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单词 Enterprise
1 Failure in a great enterprise is at least a noble fault. 
2 Youth is the season of hope, enterprise, and energy, to a nation as well as an individual. 
3 This is a private enterprise.
4 They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.
5 I aided him in his enterprise.
6 State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
7 Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money.
8 Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
9 Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.
10 The programme is a joint enterprise with the National Business School.
11 The programme is a joint enterprise with the London Business School.
12 The music festival is a new enterprise which we hope will become an annual event.
13 I thought she showed great enterprise.
14 The Act will encourage private enterprise.
15 They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.
16 Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.
17 The enterprise collapsed through lack of support.
18 We're looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.
19 She was never discouraged in her enterprise.
20 You shouldn't underestimate the risks of the enterprise.
21 Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.
22 He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.
23 He is a man of great enterprise.
24 All our capital is locked up in that enterprise.
25 The government can't bail out every unprofitable state enterprise.
26 They are willing to undertake a new enterprise.
27 An enterprise should encourage innovation.
28 He runs a successful small enterprise.
29 The enterprise was doomed to failure.
30 The boss has put all his money into that speculative enterprise.
1 This is a private enterprise.
2 They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.
3 State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative.
4 Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money.
5 Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
6 Because it is in an enterprise zone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.
7 The programme is a joint enterprise with the National Business School.
8 The boss has put all his money into that speculative enterprise.
9 The programme is a joint enterprise with the London Business School.
10 He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.
11 He is a man of great enterprise.
12 An enterprise should encourage innovation.
13 Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labour.
31 Speaking generally, the space enterprise has served astronomy well.
32 Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labour.
33 Companies within enterprise zones are given special help.
34 These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
35 Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise.
36 The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture.
37 We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.
38 Many hotels are showing enterprise and imagination by staging special events.
39 The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners, thereby urging state-owned enterprises to improve management.
40 How come you got that post in the adventure - joint enterprise?
41 Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people.
42 He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.sentence dictionary
43 He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.
44 Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.
45 The company is in debt after losing an estimated $30 million on its dotcom enterprise.
46 The team leader will be the most important factor in this difficult enterprise.
47 If we are to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.
48 It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake.
49 Because the organization is a charitable enterprise it is free from tax worldwide.
50 This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon show profits.
51 The government has set up a special economic zone to promote private enterprise.
52 The enterprise will entail enormous expense and labour on us.
53 The little enterprise set up by Mr. Leo had peaked out.
54 The government decided the only solution was to bail the state enterprise out.
55 He got the job because he showed the spirit of enterprise.
56 They've showed a lot of enterprise in setting up this project.
57 He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
58 Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.
59 The whole enterprise was ill-founded from the start.
60 To Gould, though, Lear's enterprise had distinct possibilities.
61 It's only free enterprise, after all.
62 Then suddenly free enterprise had entered their lives.
63 Few strings are attached to the Enterprise Allowance Scheme.
64 There is £1.5 million for the business enterprise scheme.
65 The mass production enterprise is a case in point.
66 This is the bright side of extreme free enterprise.
67 It shows free enterprise Toryism at its best.
68 His business enterprise knew no bounds.
69 The maintenance of territorial integrity has become a joint enterprise.
70 Directly or indirectly, ownership provides the dollars and authority an enterprise needs to conduct its business.
71 The town had suffered from the worst of industrial enterprise and was now the recipient of a major twenty-million-pound clean-up.
72 The fear that the whole enterprise was at risk from the blunders of some one outside the charmed circle.
73 She continued to juggle multiple responsibilities,[http:///enterprise.html] raising six children and building Copley into a huge and successful enterprise.
74 The main benefits of the whole enterprise seem to have been Teflon, Tang, and a stack of very cool photographs.
75 This process supplies the enterprise with evidence of its capability to succeed, regardless of external events and circumstances.
76 He has announced that private enterprise will be allowed to flourish.
77 Let us return to the question of the possibilities for enterprise democracy under present circumstances.
78 New business Public relations consultancies no more want to stand still than any other business enterprise.
79 The Humberside Training and Enterprise Council found these particularly beneficial.
80 From this viewpoint any highly segmented representation of worker interests in relation to employers, such as via individual enterprise bargaining, had little appeal.
81 The bottom layer of the model represents the implicit information in the enterprise.
82 Today I checked the position in every local enterprise company.
83 It was the difference between a vast public enterprise, and a local farmer making a living as economically as he could.
