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单词 Crop
1. Sow early for an early crop.
2. Last year's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.
3. The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.
4. They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop.
5. The bamboo shoots in spring crop out after rain.
6. Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.
7. Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
8. Sugar has always been an important crop on the island.
9. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
10. When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.
11. The size of the crop depends on the productivity of the soil.
12. There is a large crop of mistakes in your essay.
13. The programme brought quite a crop of complaints from viewers.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
15. Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.
16. Prices have been forced up by the poor crop.
17. His shot beat the goalkeeper neck and crop.
18. Prices have been forced up by poor crop.
19. The fruit crop was now in.
20. Rice is the main crop grown in the area.
21. Bring strawberry plants indoors for an early crop.
22. Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit.
23. She's had a very short crop.
24. Most of the crop is fed to the cattle.
25. This plant doesn't crop very heavily.
26. This year's crop shows an improvement vis-a-vis last year's.
27. Cranberries have become a major cash crop.
28. The farmer has roped off the field where the new crop is growing to keep the animals out.
29. The students at this college are the cream of the crop .
30. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
1. Sow early for an early crop.
2. Last year's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.
3. The islanders could barely survive without an export crop.
4. Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.
5. Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
6. Sugar has always been an important crop on the island.
7. The students at this college are the cream of the crop .
8. The soil was so badly eroded it could no longer sustain crop production.
9. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
10. A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
11. Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion.
12. She asked the barber to crop her hair short.
13. Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The staple crop is rice.
15. The amount of rainfall determines the quality of the crop.
16. Rye has many advantages as a winter - sown crop.
31. The blight struck the crop.
32. We've had the biggest wheat crop ever this year.
33. Half the small crop was kept for home consumption.
34. Favourable weather yielded a good crop.
35. We are looking forward to a bumper crop .
36. The flood accounted for the bad crop.
37. Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production.
38. We provided against a poor crop.
39. He gave a lecture on crop and animal husbandry.
40. My strawberries crop in June or July.
41. She asked the barber to crop her hair short.
42. He had a thick crop of black curly hair.
43. Famine eventuated from the crop failure.
44. Drought has stunted this year's cereal crop.
45. The orange crop froze this winter.
46. The success of the crop depends on the weather.
47. Oats is a crop grown widely in Europe.
48. The crop was sold for a pittance.
49. Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year.
50. The parent bird partially digests food in its crop.
51. The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.
52. Bad weather has resulted in crop failure.
53. The staple crop is rice.
54. We had a poor crop of raspberries this year.
55. A record crop was harvested.
56. We've had a good crop of apples.
57. Misprints often crop up in the papers.
58. The grain crop has gone down this year.
59. Fruit growers are gathering in a bumper crop .
60. The apple crop was wiped out by blight.
61. Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces.
62. She is really the cream of the crop .
63. The judges will select the best from this year's crop of first novels.
64. We're not going to talk about that subject; it has been dropped neck and crop.
65. The amount of rainfall determines the quality of the crop.
66. The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.
67. We had a very good crop of apples last year.
68. We salted down a large crop of beans last year.
69. It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.
70. After three crop failures in a row, the people face starvation.
71. The idea behind the ceremony is to keep the gods happy to ensure a good crop.
72. Scientists had maintained that the crop failure was not explicable.
73. The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes.
74. The US government says that this year's corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year.
75. The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.
76. Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate,(http:///crop.html) they tend to crop poorly.
77. We could carry that one step further by taking the same genes and putting them into another crop.
78. It takes three to five years for a new plantation to bear a crop.
79. Mrs Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.
80. Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost.
81. The crop is not grown at high elevations/above an elevation of 1000 metres.
82. Advances in technology have improved crop yields by over 30%.
83. He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second year running.
84. There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.
85. This year's harvest was one of the most successful since the record crop of 1985.
86. Half the fruit crop was frozen out in the sudden severe autumn.
87. Brazil harvested 28m bags of coffee in 1991, the biggest crop for four years.
88. Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people across the world.
