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单词 Salary
1, The average salary is $39,000 a year.
2, The payments are a supplement to his usual salary.
3, The average salary is correlated with length of education.
4, Tax is deducted from your salary.
5, The increase in salary will be appreciable.
6, He earns an enormous salary.
7, I overspent my salary this month.
8, The company made an adjustment in my salary.
9, She earns a high salary.
10, The company has offered a high salary.
11, I can't make ends meet on my small salary.
12, My salary is really low.
13, His salary is insufficient to meet his needs.
14, His salary is augmented by a small inheritance.
15, Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
16, His net monthly salary is £1500.
17, Salary levels are reviewed on a yearly basis.
18, Has your salary been paid yet?
19, The very high salary made the job irresistible.
20, My salary is chicken feed compared with hers.
21, My salary is paid directly into my bank.
22, Are you content with your present salary?
23, Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.
24, The payments will be deducted from your salary.
25, You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.
26, You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
27, His monthly salary is paid in the bank by his employer.
28, The large salary made their offer even more appealing to him.
29, He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.
30, It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.
1, The average salary is $39,000 a year.
2, The payments are a supplement to his usual salary.
3, The average salary is correlated with length of education.
4, He earns an enormous salary.
5, The company made an adjustment in my salary.
6, She earns a high salary.
7, I can't make ends meet on my small salary.
8, My salary is really low.
9, His salary is insufficient to meet his needs.
10, Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.
11, His net monthly salary is £1500.
12, Salary levels are reviewed on a yearly basis.
13, The very high salary made the job irresistible.
14, My salary is paid directly into my bank.
15, The payments will be deducted from your salary.
16, You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.
17, You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
18, It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.
19, The large salary made their offer even more appealing to him.
20, He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office.
21, That firm is looking for a new accountant. At present the salary they will offer has been left open.
22, I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.
23, I had reached the point where I was earning a good salary.
24, She was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary.
25, On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car.
26, Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
27, The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.
28, I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
29, The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.
30, Golden parachutes entitle them to a full year's salary if they get booted out of the company.
31, That firm is looking for a new accountant. At present the salary they will offer has been left open.
32, I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.
33, The salary is negotiable.
34, You must balance the high salary against the long working hours.
35, I had reached the point where I was earning a good salary.
36, She was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary.
37, On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car.
38, Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
39, The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.
40, I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
41, The low salary did not dispose him to accept the position.
42, Golden parachutes entitle them to a full year's salary if they get booted out of the company.
43, Every month he lays by 100 dollars out of his salary for his old age.
44, Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.
45, Be realistic you can't expect a big salary at eighteen.
46, I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary.
47, Most of my salary goes on the rent.
48, Is your salary taxed at source ?
49, Salary is a function of age and experience.
50, The boss grudgingly raised my salary.
51, My salary isn't enough for us to live on.
52, It's time you jacked up my salary.
53, The cost will be stopped out of your salary.
54, The lawyer was paid a huge salary.
55, The company was unable to match his current salary.
56, What does the salary work out as per month?
57, He had to take a cut in salary.
58, His salary is under £300 a week.
59, The salary they pay me is none too high.
60, He's on quite a good salary now.
31, Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.
32, The cost is only a fraction of his salary.
33, His monthly salary is paid into the bank by his employer.
34, He was engaged at a salary of $ 1000 a month.
35, I asked for a rise of salary so I could bail out.
36, He had the audacity to ask for an increase in salary.
61, With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.
62, The salary was not to be sniffed at either.
63, The high salary reconciled me to living abroad.
64, His salary is now in six figures.
65, My salary won't run to foreign holidays.
66, The cost is only a fraction of his salary.
67, She blew in her salary yesterday.
68, The position is rewarded with a generous salary package.
69, He gets commission on top of his salary.
70, Half her salary goes on the rent.
71, Her salary puts her in the highest tax band.
72, What is the salary range for the post?
73, His promotion means a raise in salary.
74, We offer an excellent salary and benefits package .
75, His salary vis-a-vis the national average is extremely high.
76, Most of my salary goes on/in rent.
77, His salary barely kept him in drink and cigarettes.
77, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
78, Salary is proportional to years of experience.
79, His small salary is augmented by a commission.
80, The workers banded themselves together against the low salary.
81, He's been offered an astronomical salary.
