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单词 Anthropologist
1. This involved his formative experience as a young anthropologist.
2. Typically, the anthropologist finds that individuals hold titular offices by virtue of their position in the kinship system.
3. One of those who left is anthropologist Mikel Azurmendi, a militant progressive and a leading figure in the fight against Franco.
4. The anthropologist, Steven Mosher is a doctoral student at Stanford.
5. When you read anything that any anthropologist has written on the topic of kinship terminology be on your guard.
6. Honestly, if an alien anthropologist landed there he might have mistaken the lobby for a flamingo park.
7. In the early 1950s the anthropologist A. Irvin Hallowell reconsidered the whole issue in the light of what it meant to be a human person.
8. Forensic Anthropologist Walter Birkby, now retired, said the cause of death was almost certainly murder.
9. It is at this point that the anthropologist, when pressed, retreats into impenetrable jungles of ethnographic fact.
10. The editor will continue to be anthropologist, art historian and classicist Francesco Pellizzi.
11. Robert Foley is an anthropologist at Cambridge University who has tried to piece together the history of our social system.
12. The lecturer is an anthropologist.
13. I am a social anthropologist.
14. Anthropologist is man who study something about human being.
15. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder.
16. The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant.
17. n January 6, 1973, the anthropologist Margaret Mead published a startling little essay in TV Guide.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. The anthropologist and physician Melvin Konner began his career in the late 1960s studying how hunter-gatherer people in southern Africa's Kalahari Desert raised their children.
19. An elusive, Cambridge - trained anthropologist made his career largely in the United States.
20. You can ask Mr. Smith, the anthropologist, about the anthropoid struction of certain apes.
21. British born social anthropologist Jo Wreford is one of the few white people in South Africa to have qualified as a sangoma.
22. As the social anthropologist Shiv Vishwanathan says, 'The consumer revolution that we have experienced in the past two decades has told the citizen that he can expect a higher quality of governance.'
23. In 1992 my son Jesse, the anthropologist Robert Bruce and I drove 400 miles in Robert's beat-up VW van across the dry landscape of southern Mexico into the Chiapas.
24. Cesare Lombroso (1835–1909) was an Italian anthropologist, criminologist and jurist.
25. But as anthropologist Herbert Spencer describes in his theory of the social organism, society is a system of interrelated parts that operate interdependently.
26. Anthropologist Margaret Mead recalled she was so excited by the ideas set loose in the first meeting that "I did not notice that I had broken one of my teeth until the Conference was over."
27. The anthropologist, as a man, is engaged in saving his own soul.
28. The ethnographer and anthropologist , Baldwin Spencer wrote about these ceremonies when he visited the islands during 1911 and 1912.
29. It was founded in 1884 when General Pitt Rivers, an amateur anthropologist, donated his collection to the university.
30. This unique education undoubtedly prepared Margaret for her work as an anthropologist.
31. The English anthropologist , Geoffrey Gorer , sees the whole situation in Freudian terms.
32. French anthropologist and criminologist who devised the Bertillon system ( 1880 ).
33. Social anthropologist Silvia Basua spends several hours each week helping families to gather the documents they need to register with the state.
34. The find has been taken to the city of Nazca where it is being studied by anthropologist and physicist Andrea Drusini from the University of Padua.
35. This article deals with the study of the metropolitan Geomantic configuration as well as the environmental evaluation process of beijing City in the view of a social anthropologist.
36. It's famous for other reasons, too. Corcoran real estate broker Alex Nicholas says anthropologist Margaret Mead and poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once called it home.
37. "The Serengeti ecosystem is one of the wonders of the planet," said Anne Pusey, an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University.
38. Now Dean Falk, an anthropologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee, has taken another crack at the brain.
39. One social anthropologist believes Britons are even capable of forming one - person queues at bus stops.
40. “It’s a genuine urban culture of watching your neighbors go by, ” said Bruce Grant, a New York University anthropologist who has traveled to Baku regularly in the last decade.
41. In interviewing sexually active men and women, I felt removed, as though I were an anthropologist interviewing headhunters while endeavoring to maintain the value-neutral stance of a social scientist.
42. The Solutrean theory poses similar questions to those raised by Kennewick Man, the 8,400-year-old skeleton found in Washington state in 1996 and initially called European by an anthropologist.
43. In 1947, Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl built a primitive raft made of balsa logs lashed together by hemp rope, and set out from Callao, Peru, on a voyage across the Pacific.
44. One orangutan named Chantek did just that in a sign-language study undertaken by anthropologist Lyn Miles at the University of Tennessee .
