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单词 mischievous
释义  mis·chie·vous /ˈmɪstʃəvəs/ adjective  1  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSBAD PERSONsomeone who is mischievous likes to have fun, especially by playing tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them 调皮的,淘气的;恶作剧的 Their sons are noisy and mischievous. 他们的几个儿子又吵又淘气。mischievous smile/look etc Gabby looked at him with a mischievous grin. 加比一脸坏笑地看着他。 There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes. 她的眼里闪烁着调皮的神情。2  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONScausing trouble or quarrels deliberately 引起麻烦的;造成不和的 a mischievous remark 挑拨离间的言论 —mischievously adverb He grinned mischievously. 他调皮地咧嘴笑了。 —mischievousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmischievous• But this particular campaign seems unusually mischievous.• With the nose, because your fingers are crossed, your brain gets mischievous and informs you that you have two noses.• Will is a fun-loving, mischievous guy.• Her expression is mischievous, her mouth about to laugh.• She was a mischievous little girl who was always playing tricks on people.• Behind each star was a moonbeam, some mischievous, some sad; all of them worth looking for and recognizing.• He and David Hemmings got on very well and got up to a lot of mischievous things.• Hail, then, to mischievous tunesmith Todd Rundgren, who served up a splendid evening of time travel.• Some students also have explored using the computers in mischievous ways.mischievous smile/look etc• Harry's charm lay in his quick, almost mischievous smile and impulsive eagerness for life.• Why not use those enormous silly grey eyes that never had a wayward or mischievous look in them?mis·chie·vous adjectiveChineseSyllable  likes to fun, mischievous is who someone have Corpus




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