84 Some Enterprise rooms are in the annexe directly opposite the main building.
85 Firstly, negotiations were begun with Forth Valley Enterprise with a view to establishing a training unit on campus.
86 Moreover, Kalmar contains but a small part of the total final assembly facilities within the Volvo enterprise.
87 It is also important to notice how easily such a principle supports personal enterprise and property in its contemporary form, capitalism.
88 It is assumed that these are linked not to profit maximisation, but depend on the size of the enterprise.
89 There may be something mildly transgressive in the whole enterprise.
90 Where private enterprise has stepped in, the results have been variable.
91 The enterprise of science consists in the proposal of highly falsifiable hypotheses, followed by deliberate and tenacious attempts to falsify them.
92 Investment in commercial properties in enterprise zones within 10 years of the creation of the zone attracts 100% initial allowance.
93 The enterprise then assumes a defensive posture that offers little true protection and scant opportunity for improvement and growth.
94 After 1475, however, Gloucester made no further acquisitions, either through royal grants or private enterprise.
95 She has already raised over £500 towards the cost of this enterprise.
96 The course is not just about starting a new enterprise, it's also about raising the standard of enterprises that already exist.
97 Once Marxism was a value system then capitalism and free enterprise tried to coalesce as a value system - largely unsuccessfully.
98 But there was no such enterprise culture in Britain in those days.
99 Industrial economics Local enterprise agencies offer free advice and counselling to people who own or are considering setting up a small business.
100 One person said just holding the single chip and waiting to eat it had made him very nervous about the whole enterprise.
101 The question arises as to what extent such arrangements can provide a model for the democratisation of the multidivisional capitalist enterprise. 2.
102 Zuwaya made similar contracts for other kinds of enterprise - - shops,[] garages or farms.
103 But only a small number cross functions or span the entire enterprise.
104 They fear that ministers intend to downgrade their economic role and enhance the powers of local enterprise companies.
105 This is not an entirely commercial enterprise, of course; it is also about people wanting to see one's work.
106 The question of how to discipline children has always been of central importance to the whole enterprise of bringing them up.
107 And at that level of implementation, the aggregate benefits to the enterprise start to become very apparent.
108 For appearances' sake I maintained the fiction that I was setting up an independent enterprise in the EFL field.
109 Feeling at once enervated and threatened, the enterprise collectively hunkers into a defensive, self-protective posture.
110 The lawyer said the defendants were all involved in a joint enterprise to plant a booby-trap device under the car.
111 Small wonder if their son grew up with a taste for chivalrous pursuits, warlike deeds and sometimes foolhardy enterprise.
112 Yet he would certainly be tracked down if he tried anything else and that would threaten the larger enterprise.
113 Sarcastic cameos of barking Tory predators and their yelping spouses indicate his accomplices in this enterprise.
114 He takes Adam Smith to task for conflating the division of labour in society with the division within the enterprise.
115 In a small enterprise or department, management by inertia is a deadly disease.
116 Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
117 Teacher education is a smaller scale enterprise than it was at the time of the events I have recorded.
118 Whether versions of destruction are to take place within or without the industrial enterprise, the political implications are obvious.
119 An unholy alliance with other minorities to preserve ideological positions otherwise unacceptable to the electorate does not appeal as a noble enterprise.
120 Enterprise also plan to expand their estate by acquiring more pubs, aiming to double in size by 1996.
121 There is reason to question the reliability of the data used by Enterprise Zone advocates to make their case for success.
122 This could undermine the enterprise economy and lead to a reduction in consumer choice.
123 Today enterprise performance demands a balance among shareholders, customers, employees, and any other crucial constituency.
124 Therefore individual work measurement becomes inappropriate and each worker's salary is determined primarily by the overall economic situation of the enterprise.
125 Economic survival of the enterprise or its further progress depends on managers communicating effectively with employees.
126 It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
127 The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture as important contributions to workforce flexibility, and the restructuring process.
128 Network structures and powerful small appliances allow data and computer resources to scatter throughout an enterprise.
129 Indeed, the logic of commercialism may lead the enterprise to pursue activities at odds with other government objectives.
130 That's one reason why the whole enterprise was abandoned in 1926.
131 You hear the same sort of thing from people who worked with Bush in private enterprise.
132 Traders and shopkeepers there were not capitalists,[] although they accepted that definition of themselves in their defence of free enterprise.
133 They also tend to drive out whatever healthy attitudes are at work within the enterprise.
134 Government intention does not transform itself into public enterprise action in a mechanical and straight forward way.
