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单词 Rigid
1. His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.
2. Her face was rigid with terror.
3. An entirely rigid system is impractical.
4. She stood with her backbone rigid.
5. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.
6. His face looked rigid with distress.
7. The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison.
8. He grew even more rigid and uncompromising as he got older.
9. We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
10. She maintained rigid control over her emotional and sexual life.
11. Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.
12. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
13. The prospect of failure scares me rigid.
14. He is rigid about points of procedure.
15. She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.
16. She was rigid with fear.
17. Rigid job descriptions can serve to limit productivity.
18. This rigid approach stifles creativity.
19. A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.
20. Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.
21. Hyde maintained the rigid immobility of his shoulders.
22. He went absolutely rigid with shock.
23. She feigned sleep, lying rigid in bed.
24. We operate within fairly rigid parameters.
25. I was bored rigid .
26. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.
27. The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette, which may seem artificial to foreigners.
28. Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.
29. He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure.
30. The company's competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.
1. His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.
2. An entirely rigid system is impractical.
3. She stood with her backbone rigid.
4. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.
5. His face looked rigid with distress.
6. The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison.
7. He grew even more rigid and uncompromising as he got older.
8. We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
9. She maintained rigid control over her emotional and sexual life.
10. Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.
11. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.
12. He is rigid about points of procedure.
13. She was rigid with fear.
31. I heard a noise and woke up rigid with terror.
32. He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.
33. The cell walls of plants are of a fairly rigid structure.
34. Rigid with frustration, he leaned against the wall, waiting.
35. He assumed his rigid crouching pose, fists held out.
36. It is too inflexible, too costly, and too rigid.
37. Misconceptions can penalise too rigid definition of hinterlands.
38. Miss Harker went rigid with astonishment.
39. For decades rigid party hierarchy determined political fortunes.
40. He was rigid and unbending.
41. His neck can not move; it is fused rigid.
42. People naturally get very frustrated with rigid bureaucracies.
43. We needed flexibility, but kept rigid hierarchies.
44. A rigid metal framework supported the sculpture.
45. Such systems were usually, by modern standards, inequitable, exploitive, rigid, and inefficient.
46. Fit it in place of an existing thinner jacket, and over any shrunk-on rigid foam insulation your cylinder may have.
47. His face, faintly freckled, is rigid, his eyes fixed on the road.
48. The key to success is flexibility. If you're too rigid, you could be in trouble.
49. He could be a severe disciplinarian but he was not a rigid man.
50. Some corporate cultures are so rigid that they require absolute obedience to the corporate line.
51. His face looks like a Halloween mask - fixed and rigid; a shiny mask all over his face.
52. Any rigid scheme that means exact amounts of specific exercise must be carried out each day is usually doomed to failure.
53. Though an opponent of the more rigid scholastics,[http:///rigid.html] Weigel sought a reconciliation of modern philosophy with that of Aristotle.
54. A honeycomb provides the most rigid structure with lightest weight.
55. This formula differs somewhat from the classical Hertz expression for elastic deformation of a plane by a rigid sphere.
56. Every facet of daily life was subject to a set of rigid institutional controls and physical sanctions entirely new to human experience.
57. Although we will clarify it in the course of this study, multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition.
58. This may mean becoming even more rigid and defensive about receiving help.
59. Rigid adherence to economies of scale and cost-benefit analysis also inhibit action towards small communities.
60. Oldenberg's monument also breaks the rigid anti-chromatic format of most western public sculptures and monuments.
61. To these have now been added a vast range of applications in fibres, films, housewares, rigid packaging and building.
62. His thin body was rigid and they could see the contortions of his facial muscles beneath the skin.
63. Nicholson brought instant stability to the production and introduced some of the rigid controls he had learned from the Corman modusoperandi.
64. Spoon the ice-cream into a rigid plastic container and freeze.
65. About a dozen large rigid plates make up the Earth's crust.
66. Cool. 3 Fold the whipped cream into the custard and pour into a rigid polythene container.
67. Peg sat rigid her basket on her lap, knitting forgotten, keeping in check the smouldering anger inside her.
68. Conforming to the more rigid traditions such as locking up women is a privilege only the upwardly mobile can afford.
69. Such disparities predated the imposition of a rigid social hierarchy, but became more marked during the course of the Tokugawa period.
70. See if your teeth are clenched or if your spine is rigid.
71. The skills acquired from rigid planning are different in degree but not in kind from the skills required for flexible planning.
72. Left: Typical of the rigid frame using glass fibre tubing on the earlier steerable deltas is seen on this example.
73. It opens with an outline map and the superimposition of the rather rigid zones used by the emergency planners.
74. The leering triumph on her captor's brutish features changed to a rigid mask of surprise.
75. The tetanus bacteria grow at the site of the injury and release a toxin which produces rigid muscles and muscle contractions.
