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单词 misconceived
释义  mis·con·ceived /ˌmɪskənˈsiːvd◂/ adjective  BELIEVEa misconceived idea, plan, method etc is not a good one because it is based on a wrong understanding of something 〔想法、计划、方法等〕建立在误解基础上的,设想错误的 His arguments are totally misconceived. 他的论点完全错误。 His criticisms are misconceived and misplaced. 他的批评是错误的,而且搞错了对象。Examples from the Corpusmisconceived• Executives sometimes find that, on close inspection, the complaints made against them are misconceived.• In the Law Society's view, this is misconceived.• A catalogue of misconceived ideas has preceded our descent into chaos.• As a criticism of the courts, this seems misconceived or at least misplaced.• At least for the moment, the Conservative government has wrecked its popularity by pursuing misconceived projects such as the poll tax.• Hence the misconceived view that researchers' research is theory-based whilst teachers' is not.• The trip was to become the epitome of the affair: misconceived, well-meaning, disastrous, courageous, deceptive and surreal.mis·con·ceived adjectiveChineseSyllable  idea, misconceived not plan, is Corpus good a one method a etc




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