135 Yet what is more deserving of anyone's attention than getting the sales orders upon which the survival of the enterprise depends?
136 In effect, landlords have clawed back for themselves an increasing proportion of rate relief on premises within enterprise zones.
137 Finally, how did companies assess the incentives on offer within enterprise zones?
138 As a result of the government's programme, the weight of the public enterprise sector was significantly curtailed.
139 They feel that they can band together with others in a kind of joint enterprise to beat the disease.
140 But what began as an enlightened innovation has become an albatross around the neck of the free enterprise system.
141 Liberal-democracy is found only in countries whose economic system is wholly or predominantly that of capitalist enterprise.
142 Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
143 Two potential avenues for this enterprise have been suggested: the corporatist and the democratic ideal of the company.
144 Our Representatives Care and service are the bywords of an Enterprise representative.
145 A PROPERTY developer has claimed congested roads in Middlesbrough are hampering the letting of his scheme in the town's Enterprise Zone.
146 Enterprise has been driven away by high business rates and high domestic rates.
147 The star ratings shown in the hotel descriptions have been allocated by Enterprise and are not necessarily the same as official classifications.
148 The camp has established an innovative partnership with a local village tourism enterprise.
149 In short, drawing a boundary between sociolinguistic and pragmatic phenomena is likely to be an exceedingly difficult enterprise.
150 It argues that this reflects the inherent character of the relationship between the public enterprise and the political controllers.
151 Spectator sport may have been partially commercialized but it never became a capitalist leisure enterprise.
152 However, the new company will be a far smaller enterprise than its 60-year old predecessor.
153 The craftsmen whom Willis describes are involved with their work even though they are alienated from the given structure of the enterprise.
154 Though there was undoubtedly comradeship, there was also the danger and loneliness of individual enterprise.
155 If column 3 exceeds column 2, the Jones Enterprise would be better off doing something else with its resources.
156 Three policies merit consideration: enterprise zones, Freeports and Simplified Planning Zones.
157 Senge highlights the family as a learning organization and the importance of the skills developed in family life for the business enterprise.
158 He was hostile to the joint-stock company as a medium through which to carry on business enterprise.
159 Enterprise picks up renters at their homes at no extra cost, and charges below airport-rental rates.
160 The corollary of this is the increasing emphasis that has been placed on urban policies, such as Inner-City Partnerships and Enterprise Zones.
161 The burgeoning air transport industry is presenting huge opportunities for enterprise.
162 As well as the fashion design award, the Trust will also make an award to a local school for business enterprise.
162 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
163 Profit and loss from war was not necessarily always a matter of individual enterprise.
164 Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard Work is the solution. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
165 The school administration seemed reluctant to let students broadcast on this increasingly lucrative enterprise.
166 The enterprise of AIDS prevention in the gay world has strenuously avoided any detailed examination of these mechanisms.
167 Measures have included the setting up of regional development agencies, private- public partnership schemes and privately organised enterprise trusts.
168 This new capitalism is a cut-throat enterprise: to stay in business you must not only compete with but beat your competitors.
169 And as you would expect in a town of enterprise, some of these buildings have been sensibly adapted to modern use.
170 As a model of local enterprise, Vee-Jay had the most promise-and the most spectacular fall.
171 A board was nominated to run each industry as a viable commercial enterprise.
172 But Enterprise Neptune has not drawn to an end with the successful completion of its Silver Jubilee year.
173 Loans and extension services have to be run in support of private commercial, industrial and agricultural enterprise.
174 In a word, the dependency culture should be replaced by an enterprise one.
175 Between 1981 and 1983 the government created twenty-four so-called enterprise zones in economically depressed areas.
176 From hand-churned butter and fresh eggs to delicate salad leaves and edible flowers, the enterprise is underpinned by the farm.
177 In September, he planted 2, 000 acres of wheat, an enterprise that cost about $ 180, 000.
178 At some point the size of the enterprise may dictate that you think commercially rather than in terms of self-reliance.
179 The research will assess the management and effectiveness of one local enterprise agency based in Colchester, Essex.
180 We are by nature the Party of free enterprise and market economics.
181 He was the backbone of a new and fragile enterprise, they said.
182 Nor do all who participate in a joint enterprise agree to its occurrence.
183 As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide.
184 The quantity of operational information in the industrial assurance enterprise was vast.
185 Applicants will meet a Youth Enterprise Scheme officer to discuss their business idea.
186 In a slip of time, the mantle of achievement passed from private enterprise to public works.
187 The culture of dependency has to be replaced by the enterprise culture.
188 At the bottom of Rover's long-term failure is a hopelessly crude conception of what constitutes enterprise and business success.
