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单词 In opposition
1. Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.
2. They returned to power after six years in opposition.
3. The Conservative Party is now in opposition.
4. Workers found themselves in opposition to local interests.
5. Leisure is usually defined in opposition to work.
6. Leisure is often defined in opposition to work.
7. The Conservative party was in opposition for the first time in years.
8. Members of the committee have come out in opposition to the proposal.
9. The warring factions had united in opposition to the common enemy.
10. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. We found ourselves in opposition to several colleagues on this issue.
12. Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law.
13. The unions are in opposition to the government over the issue of privatization.
14. The Labour party is certainly in opposition now.
15. Baldwin had two immediate tasks to perform in opposition.
16. That has united the two major parties in opposition.
17. The anarchist paper Freiheit, in opposition to the Marxists, thought Eleanor should have been shot on sight upon arriving.
18. This became a central issue in opposition to new housing since population growth as such was something of a red-herring.
19. And is rote learning necessarily in opposition to discovery learning?
20. A number of communities drew up counter-addresses in opposition to the High Church ones.
21. Yet, even in opposition circles, intellectuals have refused to take a principled stand.
22. Further, the longer a party has been in opposition, the fewer of its leaders will have had ministerial office.
23. In opposition, the fratricidal strife within the Labour Party became stronger.
24. The Socialists were elected to power after 10 years in opposition.
25. Also relevant, however, is the manner in which leisure in our society is defined in opposition to work.
26. Unfortunately for the council, it used its influence occasionally in opposition to the liberal administration.
27. Protests are being planned, court challenges plotted, posters plastered around in opposition.
28. Meanwhile the Labour Party continues to be as inadequate in Opposition as it would be in government.
29. Since his election to the National Assembly in 1954, Kim had spent most of his career in opposition.
30. In such contexts, the media have minimal opportunity to articulate views in opposition to government policy.
1. Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.
2. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
31. There has been a marked increase in opposition to military action.
32. By 1170 further negotiations with Pope Alexander, still in opposition to Frederick, had broken down.
33. In the Symbolic each signifier can signify only through the position it takes up in opposition to all other signifiers.
34. Unlike most forms of home territory, however, Ends are not colonized in opposition to authority.
35. Last year, when his party was in opposition and locked in a leadership battle, 60% of its supporters voted No.
36. When the party is in opposition it also elects the Parliamentary Committee or Shadow Cabinet.
37. The rural community is now organized around the farm and farming and defined in opposition to the urban newcomers.
38. Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition, I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious.
39. Market-orientated, almost laissez-faire attitudes figured ever more prominently in the Conservative Party when in opposition in the 1970s.
40. The protest was held in opposition to government plans to dismiss 25,[http:///in opposition.html]000 state employees in order to reduce fiscal spending by 42 percent.
41. In opposition she particularly urged her front-bench spokesmen to be attentive to the party's back-bench committees relevant to their subjects.
42. Whichever party is in opposition next time, let us try to decide early to timetable more Bills.
43. These urban comedies portrayed a new moral code in opposition to conventional morality.
44. This merger, however, had produced a disunited and unwieldy party, more comfortable in opposition than in government.
45. Neil Kinnock, 13 years in opposition, knows that he is finally about to become prime minister.
46. Long was a choleric, short-tempered man who was a constant trial to colleagues in opposition or in power.
47. The board adopted its own measure, which will go on the March ballot in opposition to the Kuper initiative.
48. It does not arise from the old style but in opposition to it.
49. Committed campaigning on progressive policies is a vehicle to unite people in opposition and for change.
50. Three petitions containing more than 2,200 signatures were received in opposition to the proposals for Dixon's Bank, Marton.
51. Mine was a negative identity, an identity defined in opposition to others, Whites.
52. They are generally in opposition to white liberals, environmentalists and some gay and lesbian political powers.
53. The changing and temporal character of all existing things is prominent in the commentary although it stands in opposition to Zeus.
54. Romanticism represents the freeing of feelings, instinct and sentiment in opposition to reasoned objectivity.
55. Sitte, in opposition to baroque and modern rectilinearity, advocated the Gothic free-form of mediaeval streets.
56. But damage limitation is not perhaps the best way to manage an election campaign when you are in opposition.
57. Spring Tides - Moon and Sun in opposition, with combined gravitational pull. 4.
58. Counterdemonstration: a demonstration held in opposition to another demonstration.
59. Truth stands in opposition to falsehood.
60. The moon is in opposition with the sun.
61. In the 1850s, core members of the Whigs joined others in opposition to the Democrats to form the current Republican Party.