82, Tom's salary reached to 5,000 dollars per month.
83, The salary proved suffccient for his needs.
84, Your salary depends in part on your qualifications.
85, The company automatically makes tax deductions from your salary.
86, Her low salary is not commensurate with her abilities.
87, She bet a month's salary on the black horse.
88, I saved part of my salary each month.
89, She asked for an advance on her salary.
90, The latest raise takes his salary into six figures.
91, His salary is treble mine.
92, Please state your present occupation and salary.
93, We advanced a month's salary to him.
94, The salary is £18,600 a year, increasing to £23,000.
95, This amount will be deducted automatically from your salary.
96, The salary scale goes from 8000 to 20000.
97, Is this an appropriate time to discuss my salary?
98, My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.
99, His salary was raised to $1 500 per month.
100, His salary was insufficient for their needs.
101, That salary is more than generous.
102, We're barely scraping by on my salary.
103, Peter's salary puts him in the highest tax bracket.
104, Negotiations stalemated when new salary demands were introduced.
105, I was living in cloud-cuckoo-land about my salary expectations.
106, My salary is paid directly into my bank account.
107, It's good to be drawing a monthly salary again.
108, His salary was raised to 2000 dollars a year.
109, Salary will be commensurate with age and experience.
110, A competitive salary with fringe benefits will be offered.
111, My salary doesn't go very far these days.
112, Salary will be commensurate with experience.
113, We could live fairly comfortably on Edward's salary.
114, They're sticking out for twice the usual salary.
115, The employee's contribution is 5% of pensionable salary.
116, His salary has been cut by ten per cent.
117, They've doubled your salary? Give over!
118, Parker's annual salary is just under $48,000.
119, The director of the company receives an ample salary.
120, They had no money beyond his salary.
121, He gets a basic salary plus commission.
122, They were dissatisfied at not getting a better salary.
123, Salary levels are under review at the moment.
124, Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.
125, He earns treble my salary.
126, A low starting salary acts as a strong disincentive to getting back to work for the unemployed.
127, I can't afford to run a car on my salary.
128, The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.
129, The only redeeming feature of the job is the salary.
130, She's on quite a good/decent salary in her present job.
131, The firm should concede a significant salary increase to its employees.
132, A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.
133, When she got her first salary cheque, she indulged in an orgy of spending.
134, A certain percentage of your salary is kept back by your employer as an insurance payment.
135, Did you manage to speak to the bursar about my salary?
136, His monthly salary is paid into the bank by his employer.
137, Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years' salary for a government worker.
138, The low salary is her principal reason for leaving the job.
139, He has to maintain a large family on a small salary.
140, I had a chat with my boss today about a possible salary increase.
141, I can't support my wife and children on such a small salary.
142, In addition to a competitive salary,( ) the company offers attractive employee benefits.
143, My starting salary as a newly qualified teacher wasn't enough to support a family.
144, She jacked up the job because the salary was too low.
145, The company keeps 5% of his salary out each month.
146, We have a differential salary structure based on employees' experience.
147, He is going to quit his job next month because his salary is too low.
148, He expects a good salary, a company car, first-class air travel the lot.
149, Roman soldiers received a salt allowance, called salarium, the origin of the word salary.
150, Your salary will be increased in line with the 3% inflation expected this autumn.
151, How does she get by on such a small salary?
152, Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.
153, Success cannot be measured merely in terms of the size of your salary.
154, On top of the basic salary there are numerous other benefits.
155, For every year you've worked here you go up another step on the salary scale.
156, The £103 is deducted from Mrs Adams' salary every month.
157, She was engaged at a salary of... a year .
158, He was engaged at a salary of $ 1000 a month.
159, As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.
160, She receives a substantial housing allowance on top of her salary.
161, They're raising three kids on one small salary so money is very tight.
162, It's a common practice that changes in salary lag changes in prices.
163, I tried to get him to increase my salary but it was clearly no go.
164, She's on a high salary but I'm sure she deserves every penny.
165, The goals commonly attributed to management are status, power, salary and security.
166, The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.
167, The top salary awards are completely out of line with inflation.
168, The cheque will bounce if your salary doesn't reach your account today.
169, Doubtless Williams, as the star of the movie,(http:///salary.html) is getting five times the salary of everyone else.
