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单词 Perfectibility
1 Liberalism placed its hopes in human perfectibility.
2 He believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man.
3 They had no illusions about the perfectibility of human nature in this life.
4 This circuit is of independence and perfectibility, hence can be used to fabricate Deka-Value logic systems and implement any Deka-Value combinatorial logic and temporal logic.
5 With perfectibility of high - new technology and development of softwares, CIS, GPS and RS have been received appropriate use and development in the field of preventive medicine.
6 The perfectibility of the definition about the infinitude in mathematics was analyzed firstly in this paper.
7 Deists believed in the goodness and perfectibility of man, the power of human reason, and the universal benevolence of "God" - however he was to be defined.
8 The Enlightenment proclaimed optimistic views of human reach and perfectibility that challenged formerly essential Christian views of human limits.
9 Since the rise of the religion of autonomy, human perfectibility , and universalism, only one confession has been utterly antithetical: The Reformed confession.
10 And I prove the formal axiomatic system of prepositional logic that is made up of Axiomatic Mode and the Rule of Detachment does not possess syntactic perfectibility.
11 Injuring pacare is a severe breach of contract which damages both performance interest and perfectibility interest.
12 Sociologists have been seduced by Marxist ideas about the perfectibility of mankind.
13 Classic : There is a nature of man, a definite structure of existence that puts limits on perfectibility.
14 In recent years, the financial supervisory system of China has been tending to maturity and perfectibility, but there are still many contradictions and problems.
15 It teaches one that learning to be human is learning to be moral and above all, Confucianism celebrates this life and believes in the perfectibility of the human being.
16 Communism offered a coherent belief system, based on a false theory of the perfectibility of man and the pseudo-science of economic determinism.
17 In China, research and practice of CFO System has just started. It needs continuousconclusion and perfectibility.
18 So, mining closed frequent itemsets in data stream is efficient which ensures the perfectibility of information.
19 Where Christianity taught that humans are sinful because of the fall, modernity taught universal human goodness and even perfectibility and denied the doctrine of sin.
20 It's application improves the automation of production and quality of products. It also alleviates the waste of coal resource and lays foundation for multiformity and perfectibility of using coal.




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