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单词 Relaxation
(1) I play golf for relaxation.
(2) For relaxation he turns to tennis.
(3) Pat teaches evening classes in yoga and relaxation.
(4) Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.
(5) Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
(6) I play the piano for relaxation.
(7) She listens to classical music for relaxation.
(8) Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.
(9) He daubed away for relaxation.
(10) I go hill-walking for relaxation.
(11) I cannot allow any relaxation in/of the rules.
(12) Fishing is his favourite relaxation.
(13) He goes to relaxation class.
(14) A few moments of relaxation can work wonders.
(15) I go fishing for relaxation.
(16) Sewing is relaxation for some[Sentence dictionary], purgatory for others.
(17) This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.
(18) He needs more time off duty for relaxation and rest.
(19) Students need to have time for relaxation and cultural activities , as well as for academic work.
(20) This relaxation technique can serve as an effective weapon against stress.
(21) The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.
(22) A relaxation session may put you in a better frame of mind.
(23) Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures.
(24) The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.
(25) It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation.
(26) You should be able to find the odd moment for relaxation.
(27) It was the only place for off - duty relaxation.
(28) Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation.
(29) Meditation allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation .
(30) The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.
(1) I play golf for relaxation.
(2) For relaxation he turns to tennis.
(3) Pat teaches evening classes in yoga and relaxation.
(4) Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.
(5) Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
(6) I play the piano for relaxation.
(7) She listens to classical music for relaxation.
(8) I go hill-walking for relaxation.
(9) He goes to relaxation class.
(10) The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.
(11) It was the only place for off - duty relaxation.
(12) The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.
(13) Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures.
(31) She argued most cogently for a relaxation of the sanctions.
(32) Go to mountains for sport and relaxation.
(33) I go bowling for relaxation.
(34) Now was the time for relaxation and conversation.
(35) Practice relaxation techniques while you are completely calm.
(36) There was a relaxation of the American trade embargo.
(37) The energy released can be measured as relaxation time.
(38) The art of relaxation: Glow from a single malt.
(39) These vacations had nothing whatever to do with relaxation.
(40) But for true relaxation,[http:///relaxation.html] nothing beats a good book.
(41) Patients are taught progressive muscle relaxation techniques.
(42) They learn relaxation and energizing techniques.
(43) Counselling and relaxation techniques, Sat, 7 July.
(44) Non-viable cells did not produce muscle relaxation.
(45) Where's the relaxation in that?
(46) Time for a few deep breaths of relaxation.
(47) Affairs were his favorite means of exercise and relaxation.
(48) What do you do for relaxation?
(49) Sundays meant a slight relaxation of economies.
(50) It helps muscular relaxation and improves circulation.
(51) In his mind, Jim could vividly picture the red bulb of the thermometer in the relaxation exercise Miller had given him.
(52) The lovely south-facing Victorian conservatory with its wisteria and fig tree is ideal for quiet relaxation.
(53) You can perform relaxation exercises lying down but we would prefer if you try initially sitting in a comfortable armchair.
(54) They are told that these are but two examples of relaxation techniques chosen from a wide variety.
(55) The regression itself took place on Joyce's second visit; the first was used to teach her deep relaxation.
(56) Their presence in London first developed following the relaxation of exchange control in 1958 and has grown rapidly since.
(57) He must choose a diet, exercise, relaxation, and so forth.
(58) This becomes necessary when chain entanglements begin to have a significant effect on the relaxation times.
(59) The organisation Relaxation for Living offers cassettes and classes, in some areas of the country.
(60) The government could afford a slight relaxation of its austerity.
(61) For other relaxation techniques, see Chapter 18 on managing stress. 10.
(62) There is no relaxation of planning controls in national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty and existing conservation areas.
(63) Remind yourself that relaxation costs nothing but can pay dividends in better health and in better speechreading.
(64) You are repeatedly pairing tension followed by relaxation, which you hope ultimately occurs naturally over time.
(65) The unit, based at Dormanstown clinic, will use the equipment for relaxation therapy and anxiety management.
(66) But when combined with relaxation exercises, it can be very effective.
(67) It is extremely useful to learn relaxation and stress-management techniques.
(68) It includes everything you need to know about healthy eating, sport and exercise,[http:///relaxation.html] along with tips on looking good and relaxation.
(69) Robyn watched his expression, saw the relaxation of his features, and breathed an inward sigh of relief.
(70) It may also be possible to promote rest by teaching some specific relaxation technique, e.g. deep breathing, yoga.
(71) Manion had been religious about doing his daily relaxation exercises, followed by affirmations, visualizations, and mental rehearsals.
(72) Sprawled on the opposite sofa, he was the epitome of relaxation.
(73) Its key element was a relaxation of the past two years' tight monetary controls in an effort to halt recession.
(74) Relaxation in eligibility criteria would also reduce the pressure on able-bodied recipients to look for work.
(75) This is a simple, single relaxation time model for the approach to equilibrium.
(76) This was a town for relaxation, for pleasure, not for a working girl like Tess.