170, It's not by any means a brilliant salary but it's adequate for our needs.
171, Your pension will be based on a proportion of your final salary.
172, Is this a realistic salary for such a responsible job?
173, If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary.
174, I'm with you all the way on this salary issue, Joe.
175, The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.
176, Ministers of Cabinet rank receive a higher salary than other ministers.
177, The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
178, He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000.
179, Becoming self-employed meant giving up a secure salary, together with sick leave and long vacation time.
180, If a woman gives up her job to look after her baby, she will risk losing her salary in the medium-term and may seriously damage her long-term career prospects.
181, With such a small salary, no one likes to labour for the boss.
182, I don't know how you all manage to survive on Jeremy's salary.
183, Your salary will be paid on the third week of each calendar month.
184, The salary in my new job is great, but for the rest, I'm not impressed.
185, Will you be assured of a career and adequate salary if you go there?
186, No-one can be expected to exist on such a low salary.
187, Most of my salary gets swallowed by the rent and bills.
188, They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit.
189, As well as his salary, he gets benefits in kind.
190, My salary is not very large at the moment, so we must cut our coat according to our cloth.
191, As a top lawyer, he can expect to command a six-figure salary.
192, Was your salary cut?
193, Workers questioned rated job security as being more important than high salary.
194, His salary has increased two times from the rate fixed one year ago.
195, He doesn't think his salary is on a par with his position in the company.
196, I don't know how she worked it, but she retired at fifty on a full salary.
197, He could earn up to £1m a year in salary and emoluments from many directorships.
198, His father found him a cushy job in the office,(http://) with almost nothing to do and a whacking great salary.
199, He forecasts that average salary increases will remain around 4 per cent.
200, She applied a portion of her salary each month to savings.
201, These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons of local government.
202, Your salary is chicken-feed compared to what you could earn in America.
203, They offered a good salary, but I didn't rise to the bait.
204, I asked for a rise of salary so I could bail out.
205, What staggered us was the sheer size of her salary.
206, Apart from the salary/Salary apart, it's not a bad job.
207, You can't offer such a low salary to someone who is so highly skilled - it's insulting.
208, She balanced the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours.
209, The salary scale goes from £12 000 to £20 000.
210, The staff have all had to take a cut in salary.
211, An 8% salary increase is not to be sniffed at.
212, She pays a quarter of her salary into a pension plan .
213, He puts half of his salary each month towards the skiing holiday he's planning.
214, What salary band will I be on after two years in the company?
215, He asked me, in a roundabout way, if he could have a salary increase.
216, My salary was around £19,000 plus a car and expenses.
217, For the first few years I didn't draw any salary at all.
218, We had to live very simply on my father's small salary.
219, I got a fantastic new job and my salary tripled.
220, I've heard no mention of a salary increase this year.
221, The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.
222, In spite of her good salary, she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.
223, He asked his employer to advance him a month's salary.
224, Krebs decided to ask for an advance on his salary.
225, It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed.
226, I don't earn a huge salary, but we get by.
227, The money I pay in tax and insurance contributions amounts to about 40% of my salary.
228, They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.
229, Her salary is of the order of £150 a week.
230, After she lost her job,(http:///salary.html) they had to manage on his salary.
231, Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.
232, The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.
233, It's impossible to bring up a family on such a low salary.
234, The manager dangled in front of us the chance of a bigger salary.
235, Holidays are few and far between for a salary man.
236, Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.
237, One of the main attractions of the job is the high salary.
238, I've been offered a better job but at a lower salary I'm in a quandary about what to do.
239, He had the audacity to ask for an increase in salary.
240, He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.
241, Would this be a good time to bring up the issue of salary?
242, The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting.
243, The money he'd been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary.
244, He could not support his family on his meager salary.
245, Workers are being asked to take a cut in salary.
246, He didn't quit though his salary was a little lower than that of others.
247, They put an advertisement in The Morning News, offering a high salary for the right person.
248, Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.
249, Kia supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings.
250, It was noble of you to accept a lower salary to help the company.
251, Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary.
252, The workers in the factory are paid by the hour and the clerical staff are paid a monthly salary.
253, He felt he no longer deserved such a high salary. He just wasn't earning his keep.
254, I wouldn't work for them if they paid me twice my current salary.




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