89. Rye has many advantages as a winter - sown crop.
90. Last year 400,000 acres of land yielded a crop worth $1.75 billion.
91. Last month's bad weather was responsible for the crop failure.
92. It had never occurred to her that a new possibility would crop up abruptly.
93. She had her long hair cut into a boyish crop.
94. I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.
95. Unnatural Farming Few of our crop plants are natural.
96. As an agricultural crop, sunflowers are extremely environmentally friendly.
97. Winter wheat crop reported to be in fair-to-good condition.
98. There's a good crop coming through.
99. Why did he expect a good crop of sugarbeet?
100. A crop, however, has other benefits.
101. This year, however, it looks like a bumper crop.
102. Cheedale has its usual crop of new additions.
103. A new crop of mice has already moved in.
104. For example, crop rotation, hand weeding and hoeing.
105. Poppies are a major cash crop.
106. He was the cream of the crop.
107. Rice remained the main crop, but many farmers diversified.
108. How can it benefit crop production?
109. Oilseed rape establishment-the critical factor for a good crop.
110. What crop rotation will suit the farm?
111. Polluted water lessens crop yields.
112. Millet was still the primary cereal crop.
113. Crop Revenue Coverage is the first privately developed alternative crop insurance to gain approval from the Agriculture Department(), the company said.
114. In some sections of Sonora, the disease affects more than half of the wheat crop, Bowden said.
115. We can free up meadows for crop production and we are already seeing rainforests stripped out for new farmland.
116. That crop plants do badly in competition with wild species is to be expected.
117. Also on exhibit are a number of interesting crop plants such as sugar cane and banana.
118. Organic manures as nutrient sources-how best to make the most of organic manures and slurry in arable crop rotations.
119. The current crop of non-Windows databases can knock the socks off their predecessors.
120. And since the custom was revived four years ago the cider crop has never been better.
121. Four sensors on the tractor-mounted unit scan the crop while you're travelling through, measuring chlorophyll content.
122. Straw from the previous wheat crop was chopped and spread before the heavy soil was deep cultivated.
123. But in this keenly competitive world your crop may become more marketable the more information about it you supply.
124. Only when he has an embarrassingly large crop does he present a bunch to his wife, Pat.
125. The higher concentration boosted crop production by 40 percent in cotton and by 10 percent in wheat.
126. Meanwhile the domestic harvest continues apace, with 72 % of the crop gathered.
127. To these ends, longer and new crop rotations can be introduced.
128. He also contends that Democrats have not produced a bumper crop of congressional candidates this year.
129. Tempted by the exceptionally strong prices for durum, Arizona farmers planted the largest durum crop since the 1970s.
130. Tight supplies worldwide have kept traders focused on any potential crop failure.
131. Hislop believes that, as crop subsidies fall, farmers will see woodland creation as a practical alternative.
132. In the cold, wet northern and western parts of the country it is by far the most reliable cereal crop.
133. Apple trees were straining beneath the weight of a bumper crop of what looked like Cox's orange pippins.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
134. The actual amount of water needed by the crop depends on the weather conditions.
135. Coffee was introduced into the central highlands in the 1840s, and quickly became the most important cash crop.
136. Examples of brilliance crop up in one in ten autistic children.
137. Already, 40 percent of Texas' wheat crop has been lost.
138. The only thing I see them reaping is a bumper crop of boredom.
139. Tax was levied on the land regardless of crop yield, and an average family could hardly break even.
140. Grass was the main crop with sheep, dairy and beef cattle providing the animal enterprises which utilised the grass.
141. Milk yields, crop yields and food conversion rates were all similar to those of the better farms in Britain.
142. The chief drawback to small-scale silage-making is the extra physical work involved in handling the green crop with its high water content.
143. Every year produces a new crop of explanations, a new collection of essays, experiments, and simulations.
144. The short-term cause of overriding local significance were the droughts and crop failures in 1920 and 1921.
145. This spray can be used against weevil and other crop pests.
146. Within a short while it became clear that this policy was damaging the rice crop.
147. He says he was keen to try a new crop, and dwarf sunflowers ripen in time to harvest in late summer.
148. Yet these earlier occupants would marvel at the advances in crop production.
149. Another irritation with the current crop of fax modems is that the two parts of the modem don't cooperate with one another.