(77) An increase in insulin levels in the blood decreases the normal relaxation of the coronary arteries.
(78) Start the music and record one or two minutes to begin the all-important process of deep relaxation.
(79) You learn how to use relaxation techniques to relax your body and lower the pitch of the tone.
(80) Stepping into one of the airy, wood-paneled massage rooms begins the relaxation process.
(81) So to overcome her fear, she spent two hours a day doing relaxation exercises to conquer her stage fright.
(82) I use acupuncture to promote muscle relaxation and reduce inflammation in the back's muscles.
(83) Visualization / Imagery-This technique combines relaxation exercises with the creation of mental images.
(84) A failed attempt to relax at bedtime causes more anxiety and can condition you to associate relaxation techniques with insomnia.
(85) Danielle, who originally trained with Marguerite Maury, believes that part of the secret to reducing cellulite is relaxation.
(86) After using the relaxation exercise you then conjure up a positive emotional experience.
(87) Not only did the new managers feel they neglected their family lives, they ignored their need for leisure and relaxation.
(88) By lessening your own tension you help to relax others in your sphere; relaxation and tension are infectious.
(89) I am convinced that good play has something to do with relaxation and good company.
(90) A trained and skilled practitioner can tailor a session to treat insomnia by reducing muscular tension and promoting relaxation.
(91) They should be offered relaxation therapy and stress management, and advice on diet and exercise, he said.
(92) Orthodoxy is a relaxation of the mind accompanied by a stiffening of the heart. Edward Abbey 
(93) Apparently her various self-improvement ploys have included a short course in relaxation therapy.
(94) Relaxation or withdrawal of treatment before mid-childhood has been associated with a further decline in intellectual ability.
(95) The process of disordering can be characterized by a relaxation time, but may not be easily measured.
(96) Margaret profited too from her sister's popularity and the relaxation in rules.
(97) Insomnia can be successfully treated with therapeutic touch as an adjunct to other relaxation techniques.
(98) The time for relaxation is actually time for renewal and reflection and strategic planning.
(98) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(99) This remained a most important consideration, but some relaxation of the original prohibition would not go amiss.
(100) Theoretical Basis of Relaxation Training Relaxation induces physiological effects opposite in nature to those induced by psychological stress.
(101) Regular exercising not only keeps the body supple; it strengthens heart and lungs and helps increase relaxation and reduces stress.
(102) The heady scent of hot spices restored the sense of relaxation that moment in the cloakroom had nearly undone.
(103) There should be room for relaxation, for sport, for social and cultural activities as well as academic work.
(104) It was against this uncertain political backdrop that the cycle of relaxation and repression in political and intellectual life began again.
(105) Essentially Britain is abandoning the hunt for cannabis smugglers and dealers in a dramatic relaxation of policy on the drug.
(106) As no doubt he would dismiss this evening - part of a planned relaxation programme during a hectic business trip.
(107) Throughout treatment there will be individual counselling and group sessions as well as lectures and other special processes such as relaxation therapy.
(108) Keep the balance; realize that relaxation is an essential part of your long-term plan.
(109) The L-arginine-NO system exerts various biological actions including vascular smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of platelet aggregation.
(110) Rest and relaxation Rest involves the cessation of action and freedom from worry.
(111) I well remember her giving an excellent day course to the Society trainers on relaxation.
(112) Of course, all these titles like meditation(), relaxation and visualization are no more than labels.
(113) Even the food in camp was of poor quality and there was little opportunity for relaxation.
(114) She was pleased to learn relaxation techniques to help reduce tension that might arise in the future.
(115) Under the new President there was clearly going to be no relaxation of the competition between the two superpowers.
(116) The relaxation programme on the tape can be used daily to help control headaches.
(117) Locomotion is effected by undulating waves of muscle contraction and relaxation which alternate on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the worm.
(118) If you feel specially stressed, you could go to relaxation classes, or ask your doctor to arrange counselling for you.
(119) Meditation often involves deep relaxation, but moves into focusing the thoughts in certain directions.
(120) But relaxation therapy is not an easy alternative, the Bulletin says.
(121) These developments occurred against the background of a temporary relaxation of international competition.
(122) They lay side by side, doing their relaxation exercises - deep breathing and total muscular relaxation from the feet up.
(123) This should include establishing a regular pattern of breathing which will, of course, make that relaxation even deeper.
(124) If not, there are simple relaxation routines which you can follow for yourself and fit into your daily routine.
(125) For the ultimate in relaxation, few treatments can beat the experience of a flotation tank.
(126) The physical sessions included warming-up, periods pedalling on an exercise cycle, free-standing exercises, stretching and relaxation.
(127) Though he was fully capable of relaxation, what marked him most was a restless irritability.
(128) And indeed,[http:///relaxation.html] this level of hypnosis lies somewhere between the state of deep relaxation and light meditation.
(129) The Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence and intelligence services were resolute in their opposition to relaxation of the security rules.
(130) Daily relaxation exercIses will enhance the benefit of the time allotted for a massage and contribute to the long-term benefits.
(131) Don't be put off if relaxation doesn't seem to work immediately for you.
