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单词 unrefined
释义 Word family  noun refinement refinery adjective refined ≠ unrefined verb refine  Related topics: Industryun·re·fined /ˌʌnrɪˈfaɪnd◂/ adjective  1  TIan unrefined substance is in its natural form 未精制的;未提炼的 unrefined sugar 粗糖2. formalPOLITE# not polite or educated 不礼貌的,粗俗的;无教养的Examples from the Corpusunrefined• The modern diabetic diet consists of high unrefined carbohydrate, and fibre, with a low fat content.• It's no lower in calories, but it's higher in fibre and unrefined carbohydrates.• Because they are more slowly metabolised, unrefined foods supply a steady stream of energy throughout the day.• An hour's rehearsal wasn't much but sufficient to ensure an almost trouble free, if distinctly unrefined performance.• The mineral traces in unrefined salt can sometimes affect the foods with which they are used.• In 1913,150,000 tons of unrefined sugar arrived at the Nord stations, 85 percent of it at La Chapelle-Charbons.un·re·fined adjectiveChineseSyllable  unrefined natural an is form in substance its Corpus




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