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单词 On the way
1. They met with a slight mishap on the way.
2. Our car conked out on the way home.
3. On the way, a young man waved to me.
4. I bumped into my grilfriend on the way home.
5. I bumped into him on the way out.
6. I had a flat tyre on the way home.
7. It was on the way to the station.
8. On the way home, we took an indirect route.
9. I got a puncture on the way and arrived late.
10. Miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.Perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown.
11. Tonight's programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
12. Be nice to people on the way up, because you'll need them on your way down.
13. Remain on the way you're going, and you'll soon come to the town.
14. I listen to the radio on the way to work.
15. The cake got a bit squashed on the way here.
16. He often drops into a bar on the way home from work.
17. I stopped in at work on the way home to check my mail.
18. She should be on the way here by now.
19. On the way home, his anger slowly cooled.
20. The forecasters say more snow is on the way.
21. On the way the kids straggled behind us.
22. Don't loiter on the way home!
23. We had a breakdown on the way home.
24. We broke down twice on the way home.
25. Guess who I bumped into on the way home.
26. He always slipstreams others when running on the way.
27. A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way
28. We were locked in traffic for over two hours on the way home.
29. It surprised me that she was helloing at me when I passed her on the way to my office.
30. At last the engine of my car sputtered out on the way to the border.
1. They met with a slight mishap on the way.
2. Our car conked out on the way home.
3. On the way, a young man waved to me.
4. I bumped into my grilfriend on the way home.
5. I bumped into him on the way out.
6. I had a flat tyre on the way home.
7. It was on the way to the station.
8. On the way home, we took an indirect route.
9. Tonight's programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
10. We were locked in traffic for over two hours on the way home.
11. Remain on the way you're going, and you'll soon come to the town.
12. It surprised me that she was helloing at me when I passed her on the way to my office.
13. At last the engine of my car sputtered out on the way to the border.
14. I listen to the radio on the way to work.
15. The cake got a bit squashed on the way here.
16. He often drops into a bar on the way home from work.
17. I stopped in at work on the way home to check my mail.
18. I unluckily had a flat tire on the way here.
31. I fell on the way to school.
32. We crossed each other on the way.
33. We stopped for a snack on the way here.
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34. We ran into thick fog on the way home.
35. More changes are on the way.
36. He looked into the shop on the way.
37. I got thoroughly lost on the way here.
38. Is the royal family on the way out?
39. We got a flat on the way home.
40. He swagged another car on the way to Paris.
41. I'm well on the way to completing the report.
42. We stopped for a drink on the way home.
43. On the way, I stopped by the post office.
44. She is well on the way to recovery.
45. The darn fool got lost on the way.
46. I got the prescription filled on the way home.
47. Pick up your mail on the way out.
48. They've got three kids and one on the way.
49. There's more wet weather on the way.
50. He wirelessed his mother on the way to Japan.
51. Don't dilly-dally on the way home from school.
52. We picked some blackberries to eat on the way.
53. I had an accident on the way to work.
54. He stopped for breakfast on the way.
55. She had a crash on the way to work.
56. Economic indicators suggest that a recovery is on the way.
57. We must impose some kind of order on the way this office is run.
58. She is married with twin sons and a third child on the way.
59. We thought we'd call on James on the way home.
60. I unluckily had a flat tire on the way here.
61. He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world.
62. I called in at my local on the way home.
63. She merely ignored any strictures on the way she dressed.
64. Jen is now well on the way to recovery .
65. On the way out a boy of about ten came up on roller skates.
66. I killed two birds with one stone and picked the kids up on the way to the station.
67. I hadn't bargained on being stuck in traffic on the way home.
68. I was nicked for 10 pounds by an old woman on the way to your house.
69. This is not a purely academic exercise: it should have a real impact on the way we work as a department.
70. They left food and ammunition on the way—but would the enemy rise to so obvious the bait?
71. Once being in danger of life( ), he would hit on the way to escape.
72. I met an old friend on the way to work this morning.
73. We got caught in the rain on the way home.
74. Sorry we're late-we dropped into the pub on the way.
75. You have to be good at spotting trouble on the way and heading it off.
76. I struck on turning on the radio on the way to the station.
77. He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.
78. Could you stop by the store on the way home for some bread?
79. I'll call by at the shops on the way home.
80. The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out.
81. I popped into the grocer's on the way home from work to get some cheese.
82. Short skirts are definitely on the way out now and longer ones are in again.
83. She has two children with another one on the way.
84. We could call in on Patrick on the way to your mother's.
85. Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.