45. For example, Harvard anthropologist Stephen Jay Gould was diagnosed with a rare abdominal cancer at the age of 40.
46. "basically we are descended from a long line of successful flirts and it is hard-wired into our brains, "social anthropologist kate fox told afp.
47. Anthropologic film , with no insteadable advantages and especial expressing ways, makes an effective object and compliance by which the anthropologist observes and studies human society.
48. Exile, however, gives perspective, making every emigrant an anthropologist and relativist.
49. While other people such as the social anthropologist M·Louis holds the view of using "soul sticking to body" as the basic character of shamanism.
50. The anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the native proverbs.
51. "Human beings were small, defenseless and vulnerable to predators, " says Barbara J. King, biological anthropologist at the College of William and Mary and author of Evolving God.
52. One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night---Margaret Mead, American anthropologist.
53. After all, other primates cooperate, said anthropologist Joan Silk of the University of California, Los Angeles, who specializes in reproductive strategies of old-world monkeys.
54. Lile an anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables.
55. The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site.
56. Belgian environmental anthropologist Laurens Rademakers, whose cream Out of Africa outfit offered yesterday's sartorial high note, brought a missionary zeal to his account of the merits of biochar.
57. He was born to missionary parents in Kansu in 1898 and later himself served as a missionary, military interpreter, and anthropologist.
58. In the early 1900s in North America, Germanborn American anthropologist Franz Boas developed a new theory of culture known as historical particularism.
59. Zora Neale Hurston, novelist, anthropologist and folklorist , is an important but controversial figure in the Harlem Renaissance.
60. 'We are very weird animals, ' said Emory University anthropologist Todd Preuss at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, who wasn't involved in the study.
61. Unlike many stress studies that rely on self-reported data, the center's work is based on direct observation, says anthropologist Elinor Ochs, the center's director until it closed last year).
62. "Wow!" says Nina Jablonski, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University and author of the book, Skin: A Natural History. "The possibility of preserved australopithecine skin is massively cool."
63. Scott Atran, an anthropologist at France's National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Michigan and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is the author of Talking to the Enemy.
64. Recently some anthropologist conducted an interesting case study in ethnology.
65. Benedict : american anthropologist noted for her study of Native american and Japanese cultures.
66. An eminent anthropologist , Fred Gelman investigated the remnants of ancient structures.
67. An anthropologist wrote a treatise on some of these fables.
68. Perhaps the anthropologist Margaret Mead made the most appropriate expression: "a small group of thoughtful, and have dedicated citizens can change the world."
69. As an anthropologist, I also believe in being a participant observer.
70. Well-known cultural anthropologist Malinowski said: "in human social life, all life's needs have been transformed into cultural needs;"
71. But there's nothing embarrassing about that. Your father worked with Louis Leakey, a great anthropologist.
72. Remember that you are an anthropologist, not a judge or policy maker.
73. Boas: German - born american anthropologist who emphasized the systematic analysis of culture and language structures.
74. Mortality rates from intergroup violence among chimpanzees, the Harvard University anthropologist Richard Wrangham reports, are roughly comparable to rates observed among human hunter-gatherers.
75. "Bipedalism challenges stable postures, because the abdomen expands in front of the body as the baby grows, " said Katherine Whitcome, an anthropologist at Harvard University.
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
76. As a physical anthropologist, I have studied early hominid bones and reconstructed specimens of our predecessors.
77. Prominent anthropologist Margaret Mead once noted that the increasing life expectancy of Americans made it absurd to think that all marriages would or even should endure for a lifetime.
78. One social anthropologist believes Britons are even capable of forming one - person queues at stops.
79. Orwell is, in a sense, an undercover agent, an anthropologist who has gone native to better observe his subjects in their natural habitat.
80. Anthropologist Helen Fisher describes kissing as a " mate assessment tool. ".
81. Oswald Spengler is a famous historian, culture scientist and philosophy anthropologist in modern German.
82. Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.
83. A small plaque on the house notes that poet Edna St. Vincent Millay once lived there; so did anthropologist Margaret Mead.
84. Anthropologist Edward Smith recalls that when he worked as a White House speechwriter, there was a rule against wearing the White House tag after work.
85. Or maybe you'll be an anthropologist who discovers exciting new fossils Pleistocene Epoch.
86. Scott Atran, an anthropologist at France's National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Michigan and John Jay College, is the author of Talking to the Enemy.
87. The noted anthropologist, who had been discussing the subject that morning on a Chinese TV show, said: "It is not unusual to see the Chinese express emotion so openly.




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