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单词 Right hand
1 Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
2 Industry if fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 
3 Her right hand is inches from mine.
4 She extended her right hand towards me.
5 I see a hospital on my right hand.
6 The fighter feinted with his right hand and struck with his left.
7 Using the right hand to touch the string gently through the fingers,the trace of lubrication,with my flying fantasy.
8 In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the converse applies.
9 The right hand is dominant in most people.
10 He held the pencil in his right hand .
11 She swung a slow, heavy right hand at him.
12 She insinuated her right hand under his arm.
13 Most people write with their right hand.
14 He had a knife in his right hand.
15 He made a slight movement with his right hand.
16 Go like this with your right hand.
17 All soldiers must salute with the right hand.
18 He held the pistol in his right hand.
19 The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.
20 He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim.
21 He stuck his right hand in his jacket's pocket,as if he held a pistol.
22 Please print your name clearly in the top right hand corner of the page.
23 After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat.
24 If you do most things with your right hand, you are right-handed.
25 I think he ought to be at the right hand of the president.
26 Goldberg with new suggestion about bottom right hand.
27 He grabbed at a protrusion of rock with his right hand.
28 Hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand.
29 John was so angry that he jabbed her with his right hand.
30 The compensation of the spirit for the loss of his right hand has been allowed to stand outside the discussion of this time.
1 Her right hand is inches from mine.
2 She extended her right hand towards me.
3 I see a hospital on my right hand.
4 In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the converse applies.
5 She swung a slow, heavy right hand at him.
6 All soldiers must salute with the right hand.
31 Left or right hand side zip available.
32 In the right hand corner is a small gate.
33 She had boldly taken it in her right hand.
34 Goreng held up his right hand.
35 Right hand side still too empty, he wrote.
36 A black metal ball flew from his right hand.
37 His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.
38 On her right hand was a huge diamond ring.
39 Cornelius paused a moment to extend his right hand.
40 The Cessna 150 was downwind right hand(/right hand.html), runway 18.
41 I stood there trying to destroy my right hand.
42 With his right hand he takes hold of his chin.
43 At the foot of the stairs, Father Poole paused and transferred his stick from his right hand to his left.
44 His right hand was cuffed to the metal handgrip of the bus seat.
45 Sunny Jim is stark naked with a big piece of pizza in his right hand.
46 Edney holds the ball with his right hand and uses his left shoulder for protection.
47 He lunges at his right hand and the gun falls to the floor.
48 His right hand took hold of the guard's tie and collar and he threw him backwards through the doorway.
49 In his right hand was a large cake with jam on it.
50 You will find the camera button located close to the hand-grip on the right hand side of the body.
51 He reached across to the bank of switches at his right hand and flicked a couple.
52 This time when the firing stopped, he stuck the shotgun round the door with his right hand and pulled the trigger.
53 Wyatt felt a surge of desolation in the knuckles of his right hand.
54 He shoved them back and shut the oven, leaving the pumpkin-colored mitt on his right hand like a boxing glove.
55 An open razor, the blade thick with clotted blood lay on top of it, a few inches from his right hand.
56 The right hand half of each curve can be drawn as a mirror image.
57 The striker took the ball in his stride and powered it into the top right hand corner from 25 yards.
58 The carrying no longer caused a strain, and his right hand could hold the pen unencumbered by other duties.
59 With the same expressions, curled, wiggling eyebrow, and gestures, the first two fingers of his right hand pointing.
60 Many full-length zip bags are available in left and right hand versions enabling two to be zipped together.
61 Tired, drawn and bruised that he was, even the hard-earned pint by his right hand was scarcely touched.
62 Mr Popple peered over the side of the toilet, his right hand leaning on the toilet-seat.
63 Trouble too on lower panel, right hand side, he wrote.
64 Follow the tarmac road opposite for 70yds and at the right hand bend turn left into the fields.
65 Now reverse it - right hand behind your head, left hand on hip and lean to your left.
66 He is seen here after rescue and medical treatment, with a broken nose and bullet wound in his right hand.
67 Without warning his right hand swiped in retaliation at her mouth, splitting her lip.
68 The Wordwrap feature can, on some programs, be disabled to let the text overrun the right hand margin.
69 There will be a little clock in the lower right hand corner that will tick down.
69 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
70 The thaw came yesterday afternoon when Dalglish's right hand man Ray Harford stepped in.
71 Dunwoody is hopeful of returning to the racecourse next Tuesday following his lay-off because of a broken bone in his right hand.
72 Is it because the right hand side is going so badly?
73 Alan saw that she herself stroked the back of the child's head rhythmically with her right hand.
74 The Blairites' right hand seems not to know-dares not find out-what its left hand is doing.
75 Place your right hand on your partner's right shoulder and slide your hand firmly all the way up to the neck.
76 The bullet gouged through Michael Rentas's right hand, but it was deflected, missing his skull by a millimetre.
77 Then he reached the banquette, and without a pause, scooped up the parcel in his right hand and raced on.
78 Pepita wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her right hand.
79 If you aren't using flags, cross your arms in front of your body with your right hand clasped over the left.
80 She extended the forefingers of her right hand in a V, and jabbed at Rodriguez's faceplate.
81 Here the choke chain is relaxed, Note that the leash itself is held in your right hand.
82 Pausing at the door he turned once more and extended the middle finger of his right hand towards the bed.
83 A string of pearls was around her neck, and the bones of her right hand clutched a Bible.
84 Note how the right hand plays the rhythm and then its exact mirror in the next bar.
85 That kind of cerebral dominance was subsequently confused with that other specialty of left-brain function: running the right hand.