86. On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well.
87. It was a terrible journey - I hope we don't have a repeat performance on the way home.
88. Stay on the way, and you'll get to the station.
89. It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument in the car on the way home.
90. We drove past a row of squalid shacks on the way to our hotel, where we slept in air-conditioned, hermetically sealed rooms.
91. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.
92. I pass the sports centre on the way to work.
93. I meant to leave earlier but I was waylaid on the way out of a meeting by my manager.
94. Go right home at once, don't stop off anywhere on the way.
95. We spent a night at a motel on the way.
96. I'll go ahead and tell them you're on the way.
97. The smell of perfume suggests the girl whom I met in the plane on the way to Lisbon.
98. I'd rather do the journey in one go, and not stop on the way.
99. We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here.
100. They left food and ammunition on the way—but would the enemy rise to so obvious a bait?
101. The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.
102. I got caught in the deluge on the way home.
103. The plane stops over in Dubai on the way to India.
104. So I had a couple of drinks on the way home. What's wrong with that?
105. I had a puncture on the way and arrived late.
106. We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Australia.
107. He hacked open a path with a chopper on the way through the forest.
108. We laid over in Arizona on the way to California.
109. What about leaving it here and collecting it on the way back?
110. Each manager has left his or her own stamp on the way the company has evolved.
111. What was the name of that place we drove through on the way to New York?
112. Some idiot carved us up on the way over here - I don't know how he missed us!
113. I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia.
114. There are encouraging signs that cold war attitudes are on the way out.
115. The film in which she starred started her on the way to stardom.
116. I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.
117. Let's call in the pub for a quick one on the way to the theatre.
118. They're stopping over in Malaysia for a couple of nights on the way to Australia.
119. I'll swing by your house on the way home from work.
120. Sorry we're late we dropped into a pub on the way.
121. They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.
122. 'Did you stop in Oxford on the way?' 'No, we drove straight through.'
123. We stopped for a cream tea on the way home .
124. We'll have to stop for fuel on the way to the airport.
125. He tired his horse by larking on the way home.
126. He arrested in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
127. On the way to London,(http://)we had to stall for our car to fuel up.
128. I picked up an evening paper on the way home.
129. I'll drive there and then we'll swap over on the way back.
130. A funny thing happened to me on the way to the crematorium.
131. We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.
132. The economic circumstances are right and recovery is on the way .
133. I am now out of hospital and well on the way to recovery.
134. The Food Safety Act will progressively impact on the way food businesses operate.
135. On the way home we shared our first class compartment with a group of businessmen.
136. It started on the aeroplane on the way out.
137. But drive-ins are on the way out.
138. Dean stopped at the florist on the way home.
139. Platform shoes are on the way out.
140. I'll stop at the bank on the way home.
141. On the way we decided to visit the Catlins, a little-known forest area on the coast, near Balclutha.
142. But on the way to the bank to buy dollars she lost her wallet containing £400.
143. One member of the team must drink a pint of beer at the start and consume another four on the way.
144. On the way over I met a friend, Dave, out jogging.
145. On the way, Endill listened hard in case the Headmaster was wandering about.
146. Another was already on the way, off-target because Zeno hadn't expected the gunshot.
147. I got a real creepy feeling on the way over there, as if someone was watching me.
148. The reason for this emphasis on the way in which people are labelled is that laws are essentially political products.
149. Its content may however differ radically depending on the way in which the precise subject matter is viewed by those political theories.
150. Las Vegas benefited greatly from an influx of visitors, many of whom made stopovers on the way to Phoenix.
151. May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. George Carlin 
152. Like or dislike it, direct democracy is on the way.
153. He eventually dies in the ambulance, on the way to a hospital that isn't closed.
154. I did so and I was the one who bought the half-bottle of brandy at the off-licence on the way back.
155. On the way back he picked up two lost Zeros who followed him back.
156. But she might walk slowly, gossiping on the way, or even stop off at some other house to drink tea.
157. Sure, I keep hearing assurances from network executives that more family-friendly viewing is on the way.
158. On the way in, the battalion commander called in Puff the Magic Dragon.
159. Equal numbers have congratulated the ad agency for reviving memories of the thrill of discovering a baby is on the way.
