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单词 Astonished
1. I was astonished that he was not an Englishman.
2. I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
3. It astonished her that he was able to survive.
4. She was astonished at his vehemence.
5. She was quite astonished at his rudeness.
6. We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.
7. I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down.
8. Her reply astonished me.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. We were astonished at the news of Joan's sudden death.
10. Saunders said his guest was astonished to find pleasant public parks, nice streets and well-kept houses.
11. My parents looked astonished at my news.
12. She looked astonished when she heard the news.
13. We were quite astonished at her quick reaction.
14. She astonished us by saying she was leaving.
15. It astonished him that she had changed so little.
16. She blinked at him, astonished.
17. He was astonished at what he found.
18. He was astonished to learn he'd won the competition.
19. Her father's sudden death astonished her.
20. "I'm astonished, Benjamin," she mocked.
21. He is fine and astonished.
22. It astonished me to learn that she was dead.
23. You look astonished at the news.
24. They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
25. I was astonished by the result.
26. I stared at him, astonished by his stupidity.
27. His capacity for learning languages astonished me.
28. She seemed astonished I had never been to Paris.
29. The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes.
30. Chris acted astonished as he examined the note.
1. I was astonished that he was not an Englishman.
2. I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
3. She was astonished at his vehemence.
4. She was quite astonished at his rudeness.
5. We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.
6. I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down.
7. Her reply astonished me.
8. We were astonished at the news of Joan's sudden death.
8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
9. Saunders said his guest was astonished to find pleasant public parks, nice streets and well-kept houses.
10. Her father's sudden death astonished her.
11. He is fine and astonished.
12. She chuckled softly to herself as she remembered his astonished look.
31. "I'll be astonished if I win on Sunday," laughed Lyle.
32. I was astonished by the size and complexity of the problem.
33. I was astonished at the backwardness of our country at the time.
34. We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.
35. The doctors were astonished at the speed of her recovery.
36. He was astonished to hear he had got the job.
37. The news astonished everyone.
38. We were all astonished to see him force a bar hooking.
38. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
39. It was so unlike him to say something like that, with such intensity, that I was astonished.
40. I'm astonished that you should even think such a thing!
41. What astonished me was that he didn't seem to mind.
42. They were astonished to find the driver was a six-year-old boy.
43. I was absolutely astonished by the reaction to our engagement. Everyone started congratulating us.
44. The police were astonished at the sheer stupidity of drivers in going so fast in the fog.
45. She chuckled softly to herself as she remembered his astonished look.
46. He was astonished by the amount of junk in the house.
47. Her face is astonished - blank with astonishment.
48. Reagan, astonished by this sudden reversal, said, Absolutely not.
49. She was astonished by her own stupidity.
50. Jane was astonished to find that it felt sexy.
51. I knelt beside him, astonished and speechless.
52. It astonished me to see him whirl around so.
53. Critics have been astonished at the film's success.
54. The country was astonished at it.
55. Just how big, he was astonished to hear.
56. I remember that I felt astonished at her certainty.
57. It was astonished by the result.
58. I was frankly astonished when this gentleman was ennobled.
59. I was astonished by the sheer quantity of stuff in the trunk.
60. But there can be moments when your inner ear is astonished by what comes out.
61. She hurried out of the room, before the astonished Victorine had completed her first sentence of protest.
62. As he was announced the winner to a huge cheer, he looked astonished.
63. I was duly astonished when Harley asked for his putter and sent Derek Jefferson ahead to hold the flag.
64. He lowered his fork and stopped eating, astonished at the idea that had flitted through his mind.
65. Your father is astonished that he has heard nothing from you.
66. The zebra crossings are faded to near invisibility and pedestrians look astonished to be allowed to cross by them.
67. As he proceeded, both Challenger and Summerlee looked increasingly astonished.
68. I flung my arms round my astonished aunt's nick and burst into tears on her shoulder.
69. I began to pole and pray with a vigour which would have astonished any monk.
70. Sure enough, right in front of her astonished onlookers, she set about disembowelling a dead chick.
71. They were astonished when they found that he was a lad of no more than seventeen.
72. Even as I was musing on these matters, I was astonished at the things a mind can think.
73. Marjorie was astonished at how attached Bill became to Lizzie, as if Lizzie was the daughter they'd longed for.
74. First time viewers of such work will be astonished by how beautiful they are.
75. Astonished Humberside airport workers watched the bosses pause only to check their briefcases and take souvenir snaps of their twin-engine plane.
76. These are the astonished questions we ask when we first read the poem.
77. The police were so astonished they put away their truncheons and led the small man away.
78. Indeed, as the stereotypes dropped away, humans astonished them-selves with the ranges of behavior they could thrive within.
