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单词 Reverse order
1) The winners were announced in reverse order .
2) The results were read out in reverse order .
3) The winners will be announced in reverse order.
4) Please read the names on this list in reverse order.
5) Put the letters in 'madam' into reverse order and they still read 'madam'.
6) Here in reverse order are the Top Three: 3.
7) We discuss in reverse order these three ways that languages can have words that share sound and meaning.
8) In fact we have just suggested the reverse order of development.
9) Their voting preferences were, of course, in the reverse order.
10) They died in reverse order to that in which they'd been born.
11) To take these points in reverse order, the initiation of the student into the rational life should occur in two directions.
12) At the bottom of the pile, in reverse order of its importance,[http:///reverse order.html] was the letter from the bishop.
13) The teacher did the roll call in reverse order.
14) The movie narrates the story in reverse order.
15) Reassemble the check valve module in the reverse order.
16) Now arrange the numbers in reverse order.
17) The gears drop down in reverse order.
18) Reassemble remaining parts in reverse order.
19) If electricity in reverse order, the motor shaft by the anti - clockwise rotation.
20) It's just my career history in reverse order isn't it?
21) Itinerary operates in reverse order . Port duration and order may vary.
22) Reassemble the relief valve in the reverse order that it was disassembled.
23) Please read the names on the list in reverse order.
24) Dyslexia sufferers often write the letters of a word in reverse order.
25) If the last four rows of Table 1 are taken in reverse order[], the required reciprocal is obtained.
26) Cosmologists have supposed that the universe might go into reverse and run through with all its physical laws in reverse order.
27) He will be the last man off, since riders begin in reverse order of positions on general classification.
28) Exercise 1-5. Modify the temperature conversion program to print the table in reverse order, that is, from 300 degrees to 0.
29) The rsort() function sorts an array by the values in reverse order.
30) This works by adding storing a circular linked list for each group of equivalent nodes in reverse order.
31) Reassemble in the reverse order utilizing the new parts from the repair kit.
32) If you need to read the contents of a file backwards (for instance, to analyze a log in reverse order), use the CPAN module File::ReadBackwards.
33) Now print the elements in reverse order using ordinary iterators.
34) Processing a list of names , addresses, and so on, in reverse order.
35) This might or might not be useful for a value axis, but it is the easiest way to make a category axis show the categories in reverse order.




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