160. Boy-scout amateurishness, they claim, is on the way out; a professional command-and-control centre on the way in.
161. They are all criminals, of course, who ride in the Stolypin carriages from Pot'ma on the way to Barashevo.
162. It now seemed that Watt was well on the way to developing the engine for the commercial market.
163. Several new types of homebuilt are on the way which will tax the minds of authorities expected to certify them.
164. Its waters formerly turned many a mill wheel on the way, although they are no longer put to any commercial use.
165. Make sure that you don't leave any footprints or other traces of movement on the way to your hiding place.
166. Well, on the way back - before we met up with the Space Shuttle - I dozed off.
167. By stating her views on the way out she could not be accused of empire building on her own behalf.
168. Cross over to the east bank, and on the way, look right.
169. On the way back, she made me wait on the bench outside the telephone box.
170. Carl Lydiate took six wickets to set last year's beaten finalists Croston on the way against Rainford.
171. I fell asleep on the way home and drove my car into a ditch.
172. Anne, smiling innocently, handed the guard a couple of donuts on the way by.
173. It is understandable: the child considers himself safe in the residential street and is inattentive on the way to school.
174. Inspiration hit me like a bolt from the blue on the way home.
175. I leave my umbrella in a convenient spot by the door so I don't forget it on the way out.
176. On the way home Caledor's ship was separated from the rest of the High Elf fleet by a freak storm.
177. You know, I was just thinking this morning on the way over here.
178. Doctors warn that a flu epidemic may be on the way.
179. On the way into the office she fell down a flight of stairs and was injured.
180. And with a baby on the way there would surely be some compassionate leave for him soon.
181. We decided on the way home that we would accept no more such invitations.
182. Moving progressively towards a thick mashed potato consistency is well on the way to a normal diet.
183. Perhaps the beach volleyball players might catch a chill on the way there.
184. Often, before the arrival of the hunters,(sentence dictionary) somebody tipped off the clansmen that the authorities were on the way.
185. Before the closing of the railway from Hull to the coastal town of Hornsea, Sutton was a station on the way.
186. Special education programs are having a tremendous impact on the way schools, educators, and library media programs do their work.
187. Though depleted by robbery in Thrace on the way home, Vulso's loot astonished the Romans for its size and quality.
188. On the way to town, the soldiers encountered a group of white policemen and shot two of them.
189. She was killed in a car crash on the way to the meeting.
190. But if Mr Mugabe is on the way out, he has little incentive to drop his assault on the farms.
191. On the way to the tomato patch they made a detour to Louis's workshop to collect some baskets.
192. Harder, harder, the fingers moved slowly around toward her windpipe, making little circles on the way.
193. The teacher's evaluation of the effectiveness of a technique will depend inpart on the way the learners evaluate its effects.
194. But Patsy decided she needed a hand with the unpacking and phoned him from the car on the way home.
195. The assistants know what they are doing, and never try to sell you barley sugar on the way out.
196. Did you make sure you weren't followed on the way over here?
197. Take care not to relax your concentration on the way up. 2.
198. Could something have happened to her on the way home last night?
199. She still travels the world, tirelessly delivering papers at scientific gatherings and converting anyone she comes across on the way.
200. The authoritarian parent or dutiful child attitudes that so often characterized these relationships in previous generations are thankfully on the way out.
201. The Charity Commission says the new trustees are well on the way to restructuring their management and cutting administrative costs.
202. The Internet's impact on the way we do business has been remarkable.
203. On the way out I noticed a photograph of a benign-looking chap and read about his gifts to charity.
204. Their aim was to capture high-resolution images of the asteroid on the way down.
205. There would be frequent visits, more songs to be sung, perhaps a few arguments on the way, but nothing vital.
206. A milestone on the way was the onset at Pirelli in the summer of 1968 of an avalanche of wildcat strikes.
207. On the way to the church, she ran into an old soldier with a strange long red beard.
208. Going back to the carp's insides, once on the way through the carp, the food has to be digested.
209. Hansel might instead have studied landmarks on the way in, to find his way back out.
210. He had died somewhere on the way to his next case, and Quinn could not bring himself to feel sorry.
211. On the way back to Baker Street in the taxi, Holmes sat thinking deeply.
212. On the way past the coffin Margaret bowed and kissed the lid.
213. The type of packaging has a considerable influence on the way a product is used./on the way.html
214. On the way down, the path can be muddy and steep and in places needs extra care.
215. And then on the way over to the bookstore it just came to me in a flash.
216. I picked my first blackberries on the way, and noted that the chokecherries were ripe but the black cherries still green.
