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单词 Ied
1 She - ied with pain when the dentist pulled the tooth out.
2 All the ribbons have ied in.
3 Are you - ied or single?
4 She has - ied off all her daughter.
5 An Afghan soldier guards a stretch of Highway 1 between Maywand District and Zhari District, Afghanistan after an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was discovered.
6 Instead of traditional solid particles in PIV, emulsify ied air bubbles are used as PIV particles.
7 The roadside bomb/improvised explosive device (IED) is one of the definitive weapons in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan.
8 This paper has ied the protective methodandthe aboveground exhibition hall design of this famous Baiheliang Ridge.
9 Among the devices used in a substation, intelligent electronic devices(IED)such as numerical relay protection, fault locator and digital electric transducer are getting popularized.
10 This 15 ) angered Prometheus , so he ied to 16 ) ick Zeus and make him look stupid.
11 S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, replacing Staff Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated 155mm improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad.
12 Both hand and foot can be app 1 ied to attack and defense.
13 Letters of credit are ied in form, length, language and stipulations.
14 Abstract: The improvement project for aerator of zincification building is discussed. At the same time, the design and calculation is carr ied through.
15 Hanging is. an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satis. ied modernity of the electric chair is. just as atrocious.
16 The road is reminiscent of the road from Baghdad to Falluja: littered with IED [improvised explosive devices) holes and the carcasses of burnt-out Nato supply trucks and containers.
17 The influence of hydrochloric acid treatment on kyanite floatability is stud- ied.
18 I grew up in avery rough place . Onething Ied to another, that's all.
19 Here soldiers gather next to a vehicle destroyed by an IED, as their wounded comrades are airlifted by a Medevac helicopter.
20 I was in the United States Army and we were deployed over to Iraq in March of 2004 and we hit an IED, a road side bomb.
21 The improvement project for aerator of zincification building is discussed. At the same time, the design and calculation is carr ied through.
22 The method is capable of fulfilling the access security requirement and real-time control of IED.
23 The dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric coefficient of Tb - modif ied Sr 0.61 Ba 0.39 Nb 2 O 6 crystals were measured.
24 This paper also introduces the design and implementation of an IED configurator in detail.
25 CACI also helps the unit continually evolve its signals warfare solutions to meet ever-changing IED threats.
26 The pricing model of the equity - linked policy with early surrender and guaranteed surrender benefits is stud - ied.
27 The master station manages all slave stations and passes IED data into PI system.
28 Virus-free culture of Mentha haplocalyx B. in tissue culture was stud ied. The agronomic characteristics and related physiological indexes of virus-fr ee seedling were determined.
29 In this paper, the performances of positive plates in lead -acid batteries have been stud- ied from both sides of the positive grid materials and the positive lead paste additives.
30 What happened, Nick Robinson afraid if he goes near the White House some FBI guy will toss an RPG or an IED his way?
31 There were 260 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks in Iraq last month, according to statistics from the military's Joint IED Defeat Organization.
32 The variation of residual energy of propellant in ammunition after long period storage is stud - ied.
33 A journalist went to interview a zoologist who stud ied gorillas in the jungle.
34 Abstract: The variation of residual energy of propellant in ammunition after long period storage is stud - ied.
35 Abnormal oral glucose test ( OGT ) deliver - ied more macrosoniia than normal OGT.
36 How many times have you been hit with an IED, car bomb or RPG?
37 TheeffectofagingtemperatureontherecoverystressofFe - 1 8 Mn - 5 Si - 8 Cr - 4 Ni - 0.2 Cshapememoryalloyhasbeenstud ied.
38 Abdul Qar and his father stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), intended to target US soldiers, which killed his father instantly.




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