79. Peeling this back from one corner, he was astonished at what lay beneath.
80. Once again Charles was astonished how easily Malcolm would fall for the oldest cons in the business.
81. I am astonished to see that no Government amendments have been tabled.
82. I am constantly astonished by the way he is able to cut through the guff even in managerial and political issues.
83. And even more astonished he went back to la Sologne - not just physically but emotionally.
84. I was astonished to see some, their heads buried under newspapers, taking late-afternoon naps in their seats.
85. I had sent her a few carnations from Skuytercliff, and I was astonished.
86. Ah, they would all of them be astonished at how well Lugh of the Longhand had done tonight.
87. I am astonished by the amount of information that sticks to you.
88. Asik was astonished, he forgot about his hiding place behind the tree and jumped into the road.
89. I looked down, embarrassed by the shamefulness of her situation and astonished by the surprises that fate kept setting before me.
90. From the outset, commentators seem to have been astonished at the great interest the competition evoked.
91. I was astonished, and thought that he had misunderstood my question.
92. They were astonished to find club owners using the city's violent reputation as a tourist attraction.
93. Though depleted by robbery in Thrace on the way home, Vulso's loot astonished the Romans for its size and quality.
94. Then I went back and sat down, astonished at myself.
95. On one famous occasion Diana, barefoot and casually dressed in jeans, buttered toast for an astonished footman.
96. An astonished officer found him still clinging grimly to the controls as he trundled along at a snail's pace.
97. I was, however, astonished by the Conservative candidate's comments about my wasting a £500 deposit on the election.
98. And James Clapperton's piano recital astonished - here was real keyboard wizardry.
98. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
99. The door opened and he staggered, almost fell, into the arms of the astonished lay brother.
100. Some of them express dismay, others celebrate, but all are astonished.
101. They say Mind presumed an inquiry would involve the families and those advising them and we were astonished when it did not.
102. A week later a still very much astonished Rosemary had confided to Leith that she was indeed in love with Travis.
103. And when Charlotte glanced up, she was astonished to see that the ceiling had been painted as one vast rolling cloudscape.
104. I suppose the main reason was that I was so astonished to find that they existed at all.
105. But this made it so obvious who had sent this copy that he was astonished that it had been sent at all.
106. Astonished, she asked how the company could charge so little.
107. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.
108. I was astonished at the smallness of the area which these enclosed.
109. He plunged it into a dish of lavender essence and was astonished how quickly the burn healed.
110. I was astonished to see that I looked just like her.
111. Blake was astonished, and found himself moving towards the Doctor.
112. I was astonished at some of the men who were still working at Wisconsin Steel when it closed.
113. Salvatore is astonished to hear of Mary's delightful crossing, fraternizing with the ship's crew above decks.
114. And was astonished at the wave of feeling that swept over her.
115. I was astonished to read that half of all sixteen year olds have experimented with drugs.
116. The astonished researchers worked out the number of such peepholes in the sky, and did the sums.
117. Police say they were astonished at the openness of the drug dealing.
118. I ask Beate whether she hates the boys, and she seems astonished by the question.
119. Mr. Lamont I am astonished at the hon. Gentleman's last point.
120. But she was astonished, and deeply shocked, that they should have gone off with Guido's speedboat.
121. How astonished would Polly's parents have been had they returned at this point.
122. He kept watching her with a delighted, sidelong smile as if she constantly astonished him.
123. I had been astonished that day that the wide range of choices did not disrupt her plan.
124. The astonished cashier told McGregor, an unemployed woodcutter, to come back later - then called the police.
125. Page three models and married rubber fetishists, with a slave on the side, flickered before our very astonished eyes.
126. At that time, when it was removed from the casket, the community was astonished to see it sweat profusely.
127. The likely overspend first became apparent to an astonished Jack Schuster at a project meeting on June 1, 1987.
128. His suggestions about the decoration of the house astonished her[sentence dictionary], they were so often right.
129. Mr Sammler was struck once, but not astonished, to see that he wore a single gold earring.
130. I was astonished when we began walking down the now weed-strewn path to feel a familiar feeling of fear and expectation.
131. To be astonished is one of the surest ways of not growing old too quickly. Colette 
132. Hundreds of astonished observers, including one with a movie camera, saw the fireball from Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks.
