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单词 Present-day
1. Even by present-day standards these were large aircraft.
2. The colonists settled near present-day Charleston.
3. Present-day medicine men use wicker baskets and reed arrows.
4. The present-day ambience was slightly more prosaic.
5. In 1638, Swedish colonists settled in present-day Delaware.
6. According to present-day ideas, a star begins its career by condensing out of a cloud of dust and gas known as a nebula.
7. This is a profound question, and present-day quantum theory does not really provide us with a satisfying answer.
8. If a present-day Darwin were to agonize over his matrimonial fate in what ways might it differ from the example above?
9. Thus, present-day surface relief is largely due to movements that occurred during and since the Tertiary Period.
10. Because of the present-day search for virtuosity many dancers can attempt such roles after they have mastered its technique.
11. Nearly all present-day digital computers are of the serial type, executing one program at a time.
12. In present-day western society, most patients will need some dietary therapy and postural correction.
13. Present-day economic, social and political conditions are identified and an outline description of their origins is attempted.
14. Present-day computer or digital organs incorporate new and complex technology, and this has led to some impressive developments.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. Present-day runners, whether amateur or professional, are more suitably attired in vest and shorts and well-trained.
16. His present-day detractors might well ponder what would have happened to the country had he died.
17. The present-day Faust smirked over towards the Professor and made an obscene gesture.
18. In all of present-day economics, there is no livelier writer than D. N. McCloskey.
19. For a few years its luminosity flared up to about 10,000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun.
20. Finally, let us consider some of the major political problems within present-day societies.
21. To do so is perhaps to judge the Renaissance too much by present-day criteria.
22. It provides a useful point of departure for a historian of the present-day civil rights movement in the Soviet Union.
23. For myself, I hope to accomplish it without too much pain,() and with present-day drug developments this seems probable.
24. Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
25. Butter, sugar and cheese would never have been permitted were they present-day developments.
26. None of these collections was well catalogued or well arranged by present-day standards, and none was accessible to the general public.
27. Forgive me for my reticence but I know that many of the present-day inhabitants would not appreciate the need of it.
28. It lacked the impersonality and regularity of the highly organised machines which conduct present-day international relations.
29. Tensions in the gulf drove prices at the time up to the present-day rate of $ 1. 46 per gallon.
30. I have briefly described the three main streams of present-day mathematical philosophy: formalism, Platonism, and intuitionism.
1. For a few years its luminosity flared up to about 10,000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun.
31. It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers.
32. The Army was the first service to occupy the land at present-day Miramar and called it Camp Kearny.
33. Indeed, this person's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director.
34. It is a tangle of historic forces, compounded by present-day fear and pride and vexed by world ideological powers.
35. In looking at the present-day prison system, I shall draw on all these published sources.
36. Yesterday's public enemies and villains have a habit of becoming present-day cult figures.
37. The present-day breeding habits of some birds give us a reasonably good idea of how polyandry evolved.
38. However, at the time I started the research that led to this book, the present-day literature was skimpy indeed.
39. For the present-day old age pensioners, however, the problem of financial insecurity remains.
40. The pronunciations given for these components, and for the characters of which they form part, are those of present-day Mandarin.
41. A superficial reading of this passage might suggest little practical relevance for present-day dealings in employment situations.
42. The time has come to start using these concepts and arguments in relation to present-day urban sociology.
43. Present-day sporting heroes tend to spend their off-duty moments sounding off about anything and everything.
44. Watkins found crossroads falling on leys with amazing frequency, even though the present-day roads were not aligned on the leys.
45. Yes, Harbaugh passes, as present-day quarterbacks are supposed to do, but he also runs, and sometimes on purpose.
46. The differences among these dialects, which mainly involved pronunciation, were similar to differences among dialects in the present-day United States.
47. Some of the village children took the trouble not long ago to collect the present-day names of the animals on the farms.
48. An ancient city of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley of present-day central Iraq. Its extensive ruins have yielded valuable archaeological evidence about Sumerian culture.
49. The director transposes Shakespeare's play from 16th century Venice to present-day England.
50. They are among the few pre-Columbian settlements in the Amazon where archaeological evidence can be linked directly to present-day customs.
51. From the last group came the present-day Theater Guild and the Little theater movement in the USa.
52. The ancient traveler leaving China along this road would pass through Dunhuang before braving the many hazards of the journey westwards through East Turkestan (present-day Xinjiang).
53. At the southwest corner of the present-day Scablands, the flood water pooled, forming another large lake before it drained into the Columbia Gorge and then into the sea.
54. About 100 million years from now the present-day Mid-Atlantic Ridge will be subducted and the continents will come closer together.
55. The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts.
56. Native American people formerly located on the lower Mississippi River near present-day Natchez. The Natchez ceased to exist as a people after war with the French in the early 8th century.
57. A boy sits in the court of Tillia-Kari mosque in Samarkand, present-day Uzbekistan, ca. 1910.
58. According to our present-day ideas, in addition to practical value, there is a warm and long-term Insurance for marriage moral to thermo.
59. In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organization; the present-day accountants' job developed from the bookkeepers ' job.
60. This is the lesson which the wrestler - and we present-day followers of the Buddha's Truth - can valuably learn and take to heart.
