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单词 Kurdish
1. The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas.
2. Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support.
3. They are steadily forging a distinct Kurdish polity.
4. After the Gulf war, thousands of Kurdish refugees fled to the mountains.
5. The area is populated by Kurdish rebels who have long-standing grievances against Hussein.
6. It provided for Kurdish legislative and executive councils, but real power was retained by the central government in Baghdad.
7. He was due to stand trial for spreading Kurdish propaganda.
8. In 1920 the Treaty of Sevres recognised the Kurdish right to statehood.
9. Kurdish separatists have abducted a Japanese tourist and are demanding money for his safe return.
10. The Kurdish people have a right to broadcast, and as viewers to watch these broadcasts.
11. They all oppose the creation of an independent Kurdish state, and their political manoeuvring has not helped regional stability.
12. The document stated that Kurdish cultural rights were to be recognized and that Kurdish regions would enjoy increased autonomy in local government.
13. Meanwhile goods collected by the Worcester Kurdish Refugee Association are gathering dust in a warehouse.
14. An agreement on Kurdish autonomy would bring the Kurds back to their towns and villages, rendering a western military presence superfluous.
15. A substantial portion is in the Kurdish region.
16. Barzani stated that negotiations were continuing with the government for Kurdish autonomy.
17. It will damage the environment, ruin the lives of thousands of Kurdish people, and threaten regional security.
18. Most are living in north London, on income support and with help from Kurdish groups.
19. Then there was the famine relief work, the Ethiopean situation, the Kurdish situation.
20. As it moved south it took a wide variety of other forms from Kurdish to Hindi. 2.
21. During his election campaign Demirel had spoken of the need for a strong hand in dealing with Kurdish guerrillas.
22. In those days, the big waiting room looked like a Kurdish way station.
23. Over 100 of those killed were paramilitary gendarmes who were stationed in the area to counter Kurdish guerrilla activity.
24. The air attack occurred in August 1988 during a campaign against the Kurdish separatist movement.
25. The poll was organized by an electoral commission under a Kurdish judge, Amir Hawsizi and international monitors.
26. The United Kingdom on Dec. 31 announced that it would provide a further £1,000,000 in aid to Kurdish refugees.
27. As a young paratrooper he had fought in the north against the Kurdish rebels.
28. An Iranian delegation visited northern Iraq to mediate between rival Kurdish groups.
29. The measures imposed new restrictions on press reporting of the Kurdish insurgency in south-east Anatolia.
30. The Independent of April 18 reported renewed clashes between Kurdish guerrillas and government troops near Sulaimaniya.
31. Concerning the revival of Kurdish terrorism, the army is privately warning that it will close down the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) camps in neighboring Iraq if no one else does.
32. That could trigger action by the Turkish Army, which fears the impact on Turkey's Kurds of a strong and essentially independent Kurdish entity next door.
33. Authorities in Baghdad have denounced as illegal the roughly 30 oil contracts negotiated between the Kurdish regional government and foreign energy companies like Addax.
34. The incumbent Kurdish President Massoud Barzani said all problems be settled through constitutional means.
35. Turkey shudders at the thought of a Kurdistan that might some day absorb Turkey's substantial Kurdish minority.
36. The French Press Agency reported that Gul would also be meeting, separately, with the head of the Kurdish regional government, Nechirvan Barzani to discuss how the new accord would be implemented.
37. To the east and north stand Kurdish forces, known as the Peshmerga, keen to reclaim land taken from them by Saddam Hussein more than two decades ago.
38. By the 1990 s swathes of Turkey's rugged Kurdish mountainside had fallen under guerrilla control.
39. The PKK have been fighting the Turkish state, for Kurdish autonomy since 1984.
40. A Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc "could win up to 35 seats" in the 111 seat Kurdish parliament.
41. Turkey has fought Kurdish separatists in the area for 25 years, but this attack has been linked to a local "blood feud" and a pro-Turkish militia.
42. Exports of crude from Kurdistan started last week, after being blocked for years as the central government and the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) fought over revenue sharing.
43. Tensions are also running high in the mostly Kurdish south - east.
44. Yet Mr Erdogan could call Mr Ocalan's bluff and pursue Kurdish reforms with greater vigour.
45. The attack is being blamed on Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan workers Party.
46. Turkey maintains Kurdish extremists - members of the Kurdistan Workers Party, known as the PKK - have been launching attacks from northern Iraq on Turkish military personnel and civilians.