76. Dear Help Wanted: We punch a time clock and our employer has a rigid lateness policy.
77. In the islands almost all white men were part of a rigid structure that turned them into guards and gaolers.
78. Boundaries are most rigid, their outline obvious and often oppressive.
79. In doing so, I offer no rigid model to be used whatever the context.
80. But Schro der's leftwing government adopted a less rigid stance on foreign currency.
81. I had rigid notions about social roles, about the structure of society, about gender,[/rigid.html] about politics.
82. It also calls for a rigid speed limit to be imposed on motorists and for short-term parking bays to be made available.
83. Thus it could not compete with Lancashire, and rigid protection of the home market became the creed of all Catalan industrialists.
84. Begrimed by obscure use, otiose warehouses shadowed the rigid, corky bobbing of gulls.
85. Propping up the world's most enduring dictator is a slavish personality cult, and rigid control of the nation.
86. But as the century proceeded, these rigid differences were to some extent eroded.
87. Living reptiles have a skull like a rigid box, with a simple arrangement of jaw muscles.
88. The rigid class distinctions which characterised British society are beginning to break down.
89. The research nurses are establishing the principle that the rigid compartments of the medical profession are not as watertight as they appear.
90. The production system is more capital intensive and rigid, making modifications expensive.
91. She lay rigid for a count of ten, eyes tightly closed, then very slowly opened them again.
92. Anselm was made to appear to have been too rigid in his interpretation of the decree of 1099.
93. She reached over now and touched his cold rigid hand.
94. Bernice thought she detected more than a suggestion of injured pride in his rigid stance.
95. Keeping the body rigid, press with the hands until the arms are straight.
96. At the networks, a rigid line separated news from entertainment; news was considered serious and important business.
97. Apart from the fact that the fixed periods are unreasonably long, they are unreasonably arbitrary and rigid.
98. Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process.
99. She was very pale, but bore herself with rigid composure.
100. But these public memories are rigid in organization and inflexible in description; they do not respond to questions, or contents.
101. During preoperational development, children become aware of rules and demand of others a rigid adherence to rules.
102. The President will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule.
103. Only rarely does one feel Dustin's personality breaking through the rigid mask Nichols has constructed for him.
104. This is one of the most convincing of all proofs of increasingly rigid discipline on the battlefield.
105. It could be argued that these criteria are too rigid.
106. They introduced rigid quality control, centralised distribution and electronic tills.
107. In Workplace 2000, rigid hierarchies will be dismantled, as will the ceremonial trappings of power.
108. This suggests substantial modification to past practices which seem to have involved fairly rigid directives or administratively complex individual project schemes.
109. The tent is made of strong canvas attached to a rigid frame.
110. The arteries, much more rigid than veins and buried deeper in the body, are unaffected.
110. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
111. Finally she lurched away from the luggage queue, swinging gear on to a processing table to be inspected by a rigid agent.
112. Male bodies, nearly naked, flesh rigid with cold beneath a silvery moon, were a brand-new experience to her.
113. Its rigid main stem needs no support, even when loaded with flowers and pods.
114. Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates.
115. They should be kept in a rigid container made for the purpose and stored in a secure place.
116. To freeze: Spoon into a rigid container and freeze for up to 3 months.
117. The assignment to attack Midway on 5 June in preparation for the landing operation put his force under rigid limitations of movement.
118. The ephemeral nature of fluid flow belies the rigid rules which govern its behaviour.
119. Some are ruled by single females, in a society even more rigid than that of a beehive.
120. They are oviparous, or egg laying, and have rigid fangs.
121. There is therefore inevitably a friction between the rigid pacta tertiis rule and the progressive development of normative standards.
122. Its dripping wets the front of her dress, its rigid head glares over her shoulder.
123. That his warm breath on her face churned up her insides to such an extent that she was forced to lie rigid?
124. Take it easy for you're in danger of going overkill and boring people rigid with your long winded tales.
125. Group norms and values will act as constraints and even informal rules can be as rigid as formal rules.
126. After a few days, Neil would bend his arms when pinched, though his legs were still rigid.
127. In the west it is the Roman Catholic Church that holds the most rigid and illiberal religious beliefs.
128. The sluggish movements deep in the Earth eventually cause the rigid crust to fracture along great fault planes of weakness.
129. She suggests that hysteria was an alternative role option for women incapable of accepting their life situation in rigid family roles.
130. Without this adjustability[], the neural circuitry would be as rigid as that in our consumer electronics.
131. Control subjects as well as patients with cancer or polyps underwent rigid sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy or double contrast barium enema.
