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单词 misconstruction
释义  mis·con·struc·tion /ˌmɪskənˈstrʌkʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]  formalUNDERSTAND# an incorrect or mistaken understanding of something 误解,曲解 SYN misunderstanding Your ideas are open to misconstruction. 你的观点容易被人曲解。Examples from the Corpusmisconstruction• Does his Lordship mean that the court would not have inquired into any alleged misconstruction of that term?• It could not be the case that any misconstruction of any of these terms would involve a jurisdictional error.• Concentration on character may be argued to allow critical misconstruction about how the plays' dramatic action works.mis·con·struc·tion nounChineseSyllable  mistaken understanding of or an incorrect Corpus something




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