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单词 Off of
1. Let's take our minds off of work.
2. I can't take my mind off of...
3. Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.
4. I got it off of my brother.
5. We're rushed off of our feet.
6. Its radiant white light glares off of the snow around me.
7. Or did the high turnout suggest a letting off of steam after three intense years of flood recovery?
8. Sheila Rae, who loves to rip the limbs off of trees, humiliates the kid who steals her jump rope.
9. Our satellite dish has a piece broken off of it.
10. Hey, I told him to lay off of me in practice.
11. He takes the cup off of the table and sticks it on his trolley.
12. Even modest-sized impactors can blast atmospheric gases off of Mars at speeds above escape velocity.
13. I was given a day off of my annual leave to think it over.
14. The truth is, I needed to wean myself off of boy blood.
15. The sporadic shutting off of town centres by selective use of barriers is already under way to stop the bombers.
16. The cutting off of oil supplies hit the Navy at its most vulnerable spot.
17. The boiling off of liquids, he noted, leaves an intensely, sometimes unpleasantly bitter residue.
18. We cannibalized the parts off of the other five generators.
19. I'd have liked to have cut the face off of him with a few choice words.
20. The seventh track off of Purity of Essence!
21. How can a number wear off of a keypad?
22. It will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities.
23. On June 15(sentence dictionary), he broke a bone in his left leg when he fouled a ball off of his shin.
24. Whatever option is picked should allow the maximum unimpeded traffic flow on to and off of city streets.
25. I note what the hon. Gentleman said about the siphoning off of food aid.
26. She takes the towel off me and then squats down and begins brushing bits of hair off of my face with her fingers.
27. The unit will not corrode and does not have the sharp beam pattern cut off of modern halogen lights.
28. This is another result of the Government's policy of hiving off of core services.
29. If jobs are not created to take up the people who are coming off of welfare, social chaos is the result.
30. Ike and Tina proved they could even tear the roof off of prestigious and uptight Carnegie Hall.
1. Let's take our minds off of work.
2. I can't take my mind off of...
3. Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.
31. Ron is great at working off of intimidation.
32. He couldn't get the top off of the bottle.
33. That doesn't mean you mooch off of other people.
34. With the bridge, our invariant was that the bridge would always be parented off of a point in server state space and would be the one operation needed to transform incoming server operations.
35. Rather than plug away at the much-ignored Google Buzz, Google could use Wave's tech to feed off of all the other social network players.
36. The crocking resistance of coatings film is tested by use of adhesive tape, sticking off or peeling off of the marks painted with waterborne or solventborne marking pens.
37. He made home movie take - off of Puccini's Tosca with Leonard Bernstein.
38. It is illegal to pick seaweed up off of the beach.
39. Julie Cayley, a 86 year - old retired schoolteacher, lifted a two ton car off of a helpless child.
40. In August 2008 there was even a time where the government simply decided to take 10 zeroes off of every bank not – simply because they didn't fit very well.
41. This soft drink is just a spin - off of their competitor's product.
42. However, before we send this buffer, we need to make sure that it is parented off of some point in server state space.
43. Furthermore, the problem about the leak off of the new propagated fractures was also considered.
44. A control character which is used to control various devices associated with computing or telecommunications systems, i. e. , particularly the switching to on or off of the devices.
45. You see us hanging off of trees like fucking crab apples?
46. Actually, beetle-crusher is very beautiful also, they are under the set off of the foot with cabinet others, more bold and unrestrained, freedom and vibrant.
47. Such folk attempted to ascend by constructing their field and form much like a patchwork quilt off of the ascension of others.
48. Pulling the microcontroller off of your breadboard every time you need to reprogram it gets old really fast.
49. If it seems like it will be useful for the two of you, you can check out some of the Kama Sutra positions and try to make variations off of those positions.
50. We wanted to bounce some ideas off of you about the wedding ceremony.
51. She refused, instead offering peace to the Talz, recognizing their sovereignty, and pulling all Pantoran presence off of Orto Plutonia.
52. Paper baling off machine is mainly used for baling off of waste paper and impurity removal.
53. Let China make some mistakes. It'll take the spotlight off of us.
54. This figure shows that the power response is very smooth throughout the whole frequency range,(http:///off of.html) and the controlled off-axis roll off of the tweeter.
55. And when it was all done me and the hare-lip had supper in the kitchen off of the leavings, whilst the others was helping the niggers clean up the things.
56. They persuaded the Federal Reserve to back off of tight money.
57. All the showrooms which you have created on selected themes of Urology are a perfect rounding off of the unique centre which you have created.
58. Of course, everyone at the table stared at me as I unfolded the napkin and read what it said: "We just wanted you to know that you have toilet paper hanging off of your pants."
