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单词 insistent
释义 Word family  noun insistence adjective insistent verb insist adverb insistently  in·sis·tent /ɪnˈsɪstənt/ adjective  1  TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingdemanding firmly and repeatedly that something should happen 坚持的,坚决要求的insistent that She was insistent that they should all meet for dinner. 她坚持要大家聚在一起吃晚餐。insistent on They were insistent on good manners. 他们坚持举止要有礼貌。2  CONTINUOUSmaking a continuous pattern of sounds that is difficult to ignore 〔响声〕持续不断的 the music’s insistent rhythm 音乐持续不断的节拍 —insistently adverb The bell rang again insistently. 铃声又响了起来,没完没了的。Examples from the Corpusinsistent• the insistent pressure of fearinsistent on• Grandma was always insistent on going to church on·sis·tent adjectiveChineseSyllable  and that should Corpus demanding repeatedly something firmly




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