132. Some acrylic easels are rigid with prongs or lips to hold the object.
133. Long rigid job descriptions serve only to limit profit contribution and inhibit the vital development of the job.
134. Any major changes were prevented by the rigid conservatism of the Church.
135. Our manager was so rigid, he'd never listen to our ideas.
136. She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
137. The cabin floor rippled underneath me with each wave, and it was impossible to lie rigid.
138. It is not possible to lay down rigid rules on sentencing - judges must be free to use their discretion.
139. The government had centralized political power and imposed rigid controls on economic activity.
140. He built the team through hard training and rigid discipline.
140. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
141. Or if we prefer organic matrix models, we become frustrated with rigid bureaucracies.
142. The subjects, even those in synthetically casual poses, have a rigid alertness that belies their awareness of the camera.
143. The stiff neck is a way of controlling feeling as are the rigid shoulders and the pulled-in gut.
144. She also knows that other religious denominations do not always take a rigid stand against abortion.
145. She has never hired anyone with a business-school education, because she believes such people are too rigid in their outlook.
146. Meryl stared unseeingly ahead, teeth clenched, rigid with an icy rage.
147. But at the level of field studies there was a much less rigid distinction between professional and amateur.
148. In Television, at this time, line discipline was as rigid as for twice-nightly, weekly rep in the Theatre.
149. After 18 months the law provides very rigid conditions for software registration and it will mean that every copy should be authorised.
150. She remembered John moving off to shake hands along a chain fence, his face rigid in the gray drizzle.
151. Without moralising or imposing too rigid a discipline, they set some invaluable standards.
152. Ace kept her foot rigid against the throttle override and lifted her head.
153. For a few seconds he lay there rigid, his heart was thumping and his hands and face were sticky with sweat.
154. Her body went rigid, her arms slapping and flailing the bed.
155. Children do not make the same rigid distinction between humans and animals that adults learn to make.
156. What, in general, is the effect of such rigid parenting?
157. The organ most at risk is the brain, being enclosed within a rigid bony shell.
158. This encouraged the courts to draw a rigid distinction between judicial and administrative decisions.
159. In place of the rigid bureaucracies and hierarchies of many traditional companies Peters and Waterman found less conventional and more dynamic organisational forms.
160. Rigid planning means that unforseen opportunities are lost and flexible response is built out of the system.
161. Rigid rules and patterns take the place of more flexible thinking about feelings.
162. As previously considered, the bodies of natural mummies are hard and rigid.
163. Later Binding was involved with the rigid airships R23 and R31.
164. The door slammed behind them and she listened, rigid, as the car purred into life and accelerated away.
165. Many communities of small cetaceans have rigid hierarchies of power.
166. This departure from the rigid procedures of experimental psychology sets up a radical challenge to the conventional discipline.
167. The plasma membrane is also thought to be far less rigid a structure than originally proposed.
168. Maybe I made a mistake in creating a rigid opposition between marriage and autonomy.
169. But even with a rigid outer Moon gravitational forces would have raised the floor most of the way towards isostatic equilibrium.
170. Planning and controlling are so intertwined that it is artificial to draw rigid lines between them.
171. From such rigid, uncompromising and unpromising beginnings, Glass has created a sound language of great eloquence and diversity.
172. Others suggested that because of its rigid op-position to birth control, the Church had forfeited its credibility in the reproductive debate.
173. The lithosphere is broken into about a dozen large rigid plates, each plate moving as a distinct unit.
174. Rincewind went rigid with fright, but his arm swung out as Kring shot forward.
175. He moved like a ghost, his large upper body rigid, his short legs exact metronomes: evolutionary perfection.
176. Kerrison was still standing by the body, rigid as a guard of honour.
177. A rigid cabinet is essential for eliminating unwanted resonances, and the unusual glass-reinforced-plastic enclosure is perfect.
178. The framework of the aircraft must be rigid yet light.
179. And Andrus would be untouched, impregnable behind his rigid simplicities.
180. Nothing she had said or done had altered his rigid beliefs, and she couldn't prove her innocence without betraying Lori.
181. Andrew was even more rigid in his attitudes towards child-rearing than his father, who was himself quite strict.
182. The French maintain a rigid separation of personal and professional life.
183. She became as rigid as adamant.
184. Patients have come to expect rigid standards of cleanliness.
185. Too rigid parental control fosters rebellion in children.
186. Conventionalism: rigid adherence to conventional middle - class values.
186. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
187. The dynamics of rigid bodies is a fascinating and complicated subject.
188. There are situations less rigid than the ceremonial address or the formal written message.
189. Rigid insistence on the legislative specification of detailed standards is thought to be unsound and unworkable.
190. It is not mechanical and rigid, but transformational and developmental.
191. Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog, any dog, anywhere.
192. Rigid application of the probable cause standard could undermine the quality of agency policymaking.




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