189 Is there in fact such a clear distinction to be maintained between civil association or societas and enterprise association or universitas?
190 It was a celebration of freedom, free spirits and free enterprise.
191 But, in principle, an enterprise might be so inefficient that its revenues fail to cover even the cost of materials.
192 These entrepreneurs need to boost their own self-confidence and to feel that their business is associated with a successful enterprise.
192 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
193 It prevents an enterprise from falling into the self-defeating trap of rewarding one constituent group repeatedly, and repeatedly penalizing others.
194 The division within the enterprise: As Marx argues, this division of labour is of a different kind from the others.
195 The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism.
196 As we've already seen, the very high tax rates under the Labour Government helped to kill enterprise.
197 The resources within the enterprise are under the direct control of the managers of the enterprise.
198 The private sector often complains about public enterprise, arguing that government should not compete with business.
199 It would impose taxes on business and individuals which would discourage enterprise and discourage people from trying to work hard.
200 A specific objective is that this new body will work directly with the local enterprise companies.
201 He is the author of numerous books and pamphlets on capitalism, industry and the enterprise culture.
202 Its purpose, they claimed, was to preserve the area from vandalism and commercial enterprise!
203 They have turned character assassination into a state-of-the-art enterprise to get big ratings.
204 It may seem too much like confinement, a denial of individual enterprise and the constraining of intuition into patterns of conformity.
205 Newspapers and magazines sell space, which is not without its limitations for a commercial enterprise.
206 The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.
207 If successfully claimed, 50 percent of the total costs of the training would be refunded by Grampian Enterprise.
208 The scale of the enterprise is so large that fourteen nations combine their efforts at this single lab.
209 He advocated experiments with private enterprise in the coal industry.
210 But do politicians appreciate the value of the diplomatic enterprise?
211 Hobson was the associate deputy administrator for government contracting and minority enterprise development.
212 It is a creature of government bureaucrats, yet it is the soul of new enterprise and entrepreneurship.
213 Although farming seems like an international enterprise, most food is consumed in the country where it was produced.
214 A commercial enterprise of national value to our successors will have been severely damaged.
215 There are two further complications that the logic of state enterprise suggests are likely to occur.
216 But this tale of commercial enterprise by academics has, ironically, rebounded on them.
217 The enterprise culture was born and the number of new paper millionaires mushroomed from around 5,000 to 18,000.
218 The tie-up could send a chill through Bill Gates since it gives Novell an interesting point of entry to the enterprise.
219 Ultimately it was only by becoming respectable that the movie industry would continue to survive as a free entrepreneurial enterprise.
220 Free enterprise was encouraged in private-sector hotel projects and the creation of new farms and small-scale industries not subject to state price controls.
221 Virtually everyone who works for an enterprise from time to time will acquire information from the environment of potential value to its operations.
222 All this is being done in the name of free enterprise.
223 They accept the goal of an enterprise economy, but want it tempered by social concerns, with a place for worker-ownership.
224 The Chancellor will try to sell his Budget to the business community as one geared towards promoting enterprise and investment.
225 Colchester Business Enterprise Agency 0206-48833: free advice for those starting or running their own business, courses and workshops.
226 However, if you hate exercise, be assured that the whole enterprise is not necessarily doomed to failure.
227 The brokerage we just described is but one example of an enterprise at odds with itself.
228 It is these terms and conditions in conjunction with the Partnership Act which will regulate the running of the enterprise.
229 The company wanted to create a military command center resembling the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
230 There was something suicidal about the whole pretentious enterprise, which Dustin should have been talked down from before he leaped.
231 In the last six months, two fledgling dirt-shirt companies have staked claims to this earthy enterprise.
232 Partners must not engage in any form of enterprise which is in competition with the partnership.
233 We will set up and fund new regional development and local enterprise agencies.
234 The 3i chairman is convinced that an enterprise economy does now genuinely exist in Britain.
235 Similar observations can be made in relation to the development of management strategies in industrial relations at the level of the individual enterprise.
236 Nothing about the manner in which he performed suggested the adverse condition of a man under the stress of an impossible enterprise.
237 This study will take a different approach to identifying the peculiarities of public enterprise industrial relations.
238 They came eager for the great enterprise, to cross the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes.
239 No farmer can therefore afford to carry workers who are disgruntled or who have no identification with the aims of the enterprise.