(132) Your choice of peaceful music to harmonize your inner state of relaxation.
(133) In some exceptional cases, a relaxation of green belt restrictions may be justifiable to allow such extensions.
(134) Inclusion of corrections for relaxation effects improves the accuracy of its predictions.
(135) The best time to practice relaxation is when you are feeling most under stress but often this is not convenient.
(136) A follow-up study that looks at the long-term effects of transcendental meditation and muscle relaxation is expected to be completed in August.
(137) Warmth, low gravity and the security of being held creates a feeling of release and overall relaxation.
(138) Fourteen years after the first Berlin crisis the world seemed no nearer to a relaxation in Cold War tensions.
(139) Do something with your hands, tapestry work or knitting, change your daily routine or try relaxation exercises.
(140) The biographer says nothing of a king's other chief relaxation, the evening carouse.
(141) If credit rationing has been in force, then a relaxation of controls will increase borrowing and spending.
(142) For some parents, visualization, meditation, and relaxation breathing techniques help; other people prefer physical activity to reduce stress.
(143) The situation was too fluid, the future too uncertain for any relaxation yet.
(144) This approach, although still somewhat restrictive has led to reasonable predictions of relaxation and retardation spectra.
(145) Relaxation of the small company audit requirement has been Institute policy since the debate resumed in 1985.
(146) Modern routine clinical practice however offers something of a dilution of the original Jacobsonian relaxation techniques.
(147) Pressure of time, leaving no space for relaxation and contemplation.
(148) He listened to relaxation tapes and practiced breathing exercises to stop hyperventilating.
(149) Plan your periods of relaxation; relax in spare moments before you get tired.
(150) Only viable mononuclear cells and granulocytes caused muscle relaxation, suggesting that the relaxing factor is not stored by these cells.
(151) Humour can provide passages of necessary relaxation in stories where it is otherwise inappropriate.
(152) Realizing this will gradually help you to gain confidence to go deeper and deeper into relaxation and experience full benefit from it.
(153) Mental imagery, probably one of the oldest relaxation techniques known, can allow you to achieve a relaxation response.
(154) Catherine, paying through the nose to search for fun and relaxation.
(155) Other signs of a relaxation of the extreme punctilio of earlier generations were now clearly to be seen.
(156) Was the old sardonic Lexandro reasserting himself during this lull of relaxation?
(157) The idea of doing relaxation exercises may sound unnecessary, but they can make all the difference.
(158) Meticulous about their appearance, their relaxation is active but not energetic.
(158) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(159) I started to find great relaxation in playing with mathematical problems and puzzles.
(160) I feel the peace and the relaxation that allow for mental concentration.
(161) The difference between a flotation tank and other relaxation techniques is that other methods require effort on the part of the patient.
(162) Massage-Good for general relaxation and to relieve stress buildup in the muscle tissue.
(163) Indeed, if monetary relaxation succeeds in stabilising output, it should unlock sharp productivity gains which could finance higher import costs.
(164) Several manufacturers who have equipped all their new cars with converters for some time also disapprove of the relaxation.
(165) The study found that transcendental meditation was twice as effective as muscle relaxation in reducing blood pressure.
(166) During practice sessions on relaxation techniques, Patricia recognized that when she had an anxious thought, her muscles tensed.
(167) The program involves a combination of relaxation and visualization exercises, along with some structured statements called affirmations.
(168) Good abdominal relaxation is necessary.
(169) It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility , relaxation and heightened imagination.
(170) A study is made on Cauchy problem of compressible Eulers equations with relaxation term.
(171) Used in clinical veterinary surgery, animals are prone to incomplete analgesia, muscle relaxation adverse, visceral issues such as stretch reflex.
(172) Lagrangian relaxation heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the model by equivalent transformation.
(173) The elastic ratio and stress relaxation speed rate increased with the increasing of the content of cocoon fiber.
(174) More complex topographic features are treated advantageously by application of relaxation methods.
(175) AIM: To study the effect of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) on contraction and relaxation of iliac artery transduced with CGRP gene by retrovirus vector.
(176) This amenities and conveniences with the relaxation of its idyllic surroundings.
(177) The theory of relaxation oscillation is described, and it give the theories analysis which is the output natural parameter of Q-switch laser.
(178) Cannabis induces a state of intoxicated relaxation, euphoria and dreaminess.
(179) "The soldier saw Du Du and ground of relaxation already up scatter of white plastic cloth, surprisedly say, " your boy will harm to kill our everyone! "
(180) While most people visit Rapa Nui to explore its cultural history the island is also home to some excellent diving, surfing, and enticing beaches when a bit of relaxation is in order.
(181) I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques.
(182) These rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis.
(183) A relaxation oscillator is an oscillator in which a capacitor is charged gradually and then discharged rapidly.
(184) Convex analysis, Lagrangian relaxation, non differentiable optimization, and applications in integer programming.
(185) The relaxation and the speed potential of the coding rule are two key indicators. This paper is divided into four parts.
(186) He added that she is the relaxation of the warrior.




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