156. Graduate teaching assistants are neither fish nor fowl, neither completely students nor teachers.
157. Neither is seen as standing any chance of snatching the leadership from him.
158. When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.
159. There are problems. To start with, neither of us likes housework.
160. The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.
161. I have never been abroad, neither have I ever wished to go.
162. Neither the TV nor the video actually work / works.
163. Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time.
164. Neither of my children showed the slightest inclination to follow me into journalism.
165. Reading between the lines, it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King will be going to Japan.
166. He didn't go last night, neither could he go to the place as that.
167. Friends tried to persuade them to change their minds, but neither man would listen to reason.
168. Neither of them is telling the whole truth. Invariably, they keep something back.
169. The dispute had reached an impasse, as neither side would compromise.
170. Neither the teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem.
171. He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things.
172. Neither party is willing to compromise and herein lies the problem.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:09:21