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单词 Bottom-up
1. Logogens accept input from both bottom-up sensory analysers, and top-down contextual mechanisms.
2. Bottom-up parsers are very susceptible to problems arising from lexical ambiguity.
3. In the bottom-up approach the paragraphs are first collected, and the semantic net is built as the paragraphs are indexed.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Such a procedure interferes with the inherently bottom-up nature of the GRE process.
5. This paper exemplifies the main bottom-up approach used in this field, and also uses higher-level context.
6. Such models receive information from both top-down and bottom-up sources, and feedback exists between all levels.
7. Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
8. For the purposes of the current project a bottom-up approach is an obvious one to use.
9. Should it at times carry more weight than bottom-up acoustic quality?
10. They point out that bottom-up statistical methods are efficient from a computational point of view, but exhibit poor error correcting capabilities.
11. In the bottom-up approach, investment analysts produce earnings forecasts on the basis of detailed research into the firm's activities.
12. The most prominent of these lessons is that bottom-up infrastructure succeeds and sometimes even spectacularly.
13. If the quality of bottom-up information was good, the algorithm could quickly home in on the correct sequence of words.
14. Strong, bottom-up commitment is the support pillar for all the rest.
15. The parser works in bottom-up, breadth-first manner and uses a chart for efficiency.
16. Support for top-down, meet-in-the-middle, and bottom-up development.
17. Then, Steps 2-4 of the bottom-up method are used.
18. In this situation the quick, bottom-up approach works fine.
19. a bottom-up approach to tackling the problem.
20. There are two main ways of forecasting earnings: the bottom-up approach and the top-down approach.
21. It is paralleled by a sharing of what I have called the bottom-up dreams of the businesses themselves.
22. The better approach is a combination of the top-down and the bottom-up approach.
23. This is not to say that there was no top-down activity or that all bottom-up activity will produce meaningful infrastructure.
24. Consider the extent to which the approach can be said to be atomistic or holistic, bottom-up or top-down.
25. The final two chapters look more closely at the interaction between top-down and bottom-up information given the experimental results.
26. Clearly there is a considerable overlap between top-down and bottom-up plans, but the fundamental distinction needs making.
27. It's on-the-spot reporting like this that allows us to provide a bottom-up perspective on the issues we cover — something that is often missing from government reports or academic analyses.
28. Although they are generally approach-agnostic, each of the techniques discussed below is normally used in combination with either a top-down or bottom-up approach.
29. It's important to note that you can use the bottom-up process to produce the WSDL that drives the top-down process.
30. Tools support for the top-down approach has generally been more limited than the support for bottom-up, but that support is improving.
31. Bottom-up strategy is like building a pyramid: it constructs upper-level concepts from basic components step by step until the whole concept of selected program is achieved.
32. In this paper, through the concrete examples, the author introduces two kinds of parsing approaches:bottom-up parsing and top-down parsing.
33. "In the past when the economy was growing well maybe the bottom-up system worked well in this country, " noted Sekiguchi.
34. Methods Taking advantage of dynamic attribute space management technique and backfilling technique, lift inherent restrictions of the bottom-up attribute evaluation policy.
35. Top-down method is used first in global designing stage, and then bottom-up method is used in layout design.
36. From a logical perspective, the sideway approach allows you to start by adding a subgoal to the logical Web services at the sideway of either the top-down or bottom-up approach.
37. A"bottom-up"analysis method and attribute grammar is used to get correct structure tree.
38. We described bottom-up analysis and the modeling of these external systems in terms of interfaces and components.
39. In practice, we find that unless a project is entirely green field, in addition to a top-down analysis, there is a simultaneous bottom-up analysis of pre-existing code and business logic.
40. This section introduces the two-tiered warehouse modeling approach, which is the best fit for a bottom-up implementation.
41. Has the W3C been pushing the more bottom-up Linked Data world, because of the frustration over lack of take-up of top-down Semantic Web?
42. When people do any serious career planning at all, they almost always use a bottom-up strategy.
43. Analyst firm Documental Solutions specializes in developing comprehensive bottom-up databases for the defense and aerospace industry, coupled with interactive on-line analysis software.
44. A bottom-up implementation involves the planning and design of a data warehouse without waiting for a more business-wide data warehouse design to be put in place.
45. Alternately, you can generate WSDL files from existing assets, then generate deployment code from the WSDL files; this is known as bottom-up development.
46. The breadth of the change and its impact on the organization is considered above everything else, whereas the depth of the change is usually the focus in vertical top-down or bottom-up approaches.
47. We will now examine inheritance in a bottom-up development example.
48. In the example of the nested, two-level embedding approach, you can embed the top-down approach within the bottom-up approach (see Figure 4) or the other way around.
49. To use a data model in a service oriented solution with Web services, we can use a bottom-up development approach or a top-down development approach.
50. He also identified an alternative model which he called the bottom-up approach .
51. Based on bottom-up analysis and contract theory, this paper implemented the inter-procedural check of the pointer validity.
52. Uses a bottom-up approach to teach students how high level language control and data structures are represented at the machine level. Introduce the student to systems programming.
53. After the initial generation, use the bottom-up approach after that.
54. But - agent modeling which is bottom-up approach provides a new method of research on urban space structure.
55. One of the important research directions is the fabrication of nano electrical devices including transistor and sensor by bottom-up method using carbon nanotubes as building block.
56. Then, in this context, bottom-up analysis occurs to try and find matches for the required services (meet-in-the-middle approach).
