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单词 Observer
1. Most art forms require a contribution from the observer.
2. You are here as an observer.
3. To the casual observer, the system appears confusing.
4. A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
5. To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
6. The Observer found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes".
7. The country was granted observer status at the summit.
8. It's obvious even to the casual observer.
9. He is an acute observer.
10. To a casual observer, everything might appear normal.
11. She used to edit the Observer.
12. I attended the conference as an observer.
13. He is an acute observer of the social scene.
14. To the casual observer Mary seemed quite calm.
15. The old man was sent along as an observer.
16. A poll for the Observer showed Labour on 39 per cent with the Tories lagging a point behind.
17. A casual observer would have guessed his age at 70.
18. Even a casual observer could hardly have failed to notice the heightening of an already tense atmosphere.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. An unwary observer could easily mistake this constellation for a comet.
20. The Sunday Observer had a headline saying, "Pop Star Arrested on Drugs Charges".
21. Did you read that piece in the Observer about censorship?
22. A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper.
23. In natural history the careful observer and recorder was very important in the advance of the science.
24. The British government acted as a neutral observer during the talks.
25. The president suggested that a UN observer should attend the conference.
26. You can't speak at this meeting, you are here as an observer.
27. Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
28. "It was a parody of a trial, " said one observer.
29. The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer.
30. Throughout the novel, the story is seen through the eyes of a detached observer.
1. Most art forms require a contribution from the observer.
2. You are here as an observer.
3. To the casual observer, the system appears confusing.
4. A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
5. To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument.
6. The Observer found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes".
7. He is an acute observer.
8. The old man was sent along as an observer.
31. To an observer from a different culture?
32. He was a smiling, sun-tanned observer at Rennes.
33. To the lay observer, these technical terms are incomprehensible.
34. But age-regression does look very convincing to the observer.
35. Thus one percipient observer, Richard Hofstadter, in 1955.
36. Ken was a great observer at all times.
37. A human observer may find the scene horrifying.
38. This rather undermines his credibility as a detached observer.
39. But for a westward-going observer, the rightmost arrives first.
40. An external observer at rest sees things quite differently.
41. De Tocqueville was an acute observer of American ways.
42. The observer has an insatiable desire for abstract knowledge.
43. Richard is a fast learner and shrewd observer.
44. To the casual observer (), everything seemed normal.
45. Our representative attended the peace negotiations as an impartial observer.
46. According to quantum theory, elementary particles do not really exist until an intelligent observer measures them.
47. To a casual observer water on a surface may appear to be in complete contact with it.
48. The observer lay sprawled across his gun, his blond hair streaming romantically in the wind.
48. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
49. The thinker enters the mind of the other as an observer not as an actor.
50. There are always referential alternatives possible to the speaker and addressee and to the observer in relation to any utterance.
51. To the casual observer, the tide may seem to be the only movement of water in the estuary.
52. In his capacity as world-wide planning coordinator, Mueller had been invited by Nate Cocello to attend the meeting as an observer.
53. We might assume that perceptual experiences of some kind are directly accessible to an observer, but observation statements certainly are not.
54. The slightly later and opposing tradition is that of the lexicographer as the objective observer and recorder of language.
55. In such circumstances, the presence of observer bias would increase the magnitude of the association between oesophagitis and hiatal hernia.
56. This would accord with the general understanding of the word objective, i.e. independent of the observer.
57. Unfortunately, we did not anticipate the importance of observer bias, and we did not arrange for third party blinded observation.
58. Therefore, to have meaning, the disruption must share at least one dimension with both the structure and the observer.
59. The geography of Boiotia might to a shallow observer seem to suit her for naval hegemony.
60. The observer needs some discipline which ensures that he really does on the detail and separates the action into a coherent sequence.
61. Then an observer in nearby Mineola saw the Waco dive at a house and pull up just before crashing into its roof.
62. The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes.
63. While the Macintosh still possess all the benefits it seems, to a casual observer, to be an incompatible system.
64. As one observer put it, our governments are like fat people who must lose weight.
65. Now Gergen is back at U. S. News as a supposedly objective observer.
66. That comedians are sad people is a wrong notion. Yes, I am an observer of life and that’s what has helped my art. Asrani 
67. To the outside observer it offers every conceivable pattern of life, from the most archaic to the most modern and urban.
