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单词 Move through
1 Each joint can move through an angle of 90.
2 Ducks are web - footed to help them move through the water.
3 Travelers can move through the country without hindrance.
4 Most instruction is individualized: students move through their course work at their own pace.
5 Individuals do not move through a smooth physical vacuum; they negotiate structured social contexts in company with other individuals.
6 Her scissors move through the material like a swimmer doing crawl,[] among the archipelago of tissue paper.
7 They were fairly easy to move through and were cooler than surrounding areas.
8 They expect the bill to move through Congress like greased lightning.
9 Some move through the stages slowly, while others seem to zip up across and over at a brisker pace.
10 They like open situations where fresh air can move through and circulate freely.
11 Cars move through the congested streets of London no faster than horse-drawn carriages did a century ago.
12 Never watching where they are going, the people move through something prearranged, armed with lies.
13 If chargers move through Fanatics they have not already encountered then they sustain more damage as they hit the deranged Goblins.
14 As we move through the information age, people want things faster and want faster things in their life.
15 Bernice felt something, some force, move through her, penetrating her skin as though it were ether.
16 Elf troops constantly move through enroute to war with the Dark Elves.
17 These two chapters move through the entire world of images and ideas surrounding the divine body.
18 In spite of their rigid structure they can move through the water with surprising speed.
19 These are the items which move through a lifecycle ie. are acted upon by a process model.
20 Hundreds of kilos of muscle and fat manage to snap not even the tiniest twig as they move through thick forest.
21 The movement of trace-elements through the environment A large number of chemical reactions take place when trace metals move through the environment.
22 Vibrations or sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate and these vibrations move through the middle ear to the inner ear.
23 Again a mobile unit will be important soas to be able to gradually move through the woodland.
24 A scroll bar with up and down arrows above and below lets you move through the contents.
25 It was, in other words, the kind of book you encounter with increased frequency as you move through college.
26 It is extraordinary that such a large animal can move through close cover without revealing itself to its prey.
27 Some tanks had a cutter bar mounted in front to improve their ability to move through jungle.
28 Thus, wives often admit having provoked their husbands in order to move through the abuse.
29 All this, of course, falls within the range of normal experience, as you move through your early adulthood.
30 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting.
31 Dole often seemed frustrated and unsure of himself as Democrats blocked many of the bills he tried to move through Congress.
32 However, a minority of features may be the result of waves which influence cloud formation as they move through the atmosphere.
33 You move through each day with grace and aplomb.
34 Kevin felt a nervous shiver move through him.
35 Fundamentally, the for loop involves what is known as an iterator, which is used to move through the collection item by item.
36 Body waves , the fastest seismic waves, move through the earth.
36 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
37 As the packet move through the internetwork, its MAC address changes, but its network address remains the same.
38 Professor Meier also says the possibility of ships being able to move through newly unfrozen parts of the Arctic could lead to losses of natural resources.
39 One last word - Halloween will bring a bushel of fun because the moon will move through Aries.
40 You should acknowledge the happenings in life and move through them strongly.
41 To cause to move through or as if through a funnel.
42 This example demonstrates how to move through a file reading one line at a time or explicitly move the file position indicator using the seek method.
43 But it also is structured to move through a similar opening for action in public opinion.
44 All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, analogous to those of waves that move through water.
45 The Back and Forward buttons move through a history list of items previously browsed.
46 Demonstrates common ways to move through text and code in document windows.
47 The pits continuously move through incident light, which produces regular photoelectric signal accepted by detector.
48 If you face north, the sun appears to move through the sky anti - clockwise.
49 You can move through snow - covered and icy terrain at your normal movement.
50 Each object that you move through must still be alive.
51 ALLIE : People move through their lives sometimes without really thinking about Where they're going.
52 While at a museum, one can frequently rent a small recording machine that will explain the objects on display as you move through the museum.
53 Move through the dataset ( use the buttons at left ) to view each of the structures mentioned.
54 Mars will move through your fourth house of home all month.
55 Don't let its large size fool you; the Ichthyosaur can easily move through the water at great speeds.
56 Use the scroll bars or scroll wheel on the mouse to move through the text.
57 Click on the bar itself to move through the document at breakneck speeds.
58 This makes it easier for fecal matter to move through your colon .
59 Fecal matter should move through your colon easily and in a short time.
60 They move through the place known as Point - where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities.
61 Searchers move through a four - county area to assess the damage.
62 The decision not to give the drug a priority status means it will take significantly longer to move through the review process.
63 Shawn: We actually move through a process whereby we touch every student in the committee room.
64 Iraqis cheer as United States Marines from Task Force Tarawa pass their home as the Marines move through central Iraq.




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