133. Deficient in numbers, they soon returned to the Valley; but their act astonished the North.
134. Any insect would be astonished by our ability to see.
135. I was astonished how fast the game has become since the back pass rule has changed.
136. No matter how long I lived, I would still be astonished by sidewalks.
137. His head was crowned with an astonished crest of dyed hair.
138. And as the sound recurred she identified it and fled, with a speed which astonished her, through the nearest door.
139. Voice over Certainly staff at other prisons are astonished at the changes in inmates when they return from here.
140. In fact so rapid, I am astonished anyone should have noticed it.
141. Our parents seem astonished that we tend to question authority.
142. The party of astonished villagers raised a spontaneous cheer at this virtuoso performance.
143. I was astonished to see the sinister black dome suddenly turn and stare up at us.
144. I was astonished at the way Minna spoke to me.
145. When he stepped down, I was astonished to see Judy appear.
146. The audience was inexpressibly astonished at the brilliant performance.
147. The revelation that he was her father astonished her.
148. I was astonished by his stupidity.
149. The ease and speed of it rather astonished Ron.
150. I was astonished at his rudeness.
151. He astonished at the uncultivated desolation.
152. He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock.
153. Acts 13:12 Then the proconsul, seeing what had happened, believed, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.
154. By the time European explorer John Hanning Speke arrived in the late 19th century, he was astonished by the highly organized kingdoms he encountered, complete with courts and diplomats.
155. Moses was astonished by his vehemence, and fierce , glowing look.
156. Tiberius was greatly astonished, but then he had the unfortunate man dragged away and beheaded, and his workplace razed to the ground.
157. The Argentina coast guard was astonished to find icebergs floating along the Atlantic coast.
158. Mr.Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination./astonished.html
159. "We were pretty astonished that this actually worked, " said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington.
160. They were much astonished to see a series of enormous explosions occurring three fields away.
161. He astonished us in the debate contest with his sharp tongue.
162. They were all astonished; and Mr. Bennet, who could by no means wish for so speedy a return, immediately said, "But is there not danger of Lady Catherine's disapprobation here, my good sir?
163. So Athenobius the king's friend came to Jerusalem, and saw the glory of Simon and his magnificence in gold, and silver, and his great equipage, and he was astonished, and told him the king's words.
164. He had been knocked unconscious during the crash landing, and when he came to, he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him.
165. The islanders were astonished. They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.
166. Hung - chien was so astonished that he could not suppress a cry.
167. Miss Crawford looked for a moment with astonished eyes at Mrs. Norris.
168. As for their mother, Mr. Collins's letter had done away much of her ill-will, and she was preparing to see him with a degree of composure which astonished her husband and daughters.
169. He was astonished by the fineness of the work of art.
170. A few years later, while working at a small-town golf course, Bernstein was astonished to find himself carrying the bag of his hero, Jackie Robinson.
171. We weep to see your astonished faces, your heart-stricken shows of remorse(), your shame in the face of what is yet to be revealed.
172. The pillars of heaven tremble are astonished at his reproof.
173. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I appointment with him tonight in Samarra.
174. Police say Kasey Kazee entered Shamrock Liquors and attempted to rob the store. Employees were astonished that he had disguised his face by wrapping it in duct tape!
175. I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral.
176. The unkindness of your own relations has made you astonished to find friendship anywhere.
177. If we did not paste together the dead bones and scales of ideology, if we did not sew together the rotting rags, we would be astonished how quickly the lies would be rendered helpless and subside.
178. The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.
179. When Szilard told Einstein about chain reactions, he was astonished: "I never thought about that at all," he said.
180. He was knocked unconscious during the crash landing, and when he came to, he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him.
181. When I told him that the Brooklyn Museum was planning to auction off so many ornaments through Blum, Karp was astonished. "If they're deaccessioning to sell, that's very discomfiting, " he exclaimed.
182. "That's why he went over so easily, " remarked the Lion. "It astonished me to see him whirl around so.
183. We were very astonished that the plane returned in one piece after an extensively long battle.
184. And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?
185. A thing that astonished him about her was the coarseness of her language.
186. And just like Beamon, who astonished the world with his record-breaking long-jump in 1968, the French sailor Francis Joyon is rewriting the nautical record books in an unprecedented fashion.
187. He was astonished to see that the President had a solid gold urinal!
188. Indeed, the Watermans were astonished at his facility in this respect.
189. He was astonished at what he found . A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.
190. Reverent and astonished, they watched as the power of Yhi concentrated itself on the flower stalk.
191. After a half-hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water. "Nothing, " the Englishman answered imperturbably , "It's simply that my room is on fire.
192. One "mail call" brought me responses from Grandma, Dad, and the Reverend Nelson -- and my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.
193. We were astonished when he sold the pass and voted against the Bill of Rights.
194. "What?! " He is so astonished, "You asked me to perjure, and now asked me to repent?! "
195. A foreign visitor was astonished to see a wolf and a sheep being reared in the same pen in a zoo in Budapest , so he asked an animal keeper: " How do you domesticate them?"
196. The third difficulty is the sensibilities' indulgence. The behavior of the network affections and the network amativeness are the most astonished.
197. I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.
198. And God answered. Thanks to "the revealer of mysteries, " Daniel told the astonished king his exact dream and what it revealed about the future.
199. To say I was astonished would have been positively wallowing in understatement.




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