68. The letter was an invitation to attend the conference as an observer.
69. It is this last operation which is performed by the human observer, using only the equipment he was born with.
70. Under the trust deed I appoint a Government observer and am consulted on the appointment of the chairman.
71. The observer has no means at his disposal to measure either the size or the distance of the object.
72. Through buying the Observer, he preserved the independence of Garvin.
73. Our forward observer and company commander came up and called in some helicopter gunships.
74. This is an optical illusion in which the diagram of a skeleton cube appears to the observer in either of two orientations.
75. It demands a kind of distance from the observer, an objective evaluation of its virtues and failings.
76. A congressional observer recalled that during the campaign for former Oregon Sen.
77. To the outside observer, there has been considerable change in classroom practice within this maths department.
78. The last thing I wanted was to relapse into the role of a patronizing objective observer.
78. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79. Observer Vivan Riefberg of Alexandria called 911 using a cellular phone.
80. She, like Giulietta, is an observer and she suffers the same frustrations as the Renaissance woman.
81. In 1962, he landed an inside job on the Observer sports desk and moved to London.
82. The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.
83. It is therefore vital that each team nominates an observer to monitor what is happening in the arena.
84. The laboratory experiment is an obvious case of control, since a complete situation is created by and for the observer.
85. There were various features of the role of the military in Soviet politics that are striking to the Western observer.
86. Yet only a naive observer would say that his son is not powerful.
87. Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses.
88. The evidence against him appears to be, even to a dispassionate observer, compelling if not devastating.
89. During the flying, Bob's wife, Marie, flew on one sortie as observer.
90. A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.
91. Two such distinct behaviours can at times be observed, either by the participant himself or by an outside observer.
92. It will become a virtual world that we inhabit as an observer or a participant.
93. Aesop must have been a keen observer of natural animal rhythms.
94. The Observer newspaper published a lengthy investigation which claimed that there was substantial discrimination by elite regiments against potential black recruits.
95. The latter was accessible to an observer but the nature of the former could only be inferred.
96. However, any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.
97. They are not there apart from an observer, they are rather the tendency of objects to produce certain sensations in one.
98. He's a needler, an observer, a conversationalist who will sit around all afternoon and talk about the game.
99. I found him a most agreeable man, a sharp observer, and the possessor of intellectual attainments of no mean order.
100. Weary of the general air of malaise in the Observer office, she had written round.
101. The remote observer measures time intervals to be dilated and light to be red shifted.
102. Beyond this point the observer would be returning to the north pole.
103. To any astute observer, a beech-maple forest displays an integrity and identity as much as a crow does.
104. The Observer said that it had not intended to convey that meaning, and accepted that the allegation was without foundation.
105. As an outside observer drawn into the Statementing process by the professionals involved, I had a neutral but not disinterested role.
106. I would recommend them only for the casual observer who wants little apart from views of lunar craters.
107. At the Centre Mondial, it looks to the outside observer as if the problem is reversed.
108. Furthermore, it is difficult for the participant observer not to exert some influence on the events that are being observed.
108. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
109. The guard signals to the rearward backside observer as he passes.
110. I had imagined that I could become, over time, an element within the picture rather than an observer peering in.
111. According to the Charlotte Observer, 92 professional sports teams have built or planned new facilities since 1985.
112. A practised observer would quickly notice changes in the birds' behaviour.
113. Rather, the moral goodness was really the power to produce a certain sort of pleasing sensation in the observer.
114. She's been sent as an observer to the UN aid conference.
115. First, a small representative group discussing subjects in depth with a trained observer leading and reporting conclusions.
116. First, where the conduct would not be thought indecent by any right-minded observer, indecent assault could not be committed.