240 It was supposed that the critical role of knowledge work in this new style enterprise would necessitate the restructuring of administrative systems.
241 I do not wish to suggest that New Historians are involved in some huge subversive critical enterprise duping credulous students.
242 We have been particularly concerned in this study with the large to very large enterprise.
243 The reductivist enterprise thus inevitably comes to grief, and it is not altogether surprising that it does.
244 Training and Enterprise Councils will be retained, reformed and made more broadly representative of their local communities and given stable budgets.
245 The core of the neoliberal argument is the need to free enterprise and initiative from the dead hand of the state.
246 But by now the diplomatic enterprise was also beginning to be associated with more sordid activities.
247 It is the autonomous nature of sole trading which is an attractive feature of this form of business enterprise.
248 The support dairy product enterprise strengthens the quality detection.
249 Evolve the pattern enterprise XXXX councilorship.
250 The enterprise is external amalgamative wait with alliance.
251 Is an enterprise current assets material item.
252 We are an enterprise manufacturing various arts and crafts.
253 Cost accounting is an important job in an enterprise.
254 Agile supply chain management can improve enterprise reconfiguring agility.
255 Quality of their knowledge produce is a decisive factor as a knowledge - pattern enterprise.
256 Consequently, with flexible decision making enterprise can avoid loss agilely.
257 Why does the enterprise in account of individual of primary endowment insurance delimit partial Biliru decides?
258 This paper applies DEA method in the petroleum enterprise management.
259 The intelligence, cohesion and creativeness generated by cooperate culture is the intangible asset of an enterprise.
260 Lenovo is not the first Chinese enterprise to dabble in F 1 racing.
261 Administration ( Enterprise - only ). Security, course management , publishing tools , dashboard analytics, support.
262 This article discusses the relationship between Enterprise Counterintelligence and Information Security.
263 Advance managing mode and professional technicians make the enterprise the apotheosis in the industry.
264 At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.
265 Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the acquiring Banking Enterprise.
266 To birds kind enterprise of treatment breed aquatics, shandong will offer taxation favourable policy.
267 Spacecraft simulation technology utilization for our country astronautics measure and control enterprise development huge function.
268 Venture industrial investment, corporate finance advisory, enterprise financing, IPO recommendation, purchase and annex, policy enquiry.
269 Its utility and maneuverability are exemplified by an aeronautical manufacturing enterprise.
270 Therefore, the enterprise accounts receivable management research becoming increasingly important.
271 Producing product with high technology and accessional value is the inevitable choice of any enterprise.
272 How to strengthen enterprise party to build the job, the article made an abecedarian discuss.
273 The complexity and decentralize of fixed assets management of power network challenge more for the enterprise.
274 Enterprise annuity is a plan of sweeping manpower capital investment.
275 Enterprise pulling a head has the basic cell that aircrew becomes , it is each container van.
276 The informatization of enterprise and individual and network defray, inevitable meeting is cut down greatly.
277 AIX Enterprise Human Resource Limited Corporation lies in the beautiful icy city Harbin.
278 Haier is an enterprise that manufactures high - quality household appliance.
279 Regard a severe loss as the enterprise, contradictory crisscross, difficult problem is very much.
280 The enterprise annuity is a kind of enterprise system for employees.
281 His great and wealthy enterprise constantly formed an apple of discord.
282 Baotou aluminous factory is the energy - saving benefit of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region enterprise.
282 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
283 Once the amortize method of the enterprise is affirmatory, do not get optional change.
284 The corporate mode is the excellent management of enterprise annuity mode.
285 As an old part organ played a great role in our long - time Administrivia propagandize enterprise.
286 The assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprise name after the assignment.
287 The supervision dairy product enterprise fulfills lives the fresh milk agreement, the execution contract.
288 To the enterprise character, adumbrative move is round of competition will be more intense.
289 And reform the state - owed enterprise appoint personally at foreign capital not be advisability more lift.
290 The almanac skin has the handbag factory for the domestic soleownership handbag manufacture enterprise.
291 Offers design and advisory service to enterprise planning system reform and IPOs.
292 Chapter four analyses the structure and regulatory issues of Trust Enterprise Annuity.
293 The second chapter The conflicts and adaptation of foreign investment enterprise law and the corporation law.
294 How to develop APS is suggested for aluminum foil enterprise.
295 Since January 1 st 2005, the small enterprise should execute Small Enterprise Accounting System.




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