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单词 insist
释义 Word family  noun insistence adjective insistent verb insist adverb insistently  in·sist /ɪnˈsɪst/ ●●● S3 W2 verb [intransitive]  1  TRUEto say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true 坚称,坚决认为insist (that) Mike insisted that he was right. 迈克坚决认为自己是对的。 His friends insisted he had no connection with drugs. 他的朋友坚持说他和毒品无关。insist on something She kept insisting on her innocence. 她再三坚称自己无罪。2  INSISTto demand that something should happen 坚持主张,坚决要求 Stay for supper – I insist! 留下来吃晚餐——一定的!insist (that) somebody should do something They insisted that everyone should come to the party. 他们坚持要每个人都参加聚会。 He insisted I should take a taxi. 他一定要我乘出租车。insist on something We insist on the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel. 我们坚持宾馆要达到最高的清洁标准。insist on/upon doing something He insisted upon checking everything himself. 他坚持要亲自检查一切。3  if you insist spokenINSIST used when agreeing to do something that you do not really want to do 如果你一定要这样〔用来对你并不真正想做的事表示同意〕 ‘Why don’t you call them up today?’ ‘Oh, if you insist!’ “你何不今天就给他们打电话?”“噢,如果你一定要我这样办的话!”4  insist on doing something to keep doing something, especially something that is inconvenient or annoying 坚持做某事〔尤指麻烦或令人讨厌的事〕 She will insist on washing her hair just when I want to have a bath. 我想洗澡的时候,她一定要洗头。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with insist• You insist on something: She insists on her own bedroom.• You insist on doing something: She insists on having her own bedroom. ✗Don’t say: She insists her own bedroom.• In everyday English, you insist that someone does something: I insist that he waits.• In formal English, you insist that someone do something, using the base form of the verb (=infinitive without ‘to’): I insist that he wait.• You use the base form of the verb when talking about the past: I insisted that he wait. In everyday English, people also say: I insisted that he waited.• You insist that someone should do something: They insisted that I should join them. This pattern is often used in the past, when reporting what someone has insisted. THESAURUSinsist to say firmly that someone should do something or that something should happen 坚持主张,坚决要求She insisted that it was her turn to drive. 她坚持说该轮到她来开车了。demand to say very strongly and sometimes angrily that you want something or that something must happen (坚决)要求I wrote a letter to the company, demanding an apology and a refund. 我写信给这家公司,坚决要求道歉并退款。The guards demanded to see her ID. 警卫坚持要看她的身份证。require [usually passive] formal if you are required to do something, a rule or law says that you must do it 〔法规〕要求,规定The successful applicant will be required to sign a two-year contract. 成功的申请人要签一份为期两年的合同。be adamant to say very firmly that something must happen or is right, and refuse to change your mind when other people try to persuade you 坚持,固执,坚决主张The actress has always been adamant about keeping her private life private. 这位女演员始终坚持使自己私生活不受打扰。won’t take no for an answer informal to insist that someone must do what you say or ask 不容反对,不可商量You’re coming home with me – I won’t take no for an answer. 你得和我一起回家,这事不容商量。put your foot down to say very firmly that someone must not do something 坚决反对Ed was talking about dropping out of school, but Mom and Dad put their foot down. 埃德总说要辍学,但妈妈和爸爸坚决反对。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinsist• "I really need to speak to you now." "Oh, all right if you insist."• We hadn't intended to stay for another drink, but our host insisted.• I didn't want to tell dad about the fight, but he insisted.• Let me pay this time. I insist.• He was a religious man who insisted his children went to church every Sunday.• Many workers now insist on a smoke-free environment.• The man insisted on helping me find a taxi even though I told him I didn't need any help.• Though there are no other witnesses, she insists she saw a man in the yard that night.• I wanted to pay by cheque but the landlord insisted that I pay him in cash.• UFO spotters will always insist that their data is correct.• Mom always insists that we keep our rooms neat.• They're insisting we report the matter to the police right away.insist on something• Finally, he insisted on carrying it.• She insisted on cleaning my flat very thoroughly every Tuesday and Thursday, and often left me a casserole in the oven.• For example, insisting on conditions that would in theory make the employment of women more likely often has the opposite effect.• Together the two books test what can be gained and lost by insisting on either innocence or experience.• I declined, but she insisted on following me for several hundred yards.• Surely Harrison would have insisted on having it pose with him.• Tanya insists on moving in many circles and, above all, on thinking for herself.• In fact, the only thing likely to take any time is deciding which to have. Insist on the best.insist (that) somebody should do something• As his more vocal opponents began to demand his resignation, Wahid insisted he still had Megawati's support.• But suppose I insisted that he was uttering a falsehood.• But the Abingdon-based company behind many of Oxford's barfly promotions insists it is safe.• Darr insists, however, that his group lagged behind the opposition, Concerned Citizens for Metro Nashville, until recent days.• Garryowen's ebullient chairman Frank Hogan insists there will be no change of policy.• He insisted it be given a decent burial and immediately got another cat to replace it.• Why did you not disclose the loss of confidentiality in the doctor-patient relationship on which these companies insist?Origin insist (1500-1600) Latin insistere “to stand on, continue with determination”, from sistere “to stand”in·sist verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  often firmly Corpus to say is when especially something true, and that




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