59. Use our baby powder to get sand off of baby at the beach. It works wonders!
60. This created a quarantine - a sealing off of this planet.
61. Furious at having been left off of the invitation list again, Eris decided to make trouble.
62. I cannot just fly it off of the data I am receiving in the HUD.
63. He then grabs a mace and shield off of the rack and gains 50% damage mitigation.
64. He'd been chased off of a riverboat in Louisiana and watched a teammate kicked out of a Las Vegas casino.
65. Don't freeload off of your parents. You're an adult. Be independent.
66. Tanner then video be a career over, time flies off of his air time to complete.
67. While hundredsof wind turbines spin off of European coasts, the industry is onlygetting started in the United States.
68. The ecosystem of value-added and exploitive businesses making a living off of Wikipedia will expand dramatically, which is bound to create plenty of unforeseen issues and controversies.
69. A thick stand of cactus, such as a Saguaro forest, can migrate onto or off of a patch of southwestern desert in little as 100 years.
70. Before changing GID or UID numbers, it is important to stop all running applications and have all users log off of the server.
71. Most people would agree that it's normal for couples to engage in sex in semi public places, which includes rooftops, but by God, how in the hell do you manage to fall off of a flattop roof?
72. The bacteria called Geobacter sulfurreducens transfer electrons via the pilus to the metals that they feed off of.
73. Someone a bungee cord to himself one day and jumped off of a very tall bridge.
74. Some toe heads developed thereinbefore , can fall in the set off of big shoe, my foot appears petite and lovely however.
75. Each bandha is a lock, meaning a closing off of part of the interior body.
76. My own esthetician tells me to use a gentle exfoliant to keep dead cells off of the skin and away from the pore openings.
77. Jean Lafitte who lived off of the coast of Louisiana in a sheltered Bay named Barataria Bay.
78. Conventional cells, including ones used onboard the space shuttle and in some prototype automobiles, obtain the electrons for their electron flow by pulling them off of hydrogen atoms.
79. The results indict that choked fracture and leak off of fracture fluid had a negative effect on well productivity.
80. And she's married to the Prince of Darkness. He bit the head off of a live bat, for God's sake.
81. This is especially true to take the pressure off of your knees if you pronate, e. g. , ride the inside edge of your foot when you step down.
82. After switching off of the device, the crystal starts re-emit the recorded information in the form of ultra low amplitude radio waves.
83. The world puts off its off of vastness to its lover.
84. At age 6, Farrah sold body lotion 3 door to door and made money off of it.
85. A sudden and severe strain was put upon them by the cutting off of these supplies.
86. " And when she was brutally knocked off of Washington's segregated streetcars, she denounced racism: "It is hard for the old slaveholding spirit to die, but die it must.
87. Sunshine is hit from outside, below the set off of peachblossom , all goods is soft rose.
88. This is their track: we deployed the tag off of Tokyo, and the Mola in one month, kind of got into the Kuroshio Current off of Japan, and foraged there.
89. Cut the end tip off of a carrot. Ask an adult to help you!
90. We know that the value is being shifted off of the argument list because no argument is given to the shift function.
91. Additionally, IBP delegations receive 50% off of the price of the symposia, which range from US $150 to US $300.
92. Arius stood up, and dusted the materials off of his laboratory jacket.
93. Don't worry though, because when you finally get to the falls, you will be able to wash some of the trail off of your shoes.
94. Afterwards I noticed Lucas licking the Neosporin off of his sore.
95. After bilge of gone and general scour off of the breast that wash a face, grease, can reoccupy green tea cleans facial ministry, can help the skin increase cellular active.
96. This sit - com is a spin - off of a blockbuster movie.
97. To keep aphids off of plants add four cups water, four teaspoons of dishwashing liquid and four teaspoons vodka in a large spray bottle.
98. Privatisation, the selling off of council housing, war against the unions was all done in the name of monetarism, or "sado-monetarism" as some dubbed it.
99. Assumptions about authenticity and identity are read off of national location and citizenship.
100. Help cut odors off of your wooden cutting board, simply by pouring a generous amount of salt directly on the board. Rub lightly with a damp cloth. Wash in warm, sudsy water.
101. Because the onion cells, when cut, produce a lighter-than-air gas, the peeling off of the layers irritates the eyes. The irritation brings tears, which are produced to wash away the irritation.
102. Next, we cut the leads of the battery clip in half and strip the insulation off of the cut ends.
103. Relationship Analysis builds off of previous domain integrity and Structural Analysis to find common keys or data elements and domains.
104. It's the first time I dined off of a silver plate.
105. This name makes an effective root directory to work off of, so go to your home directory and issue a mkdir mydroid command.
106. Conclusion Using cotton yarn galloon with double ties to fix the tracheal intubation tube through mouth can achieve the effect of safety and fast, may keep away shift and falling off of air tube.
107. The ShackTac Platoon is based off of a standard USMC rifle platoon, with some minor differences.
108. That's true in temperate regions, where glaciers—glacially—flow downhill. Over thousands of years, the frozen masses can scrape miles off of mountains.
