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单词 Magistrates' Court
释义  Related topics: LawˈMagistrates’ ˌCourt noun [countable]  SCTone of the courts of law in each area of England and Wales which deal with less serious crimes 〔英格兰和威尔士审理轻罪案件的〕治安法院,地方治安法庭Examples from the CorpusMagistrates' Court• Bell was remanded in custody for a week when he appeared at Cookstown Magistrates' Court yesterday.• He wore a black shirt and brown trousers during the two-minute hearing at South Sefton Magistrates' court.• Leonard Piper, 57, made his pledge at Witham Magistrates' Court where he admitted to driving while over the limit.• Similarly prosecutions relating to water pollution and contravention of planning notices are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court.• This group comprises the County Court, the Magistrates' Court and tribunals.• Unlike the Magistrates' Court, the Crown Court's jurisdiction is not limited to a given area.ˈMagistrates’ ˌCourt nounChineseSyllable  in of each area of of law England Corpus one courts the




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