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单词 Observable
1. The tendency precipitates into observable motion.
2. There's no observable connection between the two events.
3. Similar trends are observable in mainland Europe.
4. Evaporation is not usually directly observable.
5. Motives are never directly observable whereas behaviour always is.
6. They may thus account for observable clinical manifestations.
7. Then the observable quantity, the orbital decay rate. is.
8. A similar pattern is probably observable to the east.
9. Primary qualities belong not only to observable substances such as gold, but also to the minute corpuscles which make them up.
10. This may provide the first observable category of classroom behaviour for a workable schedule.
11. From the earliest observable stage of prehistory, the tendency had always been toward differentiation.
12. Thus when there is an observable conflict between different groups then whosoever gets their way has power.
13. It appears implicit in the contrasts observable in a small county like Buckinghamshire.
14. He does not avoid what is observable even when his sociological perspective is not designed to explore it.
15. The models may be extended to include observable explanatory variables and simultaneity can be allowed for as in econometric models.
16. The chips are indeed observable, but the difference between them is not.
17. It refers to observable behaviors-sensorimotor and conceptual-that reflect intellectual activity.
18. Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable.
19. Anthropology is potentially a positivist's paradise, inviting an endless recording of observable facts and data.
20. Behavioural psychologists prefer to limit themselves to the physically observable.
21. According to others it was more properly a generic term used loosely to cover a wide assortment of observable cutaneous conditions.
22. They highlighted two defects in pluralists' insistence on studying actual decision-making and observable political conflicts.
23. Within a few weeks of birth, initial accommodations on the part of the child are usually observable.
24. The question which hung over this whole discussion, though, was how beliefs about linguistic behaviour relate to the observable facts.
25. A second advantage of the approach is that it is largely confined to observable empirical phenomena.
26. The real numbers which result from making measurements are interpreted as the eigenvalues of the corresponding observable.http://
27. Expanding the model will, however, progressively reveal activities that may be observable in practice.
28. No, each situation - recovery or relapse - can be verified by other people and has directly observable practical consequences.
29. The shortcomings of such an approach lie in the preoccupation with social phenomena which are directly observable.
30. Valence-shell electrons may also undergo transitions of three types, depending on their destination; in this case all are observable in practice.
31. This method is highly effective in detecting transformations while still in their latent stage; that is, before they become clinically observable.
32. These key strategic factors ought to be observable from a thorough analysis of market attractiveness and competitive strengths.
33. If it is to have any practical value a recording system must be concerned with measuring observable behaviour.
34. The problem which the Phillips-Lipsey model then had to confront was one of measurability: not a directly observable magnitude.
35. However, similar effects are also observable across morpheme boundaries and to some extent also within the morpheme.
36. Even such observable facts as churchgoing are hard to interpret.
37. Observing behaviour Observing behaviour is easy because behaviour, verbal and nonverbal, is always overt and therefore eminently observable.
38. The real difference is observable in the breakdown of scenes and the manner in which Britten chooses to deploy the dramatic action.
39. Since it is not directly observable, it must be measured indirectly.
40. The problem is even more severe with the natural world, where the ratio of observable high drama is much lower.
41. At the manifest level of observable facts, the differences may be as significant as the similarities.
42. Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world.
43. Lincoln's birthday is an observable holiday.
44. The Mercalli Scale is based on observable earthquake damage.
45. But this view is widely observable.
46. Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities.
47. It was then observable that the substance was greenish.
48. Their only observable characteristics were energy and spin.
49. The color change is observable using a confocal microscope.
50. Observability analysis is the basic and prime task in passive localization and tracking system, for only when the system is observable, it can be determined with unique and definite solution.
51. It is an observable trait of efficiency in action. Nope.
52. Method: 10 cases were observable for heart rate. pressure, central venous pressure kept drainage duct open.
53. The lowest no observable effect concentrations (LNOEC) of Cu, Zn and Mn on the growth of Closterium lunula were found to be 31.
54. These behavior patterns are observable and quantifiable, and they repeat themselves with statistical reliability.
55. It clarifies simulation results and makes the simulation more observable. The conclusion shows that functional coverage combined code coverage provide an integrated quality verification gauge.
56. The SINS/DTU system's observable matrices in different moving bases are obtained by using the method of analyzing the piece wise constant system./observable.html
57. Given a generalized Petri net of which the transitions are all controllable and observable, a deadlock prevention algorithm is proposed in this paper.
58. Because infrared light can penetrate the skull, it can reach the phytochrome and remotely switch the gene on, resulting in observable changes in the mouse's behavior.
59. From Listing 5, you can see that, in order to write an observable that uses the DEBA framework, you have barely anything to do about the underlying SOAP infrastructure.
60. After all, such trends are easily observable in spheres other than language.
61. Section 6 introduces another cost of syndication when effort is not observable.
62. But far be it for me to ridicule science when it is based on observable facts and replicable evidence.
63. T-test for the partial correlation coefficients showed that inheritance, site conditions, and disease etc had observable influence over the epidemic rates.
64. Don't be afraid to create your own Observable implementation if needed.
65. Durkheim's sociology was an attempt to establish the pattern which lay behind all observable phenomena.
66. "This shows that there is no observable difference in performance of engines using biodiesel versus the more common commercial fuel, " Lumkes said.
67. Aim To make gravid proglottid specimen of the clear, observable and bright - coloured.
68. The method avoids inconvenience and error from human's experience, and is simple, observable and operable.
69. Their observable universe also used to be the size of a grapefruit.
70. Third, by and large a four - year cyclical movement is also observable in all prefectures.
71. The pattern is observable in most countries that have pursued such policies.
72. An example that is easily observable is the sexual urge.
73. We don't want to spend a lot of time maintaining low - observable treatments.
74. Conclusion The methods is sensitive and easily observable, which may be used for differentiating Diluted Benzalkonium Bromide Solution and Benzalkonium Bromide Solution.
75. Reflection is hardly observable for line transition time much less than pulse width.
76. The wing sails with 3.1 percentage of essential wing area have observable efficiency in reducing induced drag. The factors of the induced drag were reduced by 20 percent.
77. Symptom -- Any non - observable condition described by the patient.
78. Objective To make bright color, clear and observable specimens of Pneumocystis carinii cyst and trophozoite.
79. To observable clinical effect about treatment of flail chest by multiporous lucite plate external fixation device.
80. Whether a cometary outburst with a jet can cause observable short - term non gravitational effect is investigated.
81. A 2010 study found that friends are significantly more accurate in judging traits like intelligence, talkativeness and creativity—traits that are observable and measurable.
82. Then I will extend my experience to define it: visible, touchable, sensable, researchable, observable things are materials.
83. We've provided a default validation callout mechanism in the DEBA framework to limit exceptions caused by the lack of availability of the observable or observer.
84. Figure 4 shows a distributed state machine in which each observer determines its own subsequent action based on its current state and the state change of its corresponding observable(s).
85. This effect will be observable in SE and PP applications.
86. The placebo effect refers to all the observable behaviors caused by placebo.
87. From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120,[http://]000 light-years.
88. The results of the isoelectric point show the terpolymers to have the observable amphoteric characteristic.
89. The average imprecision in measuring the size of the observable universe is about 10 - 15 meter.
90. The war and the killing assume a different form: they have been shifted from the daylight of observable public events, to the twilight of unobservable inner destruction.
91. Based on the partially observable MDP (POMDP), a new model for a spoken dialogue system is proposed. It uses the concept of partially observable to handle the uncertainty.




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