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单词 Dignified
1) She maintained a dignified silence.
2) The presence of the mayor dignified the occasion.
3) He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend.
4) Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence.
5) At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man.
6) She made a dignified departure.
7) It's not very dignified behaviour for a 54-year-old man.
8) He has maintained a dignified silence about the rumours.
9) He remained quietly dignified in defeat.
10) He seemed a very dignified and charming man.
11) He dignified a small collection of books by calling it a library.
12) The defeated candidate gave a dignified speech in which he congratulated his rival.
13) They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.
14) He has so far kept a dignified silence on the subject.
15) They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.
16) His attempt at a dignified resignation had turned into a three-ring circus.
17) Jo listened to their criticisms in dignified silence.
18) She was a quiet, dignified old lady.
19) The dignified thing would be to ignore them.
20) The house appears mildly surprised but always dignified.
21) Chaucer's Criseyde is a dignified and thoughtful widow, who suffers terribly when she leaves Troy.
22) Reading, to most people, means an as hamed way of killing time disguised under a dignified name.
23) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
24) She turned on her heel and made what she hoped was a dignified exit.
25) Running back Emmitt Smith is a class act and quarterback Troy Aikman is cool, tough and dignified.
26) In re-planning the east wing galleries, built in 1928-32,[http:///dignified.html] great efforts have been made to respect their dignified classical architecture.
27) Under sheltering trees stand three cairns and stone circles, worn yet awesomely dignified after more than 5,000 years.
28) Receiving a pension and medical insurance on the basis of past contributions is more dignified than being dependent on children or charity.
29) I like her new image - it's a lot more dignified.
30) The promotion of coherent networks of services which assist people to live dignified and independent lives in the community.
1) She maintained a dignified silence.
2) The presence of the mayor dignified the occasion.
3) He always strikes such a dignified pose before his girlfriend.
4) Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
31) Radio broadcasts were also made from the court, and the general atmosphere was far from dignified.
32) She had passed out with no pain, and was dignified in disarray.
33) Throughout our short and painful conversation he was as charming, as elegant and as dignified as ever.
34) The registrar was a dignified man who behaved with the correct degree of formality.
35) Today, dressed like a housewife, she looked more human than usual, less distantly dignified.
36) Father Peter, advancing on long dignified legs, came to a halt midway down the street.
37) In the end, there is nothing better to be expected than dignified poverty with the consolation of friendship.
38) They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the Children's Panel offices.
39) The Western ritual of death was observed - the obligation to remember the most dignified image of the deceased.
40) Dignified old rowhouses on historic Mount Vernon Square were marred by iron bars on their windows.
41) He looked so dignified, so calm, so thankful to be gone from this world and from his troublesome son.
42) She had decided not to attend the funeral, believing now that dignified restraint was her best role.
43) Unusually for so dim a star, it is dignified by an old proper name: Alrakis.
44) They may not be rich, but they do lead dignified, autonomous lives off the rollercoaster of the commodity markets.
45) Externally, the church is a simple and dignified brick structure, its lack of decoration suggesting a very early constructional date.
46) Mama never met a stranger in her life, although most people thought she was dignified.
47) When we teach a child patience we offer them the gift of a dignified life. Allan Lokos 
48) They were dignified men with stiff white shirts and shoes as shiny as black marble.
49) The bishop was a dignified, portly man, with thinning white hair.
50) Mr Ozal is now under pressure to seek agreement with the opposition on a suitably dignified figure to fill the post.
51) Bearded and dignified, Aitken was an original thinker who remained outside the mainstream of scientific activity.
52) The inching up the cliff of dignified respectability begins tomorrow at Lancaster Park, Christchurch.
53) Matron was equally dignified, with a towering cap of white linen and a penetrating gaze.
54) His dignified person and agreeable countenance, with the most unaffected affability gave me high satisfaction.
55) There is, in fact, a glittering array of dignified and sometimes very lucrative offices open to members of the Bar.
56) When I was young there was a joke about the difference between dignified acquiescence and enthusiastic cooperation.
57) She was credible and creditable and played well the transformation from gauche,[] unworldly girl to dignified lady.
58) We were charmed by the dignified and unassuming Tibetan people.
59) The little hedgehog smoothed her quills and tried to look dignified.
60) Rachel, perfectly dignified in her dressing-gown, made the firemen cups of tea.
61) Wounded loyalty and dignified pathos were her line on stage, although off-stage she grew increasingly self-assertive.
62) But it would have been more dignified for both of us had he found the courage to tell me himself.
63) She had decided in favour of traditional wedding music and a dignified procession.
64) They looked so dignified in the sitting room at home.
65) Luckily, this fashion seems to have passed as such things were never very easy to eat in a dignified way.
66) She, too, probably knows a lot of what went on behind Palace doors but has kept a dignified silence.
67) The lady is tall, strong, and dignified in her bearing.
68) The letter asked for detailed information about the disposal of the funds, and Whitbread replied in dignified tones.
69) Slice was perched along the sides of a cleft in the mountains that couldn't be dignified by the name of valley.
70) She saw the same qualities in a dignified woman at the flower market who could have been his older sister.
71) Taking my final leave of the President, I turned toward the door, erect and with a dignified, purposeful bearing.
