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单词 Grow over
1. Climbing plants had grown over the walls, giving the building an appearance much more ancient than it was.
2. Their garden grows over with weeds.
3. Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school .
4. We can see on this graph how the company has grown over the last year.
5. They face a race against time as fears grow over the health of the whales and the possibility of their becoming beached.
6. There were long shelves of books and a rangy philodendron had grown over the top row.
7. Then there's a water butt up by the back door; and some honeysuckle growing over the porch.
8. Chapter 6 examines how school-to-work can contribute to the broader school-reform movement that has been growing over the past decade.
9. Begun 1, 200 years ago, the capital grew over the centuries to many hundreds of temples and palaces.
10. The plants that grew over their grave are believed to remedy hangovers.
11. Very suitable for paludariums, it grows over rocks, stumps, or branches but requires artificial illumination.
12. These trees can grow over a foot in a single summer.
13. But it will become a problem when lists grow over time or when the custom code has never been tested with live data.
14. Because clusters have a tendency to grow over time, I view this not only as a compromise but also as temporary solution at best.
15. Both of these risks will grow over the course of the year, creating intensified feelings of instability (but also disaggregation) in the global markets.
16. In Africa and Asia, they grow over 80 % of crops.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there.
18. It can grow over time as the business evolves and new terms come up that need shared definitions.
19. The supplies of all factors of production grow over time.
20. Yet friction seems likely to grow over access to markets and raw materials, particularly energy.
21. Treating this much larger group with ART would have been vastly more expensive, and that burden would have continued to grow over the next decade.
22. The wealth management market, at $1.2 trillion, is expected to grow over 12 percent per year for the next five years while life insurance rings in revenues of A$12 billion a year.
23. After the head becomes an operation, can the hair still grow over there knife scar?
24. 'Since stocks do not have an expiration date and dividends grow over time, ' Mr. Inker argues, 'the duration of stocks is extremely long.
25. Bond yields are usually larger because stock dividends tend to grow over time and bond coupons don't, so bond buyers typically want to be compensated for this.
26. "So, we saw that we could basically make axons grow over these stop signs, so that they can start to grow like a crazy driver," he said.
27. It's like building the South Bank from scratch instead of letting it grow over 70 years.
28. Whatever the goal, teach them about how they can put their money in certain investments, and how those investments will grow over time.
29. Intracranial lipomas are thought to be congenital lesions. While most are asymptomatic, they can grow over time and cause clinically significant symptomatology.
30. America already had a sizable trade deficit with China, one that would grow over the years as the United States purchased between 35 and 40 percent of Chinese exports annually.
31. These counters are generally reset only at boot, so you are more concerned with numbers that grow over time.
32. Likewise Jason Zhang joined us recently from Neurocrine in San Diego where he has watched us grow over the last few years.
33. Valbuena is a target for a host of clubs across Europe as doubts grow over his long-term future at Stade Velodrome.
34. We are also working on query support which will start with a subset of JP-QL and grow over time.
35. As Twitter continued to grow over the year, the popular microblogging site had more and more sightings of the infamous Fail Whale.
36. As the production system transactions grow over time, this system has a rule defined to keep only the last two years of orders.




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