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单词 Strasbourg
1. Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany.
2. The Rhine is navigable from Strasbourg to the sea.
3. This hospital was endowed by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century.
4. The Strasbourg smokescreen will be different.
5. Strasbourg is very close to the German border.
6. The judges in Strasbourg split 5-4 on the issue.
6. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. Strasbourg was also the birthplace of the modest first Calvinist psalter in 1539.
8. Last year, I elaborated on that plan in Strasbourg, at the European Parliament.
9. All the riverside quarter of Strasbourg had already been cleared of civilians.
10. Book online the cheapest hotels in Strasbourg - low prices and high discounts.
11. Note: Beijing off to Strasbourg airport landing flight tickets will not be required to pay.
12. The judges found two structural flaws in the Strasbourg assembly.
13. "Hell, " I said, "why go to Strasbourg? We could go up to Bruges, or to the Ardennes. "
14. The draft treaty of the Political Community, with 117 articles, was presented in Strasbourg on 10 March 1953.
15. That would lead to a quick secret ballot on December 5, just before the Strasbourg summit.
16. Already a delegation of illegal immigrants has been let into the courtyard at Strasbourg.
17. De Gaulle launched the Rassemblement in a speech at Strasbourg on 7 April 1947.
18. An effigy of Mr MacSharry was burned by protesting farmers in Strasbourg last week in a violent protest against the deal.
19. In 1991, Architecture · Studio won theinternational competition for EuropeanParliament in Strasbourg among 100 entries.
20. MPs have one free trip to Brussels and another to Strasbourg, headquarters of the EC, each year.
21. Before coming on my attachment to a City law firm, I spent a year at Strasbourg University.
22. The Schengen Information Service ( SIS ) features an enormous database in Strasbourg, France.
23. Now the time came when Silvester was sent to join the monastery school in Strasbourg.
24. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has detailed the results of his six-month EU presidency in a final address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
25. In April, he attended a NATO summit in the eastern city of Strasbourg.
26. Sarkozy intends to celebrate France's return to the fold at Nato's 60th birthday summit in Strasbourg next month and with a symbolic trip to the second world war Normandy beaches with Barack Obama.
27. Now I am trying to sue the Spanish government at the Human Rights court in Strasbourg.




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