109. It doesn't take years to establish a business living freely off of your passion.
110. The stainless steel compaction head makes it ideal for decontamination of low-level radioactive waste or chemical waste that would take paint off of carbon steel.
111. At this point, we have a new a" which is parented off ofd and a newly-transformed buffer which is parented off of a".
112. Random vibration and offset of riser system in marine drilling under the random wave force, if terrible, may cause failure of drilling tools and break off of drilling.
113. Keep them off of the International Space Station, that's been financed largely by the U. S. Europe, Russia,(Sentencedict) and Japan. Let China spend their massive money resources to build their own space station.
114. Flash doesn't come installed on Xubuntu either, but I carry Flash with me and wrote a little script to install it with one click off of the USB drive.
115. In the event of a DC generator failure, the hoist operates off of the No. 2 DC generator at 1/2 speed, up only.
116. Loosen window track nuts and slide track off of the window.
117. The accident occurred on a frontage road off of Highway 220 in Lock Haven , Pennsylvania.
118. The rules of the operation of the significant digit and the rounding off of numerical values were discussed.
119. There is unquestionably a tailing off of high - frequency sexual activity after the age of 50.
120. Further, the firm is also taking a big bet that a spin off of its commercial real estate assets will get a strong market reception in early 2009.
121. In June, Dayron Robles, a bespectacled Cuban, shaved one-hundredth of a second off of Liu's world record. The Chinese was going into the Beijing Olympics as the underdog.
122. Off of the city's coast lies a small island: Pharos.
123. Many so called "serious" musicians believed that Segovia would be laughed off of the stage , because the guitar could not play classical music.
124. A Memphis veterinarian said the cat may have lived off of its excess fat.
125. Its economy is growing much faster than America's and its millionaire growth is off of a much smaller base, so it's percentage growth rate should leap ahead.
126. The utility model relates to a contactor used for controlling the switching on and the switching off of an AC circuit.
127. Death benefits vary between unions, but commonly include lump sum payments, writing off of outstanding loans and doubling of savings.
128. Mr. Lequeux said he bought the Norwegian krone early this morning in London and pocketed a 1.5% profit off of the trade.
129. The result is dulness of sight, a stagnation of the vital circulations , and a general deliquium and sloughing off of all the intellectual faculties.
130. OM:And Spot and Listen are based off of Wisdom. So my senses are sharper than when I was a young whippersnapper like you!
131. Mooch off of them until they get sick of you. Get real drunk and confess your feelings, and then break up.
132. The Gotham license plates are modeled directly off of those of the state of Illinois.
133. Identity theft expert Robert Siciliano did exactly this last year with an ATM he bought off of Craigslist.
134. Alongside some heavy caching, and smart database usage, Matt has shown that extremely popular sites like Facebook and can run off of PHP and handle the incredible traffic load.
135. Lighthearted floral and star shapes leap off of the deep blue background creating a holiday feel.
136. Our hotel has plenty of truck and motorcoach parking and wea re just off of I-75.
137. It was to be towed south by the U.S.S. Sumpter, but it had to be cut loose off of North Carolina on April 2, 1863, when bad weather struck.
138. So in addition to keeping your friends' risque pictures and comments off of your profile, be cautious about whom you friend and when.
139. According to the accuracy demand about rounding off of figure provided for by "Code for Hydrologic Data Compilation"this paper puts forward the computer program for rounding off of figure.
140. We ---- ( have ) a weekend off of school for Purim next week.
141. It goes far beyond the guy who always wants to mooch lunch off of me, too.
142. They use liquid nitrogen to burn warts off of fingers.
143. It's just big enough to sit in your cigarette lighter and trickle charge off of your car's electrical system.
143. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
144. Over time it became apparent to realtors that you could make a living off of rental properties.
145. Language expert Barry Popick says on his web site that Chicago was called a "windy city" because of the wind that blows off of Lake Michigan.
146. By contrast, the Steady-State model said that the only light that should be around is starlight, either coming directly from stars or reflected off of the gas throughout the Universe.
147. In fact, I used this script to get the other scripts off of the system; easier than using scp.
148. Through a flip-flop, monostable or amplifying circuit composed of a CMOS element, the electromotive force controls the on and off, the delaying or the instantaneous on and off of the load.
149. Using this technique eliminates constant signing on and off of the host system when running your IO.
150. The storm has driven the cargo ship off of its main course.
151. Amaranthine pestering set off of deep brown, silver the move is warm yellow.
152. Indeed, one proximate cause of the crisis was a tapering - off of export growth.
153. Scrape stickers and old paint off of windows using the tips in this free video on washing windows of commercial buildings from a professional window washer.
154. Use a scrub brush if it looks as though the latex paint isn't coming off of your skin.
155. Line 2 shifts the first word off of the arguments to the script and places it in the scalar variable op.
156. With almost twice the power of standard 540 motors, this power plant has more than enough torque to get that piston off of top dead centre without a fight.




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