86 Ted signaled with his right hand that he was about to turn on to a street marked Myrtle.
87 The string spacing is far too narrow, not only on the fretboard but more especially with regard to the right hand.
88 He put his right hand in his jacket pocket and produced a bulky envelope.
89 In his right hand he's holding a curved knife with a short wooden handle.
90 The cruel blade slid smoothly from its sheath into his right hand.
91 On her right hand she had a large pile of blanks.
92 Now, I could count on the thumbs of my right hand the times I've forgotten myself in a theatre.
93 Her right elbow rests on the right arm of her chair, and her right hand cradles her small, inward-looking face.
94 Place a rubber band over your first and second fingers and hold your right hand facing downwards.
95 It is unsure whether Kahn will regain full use of his right hand.
96 Gritting his teeth against the pain, he made a grab with his right hand and ripped the knife from its sheath.
97 So, while I stood off their changes and challenges with the right hand, I let them in with the left.
98 He had a black trench coat on and his right hand was deep inside the right pocket.
99 As he choked, Gazzer's right hand jerked spasmodically behind him, clutching at Simon's jacket.
99 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
100 In a formal display the left and right hand side are exactly the same.
101 Even so, my right hand is clenched into a fist, the only outward sign that I am afraid.
102 He blasted it and it went in a straight line from his foot to the top right hand corner.
103 She rushed into the kitchen, gripping her left wrist with her right hand.
104 Then breathe in through your nose and draw in your right hand back to its starting position.
105 Dole lost the use of his right hand and arm from grievous battlefield injuries in the war.
106 She suffered powder burns to her right hand and a bullet passed through the sleeve of her nightgown.
107 He took a brochure from the drawer at Pumfrey's right hand, and inspected it.
108 The little finger of his right hand was cut off in a corn picker, 1931.
109 Blood was spouting from cuts on my right hand, and my left foot ached a bit and felt strange - no more.
110 Doleman wrapped him up with his left hand and swatted the ball loose with his right hand.
111 Her right hand held a mangled silver photograph frame about eight inches by six.
112 She has a deep cut in the palm of her right hand.
113 His right hand rested on his knee; the discolored palm opened and closed as he stretched his corpse-white fingers.
114 I slide my knee to the side, grab his throat with my right hand, and squeeze.
115 He learned he had the Aids virus when his right hand suddenly went dead.
116 The dancer Fred Astaire was among those in modern times who have worn a signet ring on the right hand.
117 Scott pulled the car over to the kerb, his right hand slipping inside his jacket.
118 My right hand went instinctively to my sword, thus to force a way through the crowd and take my rightful place.
119 Right hand puts down the pen and moves to the top drawer of the desk.
120 She wore large gold earrings and a heavy strand of pearls, and on her right hand was a huge diamond ring.
121 Doyle swerved, running the car on to the right hand verge, and braked hard.
122 Virginia Stillman released her grip on the chair and put her right hand under her chin.
123 He hit in rhythm, hitting with the right hand, then the left.
124 Spare house and garage keys in the top right hand drawer of Charles's desk.
125 Lying on your side, place your right hand at the top of your right thigh.
126 The thumb on the right hand is used as a pointer to the other fingers on the same hand.
127 In his right hand he held the barrel of a Kalashnikov rifle, its wooden butt resting on the roadway.
128 Under my right arm and in my right hand I clutch two more.
129 He stood in the doorway holding the thirty-eight in his right hand, with his left hand grasping his right wrist.
129 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
130 Susan managed to free her right hand from her attacker with a violent twisting movement.
131 Benedettini clawed the ball out with his right hand, but a linesman raised his flag to indicate a goal.
132 He folded his arms, admiring the two glittering rings on his right hand.
133 With that dulled little blade in his right hand, he began drawing it slowly across the inside of his left wrist.
134 Each pilot had a separate door on the right hand side, off a wing walk.
135 He grew his fingernails long on the right hand, saying that made it easier to pluck the strings.
136 Dunne has a dislocated ring finger on his right hand.
137 Andriutti was rubbing the back of his left arm with his right hand, as if it itched.
138 Then she dunked her right hand in a bowl of ice to numb the cramping.
139 Morenz used his right hand to bring out his passport.
140 Her right hand rests on her knee, her left is half hidden in a pocket.
141 Sidebar a vertical bar positioned usually on the right hand side of the screen.
142 It shows the length of the factory with the Design Studio on the right hand side.
143 John nodded and revolved his right hand, indicating a faster pace.
144 This extra width would also allow for right hand turning lanes to be incorporated at the junctions on to adjacent military land.
145 The size markers are shown on the right hand side.
146 Jean got into the right hand lane to cross the bridge.
147 His golden hair was parted down the middle, and he wore a gold ring on his right hand.
148 She bounded to her feet and waved her right hand triumphantly.
149 Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand.
150 Hold up your right hand. Now, count down from ten, starting with your thumb.
151 The calibrated amperage of each is marked on the carton and right hand end of each.
152 On the right hand is assuredly that' squirt 'Val Dartie.
153 Use your mouse with your left or right hand - ambidextrous design makes it comfortable either way.
154 Even after receiving the " right hand of fellowship ,(http:///right hand.html)'sunday school bored me.
155 His right hand, meantime , describing stately circles -- for it was representing a forty - foot wheel.
156 His right hand suddenly ordered divine retribution to stand by.
157 Enhancement brachium triceps and deltoid muscle: Lying face downward, right hand griping dumb and raising up.
158 He was still conscious, trying to stem the bleeding with his right hand.
159 On her right hand she had what looked like an improvised glove.
160 Your right hand is the counterpart of your left hand.




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