150. But buy some reserve seeds in case of crop failures or for successive sowings of fast-maturing varieties such as lettuce and radishes.
151. Plantations plantations had an excellent year with increased crop yields and improved prices for its produce.
152. Several produce subtle chemical secretions which actually interfere with crop growth.
153. Wine formed the most important cash crop, while cereal production generally took the form of subsistence farming.
154. Some unexpected expense always seems to crop up when you least want it to and throws your careful calculations out of the window.
155. During the enforcement season the bumper crop will be burnt by the army.
156. You have got to spray as soon as you catch the disease in the crop.
157. It says that the company razed forests, polluted rivers, retarded crop growth and caused birth defects.
158. With cross-breeding, they improve crop yields and increase resistance to pests and disease.
159. Of the current crop of leading Test batsmen Graeme Hick is the one most at risk to the fast, short-pitched ball.
160. He and his neighbours have decided that grass is the best crop to grow.
161. Potatoes INSTEAD of destroying their bumper crop of potatoes, farmers should give them to the needy.
162. The Agriculture Department said Monday the wheat crop in 19 states is in poor or very poor condition.
163. Potatoes are the only cash crop though even some of these are used for fodder.
164. He has always turned out teams who, until recently,() were the cream of the crop in terms of style.
165. Thus it is both a cash crop and a fodder crop.
166. Protect from birds with nets, and water regularly for a large, juicy crop of strawberries.
167. It should be treated as a crop rather than as a long-term tree and should be mixed with fruit and acacia trees.
168. Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.
169. The amount of new land available for crop production is extremely limited in almost every part of the world.
170. Sharaf Rashidov, the former party boss, would lie about the cotton crop year after year to ingratiate himself with Moscow.
171. When the cotton crop failed or when prices dropped because it was too abundant, blacks almost literally starved.
172. Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
173. The problems of a poor wheat crop were overcome and record volumes were produced at both mills in the fourth quarter.
174. Years of drought, crop failure and migration have meant that land is continually withdrawn from active production.
175. First he forbade the irrigation of alfalfa, a low-value, water-demanding crop; then he prohibited winter planting.
176. The impact of these problems on the cotton crop looks to be severe.
177. Jacques was speaking enthusiastically about the crop of grapes which the vines had produced, and was prophesying a bumper harvest.
178. So whether the problem be set aside, crop failure or simple loneliness, the message to farmers is clear.
179. The principle is to support the crop above the ground and to allow the air to circulate freely through it.
180. Modern farming methods, particularly in arable crop fields, were thought to be responsible for the declines.
181. And a crop of sites are dedicated to savers and investors who hold assets outside their home countries.
182. Such measures inevitably incur substantial costs which in turn increases the cost of crop production.
183. Both the 1987 and 1989 crop failures followed good years.
184. All the soil does is hold the plants upright, while the crop is fed with artificial fertilizers.
185. Used prudently, advanced hybrid or bio-engineered crop strains could make a potentially significant contribution to third world agriculture.
186. The second crop was of underwood and coppice, with felling taking place at intervals of seven years or so.
187. A marathon man in training to be cream of the crop.
188. Every other crop was grazed off and large quantities of well-rotted farmyard manure were returned before cereals were sown.
189. Multicrop and Crop Walker offer the most compatibility with alternative systems.
190. The already hot, dry countries of the world tend to be the ones with poor crop production and troubled economies.
191. Given the benefits of less fertiliser, liming and ploughing costs and better crop yields it is little wonder.
192. Take rest. A field that has rested yields a beautiful crop. Ovid 
193. Picture your garden bed of cucumbers, a very large patch of them, a bumper crop.sentence dictionary
194. As Table 8.6 shows, two further plant attributes are being exploited to produce new crop plants.
195. No question, though, about the pick of probably the largest and choicest crop of books in the game's history.
196. Rice was their basic food and their most important food crop, far ahead of maize, taro or sago.
197. At least it's certainly not the method recommended in the current crop of instructional books and videos relating to the subject.
198. For growing crop plants the following conditions must be present: 1.
199. On Wassail night, evil spirits are banished from the orchards and offerings ensure next year's apple crop.
200. Such careful spraying can go hand in hand with long-established techniques such as crop rotation, and planting resistant varieties.
