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单词 Parking lot
1. A block up the street I found a parking lot.
2. The path leads to the parking lot.
3. There is an inlet to a parking lot.
4. The parking lot was jammed with cars.
5. In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.
6. The parking lot was virtually empty save for a few cars clustered to one side.
7. Please park your car in the parking lot and hike in.
8. The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station.
9. Many cars lay jostling each other at the parking lot.
10. We took our paper sacks to the parking lot.
11. Rich made a right turn into the parking lot.
12. There's a parking lot down there, below the cliff.
13. It's down there in the parking lot.
14. He had donkey rides out in the parking lot.
15. Teens were loitering in the parking lot.
16. Last night in the parking lot of the mall a swami with blond dreadlocks treated us to a levitation.
17. One protest site is in a parking lot a little more than a block away from the United Center.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. In the parking lot, surrounded by hundreds of green-clothed men milling around Greyhound buses, I felt very lonely.
19. The parking lot was almost full, but I snagged a space in the last row.
20. The office and the parking lot were in a little clearing surrounded by large trees.
21. These activities are planned and coordinated with parking lot owners.
22. At lunch another truck swung into the parking lot, and we ate burritos and prepackaged sandwiches.
23. Shuttles will run continuously from the northeast parking lot of El Con Mall.
24. Enter the parking lot on the west side of the building and use the middle of three doors leading into the studios.
25. Police surprised Dyer in the parking lot of the building where he worked.
26. Measure O calls for extending a two-lane road through the shopping center parking lot.
27. The second blast went off near a trash bin in the parking lot.
28. His attempted flight involved crashing about an apartment complex parking lot, allegedly putting the lives of officers and residents in danger.
29. At Starbucks' corporate headquarters, the signature mermaid placard toppled into the parking lot below.
30. Baxter emerged from the building and walked across the parking lot to a waiting car.
1. A block up the street I found a parking lot.
31. Through the hydraulic doors, I could see the lush green lawn that stretched languidly across an immense parking lot.
32. Only afterward, on the hike back to the parking lot, did I begin to feel the sting of Red Disaster.
33. She should be declared a public nuisance and paved over for a parking lot.
34. He disappeared from a parking lot while waiting for a Mafia contact, from where flashbacks of his past are reconstructed.
35. He loitered in the parking lot, pleasantly bemused by the coquettish chatter of juniors who courted him.
36. I took Janir from her and we headed away from the court, across the grass toward the parking lot.
37. Out the window, the last bit of sunlight mixed it up with the lights from the parking lot.
38. She hung up and watched a young woman in a tailored suit come in from the parking lot pushing a cart.
39. Then they paved the parking lot and built a pedestrian bridge over the river upstream from the falls.
40. A free bus service will be provided from the parking lot at the train station.
41. He drove the motor scooter through the school playground and then to the Presbyterian parking lot.
42. That afternoon in the grocery store parking lot I saw a man unloading frozen turkeys from a refrigerator truck.
43. The site, needed for a parking lot, was entombed without being excavated.
44. It includes handling their reception at the station, airport or parking lot.
45. This prime site in the heart of the capital used to be a parking lot.
46. I found a wallet full of cash and credit cards in the parking lot.
47. Owl Lodge has fine glowing orange owl standing sentinel above the parking lot.
47. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
48. As we return to the school we cut across the large paved parking lot and head for the back entrance.
49. Fontaine cast his gaze out into the parking lot for a few minutes.
50. The church requested a variance to expand its parking lot.
51. I walked back to my office building and retrieved my car from the parking lot without going upstairs.
52. The roughest road they will likely encounter is a parking lot studded with speed bumps.
53. The blue hatchback was briefly searched in the parking lot, and then towed away by authorities.
54. The first step as you approach the checkpoint is to park your car in the parking lot on the north side.
55. After an hour or so the Carpettes still linger in the parking lot as the coach doors slam shut.
56. The parking lot in front of the dormitory was always full.
57. The mourners stood in a circle on the sand, three hundred yards down from the parking lot.
58. Most of the stores and much of the parking lot are under construction.
59. The car was later found parked on a back parking lot of the complex.
60. After some reconnoitring he found what he wanted: an unattended taxi on a parking lot screened by buildings.
61. The parking lot had turned to mush in the rain.
62. When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
63. As McMenamy pushed the cart to the outside door of the bank, Fish followed, scanning the parking lot.
64. Great creamy clusters of white lilac fringed the parking lot and tulips blew behind allotment wire.
65. Basically, if there are no pygmy owls present, a private landowner can turn his critical habitat into a parking lot.
66. Her car was found in a parking lot at the bridge.
67. It came after dismissal, when the entire class rushed to the parking lot and got into their cars.
68. They gathered each night in a 228-car parking lot, speaking over a public address system.
69. Convention center plans call for expanding upon an outdoor parking lot adjacent to, and south of, the existing center.