217. If you do not read and listen to the opposite ideas, you can always remain a stupid person! Opposite ideas, however contrary they may sound, are your greater chances on the way to truth! Mehmet Murat ildan 
218. On the way back again to rejoin his mate he inadvertently walked over some gravel, and the noise alerted the guards.
219. On the way to the camp we passed a boulder where Tony and I competed for rock climbing idiot of the evening.
220. Alfred, a gang leader, had never been to college and was already married with a child on the way.
221. The following review is selective and concentrates on the way unemployment benefit impacts on women.
222. Mr Browning said it was probably a bird he hit on the way, and later cleaned the car.
223. Moreover(), it was an event that had a decisive influence on the way macro-policy evolved.
224. Family stories such as this continue to exert a force on the way we live now.
225. On the way down I see a red squirrel sitting hunched up and immobile, on a maple tree.
226. Therefore this chapter will concentrate on the way photography has been used in representing commodity culture.
227. A local man offers to ferry me across the fjord and I am soon on the way to Holt.
228. A funny thing happened to Jane Mendelsohn on the way to the best-seller list.
229. Sammy scampered leisurely in front of him while he stopped intermittently to pick up sweet chestnuts on the way.
230. And by the time Steve dashed back to Ann in the car, the baby was well on the way.
231. Paying Your Way made for a comfortable life, with plenty of unsolicited adventure on the way.
232. However, studies demonstrate that obstructions on the way of obtaining legal advice have different effects on different sorts of people.
233. In this manner a completely realistic simulation was made of the experiences of the astronauts on the way to the Moon.
234. Crackdowns at universities can signal that broader restrictions on freedom of expression are on the way.
235. On the way back to the College Greg said to himself: That husband of hers is all het up about something.
236. So we drove up the Llanberis Pass and on the way conceived the unoriginal compromise idea of a Snowdon Horseshoe circuit.
237. The jeep was fitted with a snorkel so that it could cross the streams and rivers encountered on the way.
238. Kettlewell and Taylor escaped unhurt after the accident outside Middleham on the way to the races.
239. Many factory closures are on the way, with perhaps as many as 600,000 jobs at risk.
240. Nicky Summerbee claimed goal number 3, although it took a couple of deflections on the way win.
241. On the way home, there was a gnarly car wreck on the side of the road.
242. The section to the next town of Shanklin is built-up but the route improves dramatically on the way to and out of Ventnor.
243. The Hodges doctrine, with its limited interpretation of federal power, seemed well on the way to extinction.
244. Newspapers tend to exaggerate their influence on the way people vote.
245. But such economic considerations have had no significant effect on the way government-run launch vehicles are designed and operated.
246. On the way he spotted that fat blond girl lingering in the living room.
247. On the way to the tomb there are some mementoes of the great man,[] a crucifix staff and a mitre.
248. Nevertheless, the Foxton project was mysteriously improbable even if there had been no internal combustion on the way.
249. On the way here from the Royal, he kept asking me questions about Langford.
250. Attention originally focused on the way caffeine affects muscle contraction and reflexes.
251. It seems that he had a breakdown on the way back and had to walk.
252. I have five letters on the way, moving northwards to China's inland.
253. The sky was grey as I on the way back to hostel.
254. He is rumoured to be on the way out of professional cycling following a disastrous season.
255. Professionals always focus on the way of pricing of convertible bonds.
256. He departed at a brisk gallop, but on the way met Gethings and Cutter returning.
257. Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.
258. It'should go on the way of pluralism to develop and make itself in feature.
259. There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain.
260. There was, they felt, one very humorous incident on the way.
261. On the way home, they'd speculate and wonder about the treasure.




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