201. In areas where gardens are protected and some extra care is provided, most cabbage varieties can be virtually a year-round crop.
202. Gradually, all kinds of little problems begin to crop up.
203. It was a good crop and there was plenty of work.
204. Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
205. Many of the current crop of celebrity exercise videos can actually be bad for you, reports the Consumers Association magazine Which?
206. The former manor spread over several parishes, with a particular emphasis on sheep farming backed up by a large wheat crop.
207. A simple monochrome digital video camera is fitted to the hoe and trained on the crop just in front of the machine.
208. There are certain backwoodsmen fighting on crop assurance while 70-80 % of the industry is behind it.
209. At adolescence, adopted children have the normal crop of teenage problems.
210. An ice cream churn on a plow was more or less all that a crop sprayer was in its earlier inception.
211. With the crop at two large leaves, he made the bold step of taking the subsoiler through a 12m test strip.
212. Whilst crop rotations are being established and fertility built up, it will probably be necessary to buy in some feeding-stuffs.
213. Wheat prices rallied as concerns spread that freezing cold and severe wind in the Plains states could damage the winter crop.
214. The main crop was maize, and harvests varied with the weather and farming methods.
215. After that, depending on the region, comes the danger of drought and crop failure.
216. Research is in progress to modify crop plants genetically to make them yield more than one product.
217. Many farmers are rediscovering the largely abandoned practices of crop rotation and manure spreading.
218. She had also expressed great anxiety as to who was to compensate her for the loss of her fences and crop.
219. Why don't producer nations simply switch crops and either become more self-sufficient in food, or produce a different cash crop?
220. There is a herbarium, as well as a laboratory concerned with scientific research and investigation into plants and crop production.
221. You have to remember that was the best crop of receivers in the draft since whenever.
222. With each successive moult the current crop of fungal parasites is shed along with the old exoskeleton.
223. The same is true for the current crop of Fender Custom Shop guitars.
224. On the peat of Chat Moss near Manchester celery is a special crop.
225. All guests received a brochure on Sainsbury's integrated crop management systems and customer recipe leaflets for a variety of produce.
226. By November 21, the sugar crop was in danger of being completely lost to the cold(/crop.html), damp weather.
227. Part I of the resolution also urged greater assistance to governments engaged in crop substitution programmes.
228. Pesticide use was reduced by 65 percent in the first year whilst crop yields increased.
229. And did I not, at fifty, put out a whole new crop of leaves myself?
230. The Fens is the most important area in Britain for main crop potatoes.
231. A hailstorm hurt the apple crop.
232. A jellyfish crop circle in Kingston Coombes, Oxfordshire.
233. The crop is still sold at harvest time.
234. Maximum immobilization occurs when crop residues and fertilizer are incorporated into the soil.
235. A bird's crop is the first internal organ in the digestive system.
236. Plant the crop such as wheaten, corn, potato, horsebean, hempen, cole aptly, a year one ripe.
237. I've heard that the greenhouse effect will reduce crop output.
238. Our country lacquer tree is resourceful, lacquer crop and lacquer seed crop occupy world first place.
239. Also, corporate and investment funds are paying more attention to crop land.
240. Price cut inevitable as new crop available soon loll off until notice.
241. Much of the crop losses are lost horticultural production in Florida and along the Gulf Coast.
242. In locust, majority professes to take a leaf only, do not harm crop.
243. There are concerns that crop losses could push already - high food prices even Ire [ higher ].
244. Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was pure crop plot.
245. The farmer's cart was loaded down with the vegetable crop.
246. It's good management of the game, and to the sportsman's benefit, to crop big game judiciously.
247. The lentil is just such a crop for many South Asians.
248. Increased concern has been reported in Tajikistan due to inclement weather on the cotton crop.
249. Among the crop rotation elements , cover or green manure crops can be included.
250. Losses from tobacco diseases have increased along with intensified culture of the crop.
251. In the order of thins, the husbandman cannot expect a crop without sowing the seed.
252. A mafia of well - connected wholesalers are now hoarding the crop.




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