70. Solution: We arranged for public transportation to shuttle students to campus from a parking lot across town.
71. He watched me until I pulled out of the parking lot, turning left.
72. A temporary parking lot will be provided to handle the overflow.
73. The parking lot is quickly transformed into a woodsy park.
74. Jen and Mike were coming down the path from the mountain, back to the parking lot.
75. The spacious restaurant surrounded by a convenient parking lot beams out yellow.
76. They work just off the Ritz hotel parking lot.
77. Downstair and free parking lot.
78. The parking lot was chocked up with cars.
79. Please trace the location of the parking lot.
80. Great,( ) if you enjoy looking at a parking lot.
81. They opened a parking lot on the bomb site.
82. And , it's next to the parking lot?
83. There's only one inlet to the parking lot.
84. Is there a parking lot nearby?
85. The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar.
86. In 2001, when she was 17, she was riding to school from swim practice on her motor scooter in Cape Town when she was hit by a car pulling out of a parking lot.
87. Sign - in and staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.
88. Atlanta authorities say police shot and wounded a robbery suspect in a parking lot of a suburban shopping mall.
89. The Dead Marshes were actually a water-filled parking lot, the same one that had doubled up for outside the mines of Moria in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).
90. The truck lumbered across the parking lot toward the road.
91. Later, an employee was selected to extinguish a controlled fire in the parking lot. In her nervousness, she forgot to pull the pin.
92. Larry:Okay. Yeah, we could tool around in the parking lot together, certainly.
93. He waited for the man to stroll down a short flight of steps—until a hash mark on the aiming vector indicated his first shot would angle harmlessly into the parking lot.
94. A day or two later in the trailhead parking lot, horses loaded into the trailer, Ennis was ready to head back to Signal, Jack up to Lightning Flat to see the old man.
95. He also faces charges of harassment, reckless endangerment and criminal impersonation ?for allegedly telling parking lot employees he was a federal agent.
96. The sun had begun to bake the parking lot, sending heat waves upward.
97. A television reporter shoots a newscast in a hotel parking lot near Morehead City, North Carolina, as Hurricane Irene comes ashore August 27.
98. WHEEL ALIGNMENT: Drive your car across an empty, flat parking lot with hands off wheel. Does it drift left or right?
99. Some 15 minutes later, state troopers spotted Wells standing outside his Geo Metro in a nearby parking lot, surrounded him, and tossed him to the pavement, cuffing his hands behind his back.
100. "That car there, it is mine." He pointed to a bright red sleekly gleaming Ferrari in the parking lot. "Also the Lamborghini beside it. And the Maserati."
101. Solar energy traffic warning yellow lamp and solar energy traffic single lamp are widely used on super high way, charge station, crossways, zebra line bridge and parking lot and other areas.
102. Because you're pissed off that she misbehaved at some cashier's stand in a parking lot?
103. He pointed to a bright red sleekly gleaming Ferrari in the parking lot.
104. "One man's meat is another man's poison, that's all I can say, " says fellow plow operator Joseph Biotti in the same Newton, Mass., parking lot.
105. He left it on a bench near a downtown parking lot, and the oversight was not noticed until the couple was back at their hotel, said Sausalito police sergeant Kurtis Skoog.
106. No criminal trial for Britney Spears after she caused a fender-bender in a Los Angeles-area parking lot. Spears isn't off the hook though.
107. But I met him in the parking lot just a moment ago.
108. She ran into the parking lot where she got into a car driven by a neighbor. Bensley beat on the car before it sped away,(http:///parking lot.html) Heyse said.
109. Just then, a bighorn sheep runs across the parking lot, 20 feet away.
110. On July 30, 1975, Hoffa dissapeared from a parking lot in Detroit and was never seen again.
111. Factory, sports hall, pier, bill board, building, parking lot and other places where outdoor long-distance flood lighting is needed.
112. Hostess: We have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. Do any of the guests have special needs?
113. No criminal trial for Britney Spears after she caused a fender-bender in a Los Angeles-area parking lot.
114. A young man is riding a monocycle in the parking lot.
115. At a Pennsylvania Turnpike rest stop, we tossed a football in the parking lot.
116. According to the National Enquirer, the Swedish ex-model was "shocked" when the "hunky student" kissed her while walking back to her car in the school parking lot.