62. We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this question.
63. In opposition to chartism , other financial forecasters rely on the "fundamentals" of the market in an effort to predict it.
64. The vainglorious presence of Marilyn Monroe is placed alongside the subdued countenance of Mother Theresa, Che Guevara glares vehemently in opposition to the pacifistic visage of Mahatma Gandhi.
65. In opposition to conventionalism, realism holds that scientific theories are objectively true (or false) based on their correspondence (or lack of it) to an independently existing reality.
66. Called FOG-M, for wire-guided missile it uses wavelength-division-multiplexing to send signal in opposition direction, through the fiber.
67. "I think very quickly they will be united in opposition," said Brad Glosserman, director of research at think tank Pacific Forum CSIS. "They'll be a very, very obstructionist party."
68. By reviewing anatomical and biomechanical characteristics, we can understand how trapeziometacarpal joint works in opposition.
69. The next decade may see the resurgence of Tang nationalism in southern China in opposition to northern Han nationalism, especially as economic wealth in the south eclipses that of the north.
70. The Latin break step is a two step sequence where the first and second steps are taken in opposition.
70. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
71. One of Mr Osborne’s unofficial roles in opposition was managing shadow-cabinet colleagues, guiding, cajoling and admonishing as required.
72. In opposition to American Academy of Neurology clinical guidelines, the investigators and editorialist recommend splinting only while awaiting surgery or for those who refuse surgery.
73. I've listened that you HAs a claim in opposition to us.
74. When it was in opposition, it shot down the LDP's sensible plan to make the elderly pay a bit more for medical services to reflect their greater use of them.
75. The super-ego tends to stand in opposition to the desires of the id because of their conflicting objectives, and is aggressive towards the ego.
76. So he did a declaration of war in opposition to the emperor.
77. So, Theodore Roosevelt began to speak out again in opposition to many of the things President Taft was doing.
78. This ridiculous reason is what sets me in opposition to all creation.
79. "Love in opposition always has a hold on people's imaginations, the idea of star-crossed lovers meant to be together but who encounter difficulties, " Kashner, one of the book's authors, says.
80. Businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal.
81. He spoke at the meeting in opposition to the unpractical plan.
82. The nativist wing of the Republican party was fiercest in opposition to the Senate bill, and crowed loudest over its defeat—something it may come to regret.
83. The Tories and the Liberal Democrats are fleshing out the civil libertarianism they promised in opposition.
84. DR. BOYD: Positioning privacy and publicness in opposition is a false dichotomy.
85. Downing hopes the Boro faithful wouldn't give him a hard time if he does eventually return in opposition colours.
86. Such duo - theistic forces are often conceived as embodying complementary polarities, not in opposition.
87. An opinion that is held in opposition an argument or dispute.
88. It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current to flow in opposition to the force producing it.
89. Zhang Zai and So Kyong-dok are noted representatives of qi philosophy in China and Korea, who lay emphasis on the materiality, unity in opposition, and indestructibility of qi.
90. Life as a Minister was very different from life in Opposition.
91. Kael forged her insights from the moment of viewing, and this naturally set her in opposition to academic and theory-based criticism.
92. Let's just run through the arguments for and in opposition to.
93. The National Rifle Association (NRA), one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, came out in opposition to proposed legislation that would have barred people on the list from buying guns.
94. When the Democrats were in opposition, her style was to demonise Republican proposals without offering an alternative.
95. Stands in opposition what with the first two broad heading branch disease is prostate gland disease.
96. The Republicans were in opposition to the raise in taxes.
96. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
97. MEK was formed in opposition to the Shah in the mid-sixties, and before long virtually its entire leadership was arrested and sent to the firing squad.
98. The reestablishment or perpetuation of native cultural traits , especially in opposition to acculturation.
99. One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Savior puts them together in this Beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder.
100. In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.
101. He is in opposition despite leading the biggest party in parliament.
102. In addition, the German taxpayers Union has committed itself in opposition to rescue Opel car.




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