117. The mood somber on the grassy knolls, I stood, feeling like an observer, detached from the group, defeated.
118. The Strathclyde pair were finalists in the Observer International Mace debating competition last week.
119. Teachers are seen to display personal qualities of which the observer disapproves; so it is assumed they lack more desirable ones.
120. Granted, the casual observer may dismiss this as impenetrable blarney.
121. Although Bowman was nominal Captain on this phase of the mission, no outside observer could have deduced the fact.
122. However, as noted earlier, the advocated stance of the participant observer is very much that of the stranger.
123. Unluckily, in 1962, in an interview with Kenneth Harris of the Observer, I had publicly admitted this deficiency.
124. Some physicists argue that the need for an observer holds true even for such massive objects as the Moon.
125. Moreover, Krimsky's perspective as a participant very much colours his account as an observer.
126. David Prosser is deputy editor of Money Observer Expatriates, just like everyone else, need to save for old age.
127. The skinhead revival is too recent to present anything but a confused picture to the observer.
128. This is the sight which stays with even the casual observer.
129. The owner pilot accompanied the test pilot on this flight, but acted only as an observer.
130. A profound transformation took place, one which was far from obvious to the casual outside observer.
131. Gross injury was evaluated by an observer unaware of the experimental treatment.
132. Henry looked anxiously towards me, but I was quite content to be an observer of this unfolding drama.
133. Thus, the observer effect is not a plausible explanation of the phenomenon.
134. It describes the mass for an observer at rest with the object.
135. First, because the source and observer are moving away from each other the doppler effect causes an increase in wavelength.
136. Trudi, a dwarf and an outsider, becomes the local gossip and observer of everything that occurs in her village.
137. The problem of the observer is as crucial in biology as it is in physics.
138. This we might call the experimental activity,[] with the teacher acting as observer manipulating the techniques concerned.
139. But lately, to the casual observer, it would seem that the match is being interrupted, or at least expanded.
140. The western observer may well wonder how Falk could possibly have been condemned for formalism, as he was, in 1946/7.
141. To a reasonably detached observer, the biggest difference between real estate folks and editor folks is the questions they ask.
142. It misleads one into thinking that a person is somehow divorced from his body, a disembodied observer of it.
143. And then I became the observer of law students in and out of our home.
144. Do not be a passive observer in your life. Be an active participant in your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
145. He was also a very keen observer of rugger, to my everlasting relief.
146. As an observer of the human condition, all I do is question it.
147. As far as an observer can tell, Mueller and Simmons are brimming with that will.
148. The 625-strong observer force, which will have a six-month renewable mandate, is the first in the Western hemisphere.
149. First, as an independent observer in any human existence is the objectivity.
150. A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.
151. He was for many years a foreign correspondent for the ( London ) Observer.
152. Premier Oil Plc jumped 4.3 percent to 1, 876 pence after the Observer newspaper reported Korea National Oil Corp. may make a bid for U.K. oil producer.
153. As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective.
154. Emails seen by the Observer reveal that Shaikh was recruited in a sting operation involving criminal figures in Poland, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
155. The sensorless control methods of permanent magnet synchronous motor are mostly on - frequency signal injection or state - observer.
156. Burns played the bemused , tolerant observer of Allen's inconsequential ravings.
157. To tackle the problem, the current loop and speed loop state observer were introduced to improve the system performance.
158. Every observer in a satellite program is in a way a pioneer of space travel.
159. Of particular importance to the observer is the position of the terminator.
160. The shift has been as moving from a role of observer to a as an improver.
161. The authors analyze the influence in vector controlled induction machine caused by parameter variation and main flux saturation affects speed estimation of adaptive state observer.
162. The results show that PID controller based on the disturbance observer can effectively suppress wind load disturbance.
163. It becomes strictly an observer, and it no longer is'connected'to the physical body.
164. Bookable associated or non - associated facility such as a commentary position, observer seat, camera position, etc.
165. Objective To observer the effect of phenobarbital in preterm infant with jaundice.
166. The deconvolution filter is made up of an output observer and a linear mapping, where the latter reflects the internal connection between the unknown input signals and the output estimate error.