117. But her career appeared to have been cut short in February 2001 when a car leaving a parking lot hit her as she rode past on her motor scooter.
118. If I'd left early, I would have been a blubbering thing sitting on the curb in the parking lot—the way I can be only in private, or sometimes, when he's being nice, with Armando.
119. A young man is a monocycle in the parking lot.
120. 'If you make up a story about a uniformed valet with a name badge in a valet parking lot with a Lion chasing him around the car, it should provide enough information to get his name right.
121. He came to the parking lot, looking for his car.
122. As I turn out of my hotel's full parking lot, veering onto the Strip, I come across something rarely seen in Vegas: frozen construction projects.
123. Well, the rain, the room, the view of the parking lot.
124. The most memorable moment of the second bus tour came in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where, after a meeting on biotechnology and a tour of the Quaker Oat’s packaging plant, we held a rally in the parking lot.
125. Pulling into the far edge of the crowded parking lot, Joy could see noisy North Forest Park Boulevard 150 yards below and, just beyond it, the Trinity River.
126. There are about 15 people on the takedown team—heavily armed and armored and salted around the busy parking lot—just waiting for the magic words.
127. You look at Asia City Plaza , seems to have become stock car parking lot.
128. Phase III construction is finished and the back parking lot can now be used for parking.
129. In a full parking lot at a South Los Angeles strip mall, complete with sushi, Starbucks and a beauty nail shop, not every motorist can accurately guess what's popular with car thieves these days.
130. Even the parking lot of a three-star hotel we stayed in was full of fancy cars and that made my Jeep Compass look shabby.
131. Staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.
132. Put important items not scheduled for the meeting on a "parking lot" flip chart for discussion later.
133. A make-shift fireworks stall seems to have erupted into the impromptu parking lot.
134. The bank guard kept an eye on the parking lot while they were loading the armored truck with money.
135. Driving to school with Beethoven blaring, I'd switch to KROQ as I entered the parking lot, swerving into my spot believing I'd put one over on people again.
136. I couldn't help remembering what Nisan told me, Nemutan held tightly in his left arm, as we walked out of the restaurant to the parking lot.
137. The parking lot and the train station are not far from here.
138. Large-sized Dragon-Tiger Embayment Tourism-oriented Parking Lot , 2 km southwest to J jaxian County seat ,(http://) is planned to be located within Dragon-Tiger Embayment Ecological Scenic Spot .
139. Frankfurt's runways were, nevertheless, almost as busy as usual, as the airport served as an emergency parking lot for long-haul flights diverted to the German city.
140. Gold region, have subterranean parking lot, clothbound is repaired. Indoor and brand - new brand home appliance.
141. The drive to the summit travels from ocean views in Bellingham through temperate rain forest before reaching the parking lot at almost 5, 000 feet above sea level.
142. A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.
143. The attendees range from grad students to indie rockers and even "middle-aged slackers, " and they all seem have their own take on the goings and comings of the world around the parking lot booth.
144. Give full consideration to parking lot size and the number of parking spaces.
145. The backing lot, parking lot, safety island and street trees.
146. We are going to see Hector over at Foothill, the junior college where I go to night school. He lives near there and sells us shit, and we're supposed to meet him in the corner of the parking lot.
147. We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot.
148. Ruthie's own school is housed in a flat, prefab, trailer-type structure tucked behind the large parking lot of a Korean church.
149. [ Tango One ] T - bolt, your parking lot is ready.
150. That's how it was that my whole family got to the parking lot on 46th and Ellis earlier than most of the folks in the neighborhood.
151. They bought a truckload of food and had it delivered to the church parking lot.
152. At that moment the lights of a car in the parking lot came on.
153. The parking lot is arranged on the two sides of the site and the public restrooms and subordinate houses beatify the park in the form of scenery buildings, further serving the citizens.
154. Why am I standing in a parking lot with hundreds of other people staring silently at a mound of sandstone partially buried in a sun-baked desert?
155. What I see is the parking lot, and the service road.
156. Vacant storefronts pock Penobscot Avenue, the main street, and the most popular hangout for teenagers is a supermarket parking lot.
157. We got into the sky-blue car, and left the parking lot.
158. Now at this place you can find an embarkment a parking lot and a marine.
159. The parking lot was crowded, and he was boxed in.
160. Side parking lot is the main constituent part of city parking facility.




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