47. According to foreign media on August 18 reported that the Turkish military said in a statement the same day, the evening of 17 fighters in northern Iraq, 60 Kurdish targets in armed combat.
48. Tensions between Turkey and Kurdish rebels have been on the rise as Istanbul has stepped up its campaign against the Kurdistan Workers Party in response to increased attacks by the group.
49. The Kurdish rebels from the Kurdistan Workers Party, the PKK, say their losses are much lower, though none of the figures can be independently verified.
50. He says the Kurdish government allowed cronies to profit from an oil deal, which should have been strictly between Kurdistan and the foreign oil company that won the contract.
51. In Elazig, an eastern city, a mob attacked a Kurdish neighbourhood, raising the spectre of inter-communal violence.
52. A group of Kurdish refugees (among them a father and son) tries to get to Great Britian by hiding in the back of a trailer truck.
53. The Militias have not been disarmed and the local Kurdish army, the Peshmerga, is holding the north separate.
54. It also gives the Baghdad government unsatisfactory marks, for failing to prepare for local elections and couldn't (that could) reconcile Iraq('s) Shiite (Shi'ite) Sunni and Kurd's (Kurdish) factions.
55. In Nineveh, carefully negotiated agreements dictated where the Kurdish militias, or pesh merga, would be stationed around the polls,(Sentencedict) along with the local and national Iraqi police and the army.
56. But they will not succeed if AK keepssnubbing the biggest Kurdish party, the DTP.
57. Turkish newspapers on Thursday accused Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish leaders of dishonesty and unreliability, saying they promised much but delivered virtually nothing.
58. The local militia was formed in 1985 by the government to fight against the Kurdish insurgency of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK).
59. They speak the Kurdish language, which is a member of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.
60. The Kurdish regional government also shares this view, and has been working to revise its foreign investment law to attract international investors to the north.
61. Exports of crude from Kurdistan started last week, after being blocked for years as the central government and the Kurdish Regional Government fought over revenue sharing.
62. Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc "could win up to 35 seats" in the 111 seat Kurdish parliament.
63. Among the issues was Iranian support for Iraqi Kurdish rebels.
64. Protesters threw rocks at police and shouted slogans in praise of imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan and his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
65. Mr Obama's 25-minute speech to the Turkish parliament offered something for everyone, whether secularist, Islamist, nationalist or Kurdish. Even the generals showed up to listen.
66. Turkey and Iran, after all, share common interests in curbing Kurdish irredentism inside their borders.
67. Iraqi Kurdistan's Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani confirmed that Kurdish elite security called Pashmirga last week forced a group of Turkish soldiers to return to their base.
68. Many foreign companies already started coming to the Kurdish region.
69. In exchange, the Iraqi Kurds are squeezing the PKK. An Iraqi Kurdish satellite-television channel, Kurd Stat, even carries Turkish-language news broadcasts.
70. A pro - Kurdish news agency confirmed the raid, saying it lasted two hours.
71. Kurdish and Turkish nationalists alike promptly declared the government's so - called Kurdish overture dead.
72. Tehran, by virtue of its historical relationships with the Shi'ite parties and the Kurdish leadership, may wield greater influence than Washington in Baghdad, but it does not pull the strings.
73. At least 15 Turkish soldiers have been killed in a clash with Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party. or PKK.
74. That's not all. The Iraqi newspaper Al-Umma al-Iraqiyya carried an open letter signed by 400 Iraqi intellectuals, both Kurdish and Arab, defending Alusi.
75. The Kurdish enclave in the north is the most successful part of post - Saddam Iraq.
76. The government says it doesn't believe Kurdish rebels were responsible and some sources have blamed the dispute, or a blood feud between families.
77. But every little shift in Iraqi Kurdish politics is judged by whether it brings sovereignty closer.
78. It has its hands full with the military surge, and relies on troop support from Iraq's Kurdish peshmerga forces.
79. Oil prices steadies after six days of record highs - spurred by tensions between Turkey and Kurdish rebels.
80. Why not split the country into Shia ,(http:///kurdish.html) Sunni and Kurdish statelets?
81. Mr Atalay , the interior minister , was quick to play down suggestions of a Kurdish terror strike.




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更新时间:2025/2/1 1:48:38