61. Permanent magnetic field focusing has proved to be a useful method of focusing in present-day microwave tube , and is one of the important compose of electronic optics of the microwave tube.
62. After Old Mackinac , a fort on the site of present-day Mackinaw City in northern Michigan.
63. In 1813 and 1828, present-day Armenia (consisting of the Erivan and Karabakh khanates) was temporarily incorporated into the Russian Empire.
64. The bluffer can knowingly slip into conversation that, in the past, artists were seeking to express the ideal of beauty, in stark contrast to present-day preoccupations.
65. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, near present-day Al Hillah, Babil in Iraq, are considered to be one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
66. Though keeping to his playful ways, he heightens the sense of linkage between prehuman and present-day experience, the biological depth, as it were, of our species.
67. St. Nicholas was an early Christian Bishop of Patara of the Lycian seaport (in present-day Turkey) in the 4th century A. D.
68. As the present-day main-stream pedagogy, communicative teaching approach focuses on learners'communicative competence nurturing rather than on traditional knowledge impartation and skills'training.
69. Tibeto-Burman speaking Burmans, or the Bamar, began migrating to the Ayeyarwady valley from present-day Yunnan's Nanzhao kingdom starting in 7th century AD.
70. Representing the contemporaneity of society and culture has, without doubt, become one of the major concerns of present-day ink artists.
71. This was the proclamation of the first crusade, an enterprise calculated to unite Christians in the present-day lands of France, Germany and Italy, and far beyond.
72. The Bohr theory, with its strong flavor of elementary classical mechanics, formed an important bridge between classical physics and present-day atomic theory.
73. In 1920, the area of present-day Kazakhstan became an autonomous republic within Russia and, in 1936, became the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.
74. Looking at present-day biodiversity patterns in 4000 bivalve species, they have found no relationship between habitable area - in this case, continental shelf - and the number of bivalve species.
74. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
75. Cahokia, the urban center of the pre-Columbian Mississippian culture, was located near present-day Collinsville, Illinois.
76. Nicholas was an early Christian Bishop of Patara of the Lycian seaport (in present-day Turkey) in the 4th century A. D.
77. There, Mark Twain delivered a vivid and uproarious account of his interlude as a Sacramento Union reporter in the Sandwich Islands—present-day Hawaii.
78. Clearly, it follows from the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal character of present-day Chinese society that the Chinese revolution must be divided into two stages.
79. A series ofearthquakes in the 18th century led the Spanish crown to decree thatthe the capital be moved to present-day Guatemala City.
80. Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri,() with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
81. For two decades Piye had ruled over his own kingdom in Nubia, a swath of Africa located mostly in present-day Sudan.
82. About 400million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas.
83. To expel him from the profession is to confirm the worst prejudices of present-day economists by embracing their bobtailed conception of their field.
84. The extensiveness, the profoundness and the intensiveness of present-day economy globalization has gone beyond our comprehension and expression.
85. This was an island called Guanahani, which is also known as San Salvador in the present-day Bahamas.
86. Today, Clark said, New Yorkers could stand on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and look down on a present-day active whale habitat.
87. The book's strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo.
88. Dr. Smith and his colleagues reconstructed the louse family tree by analyzing DNA from present-day louse species that parasitize birds and mammals.
89. Establishing present-day ownership has led to lengthy complex court cases because the original owners of the British-registered ship have long since gone.
90. In 1932, present-day Heilongjiang became part of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo.
91. Roanoke Island colony established in present-day North Carolina but disappears in mystery three years later.
92. A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
93. A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.
94. Samuel de Champlain settled the first permanent settlement in present-day Canada and created a thriving trade with the native Americans for beaver pelts.
95. That may account for the most embarrassing geographical cock-up of his career: grafting a sea-coast on to land-locked Bohemia (part of the present-day Czech Republic) in The Winter's Tale.
96. To present-day people, who are too busy to spend time preparing their own meal or waiting in along queue for the food,[http:///present-day.html] fast food is the very help of time-saving.
97. At the same time, Transnistria (where ethnic Romanians outnumbered Slavs) was joined to the remainder to form the "Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic", identical in territory to present-day Moldova.
98. In present-day China, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory constitute a unified scientific system imbued with the same spirit .
99. Neurohumoral processes of the brain are immensely intriguing to present-day research men, who expect to find in them the key to the most complex phenomena.
100. Tales of plentiful pearls, exotic spices, and ascetic holy men, like the present-day sadhu shown here, appear in pages on India in Marco's book from the late 1290s, The Description of the World.
101. They inhabited the area along Narragansett Bay from present-day Warwick to South Kingstown and were the largest of a number of native tribes living in the area.
102. The Greek historian Herodotus told of its use in the form of pitch for building and road making in the ancient city of Babylon in present-day Iraq.
103. The sending and receiving sensors would be in the earpieces, as with present-day hearing-aid spectacles.
104. Historians have established that by the fourth century A.D., Theravada Buddhism originating from Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) became the dominant religion of the people of Maldives.
105. The colony of Augusta Emerita, which became present-day Merida in Estremadura, was founded in 25 B. C. at the end of the Spanish Campaign and was the capital of Lusitania.




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