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单词 hover
释义  hov·er /ˈhɒvə $ ˈhʌvər, ˈhɑː-/ ●○○ verb  1  MOVE/CHANGE POSITION[intransitive] if a bird, insect, or helicopter hovers, it stays in one place in the air 〔鸟、昆虫〕盘旋;〔直升机〕悬停hover over/above flies hovering above the surface of the water 盘旋在水面上方的苍蝇 →4  See picture of 见图 MOVEMENT2  STAY/NOT LEAVE[intransitive] to stay nervously in the same place, especially because you are waiting for something or are not certain what to do 徘徊,走来走去〔尤指因等待或拿不定主意〕 Her younger brother hovered in the background watching us. 她的弟弟在后面走来走去,观察着我们。hover around/about I noticed several reporters hovering around outside the courtroom. 我发现几个记者在法庭外面徘徊。3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENT if a level, price etc hovers around a certain amount, it stays close to that amount, only changing slightly up or down 〔水平、价格等在某数量上下〕摇摆不定hover around/between etc The dollar has been hovering around the 110 yen level. 美元一直在110日元水平附近徘徊。n4  [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to put the cursor on something on a computer screen, using the mousehover something over something When you hover the cursor over the image, the title of the image appears.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushover• A clothes-line hangs between two high windows, hovering above like a tawdry hammock from the sky.• Perseus on his winged sandals hovered above them, looking, however, only at the shield.• Community satisfaction and attachment was found to be relatively low, hovering around 50 percent.• True, synagogue membership and religious school enrollment both hover around 50 percent.• With Watchbirds hovering everywhere, my confidence falters, my work loses momentum.• But groups like Hilton and Sheraton were just hovering outside of the list, both with over 1,000 rooms in the United Kingdom.• She wanders the stage, mike in hand like Betty Carter, often hovering over one of her accompanists, particularly Terrasson.hover over/above• The story ends at a funeral, hovered over by a surreal balloon, from which hangs a fancied female acrobat.• Occasionally she sat still while he hovered above her and briefly touched down to mate.• Rhoda took to table-tapping and seances and reported seeing the ghost of Wendy hovering over her bed at night.• The North Star, however, hovers above the actual pole or close to it.• The Doctor was hovering above the conference table in the classic lotus position.• Swarms of flies and mosquitoes hover over the marshes.• Mounted upon my friend, I hovered over the Solymian invaders, showering rocks from above.• A hushed dismay hovered over the town.hover around/about• However, since the early 1950s government spending for goods and services has hovered around 20 percent of the national output.• Apple stock continued to slip Thursday, hovering around 28 per share.• Community satisfaction and attachment was found to be relatively low, hovering around 50 percent.• True, synagogue membership and religious school enrollment both hover around 50 percent.• Temperatures will hover around eight to ten degrees celsius, thats forty six to fifty fahrenheit with only a moderate breeze.• Are they hovering around midwater, or near to the surface?• Then wasps; a cloud of them hovered around my Virginia creeper where I suspected they had a nest.• The mercury hovered around ninety, and so did the humidity.hover around/between etc• However, since the early 1950s government spending for goods and services has hovered around 20 percent of the national output.• Apple stock continued to slip Thursday, hovering around 28 per share.• Community satisfaction and attachment was found to be relatively low, hovering around 50 percent.• True, synagogue membership and religious school enrollment both hover around 50 percent.• Are they hovering around midwater, or near to the surface?• Then wasps; a cloud of them hovered around my Virginia creeper where I suspected they had a nest.• It is at the same time hovering between styles.• He sighed and the laughter was gone and something tender hovered between them.Origin hover (1300-1400) hove “to float in the air or on water” ((13-17 centuries))hov·er verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a or Corpus stays bird, helicopter insect, in it hovers, if




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