57. By contrast, value investing employs a bottom-up strategy by which individual investment opportunities are identified one at a time through fundamental analysis.
58. Adopting bottom-up parsing algorithms, the parse analyse the sequence of tokens and form the syntax tree of EP program.
59. The bottom-up approach is focused on enabling the functions of applications and legacy systems as services.
60. The process begins with a preliminary, bottom-up analysis using Microsoft Project.
61. In other scenarios, you might develop using a bottom-up approach, in which you would create your entity objects first and then create the database tables from the entities later.
62. The results show that the upheaval of the excavation using the top-down method is about 1/3 compared with the excavation using the bottom-up method.
63. Hence, a bottom-up analysis of these systems also has to be conducted in order to investigate wrapping and refactoring strategies.
63. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64. The cellular automaton model was applied for the region with the most historical and cultural characteristics in Xi'an to form a bottom-up planning model.
65. This bottom-up approach is quite natural and easy and is the perfect recipe for a SOA failure.
66. For program planning, most managers will typically use a bottom-up approach that identifies and executes planning iterations for the program's individual component projects.
67. In a bottom-up approach, one would start with a Java bean and expose the functionality as Web services.
68. Policy makers always underestimate thepower of the bottom-up quest for dignity, so they are slow to understand whatis happening.
69. Some bitmaps are stored in bottom-up format; the numbers in the first row of the bitmap correspond to the pixels in the bottom row of the image.
70. The basic idea of the mining algorithm is to generate concurrent branch pattern from rough concurrent branch pattern. Bottom-up method is adopted in the process of pattern generating.
71. This chapter describes a technique for parsing using the bottom-up method.
72. The characteristics of effective access sequence in the actual application are analyzed and an efficient algorithm OUS based bottom-up strategy is proposed for mining maximal frequent itemsets.
73. Starting from this stage, this solution is adapting the bottom-up approach, which means that only the most important and urgent business subject areas are targeted in this logical data model.
74. With additional work, however, the bottom-up approach can support hierarchical data models and, therefore, should not be automatically dismissed.
75. As we have pointed out, there are two general ways to build an application, a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach.
76. Data mining can combine top-down analysis techniques with bottom-up analysis techniques.
77. A word of caution about bottom-up analysis: You have to be careful not to blindly expose existing IT capabilities.
78. This is a citizen and national interactive process and a combination of bottom-up and top-down process.
79. From a physical perspective, the sideway approach (shown in Figure 3) allows you to add or delete Web service components sideway to the top-down or bottom-up approach.
80. The bottom-up method will likely be harder, but it would produce power more efficiently, said Parikh.
81. In what is called round-trip development, the developer uses part of the top-down process followed by parts of the bottom-up process.
82. In contrast, the bottom-up approach first uses some metric or categorization of land in the sending area to calculate the total number of TDR to be made available.
83. Aim To study the implementing techniques of the general attributed grammar evaluator based on the bottom-up policy.
84. SproutCore development often takes a bottom-up approach, starting with describing the data model needed in the application and how it will be accessed from the server.
85. Web services can be created using two methods: top-down and bottom-up development.
86. Enterprises are free to use top-down, bottom-up, or a combination of top-down and bottom-up design methods within the framework of the models discussed.
87. This has the potential to significantly alter the budget compilation process from a bottom-up exercise to more of a top-down one.
88. The author deems that value engineering, accompanied with the "bottom-up" approach, should be put into wide use in the design and trial-manufacture of new products.
89. Only by taking an iterative approach where each iteration combines top-down and bottom-up design is an organization likely to achieve Process Isomorphism.
90. I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa.
91. Its execution mechanism is pattern matching. The paper focuses the discussion on the improvement to bottom-up tree pattern matching. Our system has quick response time and strong descriptive power.
92. At the end of the day, it seems that some tool vendors have chosen the bottom-up strategy.
93. Based on method COMAP of complex matching for relational schemas, presented a bottom-up method of complex matching for XML tags.
94. Grails encourages a bottom-up development process, where you usually start by defining your domain models.
95. In a bottom-up approach, you begin with existing systems or applications.
96. If she kept going with that bottom-up approach, she might have eventually progressed to being an executive assistant.
97. LR analysis of expression grammar for the bottom-up parsing algorithm everyone operations for reference purposes only, attitude is everything.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. For search engine optimization, consider the bottom-up approach where you ensure that as many of your catalog pages are indexed as possible.
99. A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
100. Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process.
101. Motivated biologically, this approach simulates the bottom-up human visual selective attention mechanism, extracts low-level features of the image and constructs the saliency map.
102. Adopt the right approach in identification of services by using both domain decomposition business process models and bottom-up models.
103. The bottom-up approach is generally considered to be more intuitive and less error-prone than the top-down approach (discussed below).
104. We see this being implemented in a variety of ways (more on this later), often through bottom-up design and development efforts.
105. This means that the Industry Models tend to follow neither a top-down nor bottom-up approach.
106. With the bottom-up development approach, you start with one or more database objects to create and expose as Web service operations.
107. Development quickly moved to a bottom-up development effort based on tactical execution of a set of projects without defined business value.
108. When we review the history around core systems modernization, bottom-up design and line-of-business approaches have driven siloed IT decisions, accelerating the decay of these solutions.
109. Web services can be created using two approaches: top-down development and bottom-up development.
110. LTM helps us make good use of the top-down information and predict what comes next, thus harvest a better understanding of the context even with less attention allocated to the bottom-up information.
111. You could also embed the sideway approach within the top-down or bottom-up approach.




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