167. To an observer it then seems as if the flight conditions were unproblematic, and many a less experienced pilot has been tempted into launching and flying into unexpected turbulence.
168. A sliding mode observer is designed to estimate the angle of attack and flight path angle for a hypersonic vehicle.
168. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
169. Any unbiased observer would see his career as a lifetime of service to his country.
170. The ANN - based load observer is applied to the synchronous motor speed regulating system.
171. An observer would only see light that shone directly at him.
172. This fact beyond question, for various countries military observer general acceptance.
173. It will go on at the Guardian and Observer newspapers'Newsroom exhibition Farringdon, North London.
174. A Water Ski Racing team consists of a boat driver, an observer and a skier.
175. The ground reflection and attenuation must be properly accounted for in order to use the source spectrum measured at the site of the observer to predict the actual source spectrum in the free field.
176. Second, the murder of the Finnish observer has attracted outside attention.
177. Motor stator flux observer based on PLL was studied further.
178. Indispensable for the observer is a good star atlas, containing all naked eye stars.
179. Then again, some people long ago learned to live with the burdensome cloaked observer.
180. The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door.
181. For dispassionate account of how the fight started, ask a neutral observer not a participant.
182. This observer never saw a'size up " conducted by any responding staff member.
183. As James Grant, gold bug and publisher of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, a newsletter, points out, in recent years the huge glut of government debt has not stopped a sharp rise in its price.
184. Even Stalin, no guileless observer, believed in and, to his later regret, protected Mao.
185. The Mars Observer is to be deployed from an America space shuttle.
186. Actuator fault is detected and reconstructed by applying the designed robust fault reconstructing observer and the equivalence output control concept.
187. There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.
188. Finally, the dynamics of locomotive traction are analyzed, and a disturbance observer is used to estimate adhesion coefficient.
189. If you'd like my own opinion as an independent observer -- ".
190. The current sole superpower is far from being a disinterested observer.
191. The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street.
192. Presented in this Paper is a preliminary report on inter - observer agreement study of comprehensive function evaluation ( CFE ).
193. An air - gap - flux observer used for air - gap - flux - orient control of 12 - phase synchronous motor speed regulation system is obtained.
194. The observer should always make full notes about the atmospheric conditions.
195. Inevitably, the observer of growth is impressed with the variety of responses.
196. Even Stalin, no guileless observer, believed in and, to regret , protected Mao.
197. As an anthropologist, I also believe in being a participant observer.
198. The only tentage they had were tent flies for their kitchens ,[http:///observer.html] " said one observer."
199. The beginner steps aside to let an experienced Mars observer look in the eyepiece.
200. Astronomy A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer diametrically opposite the zenith.
201. A Chinese observer will understand the reference to al - Qaeda and terrorists.
202. A lion in side view , having one forepaw raised and the head facing the observer.
203. Those are odd descriptors to ascribe to an indifferent observer if you ask me.
204. Tai Chi Chuan may appear slow and unhurried to an observer, but the movements flow together continuously, without pause.
205. An adaptive functional observer ( AFO ) for a large class of nonlinear discrete - time systems is proposed.
206. Objective:To observer the cholagogic action of Swertia Punicea through animal experiments.
207. Lieutenant Oliver is the company's Forward Observer; take him out and they won't be able to call any Fire Missions.
208. Observed - Defeat Algalon the Observer on Heroic Difficulty raid member dying to Algalon raid lockout period.
209. He was too much of a utilitarian and practically - minded observer.
210. This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface, in a mirror-like manner, directly back towards the astronaut observer aboard the International Space Station.
211. A kind of state observer dealing with inducing delay is designed, and an experiment on the mobile robot control system shows that the design concept is right and effective.
212. For every seasonal seismic observer one unforgettable memory is that of his first desert sandstorm.
213. And the senstive observer of sculpture must learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence.
214. An observer, looking at the earth from another planet, would be likely to call it Oceanus.
215. The literary scholar Elaine Scarry pointed out that in the classical world a glimpse of a beautiful person could imperil an observer.
216. To observer the curative effect of artificial pneumoperitoneum on chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema.




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