72) A huge portrait of the couple dignified the living room wall.
73) It throws the viewer off balance but speaks to the part of each person that is capable, potent and dignified.
74) He is dignified, and open and aboveboard.
75) He liked a hushed and dignified atmosphere.
76) Not dignified with a teacher(), emboldened also big!
77) The woman's dignified stoutness hinted at beer and sausages.
78) In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.
79) Mr Smith is maintaining a dignified silence.
80) They dignified cowardice by calling it prudence.
81) Norwegian Anna, always dignified, looked at her reprovingly.
82) He preserved his grave and dignified bearing.
83) The uniform imparts a dignified appearance to him.
84) Pollux: " ... dignified malevolence and is connected with poisons."
85) The Xia light Yan reflects under, appeared to be what entities to flow out to come over from the entire intentions, Moncler Manteau, with for because the airs entire transform dignified.
86) Of dignified showily bring a person spatiotemporal stagger with romantic vogue bewildered be puzzled./dignified.html
87) First, is the host of recognized ability to judge the news, critical thinking skills, such as the dignified, intelligent, wise, intellectual style, features, followed by expression and external image.
88) The written by English business people are more reserved and more dignified.
89) It helps fuel employment (the most dignified form of money transfer) and it has the residual benefit of having something to bring back home.
90) One's deportment is dignified.
91) Oliver envied the fine person and dignified manners of his untutored brother.
92) All this time Bathsheba was conscious of having broken into that dignified stronghold at last.
93) It was a technique later dignified by the term "info-tainment".
94) Tonally, it's a leisurely, dignified collection, yet stretches to little over half an hour.
95) Better to go down dignified With boughten friendship at your side Than none at all. Provide, provide!
96) The entire building embodies the Louis XIV pursued by luxury and the noble and dignified.
97) TV show "Lost" has its producers making plans for a dignified ending, in an attempt to not overstay the series' welcome .
98) The autumn is the season of results, orange yellow fastens be heavy to the person's feeling, was full of showily the imply with dignified.
99) The white uniformed waiters were always stepping about so dignified amid white - clothed tables.
100) I suppose " Independence Day " is too dignified a name for such a joyful holiday.
101) Always holding a bottle of pure water with one poplar and willow, it looks dignified and kindly, with limitless wisdom and theurgy. So merciful, it always assists those in difficulty.
102) I was determined to take the news in a calm and dignified manner.
103) Winter is a dignified middle - aged face , bold, determination, calm and unhurried.
104) Many have found happiness in this dignified atmosphere, have married and baptised their children.
105) William Mckinley's dignified front - porch campaign won him the presidency in 1896.
106) When she began to speak, her voice had softened, and she said in a dignified manner: "The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father."
107) He entered with a tolerably dignified step , and some little haste.
108) Half the pleasure of getting big , I think, is nose at the indignity of getting dignified.
109) And then , beyond the Reflecting Pool, the dignified columns of the Lincoln Memorial.
110) Your wise and farsighted words, the light and soft laughter, the dignified body , makes tiny of my heartstring.
111) Epitaph and the closure of calligraphy, Chinese belong to the Weibei re - dignified, Italy's state - Yi Qi category.
112) She decided that it would not be dignified run after the man.
113) Gold - Masked Bronze Human Head looks dignified as if he were a deity descending from Heaven.
114) The bridge structure is formed by the inside and outside arc end carriage and the upper and lower retractable main girder, with compact structure, light weight and beautiful and dignified appearance.
115) The black leather seats and black console plastic matched the gray exterior paint and silver-colored interior trim perfectly, with the combined color pattern providing an overall dignified appearance.
116) The gatepost was dignified by the weathered brass plate of Dr Harcourt Sibley.
117) But the part about the cat-yoga did get me to thinking—ever notice how a cat can do just about anything—contort itself into the most asinine positions,[] yet still look dignified?
118) Immediately Roger, who a minute before had seemed dignified - more than that, formidable - took on sheepish smile.
119) Caocao and his son's behavior do not strictly comply with the courtesy law of the Confucianists. They show unconventionality and don't pay attention to dignified manner.
120) Tu Wei - yueh said unhurriedly, as cool and dignified as ever.
121) "Neither do I, " said the Tunny, "but I am wise enough to think that if one is born a fish, it is more dignified to.
122) His appearance was distinguished ; in manner he had always been courtly and dignified.
123) The lowly cottage was dignified by the two great pear trees in front of it.
124) This being said, it is my assessment that, what we have seen is by and large a dignified political campaign.
125) And were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth, even while sumptuary laws forbade these and similar extravagances to the plebeian order.
126) The proceedings were dignified by the presence of the governor.
127) Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious, but even dignified and imposing.
128) It was dignified and not unrepresentative of his standing in the company.
129) I think we'd better use something more dignified and forceful.
130) Her older sister, Margaret, was matronly and dignified, probably from having assumed matronly and housewifely responsibilities too early in life, their mother having died when they were quite young.
131) He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year.
132) These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic.
132) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
133) He detected paltering as readily in dignified and prosperous persons as in beggars, and with equal scorn.
134) The Reading-based singer's vocals are stunning on Old Stone a shiveringly affecting, dignified and rousing track.




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